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Woman Mauled To Death By 3 Pit Bull Terriers, 3 Wounded


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Spot on with this comment.

Correct.....dogs are like children..if they are raised correctly they are not a problem. Left undisciplined, behaviour uncorrected, dogs attain the role of an alpha and behave accordingly.

If you are afraid of dogs, any dog, it's best to remember that instead of pulling your hand from a dog's mouth when it bites, the best solution is to force your fist down it's throat and choke it.

What a stupid reply. Someone is killed by a pitbull, posters give evidence and pictures, and you talk of putting "your fist down it's (sic) throat".

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Spot on with this comment.

Correct.....dogs are like children..if they are raised correctly they are not a problem. Left undisciplined, behaviour uncorrected, dogs attain the role of an alpha and behave accordingly.

If you are afraid of dogs, any dog, it's best to remember that instead of pulling your hand from a dog's mouth when it bites, the best solution is to force your fist down it's throat and choke it.

Yes well thats fine if the dog is loosely biting or taking numerous chomps at your arm & you actually have your hand in its mouth BUT as with this breed it is common for them to lock onto their bite & shake their heads.......so at what point do you plan to make your hand go down their throat Perhaps when it dislodges from the rest of your arm? You have some remote controlled device for your severed arm? :o

good reply, neverdie. Maybe sarcasm is the best way to handle these stupid apologists.

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I am happy to see that this time the owner suffered too.

Pity the child.

Brainless dog-keeping to me is somehow similar to driving without a license: potentially dangerous to everyone around.

(A car usually is not dangerous in itself; neither is a dog)

Who ever does not see his/her responsibility towards the public when keeping a dog deserves no sympathy, as such a person demonstrates that he does not care about the interests of others. This does not only apply on pitbulls, but also -for example- to ten white noisy mini-poodles in a small house (this does NOT mean my neighbour of course, because it is always the others; his own dog is different :o )

Funny, that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant, but having my spoilt dog with me is all right.

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Here's and interesting link about dog bites listed by breed:

Dog bites by breed

It's a PDF file, so it may take a while to load.

Most breeds have 1 to 5 reported attacks. The only breed that is in the 4 digit range (1110 attacks) are the Pit Bulls. Rottweilers are in 2nd place with 406 attacks. No other dog breed has more than 100 attacks.

I would say that these numbers speak for themselves.

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I am happy to see that this time the owner suffered too.

Pity the child.

Brainless dog-keeping to me is somehow similar to driving without a license: potentially dangerous to everyone around.

(A car usually is not dangerous in itself; neither is a dog)

Who ever does not see his/her responsibility towards the public when keeping a dog deserves no sympathy, as such a person demonstrates that he does not care about the interests of others. This does not only apply on pitbulls, but also -for example- to ten white noisy mini-poodles in a small house (this does NOT mean my neighbour of course, because it is always the others; his own dog is different :D )

Funny, that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant, but having my spoilt dog with me is all right.

"Happy to see the owner suffered" - what a plonker you are.

"A car is usually not dangerous in itself", "whoever does not see his/her responsibility to the public", "such a person does not care about the interests of others" BUT "Funny that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant" :D:o:D :D

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"A car is usually not dangerous in itself", "whoever does not see his/her responsibility to the public", "such a person does not care about the interests of others" BUT "Funny that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant" :D:o:D:D


second hand smoke kills more people than vicious dogs

Tell this the victims. A cigarette does not jump at you when you do not expect it.

I am not sure if you understood.

It is about making rules for small matters and leaving out other, more important ones.

And it is about responsibility awareness.

I cannot respond here to the smoking issues, as this forum deals with the dogs.

Being called a plonker hurt my feelings, my friend :D ; I am sure that you keep a dog at home...

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It might seem stupid to you but having grown up on farms it is quite common place for people to want to try out different types of dogs & a farm is a great environment for most breeds, especially with a group of people that have time for the animal & provide it with a healthy environment to live in, personally Ive had everything from Golden Retrievers to Rottweilers, Shepards etc. Theres nothing stupid about that in my opinion.....are you suggesting I stick with one breed after nothing but success with the exception of this one VERY VERY dangerous breed of dog?

