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What Do You Guys Do For Fun In Thailand?


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All depends on your wants and needs. Sex, in contravention to some of the blowhards here, does indeed fade, and we eventually look for true intimacy. Do you really want to grow old with an endless stream of mercenary bargirls who will take care of you only with the meter running?

Sounds like someone is running out of cash – There are no atheists in a foxhole! :D

That was ROFL funny :o

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This is a question for the guys out there that live permanantly in Thailand and don't need to work to suport themselves. I can understand being a family man can keep you busy but what about you single guys?

I've spend various amounts of time in Thailand, never for longer than 3 months after which I can get very bored.

Besides drinking and chasing girls, what do you guys do to stop yourselves from going crazy? Thailand can't all be about sex can it?

Or can it? :o

if you bored of girls then try Katoeys ... but be carefull ))))

and if your incoming not more then 1000-1500 euro then you better stay in thailand

but if you have enough money; it will be never boring for you; you can travell around the world..

examp. go tomorrow morning to brazil stay a week there then go to cuba ; then fly to maldivs ; then go to spain then then then )))

your mood depense on more cash..

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The first three years involved lots of drinking, bars and going out with Friends.

The last two years have involved exercising and enjoying my cats and dogs.

How times have changed,,,

Most people go home.

But if you like the quiet of being in another land where you are always an outsider, Thailand is good for that.

I have lived in a few nations and Thailand is alright. But--it is not home is it.

Still, it is one of my homes.

What I like about being in my native nation is being able to joke with almost any man on the street and to get a nice response.

Of course your money does go further here in Thailand so that is a positive for most people if they are retired.

It all just depends.

If you already have a woman you like and money, 99% of people are better off in their home where ever that might be.

Here in Thailand Non Thais are and always will be foreigners and outsiders.

I bet most all will go home if they can.

That said--for some it is a great home away from home and a place that makes them happy.

It all depends. HAAA HAAA

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Maybe OP you're just one of them people who finds it impossible to be content.

Since ive cut down on drinking and almost stopped chasing women when i go to LOS i also find it hard to have fun filling in my days.

I read books, i box or exercise for upto 2 hours almost everyday, surf the web, go for walks, cook, watch sport etc etc when im there, but it just doesnt replace the feeling of getting drunk or doing chemicals in paradise with lots of sassy women and being a 4 week millionaire, in the days when its all new to you.

Edited by sanmiguel
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Here is one way to deal with your question. This is copied from my blog.

Slow Down ...

In the wise words of those timeless prophets and deep thinkers, Simon and Garfunkel :o

"Slow down, you move too fast

You've got to make the morning last

Just kickin' down the cobble stones

Looking for fun and feelin' groovy!"

Apparently there is an entire movement out there, dedicated to slowing things down. Complete with all kinds of new-age words and terminology, that thankfully I missed out on by living in Thailand. One would think that slowing down, would not be a problem living in a rice field. One first arrives, however, suffering the effects of over stimulation from life in the big city. A place where any petty predilection, piffling penchant, piddling proclivity, and profligate perversion, is presented on the proverbial platter for a paltry pittance, any period, any purpose, any place. No questions asked.

so you spend your time "crafting" overwrought prose? could have just said so.

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Here is one way to deal with your question. This is copied from my blog.

Slow Down ...

In the wise words of those timeless prophets and deep thinkers, Simon and Garfunkel :o

"Slow down, you move too fast

You've got to make the morning last

Just kickin' down the cobble stones

Looking for fun and feelin' groovy!"

Apparently there is an entire movement out there, dedicated to slowing things down. Complete with all kinds of new-age words and terminology, that thankfully I missed out on by living in Thailand. One would think that slowing down, would not be a problem living in a rice field. One first arrives, however, suffering the effects of over stimulation from life in the big city. A place where any petty predilection, piffling penchant, piddling proclivity, and profligate perversion, is presented on the proverbial platter for a paltry pittance, any period, any purpose, any place. No questions asked.

so you spend your time "crafting" overwrought prose? could have just said so.

