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Sexually Harrassed


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Yes this happens to me especially from the gay guys, apparantly I "look" like I might be gay (ironic since im out of shape, wear the same shirt and jeans every day of my life and get my haircut once a year) and honestly i just laugh at it. It doesnt bother me why should it? Maybe you need to be more self confident.

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Very often when I'm out alone in Khon Kaen city I get sexually harrassed by women AND men!

I'm not joking - this morning at a new barbers, he asked if I was alone and if I was interested in "gatoeys". I told him I wasn't and then he started rubbing my leg saying "unzip and give me a look".

Yesterday, at a new coffee bar, the waitress rubbed my thigh and gave me her telephone number.

In public places I can't often get any peace - there's always some girls(usually university)hassling me, and occasionally "gatoeys", who for some reason think all "farang" like them.

This morning, I just told him to stop, and that he was sick, and walked out.

Yesterday afternoon, I just smiled and ignored her.

Strangely, when I'm in a touristy bar area, the bargirls never bother me.

Does this happen to you?

How do you handle it?

Me, my wife, and my brother went out in Khon Kaen a year ago, to a fairly big Thai place just down the road from Sofitel.

Next to our table was a Tom with 3 Dees. Sorry if i spell Tom and Dee wrong.

The Tom came over to our table and started to chat with my wife.

At first it was quite funny.

But when she continued, and clearly tried to pick my wife up, in front of me, it started to get annoying.

I know my brother hates how the Toms sometimes operates, as he is annoyed that they are allowed to operate however they like.

If a guy try to pick someones wife up, it would be a very different ball game. But it seems like many of the Toms dont play by these rules.

Anyhow, my brother stepped over the the other table and started to chat up a very pretty lady, belonging to the Tom's court.

Smart move, as the Tom quickly moved back, so she could regain control over her table.

I am normally harrased by gays and Katoys, and my wife by Toms.

Hmmm, maybe we without knowing it send out some signal?


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Think yourself lucky you are so handsome and that they all want your body and your money :o

Seriously, I would simply tell them no thanks if you are not interested. They usually get the message.

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Sorry.. it couldn't help that I laughed load....really fun while reading in each posting..

I had some..yea..been harrassed.. but never.. never at these scary situations!!

(Thanks, you guys..made me feel really lucky being a woman..lol)

RJT.. you are unlucky..haha..I know..

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Sorry guys, but it`s not the contents of your pants they`re interested in, but rather the contents of your wallets.

When out on my travels, if I`m approached by Thais, it`s normally because they are looking for an earner.

I just say, sorry, haven`t got money, than they just walk away.

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Very often when I'm out alone in Khon Kaen city I get sexually harrassed by women AND men!

I'm not joking - this morning at a new barbers, he asked if I was alone and if I was interested in "gatoeys". I told him I wasn't and then he started rubbing my leg saying "unzip and give me a look".

Yesterday, at a new coffee bar, the waitress rubbed my thigh and gave me her telephone number.

In public places I can't often get any peace - there's always some girls(usually university)hassling me, and occasionally "gatoeys", who for some reason think all "farang" like them.

This morning, I just told him to stop, and that he was sick, and walked out.

Yesterday afternoon, I just smiled and ignored her.

Strangely, when I'm in a touristy bar area, the bargirls never bother me.

Does this happen to you?

How do you handle it?

Yeah yeah ok, next time he asks slowly start unzipping then whack him between the eyes as he gazes down. When he wakes up tell him he fainted in shock at the size of it..........of course you may have to exaggerate a bit/lot :o ??

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Sorry guys, but it`s not the contents of your pants they`re interested in, but rather the contents of your wallets.

When out on my travels, if I`m approached by Thais, it`s normally because they are looking for an earner.

I just say, sorry, haven`t got money, than they just walk away.

Agree mak mak

though they do like the contents of my pants until they know I like it mak :o

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Sorry guys, but it`s not the contents of your pants they`re interested in, but rather the contents of your wallets.

When out on my travels, if I`m approached by Thais, it`s normally because they are looking for an earner.

I just say, sorry, haven`t got money, than they just walk away.

So, if you are in a bar/night club, and someone approaches you to get contact, you will then greet the person with that statement?

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I get a fair amount of attention from gays in the right setting- and that can be any setting, if the signals are right. Have had a phone number come with the check from the waiter, have had people slip me notes passing out of a bar- have even had guys follow me out of a place because they didn't get a chance to talk to me inside- but all of that is relatively normal for gay men all over the world, assuming the age and other signs are right.

