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I've been reading the gun ownership topics & never having fired a gun, I'd like to know what is available in inexpensive exterior lights triggered by movement and a couple of CCTV color cameras wired to a PC or laptop. The house is 2 floors. No yapping dogs.

Hopefully, bird movement won't trigger the lights or cameras.

Good places to shop in BKK?

Your experiences?



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I myself have had metal security railings fitted around the front of my house - I feel a lot better going out and leaving the place now, and it was not over expensive, they did a nice job.


You can find outside motion activated lighting at homepro

The sensitivity can be dialed down to prevent birds or dogs setting them off

They are easy to install and are very effective

As a second line of defense, you can install motion detectors inside near accessible windows and doors, again not difficult to install, and can be connected to a siren.

Any alarm company can do this for you if you don't want the hassle yourself.

An alarm company will try and sell you a monitoring service............but here with slow response times i wouldn't bother

Lights or a loud noise will scare away all but the most determined intruders


Thanks for the quick reponses...... faster than a Thai copper! :o

All windows are barred,so, my concern is the roof, a fav entry point for TBs.

I favour the lights as no tea leaf likes to work in bright lights or video cameras.

The siren along with a flashing light outside the house, high up, I like, as I could activate it myself and good neighbours would know it would only go off if I had activated it, hence, no false alarms.

Years ago on TV, was a US crime show with 2 dets knocking on a suspect's door.

As soon as they touched the door, the barking of a monster dog could be heard on the other side of the door.

It was a tape or a digital wire, I don't know, but VERY effective. :D

Are these things still available from the USA?

What are they called?

cheers :D

Add a dog and all these things are beter than carrying a gun imo.

No thanks, I do not want a yapping dog, there are plenty of unsocial, untrainedl dogs here and they are useless. Too many false alarms.



Yes, I don't think the Yanks can grasp the fact that the rest of the English speaking world does not have a gun culture.

I know that cops in Aus & esp the UK do not like carrying guns, rifles, etc. Tasers & pepper sprays.... yes.

Anyway, back to the topic. :o

I've been reading the gun ownership topics & never having fired a gun, I'd like to know what is available in inexpensive exterior lights triggered by movement and a couple of CCTV color cameras wired to a PC or laptop. The house is 2 floors. No yapping dogs.

Hopefully, bird movement won't trigger the lights or cameras.

Good places to shop in BKK?

Your experiences?




Put up lights outside house and in garden connected to light sensor that turn them on at dusk and off, when it is dawn.

Fit motion detectors INSIDE HOUSE where there are doors IE front/back door.

Contact Sensors on windows all linked to flashing light and loud siren.

Don't forget motion detector in the roof, as favorite trick is to take off tiles and get access that way.

Good luck and stay safe.

Ps, If they do get in they will nick the laptop. :o



^^^ ^^^

Thanks Don,

I didn't know about the light sensors, sounds smart, are they available here? BKK.

Your other ideas are on board too. :o


I have motion detectors, passive infra red around the house along with more motion detectors around the fence that obviously put all the lights on, plus 5 dogs, not my idea I may add, 8year old wanted a dog for xmas,wife liked a dog also, I end up with looking after them all but they are not noisy unless there is some near the gates and are a good deterant.


Razor wire the whole roof. I know it's a slim chance but someone could string a rope from a street power pole to another one...or a tall building. All your motion sensors and video cameras are aiming towards the ground, so your vulnerable to aerial attack.


And what if the motive isn't robbery? What if they coming for you? Having a sawn off 12 gauge or a 12 gauge pump action gun at hand could be a big plus! Even an itty bitty handgun would be better than nought!



Razor wire the whole roof. I know it's a slim chance but someone could string a rope from a street power pole to another one...or a tall building. All your motion sensors and video cameras are aiming towards the ground, so your vulnerable to aerial attack.


And what if the motive isn't robbery? What if they coming for you? Having a sawn off 12 gauge or a 12 gauge pump action gun at hand could be a big plus! Even an itty bitty handgun would be better than nought!



Sorry I forgot to add the Python 357 magnum, anti personell mines now on order for my roof, thanks for reminding me very remiss, wife would never forgive me if jon plons came in there lol.


Strip an electric cable of it's plastic cover. Connect the cable to a plug, zig zag the cable at about waist hight around an entry point, the other end to anything that isn't earthed. Switch on and check the cable is live, with a circuit tester. Make sure you switch off first thing in the morning.

Another cheap system is buy one of those chimes that shops use when someone enters, as per 7-11 stores.