You're just too clever and cunning. I thought my whole, crafting overwrought prose thing, would just slip by unnoticed after people sloooowed down to a crawl. Good to know there is somebody out there with enough time on their hands to keep everyone else in check.

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This is a question for the guys out there that live permanantly in Thailand and don't need to work to suport themselves. I can understand being a family man can keep you busy but what about you single guys?

I've spend various amounts of time in Thailand, never for longer than 3 months after which I can get very bored.

Besides drinking and chasing girls, what do you guys do to stop yourselves from going crazy? Thailand can't all be about sex can it?

Or can it? :o

Try looking for a woman to have a decent relationship with, not floozy bargirl bed partners. I have been looking for 4 years, never a dull moment and full of challenges.

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Runner reckons there is nothing to do in Pattaya except drink.

I stayed there for a couple of months and I dont drink.

If you are on a budget try going to the island, used to go ther a couple of times a week walked round the rocks away from the Russian Zoo on the beach and swam with the mask and snorkle, saw a lot of fish some quite big.

Then there is the swimming pool at Jontiam with the water slides, serious downhill speed, go for a walk up the hill, you will probably be the only one, take a song tow as far as they go, to the north there is a market worth looking round, walk round the rocks from the north end of the beach.

Then there was pool a couple of nights a week at a quiet bar away from the girly places, a couple of the bars used to put on free feeds on certain nights, I wasnt the only skinflint who took advantage of them.

Lived there very cheap at the far end of the soi where crazy daves place is .

Very nice room with a bath even, only one iv'e seen in TL, for 4000b per month.

Never had nothing to do and wouldnt mind going back but then there is the Mrs now.

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  • 4 months later...
Have sex with lots of 18-25 year old women :D I like to tell people that having lived in LOS a decade I have aged 10 years, but the women I have sex with haven't aged a day :D

Are you an old guy shagging these girls? That's gross.

:D Not his fault if they think him 'handsum man" He probably does not charge them too much for the privilege of shagging him anyway. :)

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This is a question for the guys out there that live permanantly in Thailand and don't need to work to suport themselves. I can understand being a family man can keep you busy but what about you single guys?

I've spend various amounts of time in Thailand, never for longer than 3 months after which I can get very bored.

Besides drinking and chasing girls, what do you guys do to stop yourselves from going crazy? Thailand can't all be about sex can it?

Or can it? :)

Jet ski, road trips, roller blading, mountain biking, swimming, working out, gambling(forex trading), learn Thia language, home improvment, cooking, studying economics, blogging, TV, watching sports, gambling on sports, I could think of allot of things to pass the day that would be more interesting then working.

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Have sex with lots of 18-25 year old women :D I like to tell people that having lived in LOS a decade I have aged 10 years, but the women I have sex with haven't aged a day :)

Are you an old guy shagging these girls? That's gross.

I agree, i wonder why so many old guys in Pattaya commit suicide if they think " having sex with young girls all day " is the greatest thing to do.

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Retired last year and think I need to go back to work for a rest. I stay very busy just hanging out and chatting up who ever comes by. And I am still in the states had to put off my Thai move because of a health cond. but getting better and will be making the move soon.

If you are the type who needs to stay busy all day you could have a problem no matter were you drop your hat.

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This is a question for the guys out there that live permanantly in Thailand and don't need to work to suport themselves. I can understand being a family man can keep you busy but what about you single guys?

I've spend various amounts of time in Thailand, never for longer than 3 months after which I can get very bored.

Besides drinking and chasing girls, what do you guys do to stop yourselves from going crazy? Thailand can't all be about sex can it?

Or can it? :)

Who could get bored with chasing girls? Beats several years without one in Dullsville, USA.

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Have sex with lots of 18-25 year old women :D I like to tell people that having lived in LOS a decade I have aged 10 years, but the women I have sex with haven't aged a day :D

Are you an old guy shagging these girls? That's gross.

I agree, i wonder why so many old guys in Pattaya commit suicide if they think " having sex with young girls all day " is the greatest thing to do.