I do get attention from women, but it's much more subdued. They watch to see if I am watching them, and since I don't want to lead anyone on, they don't persist for long. Never had one of them make a serious pass- probably the closest thing was a female graduate student who was WAAAAAY too interested in me and not taking hints otherwise.

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:o I get my poon for free here in Patts. I just lie to the and say I'm gonna pay em xxxx and they jump in my bed and shag me silly. :D heehee. of course, I never pay them. :D

For once I think you are correct.

Whatever they did (or not did), it made you silly.

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Can you please post addresses of establishments where ladies have sexually harrassed you? I don't want to waste my time looking for them :o

In Soi 6 it's like the 'Charge of the Life Brigade', 'Jack & Danny to the left of you', 'Grumble and Grunt to the right of you', ahead, your Cannon, it'll be OK if it's a quick reloader.......... use the wallet as wadding......!!!!!!!!!

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Yes this happens to me especially from the gay guys, apparantly I "look" like I might be gay (ironic since im out of shape, wear the same shirt and jeans every day of my life and get my haircut once a year) and honestly i just laugh at it. It doesnt bother me why should it? Maybe you need to be more self confident.

Most likely they just assume you are "for sale" to get you daily fix. Shower every day and change clothes weekly will do the trick :o

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Yes this happens to me especially from the gay guys, apparantly I "look" like I might be gay (ironic since im out of shape, wear the same shirt and jeans every day of my life and get my haircut once a year) and honestly i just laugh at it. It doesnt bother me why should it? Maybe you need to be more self confident.

Most likely they just assume you are "for sale" to get you daily fix. Shower every day and change clothes weekly will do the trick :o


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In public places I can't often get any peace - there's always some girls(usually university)hassling me,

They just wanna practice their English I guess. Tell them in Thai you are from Xbrfgaghstan and that you can't speak a word of English.

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:o I get my poon for free here in Patts. I just lie to the and say I'm gonna pay em xxxx and they jump in my bed and shag me silly. :D heehee. of course, I never pay them. :D

For once I think you are correct.

Whatever they did (or not did), it made you silly.

Good one :D

He makes a deal to pay then doesn't.

He better make sure there's no sharp knives in the room.

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Very often when I'm out alone in Khon Kaen city I get sexually harrassed by women AND men!

I'm not joking - this morning at a new barbers, he asked if I was alone and if I was interested in "gatoeys". I told him I wasn't and then he started rubbing my leg saying "unzip and give me a look".

Yesterday, at a new coffee bar, the waitress rubbed my thigh and gave me her telephone number.

In public places I can't often get any peace - there's always some girls(usually university)hassling me, and occasionally "gatoeys", who for some reason think all "farang" like them.

This morning, I just told him to stop, and that he was sick, and walked out.

Yesterday afternoon, I just smiled and ignored her.

Strangely, when I'm in a touristy bar area, the bargirls never bother me.

Does this happen to you?

How do you handle it?

What's the name of the coffee bar?

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:o I get my poon for free here in Patts. I just lie to the and say I'm gonna pay em xxxx and they jump in my bed and shag me silly. :D heehee. of course, I never pay them. :D

You are too stupid to be left alone in Thailand by yourself. Those women WILL have you killed for doing that. You might steal from them once or a few times but one of them will have you shot. Darwinism at its best here, your genes will soon be out of the pool, thankgod.

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Very often when I'm out alone in Khon Kaen city I get sexually harrassed by women AND men!

I'm not joking - this morning at a new barbers, he asked if I was alone and if I was interested in "gatoeys". I told him I wasn't and then he started rubbing my leg saying "unzip and give me a look".

Yesterday, at a new coffee bar, the waitress rubbed my thigh and gave me her telephone number.

In public places I can't often get any peace - there's always some girls(usually university)hassling me, and occasionally "gatoeys", who for some reason think all "farang" like them.

This morning, I just told him to stop, and that he was sick, and walked out.

Yesterday afternoon, I just smiled and ignored her.

Strangely, when I'm in a touristy bar area, the bargirls never bother me.

Does this happen to you?

How do you handle it?

Oh! no.