Now your telling me you need a special licence & intensive training to deal with this very dangerous dog breed are you? Perhaps they should stop selling those things to the general public.

Wake up to yourself monkeyboy!

You sound like the typical chaz character that gets a dog for the wrong reason (to try it out Duhhh) without any knowledge of the breed and without any commitment to really looking after it, ultimately you suffered the consequences now you blame your ignorance and stupidity on the dog and use it as an excuse for your obviously stupid behavior

nuff said old timer


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So you googled pitbull and thats the best you could come up with........ My aunts had 4 pitbulls and has never had them turn on her.

You obviously know nothing about breeding and dog breeds. And, not only that but you have the gaul to call someone an idiot who believes otherwise.

So, your aunt has had 4 pitbulls that never attacked anyone... good for her. She's been lucky, but not smart. Her dogs not attacking anyone does NOT mean the breed is not dangerous. That is like saying a live cobra is not dangerous. Not all cobras bite humans... but some do.

Dogs have been bred for specific purposes for hundreds of years. You can't stop a hunting breed from hunting. It is in the nature for retrievers to swim and retrieve things. You can't keep a labrador out of the water. Pointers will point birds whether you like it or not. Terriers are scrappy little dogs that will kill rats and other rodents without being taught. It is in the nature of sheep dogs to herd animals. They will even herd a group of children if there is nothing else to herd. Cats do not have to be taught to kill birds and rodents. They just do it naturally. And, pitbulls naturally want to attack. Certainly there are many pitbulls that are docile, but as a breed they were taught to fight to the death and kill other animals. They can NEVER be trusted no matter how good the owner might be. As a guard dog they are a poor breed. There are far better breeds for that purpose. Guard dogs need to be smart. Pitbulls are dumb as a post and very dangerous.

There are many dog breeds that will bite someone... once, but very few will attack with the intention of killing whatever it is they attack. I've been bitten by many dogs, but it was only a pitbull that I had to strangle to death. It was attached to my leg and wouldn't let go. I still have the scars today. But, I'm still not afraid of dogs and I actually like most of them... just not pitbulls.

Finally someone with a bit of sense and knowledge.

My parents have bred dogs for 50 years, I was brought up in a household where 20 or more dogs was common.

Neither of my parents would even entertain the possibility of breeding Pitbulls, rottweillers or Dobermanns, they understood what a few here dont, that dogs have been bred for a purpose, and no matter how friendly or well trained they are, they will generally, at some point, revert to type. Pitbulls are NOT pets, They were never bred to be pets and they should not be bred at all anymore.



Careful Freddie,, This is the same guy who claims he strangled a pitbull with his bare hands..... laughable realy.

Not laughable at all. A strong, determined man in his prime will literally wipe the floor with a single pit bull. Even old men and teenage boys have been known to strangle a pit bull when push comes to shove. That's the reason that most of these mauling victims are women and children.

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After having owned a fair few breeds of dogs over the years (back home in Oz) I bought a Pit Bull, as after the bad publicity that surround the dog I was interested to try one for myself. The dog was kept on my farm with a number of other breeds & treated well, exactly the same as the others. I have never had a problem with a dog killing livestock or anything before.

Approximately the 18 month period after having no problems with the dog whatsoever it went on a killing spree one morning & killed 2 other dogs, a goat, a sheep & some chickens, all in a matter of minutes. As I approached the dog, calling it in it charged me, at which time I got into my cruiser & sat there as the dog went wild at the side of the vehicle. I ended its day with a 243 round to the head.

I never was there for the start of that killing spree, I have absolutely no idea what set the dog off & I nearly quite possible became one of its victims at the end. I don't need a dog like that, I can't see that anyone does, yes the breed has a bad reputation, a very bad reputation & its not hard to see why. The only good Pit Bull is a dead Pit Bull.

Neverdie...excellent comment.

