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Voters Urged To Vote For Opposition Parties


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Voters urged to vote for opposition parties

BANGKOK: -- Seven pro-democracy non-governmental networks have urged voters to give support to opposition parties to reduce the chance of the ruling Thai Rak Thai (TRT) Party to repeat their domination over the parliament after the next general election on 6 Febraury.

The seven networks have submitted an open letter to the voters, urging them not to be "the silent power", but to turn out to cast their ballots on the polling day.

"Voters should base their decisions on the will for political reform, and join forces together to counter any single power trying to dominate the Thai politics," said the leader of the Pro Democracy Organisation, Suriyasai Katasila.

"Do not let the forthcoming general election rest in hands of businessmen in the guise of politicians who only use the electoral procedure to achieve power and wealth," said Mr. Suriyasai.

He also urged smaller parties, especially the Democrat, Chat Thai and Mahachon, to sign a political memorandum to declare their readiness to be the allied opposition in order to maintain the strong check and balance system in the new parliament.

The ruling Thai Rak Thai Party is widely expected to win the forthcoming general election by a landslide and again dominate the parliament as in its past four-year term.

The pro-democracy networks have, therefore, launched the campaign to prevent the Thai Rak Thai from regaining its parliamentary power.

The ruling party has been accused by academics and political experts of using its grip on the parliament to benefit its business interests and causing huge damage to the country.

--TNA 2005-01-22

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