Emperor_tud is back :o

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My first year in Thailand, I went through a police frisking at the entrance to a Mowlam concert. It was night and the inspection spot was quite dark. After checking my pockets, the cop ran both his hands up the inside of my shirt. Did he think I had a bomb strapped to my chest or what? Most thorough security check I've had, to date, albeit a bit out of the ordinary. :o

I mentioned it to one of my Thai friends later, and they just laughed and commented that police do what they want to do in this country and aren't accountable to anyone.

All I could think of was the idiom used in the west: "to cop a feel."

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:o I get my poon for free here in Patts. I just lie to the and say I'm gonna pay em xxxx and they jump in my bed and shag me silly. :D heehee. of course, I never pay them. :D

You are too stupid to be left alone in Thailand by yourself. Those women WILL have you killed for doing that. You might steal from them once or a few times but one of them will have you shot. Darwinism at its best here, your genes will soon be out of the pool, thankgod.

I can't believe you guys are taking him seriously! :D

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Are you sure that waitress was a REAL she and not a she male aka., gatoeys, if so please pm me the name of that coffe bar, I want to check it out on next visit to Khon Kane, now for barbers, barbers shops are a dime a dozen in the Kindgom, most are 40 baht or less for a good hair cut/like wise and a big roger on beauty shop, so if you have the EYE for some nice, sweet ladies(the real deal) you might also want to checkout a beauty shop for a hair cut, 95 per cent of the Thai male population WOULDN"T be caught dead getting a hair cut from a beauty shop/ladies barber, no kidding at the barber shop I visit often one time while getting a trim three of the five barbers were women, four men were waiting for the two men barbers, two men came in and left with the three women barbers ready and willing to give a trim, I guess it'S that Thai MACHO thing, you figure IT> :D:o

I sometimes accompany my wife when she's getting her hair done. Twin sisters are the barbers (one married to a farang), a couple of makeup types, and a manicure/pedicure girl. Well - being the only guy there gave them a chance to have some fun. They were all flirting with me, the manicure girl had her hand on my leg - all in front of my wife. I went along with it for fun, my wife told them they didn't know what they were missing - we all had a lot of great laughs. All in good fun, and none of it serious.

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:o I get my poon for free here in Patts. I just lie to the and say I'm gonna pay em xxxx and they jump in my bed and shag me silly. :D heehee. of course, I never pay them. :D

So you agrred to a financial transaction and then didn't pay - remind me what the definition of larceny is

Runner - appropriate - you better be a good one, cos one day someone will take exception to your little game

Edited by njpski
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I understand what the OP is talking about, although it doesnt really happen to me, I'm ugly :o BUT I have noticed that it can be very difficult to be alone in Thailand. By this I mean, back home I might enjoy sitting in a park eating my lunch, reading a book or magazine - here thats virtually impossible without someone or many people trying to liase with you. It applys to many things, even taking a my morning walks I am constantly hastled by people trying to sell this, trying to sell that, ask me this, ask me that.

It seems as if the concept of doing something alone is unthought of here.....strange.

Many Thai people actually think that it is very strange for a person to do something alone. It is looked upon as somewhat sad because they assume the person does not have any friends :D . Lone backpackers are often viewed this way.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...interesting about Khon Kaen.

I stayed at the Khon Kaen hotel for a few days last summer and ran into the same problem as the poster; however, unlike him, I played along with the interested party.

For example, I went out for a walk about ten at night and crossed an intersection near the hotel. Within five minutes two young ladies on a motorcycle went by, and then turned around to speak with me. They were very, very young so I warned them I was 61 and they left rapidly.

Subsequently, three young Thai university students stopped to speak with me. They were 24, 23 and 21. I was invited to go to Taewan Daeng the next evening with them. This would be a new experience, and I went. By the way, they hardly knew any English so we conversed in Thai and a bit of Lao/Isaan.

Once I got inside the night club my first thoughts were how to get out of there with some semblance of dignity and politeness. The place was packed with young university students who were in various stages of inebriation. However, I thought the better of it and decided to participate in an experience I might never have again. What the heck? Why not? The festivities ended for me at 4 in the morning when one of the young ladies attempted to weave her motorcycle back to my hotel. Her friends remained until closing, which was around 6 a.m.

The next afternoon, I ventured out of the hotel again, but just outside the lobby ran into a group of Thais who had been attending a conference for insurance agents. One of the party jokingly called over that I was a handsome farang to which I replied he was the handsome one. Again speaking Thai may have helped move the conversation in another direction for one of the females came over to me to ask my name, and to invite herself up to my room right then and there, or later, whichever was convenient. She was 45 years old.

