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Dozens Left To Die On Streets In Hit-and-run Accidents

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I guess the reason why nothing happened was it was a clear case of the fault of the other party.

If nothing bad happened to you (no fine, etc), it's because you were lucky, and the authority on the scene did an an unusual thing: he actually believed the farang. Minimart, you were v. lucky that day and the scenario was far different than what usually happens when a farang is in a situation where a road accident results in a Thai getting injured or killed. Perhaps it had less to do with your wife saying all the right things iin your favor - using the most polite language and mannerisms befitting her well-bred upbringing - than it did with you getting a fortuitous roll of the dice with having a decent authority on the scene.

Indeed it sounds terrible that drivers run away from accidents. After you realize how the law works then you can better understand why this happens. Drunken motorcycle drivers, no helmets, no lights and driving on the wrong side of the road is normal behavior. If a car or truck hits him it is the car or trucks fault.

I once had a Thai do a doggy dart out in front of me. She never looked and I had no way of missing her. Fortunately she wasn't badly hurt but I made the mistake of stopping. That stop got my car impounded and eventually cost me 10,000 baht even though I had first class insurance. Impound my car, WHY? That's why people hit and run.

Thailand is a crazeeeee country full of crazeeee's

the part highlighted in red says it all: you spoke Thai and, most important of all, your Thai wife came on the scene and likely said all the most polite and important things needed to be said at that moment. It's doubtful she neglected to mention what an important guy you are, and the important VIP Thais you'all are chummy with.

Can't say I know any Thai who's puu yai could help me out of a bind. I once saw the governor of Khon Kaen sitting at the traffic lights in his car but he didn't see me. Oh, and I went to the dentist last year. Could he help me out? Does that count? I guess the reason I spoke Thai is having made the effort to learn the language after living here a fair number of years. I guess the reason I called my wife was to ensure nothing was lost in translation. I guess the reason why nothing happened was it was a clear case of the fault of the other party. I guess the reason you made such a moronic statement knowing nothing about me, my wife or witnessing the situation is, well, the simple fact that you're a moron.

Go on. Get your 200 baht out and pay "Da Man" when you've done nothing wrong. It'll give you something to tell your fellow bar-propping Thai experts the next time you're having a drink with them.


hahahahahahaaaaa :o yessah!

I got hit by a runner last year. I came out of a big moobahn, saw the coast was clear, and crossed the road to get in the motosai lane. BAMM she hits me from behind, shoves me and the bike off the road, and drives away. As far as she knew, I was dead. Next morning she repented and turned herself in. The police impounded both vehicles for about a month. We each paid about 1K to the police and then she paid a huge sum - 10K baht or more - to the police, because she hit and ran. We both had license and insurance. Police decided I was at fault for crossing the highway, but refused to believe she was running without lights. We each paid our own damages.

A friend of mine hit a girl a year or two ago. Not my friend's fault. Had a court case. I believe she won.


IF U R NOT GONNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ... STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT !!!!! this isnt necessarilly for the author of this comment its for all you winjing whining expats.


I have had two significant accidents in last 10 years

1. I was jaywalking in Bangkok and hit by a motorcycle in a contra lane outside Robinsons Sukhumvit

I was taken to Pattaya via Bumrungrad and while recovering, a very anxious young Thai couple visited me, having tracked me down,apparently they were in trouble.

I wrote a waiver that it was my fault, nothing more heard.

2. A Motorcycle with two passengers hit my company pickup as I was turning right, (Pattaya), and he was trying to overtake me on double yellow dashed lines,. minor damage no injuries.

At the Police Station a significant number of the family arrived. The Officer said it was 50-50 and I should pay compensation. I said it was 100-0 and I would appear in court if necessary.

After many phone calls between the insurance agent, my employer and the police. I walked away after many hours and paid about 400 baht for the report.

The family appeared very disappointed.

When driving my car I expect motorcycles to turn across me and to come bolting out of side turns.