This is probably the most pertinent comment on this thread. If you cannot read this and draw conclusions about the breed, then you really should not own a dog. By the looks of it, we have neverdie, someone who is used to keeping many animals and livestock, who will have had a well treated and very disciplined dog (living on a farm it would have to be), that suddenly by some innocuous trigger action reverts to type and starts doing what it was designed for...killing. All this with an owner that is used to keeping many different types of animal. I am just glad that it was goats, dogs and chickens that his pitbull killed. Often, working dogs on farms are such an embedded part of the family that they enjoy complete trust, these dogs could kill a child in seconds.

My understanding of the breed is (and I am sure our forum vet can clarify) that the pitbull has a kind of geometric lock on its jaw, and once it bites down with strength, it is almost impossible to get the animal to let go, hence it will just grip and use its low centre of gravity and very strong muscular force to rip whatever is in its mouth free from its anchor point, i.e your ears, your throat, your face etc, a kind of dog equivalent to the crocodile. I had a friend who had a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, this beast that was most placid with humans was no taller than 45 cm and weighed 8 stone!! Thats 112 lbs or about 50kgs. Its chest looked almost as wide as mine. There was not one gram of fat on this dog, it was all muscle and had it taken a dislike to you for any reason the outcome would have been very serious. These dogs were all bred to go down badger holes (a very ferocious animal in itself), grab its prey and pull it out the hole, a feat that required great strength. Those days are long gone, and so is the requirement for this 'manmade' beast.

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We have a rotweiler,

raised from 4 weeks as an extension of my wife,

who feeds her, and bathes her, and showers attention.

In other words ; proper socialization and beta placement.

I made sure the wife and I remain ALPHA without question.

The dog also loves us and respects us and we have no fear,

so she never senses that. We also have a nice big fenced yard,

so she gets planety of exercise and free play.

And NO ONE opens our gate and just enters that the dog doesn't know well.

That said, she also doesn't get automatically aggressive with the gate open.

But she will jump and bark like a nut at those outside her territory in a

warning display at the gate and intimidate so no one thinks of mucking around.

Mostly she just wants to play and she's not small.

I would not for any reason raise a classic pit bull.

I think the potentials of proper socialization doesn't trump their inbred ALPHA-ness.

I think that is the problem with them


Temporary Beta status is just that temporary.

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

Will these fools never learn. Pit bulls were bred to kill. Sure some can be nice but even the nice ones can have a bad hair day and severely injure or kill. The breed should be outlawed and those who own them should be required to carry LOTS of insurance and be held personally responsible. Ironic that it was the owner who was attacked. A good pit bull is a dead pit bull.


I fully agree with Seremdipity2: It's time to ban these creatures from our society and exterminate them all. Too many accidents have happened already and there is always a so-called explanation to every accident: but the hard facts cannot be denied! These are killer-dogs and unreliable. Maybe in the laboratory they can be useful or for testing out some new medicines or surgical devices but not to have them in our neighbourhood anymore. Even making their owners fully responsible for whatever can happen will not eliminate the accidents that have happened in the past and will continue to happen, despite all the good explanations from dog-lovers. This time, it was the owner that was maulded to death by his own killer dogs!

A good pitbull is a dead pitbull!

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I do not understand the mentality of an owner of this breed. I guess they want to intimidate their neighbors. It is sort of poetic justice that the owners were on the receiving end of their misguided intentions. Having said that, I feel sorry for the woman and esp the injured child. Probably it was her husband who brought the dogs home and it fell to the wife to feed and "release" them at night. No winners here...even the neighborhood is in fear of the one dog that got away. Hope he is killed before he attacks again.

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After having owned a fair few breeds of dogs over the years (back home in Oz) I bought a Pit Bull, as after the bad publicity that surround the dog I was interested to try one for myself. The dog was kept on my farm with a number of other breeds & treated well, exactly the same as the others. I have never had a problem with a dog killing livestock or anything before.