One of the most important and often overlooked factors is a good relationship with your neighbours, a friendly neghbour asking a stranger what he is doing hanging round your place is a good thing.

When dealing with security lights alarms etc. be very aware of power outages, these can be very regular especially in rural areas. Some of my light sensors have the function that if you turn them off and on again within 10 seconds they will change from light sensitive to always on, this is great for outdoor parties etc. However when we were away last time the power must have cycled on and off after a power cut and then out lights stayed on all thhe time. Luckily we have a set of keys with our Father in law who checks the house regularly so it wasnt a major deal but something to be aware of.

You will be looking at a much more expensive system if you need power backup ( and everyone knows when the power is off to their house it will be in yours).

Make sure your bedroom can be locked from tthe inside so that you don'tt have to be a hero like some of the internet rambo types on here, if they do get in let them take stuff and go. Unless you are used to dealing with violence and know you can handle it, dont get involved. Would you rather lose a TV or your wife?

Be safe.


Thanks TR. :o

One of the most important and often overlooked factors is a good relationship with your neighbours, a friendly neghbour asking a stranger what he is doing hanging round your place is a good thing.

Yes, I'm lucky, I have good neighbours, both sides and opposite..... dunno about the mob at the back, the owner made it clear that there was history between them.

When dealing with security lights alarms etc. be very aware of power outages, these can be very regular especially in rural areas. Some of my light sensors have the function that if you turn them off and on again within 10 seconds they will change from light sensitive to always on, this is great for outdoor parties etc. However when we were away last time the power must have cycled on and off after a power cut and then out lights stayed on all thhe time. Luckily we have a set of keys with our Father in law who checks the house regularly so it wasnt a major deal but something to be aware of.

Good point, I'd better remember that, even though I'm on a guarded "estate", not too far from BKK.

You will be looking at a much more expensive system if you need power backup ( and everyone knows when the power is off to their house it will be in yours).

Make sure your bedroom can be locked from the inside so that you don'tt have to be a hero like some of the internet rambo types on here, if they do get in let them take stuff and go. Unless you are used to dealing with violence and know you can handle it, dont get involved. Would you rather lose a TV or your wife?

Well, I've just bought a u-beaut TV..... hmm, they can have the wife. :D

Both doors to the main bedroom lock from the inside, just the usual push button jobs, I'm not happy with them.

TR. Did you buy all your kit in Thailand and are the lights the ones which are "light sensitive"?

I've been reading the gun ownership topics & never having fired a gun, I'd like to know what is available in inexpensive exterior lights triggered by movement and a couple of CCTV color cameras wired to a PC or laptop. The house is 2 floors. No yapping dogs.

Hopefully, bird movement won't trigger the lights or cameras.

Good places to shop in BKK?

Your experiences?




Put up lights outside house and in garden connected to light sensor that turn them on at dusk and off, when it is dawn.

Fit motion detectors INSIDE HOUSE where there are doors IE front/back door.

Contact Sensors on windows all linked to flashing light and loud siren.

Don't forget motion detector in the roof, as favorite trick is to take off tiles and get access that way.

Good luck and stay safe.

Ps, If they do get in they will nick the laptop. :o


Some laptops like mine Dell xps 1330 have a built in webcam and a program that will take photos with a motion detection abiltiy built in. It then sends the photo to your e mail so if they do nick it and its on....................

I use it when staying in hotels, leave it on the screen is black so it looks off . Come back and see whats happened. Does video too.

Thanks TR. :o
One of the most important and often overlooked factors is a good relationship with your neighbours, a friendly neghbour asking a stranger what he is doing hanging round your place is a good thing.

Yes, I'm lucky, I have good neighbours, both sides and opposite..... dunno about the mob at the back, the owner made it clear that there was history between them.

When dealing with security lights alarms etc. be very aware of power outages, these can be very regular especially in rural areas. Some of my light sensors have the function that if you turn them off and on again within 10 seconds they will change from light sensitive to always on, this is great for outdoor parties etc. However when we were away last time the power must have cycled on and off after a power cut and then out lights stayed on all thhe time. Luckily we have a set of keys with our Father in law who checks the house regularly so it wasnt a major deal but something to be aware of.

Good point, I'd better remember that, even though I'm on a guarded "estate", not too far from BKK.

You will be looking at a much more expensive system if you need power backup ( and everyone knows when the power is off to their house it will be in yours).

Make sure your bedroom can be locked from the inside so that you don'tt have to be a hero like some of the internet rambo types on here, if they do get in let them take stuff and go. Unless you are used to dealing with violence and know you can handle it, dont get involved. Would you rather lose a TV or your wife?