None have yet to approach head on, except in the safety lanes.

I drive very slooowly and am probably a PIA to other road users.

When cycling never any problems.

Despite the above, if I thought I could "escape" I would flee the scene.


"Now, I ask you, how often does a passenger in Thailand wear a seat belt? Perhaps one in 1,000, or one in 10,000?"

I must be that one, even wear in the Pattaya-Bangkok bus when they have them, much to the merriment of the other passengers.


when i see a motorcycle with 3 or 4 people on it... 3 of them children or even a baby, off course nobody with helmet, kinda breaks my heart...

are they stupid, ignorant or just to poor ???

taking the bus is safer in bkk ?

when i see a motorcycle with 3 or 4 people on it... 3 of them children or even a baby, off course nobody with helmet, kinda breaks my heart...

are they stupid, ignorant or just to poor ???

taking the bus is safer in bkk ?

Thaibkk, Wife had this experience with a woman on a m/c whith 3kids on the bike, one, about 3yrs old hanging on the handle bars and two on the back came flying across the cross rds on a 3lane bypass, my wife swerved one way to miss her and the truck behind swerved the opposite way to my wife and hit the m/c at about 100kph result, mum dead along with one kid and the other two seriously injured, what a tragic and unnecessary couple of deaths and injury.

My wifes mother killed two days before she was to come and live with us by a hit and run driver.


A couple of years ago, I was driving on a narrow but quite busy provincial road at night. From the distance I could see the lights of the cars coming from the other direction diverting to avoid a spot on the road. Getting closer, I realized it was a motionless body and his motorbike with lights still on, lying both, alone, in the middle of the road. The scene was surreal, with this person lying there and both lanes of traffic with cars, trucks.. passing by. Nobody had stopped to help. No police there, nobody was standing along the road.

Without thinking I stopped my car along the road just to hear the trucks coming behind horning to me. That's when I remember what Thais had told me before. "As a farang, if the police happens to find you on the scene, you'll be held responsible, wathever the circumstances. It's automatic". I hesitated. I left.

I don't know what had happened to this guy. Had he felt while driving drunk like I see too often? Was it a case of hit and run? Was he dead or still alive?

I wondered what would happen to him after the battery of his bike would finally have ceased to feed the lights of his bike, making him a hard to avoid obstacle on the road.

But mostly I wondered how was it possible to face such a nonsense legal environment that would make the helping hand a culprit and target of compensations claims and penalties.

I feel coward for having left while I could have helped (even if none else did even stop). But otherwise what would have happened? How much would I have had to pay for the family of somebody I wanted to help? Fines? Jail term maybe?

Complete nonsense. Criminal nonsense. And not to change anywhere soon.


I recommend anyone driving in Thailand to carry a mobile phone with a built-in camera. Couple of times when someone hit my car I managed to get pics of the number plate and the police computer named them within seconds. One time I snapped the driver's face. The polic laughed and said he must be stupid to drive off knowing I had his photo. Of course, driving off meant he was wrong under the Thai way of looking at it, no matter who hit who...


After being here for more than 20 years and driving both cars and motorcycles for all this time, I recommend that you do the following:

1. Treat every driver as a total raving idiot

2. Carry a camera/camera phone and on exiting your vehicle after an accident start popping off pictures left right and center of EVERYTHING!

3. Speak Thai fluently or get a translator

4. Prepare a lawyer in case

5. Ask to see copies of all documents/receipts

6. In a complex/big case sign nothing at the police station till all parties come back for a final agreement with the case officer the next day or on the date agreed

7. In the presence of your lawyer refuse to pay any cash compensation if you are in the right

Vehicles are impounded if ownership documents/driving licenses are not available or accessible and they may ask for a passport and can imprison you till it is presented!

My boss' wife had an accident with a motorcycle in which she was clearly in the right but because she was a "Mia Farang" about 10 family members turned up to make a big noise. Her lawyer was with her and soon put down the crazies and told them the way the law reads. They were not happy, but were not able to do anything in this case.