Approximately the 18 month period after having no problems with the dog whatsoever it went on a killing spree one morning & killed 2 other dogs, a goat, a sheep & some chickens, all in a matter of minutes. As I approached the dog, calling it in it charged me, at which time I got into my cruiser & sat there as the dog went wild at the side of the vehicle. I ended its day with a 243 round to the head.

I never was there for the start of that killing spree, I have absolutely no idea what set the dog off & I nearly quite possible became one of its victims at the end. I don't need a dog like that, I can't see that anyone does, yes the breed has a bad reputation, a very bad reputation & its not hard to see why. The only good Pit Bull is a dead Pit Bull.

Neverdie...excellent comment.

This is probably the most pertinent comment on this thread. If you cannot read this and draw conclusions about the breed, then you really should not own a dog. By the looks of it, we have neverdie, someone who is used to keeping many animals and livestock, who will have had a well treated and very disciplined dog (living on a farm it would have to be), that suddenly by some innocuous trigger action reverts to type and starts doing what it was designed for...killing. All this with an owner that is used to keeping many different types of animal. I am just glad that it was goats, dogs and chickens that his pitbull killed. Often, working dogs on farms are such an embedded part of the family that they enjoy complete trust, these dogs could kill a child in seconds.

My understanding of the breed is (and I am sure our forum vet can clarify) that the pitbull has a kind of geometric lock on its jaw, and once it bites down with strength, it is almost impossible to get the animal to let go, hence it will just grip and use its low centre of gravity and very strong muscular force to rip whatever is in its mouth free from its anchor point, i.e your ears, your throat, your face etc, a kind of dog equivalent to the crocodile. I had a friend who had a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, this beast that was most placid with humans was no taller than 45 cm and weighed 8 stone!! Thats 112 lbs or about 50kgs. Its chest looked almost as wide as mine. There was not one gram of fat on this dog, it was all muscle and had it taken a dislike to you for any reason the outcome would have been very serious. These dogs were all bred to go down badger holes (a very ferocious animal in itself), grab its prey and pull it out the hole, a feat that required great strength. Those days are long gone, and so is the requirement for this 'manmade' beast.

Well THANKYOU Tigs, thankyou for your kind words. Its interesting you seem to have picked my situation fairly well, whilst farangcravings is beating away at his little member with some crazed viggor! :o

You are right about the farm, it is a family property, at times there may be anywhere up to a dozen dogs living there. Some of the dogs are regarded more pets than working dogs, but it is a mixture, there is even a HPR (Hunt Point & Retrieve) dog, which is solely used for hunting. All the dogs are cared for extremely well & housed near the homestead during the evening in a first class shelter, which has a yard attached to it, probably 5 or 6 times larger than your usual surburbian type premises. None of the dogs are chained & are fed fresh meat & treated as one of the family. I dunno, theres been heaps of dogs, never even lost a chook before. Discipline is very important when dealing with dogs.

If someone had told me about the Pit Bull I wouldnt of believed them, but when I actually witnessed a good part of its frenzied attack, I had no quarmes about being the one to bring it to a stop.

You are very right about these dogs locking onto their victims & I would liken its bite to a small crocodile, it actually tore the head right off the goat & removed the throats of the two dogs it killed. They have very powerful jaws.

I would also like to point out that my best description of the dog prior to the attack was that of one that wasnt very smart....I actually nic named him "MEATHEAD". Anyway, if farangcravings had any idea he would go and see how a farm like that works before he critised me of mistreating & not understanding dogs. Its probably a good thing that old grandad has passed on, he would of gutted and made slippers out of the filthy creature & he would of done the same with farangcravings if he was man enough to back some of his comments up, but I doubt he would, we all know what the keyboard warriors are like. :D

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The people who post in this thread things like, "pit bulls can be as docile as any other breed, if they're brought up in a nurturing loving family....." are the same types that, when it's found that a murderer lives in their neighborhood, say things like, "oh, he always seemed like such a polite young man...."

Using that sort of logic, people who had only ever seen one side of Thaksin, might say he's a charming man and doesn't seem capable of ever being a meglamaniac or sniveling complainer when things don't go his way.