The next day I was at the Fairy Plaza in Khon Kaen with a very good friend from Udonthani and her nephew. He was interested in some 'goth' stuff that was sold in one of the basement shops. Whilst he and my friend were surveying the store's wares, one of the khon khai (sellers) approached me and we began talking. She (33 years olds) gave me her telephone number and said she was available for dinner the next night. At that moment my good friend came over, and asked if I had got telephone number of the worker yet. Mission accomplished. My friend even offered to drive us to Nong Khai in the future. What a world!!!

Anyway, there is something about Khon Kaen. Perhaps the air. Who knows?

Of course, one cannot take these things seriously. Both the insurance agent and the university student wanted to follow me back to Udonthani, but these great notions were scotched. Anyway, an enjoyable but surreal experience. 55555

Oh yes, and can this happen in other Thai cities? Of course, but maybe not so blatantly as in Khon Kaen. There were ladies, over 40, who approached me in Udonthani (2) and one in Loei, and my good friend introduced me to a young 19-year old waitress in Udon too. She thought it was great fun, my friend that is, and when we were travelling outside Udon would pretend to stop her truck at each woman we approached in case there was any interest on my part.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...interesting about Khon Kaen.

I stayed at the Khon Kaen hotel for a few days last summer and ran into the same problem as the poster; however, unlike him, I played along with the interested party.

For example, I went out for a walk about ten at night and crossed an intersection near the hotel. Within five minutes two young ladies on a motorcycle went by, and then turned around to speak with me. They were very, very young so I warned them I was 61 and they left rapidly.

Subsequently, three young Thai university students stopped to speak with me. They were 24, 23 and 21. I was invited to go to Taewan Daeng the next evening with them. This would be a new experience, and I went. By the way, they hardly knew any English so we conversed in Thai and a bit of Lao/Isaan.

Once I got inside the night club my first thoughts were how to get out of there with some semblance of dignity and politeness. The place was packed with young university students who were in various stages of inebriation. However, I thought the better of it and decided to participate in an experience I might never have again. What the heck? Why not? The festivities ended for me at 4 in the morning when one of the young ladies attempted to weave her motorcycle back to my hotel. Her friends remained until closing, which was around 6 a.m.

The next afternoon, I ventured out of the hotel again, but just outside the lobby ran into a group of Thais who had been attending a conference for insurance agents. One of the party jokingly called over that I was a handsome farang to which I replied he was the handsome one. Again speaking Thai may have helped move the conversation in another direction for one of the females came over to me to ask my name, and to invite herself up to my room right then and there, or later, whichever was convenient. She was 45 years old.

The next day I was at the Fairy Plaza in Khon Kaen with a very good friend from Udonthani and her nephew. He was interested in some 'goth' stuff that was sold in one of the basement shops. Whilst he and my friend were surveying the store's wares, one of the khon khai (sellers) approached me and we began talking. She (33 years olds) gave me her telephone number and said she was available for dinner the next night. At that moment my good friend came over, and asked if I had got telephone number of the worker yet. Mission accomplished. My friend even offered to drive us to Nong Khai in the future. What a world!!!

Anyway, there is something about Khon Kaen. Perhaps the air. Who knows?

Of course, one cannot take these things seriously. Both the insurance agent and the university student wanted to follow me back to Udonthani, but these great notions were scotched. Anyway, an enjoyable but surreal experience. 55555

Oh yes, and can this happen in other Thai cities? Of course, but maybe not so blatantly as in Khon Kaen. There were ladies, over 40, who approached me in Udonthani (2) and one in Loei, and my good friend introduced me to a young 19-year old waitress in Udon too. She thought it was great fun, my friend that is, and when we were travelling outside Udon would pretend to stop her truck at each woman we approached in case there was any interest on my part.

I had no idea there were that many lesbians in all of Thailand, let alone KK!!! :o

That IS you in your avatar, right?

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I had no idea there were that many lesbians in all of Thailand, let alone KK!!! :o

That IS you in your avatar, right?

I guess you are kidding.


But Thailand is quite unique when it comes to relationships between women.

I have a few female friends that after they got their heart broken, ended up in relationships with Toms.

Kind of strange really, because they still claim that they are straight, and not even bisexual.

They stay in the relationship with the Tom, until something better comes a long.

Not really a big deal they say. Its so much better than being lonely.

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