After being here for more than 20 years and driving both cars and motorcycles for all this time, I recommend that you do the following:

1. Treat every driver as a total raving idiot

2. Carry a camera/camera phone and on exiting your vehicle after an accident start popping off pictures left right and center of EVERYTHING!

3. Speak Thai fluently or get a translator

4. Prepare a lawyer in case

5. Ask to see copies of all documents/receipts

6. In a complex/big case sign nothing at the police station till all parties come back for a final agreement with the case officer the next day or on the date agreed

7. In the presence of your lawyer refuse to pay any cash compensation if you are in the right

Vehicles are impounded if ownership documents/driving licenses are not available or accessible and they may ask for a passport and can imprison you till it is presented!

My boss' wife had an accident with a motorcycle in which she was clearly in the right but because she was a "Mia Farang" about 10 family members turned up to make a big noise. Her lawyer was with her and soon put down the crazies and told them the way the law reads. They were not happy, but were not able to do anything in this case.


good post, and not just because we both use the initials 'BB.' I particularly like your recommendation;

"#1. Treat every driver as a total raving idiot"

I do the same. Indeed, some days, it seems all the drivers took an extra dose of idiot pills with their morning rice porridge. One day last week, it seemed like every driver was behaving even more erratically than the normal eradic one expects on Thai streets. Methinks because Songkran is fast approaching, people's brain synapses more readily turn to jelly. Watch out and DLALOL (drive like a little ol' lady)!


Most third world country pedestrian deaths are self inflicted, as it were.

Many are more intoxicated than the automobile drivers.

Humans, dogs, scooters & bicycles dont belong on any road or freeway.

Its a cold world


I recommend anyone driving in Thailand to carry a mobile phone with a built-in camera. Couple of times when someone hit my car I managed to get pics of the number plate and the police computer named them within seconds. One time I snapped the driver's face. The polic laughed and said he must be stupid to drive off knowing I had his photo. Of course, driving off meant he was wrong under the Thai way of looking at it, no matter who hit who...

I am getting an in car video recorder. We use them in Iraq and it has proved a valuable tool in proving who is right and wrong.

Doesnt cost much and could sway the arguement your way, if produced at the right time.

Indeed it sounds terrible that drivers run away from accidents. After you realize how the law works then you can better understand why this happens. Drunken motorcycle drivers, no helmets, no lights and driving on the wrong side of the road is normal behavior. If a car or truck hits him it is the car or trucks fault.

I once had a Thai do a doggy dart out in front of me. She never looked and I had no way of missing her. Fortunately she wasn't badly hurt but I made the mistake of stopping. That stop got my car impounded and eventually cost me 10,000 baht even though I had first class insurance. Impound my car, WHY? That's why people hit and run.

It is unfortunate but my life is more important than someone else's and I'm not having it screwed up by some arse about tit made up law which will be used to extract as much money as possible from me. I'll be on my way I think.

I once came upon a guy who had been hit by a car in BKK. I swerved and missed hitting him again, but the car behind me ran right over him and sped off. I stopped, but my Thai friend told me to get out of there quickly. He said there is no way you won't get held responsible for the accident. It was clear the guy was dead so, sadly, I left.

And isn't that just what would happen. Despite being the good Samaritan, the bastards would fit you up to pay because the real culprit had gone.

Someone once told me that if you were smashed into by some Thai who ended up not dead but near, you might be better reversing over him just to make sure. Said in jest for sure but ......

Most third world country pedestrian deaths are self inflicted, as it were.

Many are more intoxicated than the automobile drivers.

Humans, dogs, scooters & bicycles dont belong on any road or freeway.

Its a cold world


I agree: Don't allow the humans on roads and freeways. Train goats to in-line skate, and let them take over the roads. Much less collisions, at least as far as humans getting hurt.

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