Get real people, those who are saying Pit bulls are a ticking time bomb - are not saying that absolutely every member of that breed will go beserk at some time. They're not even denying that oftentimes pit bulls can be docile with children. The voices of reason are only stating that the latent possibility of crazed carnage exists, and that pit bulls are more likely to cause harm than other dog breeds.

Pit bulls won't get outlawed in Thailand - for several reasons, not least because such a law wouldn't be enforceable, particularly if an owner simply stated that his dog was a mixed breed mutt.

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I have a pair of Pits and both are sweet with people they know-strangers will have a problem-the reason Pits are always in the news is they ARE capable of maiming and killing-Poodle attacks aren't much of a story-Pits/Rotties/Dobies are no more unpredicable than a Chihuahua just strong enough to carry out the threat-if you have a reason to get a big tough dog YOU are responsible-I've been dog bitten twice-both by Chihuahuas-had hangnails more painful-I got the pups for home security and it works-any dog can snap-saying Pits should be banned is ridiculous-an IQ test requirement for owners would make more sense-much the same as having children

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It would be useful to hear more of the facts surrounding this tragedy, this would do more toward preventing further attacks than simply focusing on the breed. Had the dogs been neutered? Was one of them in season? Were they hungry or were they about to be fed?

A few months ago two dogs killed a toddler and everyone screamed for the culling of APBT (even though the dogs were Rotts). Apparently the mother came home late, while locking the gate she let her daughter run into the house to greet her sleeping grandparents. It all must have happened so quickly that the dogs reacted on instinct when the child ran (possibly yelling) into the house.

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Owners of Pit Bulls and any breed of dog bred for security work should be required to take a class on how to care for and train their dogs. I have lived with a pit bull and that dog was very sweet and nice to people it knew. But if someone it did not know tried to enter the house then it would become alert and start to get agitated, but it would quickly respond to our commands to calm down. But pit bulls which have not been trained properly are dangerous. Therefore it is the owners and not the breed which are responsible for most of the attacks. I have seen some shocking treatment of dogs in Thailand. Ranging from complete Laissez-faire approach to pet ownership to people who lock their dogs in cages for months at a time, neither is a good way to keep dogs. For me a pet should be treated like a member of the family and not like property! The disconnect between the dogs and the family might be the reason for the attack.

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Something I noticed from the article.

They were to be let out of their cage at midnight, near the family mill.

This right here tells me some things. Such as:

They were locked in cages for quite some time

They were most likely used as guard dogs, meaning trained to attack people.

Not touting nor condemning the race, just posting some observations.

Exactly, these dogs where most likely not raised as pets but as 'scare people away animals' and hence are expected to act like it. And another point to have in mind is that these dogs properly had NO TRAINING. Have never seen any dog schools for guard dogs here, so they must be very rare to find. Most likely they just bought the dogs and caged them as live unsafe weapons.

And the cruicial clue here: the small dog of the family, the pet, was mauled. Most likely they attacked this one (as they are breed to do!) and the owner tried to protect her little dog and the dogs turned on her if she used violence on them.

Untrained owner, untrained dogs, a receipt for disaster.

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And the cruicial clue here: the small dog of the family, the pet, was mauled. Most likely they attacked this one (as they are breed to do!) and the owner tried to protect her little dog and the dogs turned on her if she used violence on them.

Untrained owner, untrained dogs, a receipt for disaster.

This may be something, it's possible that one of the APBTs attacked the smaller dog and the others attacked the woman when she got involved. Other factors could have been stressed from no exercise, being locked up and possibly without water. There may also have been food involved.