Well, I've just bought a u-beaut TV..... hmm, they can have the wife. :D

Both doors to the main bedroom lock from the inside, just the usual push button jobs, I'm not happy with them.

TR. Did you buy all your kit in Thailand and are the lights the ones which are "light sensitive"?

Battery back up is widely available in the Uk and i wouldnt even consider and alarm without it.


YB .......

Battery back up is widely available in the Uk and i wouldnt even consider and alarm without it.

Special battery or reg 12V car battery?

Thanks :o


PG ....... Covered with motion detectors inside the roof. :D

Thanks :D

I was talking to a guy who had had Security bars put inside his roof/loft - if you are worried about the roof maybe this is a good idea for you...

They also weave metal strips under the roof, but not to be done in HOT season! :o


Many good suggestions here regarding prevention and the actual detection systems.

A sign informing anyone entering that they will be caught on video can be usefull.

Make sure to add that the video cam is hooked up to an UPS, so the burglars know cutting the power will not do it.


Having lived for many years in one of the most dangerous cities in the world and had the highwalls, razor wire, bars on the windows, doberman in garden, alarm system hooked up to armed response, 9mm in the pocket and a shot gun in the wardrobe....the basic thing to understand all these measures are merely deterrents to any would be tea leaf.

Your average self respecting house breaker wants to be in and out as quickly as possible, so putting measures in their way may make them think twice about having a go, but at the end of the day, if someone is determined enough to get in, they will find a way.

The most powerful deterrent is having good neighbours around who are vigillant and look out for each other

Many good suggestions here regarding prevention and the actual detection systems.

A sign informing anyone entering that they will be caught on video can be usefull.

Make sure to add that the video cam is hooked up to an UPS, so the burglars know cutting the power will not do it.

Travel why bother to give that info , they probably would not know what it means anyway, lets just catch the scumbags.

Many good suggestions here regarding prevention and the actual detection systems.

A sign informing anyone entering that they will be caught on video can be usefull.

Make sure to add that the video cam is hooked up to an UPS, so the burglars know cutting the power will not do it.

Travel why bother to give that info , they probably would not know what it means anyway, lets just catch the scumbags.

If they actually read the sign and leave your house alone they will only go somewhere else, I say catch them and take them out of the equation hopefully for some time.

Many good suggestions here regarding prevention and the actual detection systems.

A sign informing anyone entering that they will be caught on video can be usefull.

Make sure to add that the video cam is hooked up to an UPS, so the burglars know cutting the power will not do it.

Travel why bother to give that info , they probably would not know what it means anyway, lets just catch the scumbags.

If they actually read the sign and leave your house alone they will only go somewhere else, I say catch them and take them out of the equation hopefully for some time.

Maybe you are a Ninja, but for the average expat, that would be too much to asked for.

The only way I could catch a burglar would be directing him somehow ("the safe is in that corner") to a trapdoor of an underground hole, if there would be one.

The most powerful deterrent is having good neighbours around who are vigillant and look out for each other
I have a burglar alarm, but I can't use it. I went away and switched it on leaving the key, to the house, with a neighbour, in case it activated. It did actually activate, I can only assume a geko set it off. Would my neighbour go and switch it off ? No, and that was because they're afraid of ghosts. The police eventually did turn up and checked the building. When we returned we were told by the police that they wouldn't attend again unless we paid them to do so. By the way the alarm was set to reset itself automatically after one hour of being activated. I now have bars on all access points. Why am I having to take these measures? Lets have some replies from those that write "how wonderful it is to live in Thailand and the people are so friendly". I would like to know if they actually live here ?
Would my neighbour go and switch it off ? No, and that was because they're afraid of ghosts.?

:o:D ....seriously though....I have an alarm at my place and one of the neighbours has the keys and knows how to switch the alarm off if it goes off (it has on more than one occassion) and they have been very good do switch off and re-arm it....so to date never had a problem with ghosts...

The biggest concern I have with barring yourself into a house is what happens if you have a fire in the house and need to get out in hurry ??...

I am not advocating you dont install the bars (I have them installed on the windows) but you have to think the process through...you may succeed in keeping the burgulars out, but at the same time you could end up trapping yourself inside a house if you need to get out...

The average bars you buy in Thailand are hardly a deterrent, as a few minutes with a hacksaw or car wheel jack, and you can break your way through them..

The most powerful deterrent is having good neighbours around who are vigillant and look out for each other

Most Thais "don't want to get involved" with anything concerning the police. If they are not family, they will say yes to your face, but do little to actually help. Relying on the neighbours - at least in the big city - is probably a waste of time.

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