Not enough money for Viagra! :)

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For me, I think it is a question of what you do for fun now in your country of origin. I can do anything here in Thailand that I could do in my home country. If you like playing chess, play chess. If you like playing pool, play pool. If you like..... Do that. You can always socialize with Thai people. Learn some Thai and make friends. If they are going out to have fun they might just invite you too.

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If only I *didn't* have to work! so much to do! Hoards of friends to hang out with; studying; trips to the country here; trips to other countries nearby; study of the language; meditation; working out; reading; messing around on the computer; and of course, stimulating company... :)

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After over 4 years here I can say it is pretty boring. ..

About 20 months ago I decided to undertake the study of the native language spoken by the diminutive, yet ever-smiling inhabitants here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". Now I can now speak, read and to a lesser extent write it, so my day to day interaction with the natives has increased markedly.

Believe me you have to be pretty fr*ckin' bored to undertake the study of ANY "one-horse town" language spoken only by a tiny insignificant country in S/E Asia which most people in the world couldn't find on a map if it was hi-lighted.

I am also working on my PhD in "Idiosyncratic Anthropology"; a relatively newly recognized field of study also known as "Oxymoronic Anthropology". This year I hope to publish a companion coffee-table pictorial book called the "Mating habits of old, fat bald, beer-bellied foreigners and their (in) significant others" <-- working title only.

Pre-order your copy now!! Who knows; maybe you are featured in the book. Every page is a 'suitable for framing' picture of of a foreigner as they staggered drunkenly down the Sukhumvit wearing camo-cargo shorts, 70 baht sandals, and a sweat stained Singha beer singlet. All of them are hand-in-hand with their short, tattooed, pierced, gold encrusted, flat nosed, splayed toed, (in)significant other also know as their "thai in tow". As a bonus some even show foreigners pushing a pram with a thai baby in it as well.

As you can see by my posts, I usually just disparage, and criticize the native inhabitants and other foreigners living here about their lives. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.

I also run a cottage-business of writing heart wrenching emotional emails for "time-share-gurls" to their foreign sponsors in other countries, as well as assisting foreigners get their visas sorted out when they are too stupid to understand the rules. Both are good for a few laughs now and again.

Being retired, leaves me bored to tears most days, but probably not as bored as I would be in the US of A. There are far more 'interesting' people to make cynical, acerbic observations about here than there.

Very funny post ,,,,, we share the same sense of humour ,,,,, I post in a similar vein but unfortunately most people on here cannot see through the trees to the wood pile and just jump on the aggressive attack him bandwagon.

Keep it up its put me in a good mood to finish the wallpapering today.

By the way I dont get bored because I have a busy life in the UK work full time but will be living 2 months a year in our home on the wifes land in North Issan, thats about enuf for me,and her to now she is settled in the UK

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If you get bored in Thailand then you'll get bored anywhere you choose to live. I never get bored because there's too much to enjoy in life... even if it's just sitting and watching nature at work... including the tiniest of creatures. As many of you already know I express myself with pictures... which I will do here. But, if anyone responds to my post please don't include all the photos. Just highlight the script and copy with Ctrl C.

Yes, the lovely ladies in Thailand are certainly an attraction. They are everywhere...



The fact is I use them as models for my other passion... painting in watercolours...



And my interest in fishing and writing has me illustrating books and magazine articles


And, There is fishing in Thailand from the pay for play ponds...


To the huge reservoirs with giant snakeheads and jungle perch



and even beautiful mountain rivers


Or you can just go swimming in a Thai mountain stream



And for those that really like swimming there is southern penninsula beaches


The snorkling in clear water




all the beach lovelies for the young guys


And for the family guys... spending time with the kids



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And, for the more outdoorsy types there is rock climbing



playing with reptiles




Touring the countryside on a motorbike


Hiking in the hills



And it doesn't hurt if you have lovely companions



And even better when swimming and bamboo rafting



And there is always the traditional elephant ride


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