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Well THANKYOU Tigs, thankyou for your kind words. Its interesting you seem to have picked my situation fairly well, whilst farangcravings is beating away at his little member with some crazed viggor! :o

. Its probably a good thing that old grandad has passed on, he would of gutted and made slippers out of the filthy creature & he would of done the same with farangcravings if he was man enough to back some of his comments up, but I doubt he would, we all know what the keyboard warriors are like. :D

I stand by my comments and it seems now your only defense is now to call me childish names which just confirms my previous posting anyway I can back up my comments and aint no keyboard warrior hiding behind a computer

Anytime you want to find me its real easy, Blue Sky Bar on the moat in Chiang Mai

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Owners of Pit Bulls and any breed of dog bred for security work should be required to take a class on how to care for and train their dogs. I have lived with a pit bull and that dog was very sweet and nice to people it knew. But if someone it did not know tried to enter the house then it would become alert and start to get agitated, but it would quickly respond to our commands to calm down. But pit bulls which have not been trained properly are dangerous. Therefore it is the owners and not the breed which are responsible for most of the attacks. I have seen some shocking treatment of dogs in Thailand. Ranging from complete Laissez-faire approach to pet ownership to people who lock their dogs in cages for months at a time, neither is a good way to keep dogs. For me a pet should be treated like a member of the family and not like property! The disconnect between the dogs and the family might be the reason for the attack.

Best Post so far, and spot on

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Well THANKYOU Tigs, thankyou for your kind words. Its interesting you seem to have picked my situation fairly well, whilst farangcravings is beating away at his little member with some crazed viggor! :o

. Its probably a good thing that old grandad has passed on, he would of gutted and made slippers out of the filthy creature & he would of done the same with farangcravings if he was man enough to back some of his comments up, but I doubt he would, we all know what the keyboard warriors are like. :D

I stand by my comments and it seems now your only defense is now to call me childish names which just confirms my previous posting anyway I can back up my comments and aint no keyboard warrior hiding behind a computer

Anytime you want to find me its real easy, Blue Sky Bar on the moat in Chiang Mai

Gotta side with FarangCravings on this one.

You don't "try" a pitbull. You admitted you had heard about them, yet you bought one anyway, did not train the dog and let it run with the pack. What did you think was going to happen?

It's people like you Neverdie, that should never own a pitbull. You give the dog and the breed a bad name because of your ignorance and stubbornness. In the end you lost a goat and some chickens, but you also killed a dog that didn't do anything wrong. You did by getting one and letting it loose on the farm.

On one hand people are saying its good the dog killed the Owner here in Thailand...yet they hold you up as an example of someone who should know pitbulls? You should be held up as an example of exactly what sort of person should not be allowed to own one and a prime reason for pitbull attacks.

You were very lucky. You could have been responsible for another persons death...not the dog...YOU.

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^ I agree, you don't 'try' any type of dog. Anyone looking to get an APBT should do the research to find out they (similar to many breeds) are not suitable to run around on farms with chickens and goats. They also should not be left unsupervised with other dogs.

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Growing up i knew a lot of kids who got attacked by their family dogs, I myself was attacked by a golden retriever. Most of these bites are kept hush hush by the family so spot the family dog doesn't get put down. Where are pitbull attacks garner readership like airplane crashes.

You were attacked by a golden retriever? What did it try to do, lick you to death?

While I know never to say never, the odds are very high that you weren't bitten by a pure bred golden.

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Methinks this is a pitbull. Is this mindless determination personified - or what?

Other dog breeds would have given up after the first several quills pierced their faces.

Two reasons it will keep going:

- It is bread for it's level of high Go. It was needed for the dog-fighting. (Same with Akita Ino and other dogs.)

- Pitbull and other dogs in the same group (incl. bulldog that was bread for bull-fighting) has a reduced set of pain-nerves per square inch of skin and therefor are much more resilient to abuse and pain. Also one reason some advocate that they ate more resilient for abuse from children and less likely to snap at them quickly.

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Growing up i knew a lot of kids who got attacked by their family dogs, I myself was attacked by a golden retriever. Most of these bites are kept hush hush by the family so spot the family dog doesn't get put down. Where are pitbull attacks garner readership like airplane crashes.

You were attacked by a golden retriever? What did it try to do, lick you to death?

While I know never to say never, the odds are very high that you weren't bitten by a pure bred golden.

Pure hopcock, golden are just as likely to bite as any other domesticated dog in the same group given the same background and/or treatment before or during the altercation.

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