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What To Do .... What To Do


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As I said in my previous post, days ago, that the OP was a troll, starved for attention. His approach to the subject was provocative, meant to draw in well meaning people into a conversation on a controversial subject. The OP has self esteem issues but I am at a loss to explain his choice of subject and need to be flogged on these pages.

I want to thank the well meaning posters for taking the time to answer this poor man. Keep up the good work!

On a lighter note, I visualize a not so good looking young man living in his mother's basement in a western country with some free time before his shift at KFC.

Definitely, except I can imagine it’s some aging guy who has become a non-entity for whom no one is interested or listens to his views in real life.

Over the last year, I have noticed many threads being started that have a similar format, mostly by newbies.

Think it’s the same person, probably some sad moron who likes to play games.

I advise he seeks professional treatment.

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As I said in my previous post, days ago, that the OP was a troll, starved for attention. His approach to the subject was provocative, meant to draw in well meaning people into a conversation on a controversial subject. The OP has self esteem issues but I am at a loss to explain his choice of subject and need to be flogged on these pages.

I want to thank the well meaning posters for taking the time to answer this poor man. Keep up the good work!

On a lighter note, I visualize a not so good looking young man living in his mother's basement in a western country with some free time before his shift at KFC.

Definitely, except I can imagine it's some aging guy who has become a non-entity for whom no one is interested or listens to his views in real life.

Over the last year, I have noticed many threads being started that have a similar format, mostly by newbies.

Think it's the same person, probably some sad moron who likes to play games.

I advise he seeks professional treatment.

Perhaps a liberal application of castration. That'll fix any future preganancy problems.

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You may take the prize this year for the most self centered, ego maniacal Thai Visa "Person of the Year Award". I guess that's something.

Aw shucks.. Come on, it's only April.. That's not fair for me and all the other contenders. :o

Personally I don't really see the problem. Good that you're not married to any one of them at this time. So, best approach:

1. Check you're the father. (I'll assume you are)

2a. Fade the main relationship OR

2b. Fess up and see where the dice fall.

3a. Assuming you are the father you can take care of the kid financially in some capacity until she gets a new relationship, OR

3b. Keep relationships with everyone involved and be honest about it. If you can support multiple households and everyone is comfortable with it then that makes it a typical case of only the worst Jesus freaks having an issue with your arrangement, and you can safely tell those to go to hel_l.

Alternatively, just convert to Islam.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

Maybe they should change the name of this forum to "Dear Abby"........my personal thoughts are: you're a troll....

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Pray that neither of them keep ducks...

A doctor at the Bangkok General told me that city dwelling Thai women who don't keep ducks use a blender instead ... means that it is impossible for microsurgery to reattach it :o

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OK, here's my take on it.

Thai girls often sue pregnancy as a means of entrapment. Women all over the world do this but in the developed world, they often know the consequences and know that they will be left to bring up the kid. In Thailand (and not only Thailand), the kid can often be dumped with some relation and the girl just carries on as before. This can even happen with Thai couples who have an accidental kid and just dump it on one of the families so they can continue their carefree lifestyle.

Getting pregnant can be a lottery. In the instance in question, the downside is an unwanted kid but the upside is a serious lottery win if the guy either marries or even if he just commits financially. Thais have nowhere near the morals westerners do if they have morals in this area at all. The worst I have seen are the Philippine girls who often actively go out of their way to get pregnant.

I've seen Thai girls say they will keep the baby but if they have the option of an early abortion and are sure that they would just be left to take care of it alone and if the only financial gain is to have the abortion, then they will take that route.

Two months pregnant ? <deleted>. Girls know way before that and most guys know. I knew when she was a couple of weeks late, actually before she was sure, but she was quite aware.

The issue of whether it is the OP's baby is not the issue here because by the time you can find out, it is too late.

I suspect that the girl has gotten pregnant to force the issue of the OP and his GF. hel_l, she might not even be pregnant. If she really is and if it could be the OP's then the best route is for her to get rid of it. The OP should force that issue and pay to get it done with a "bye bye" bonus afterwards.

Whilst the guy has some responsibility for the pregnancy (if real, his etc.), I maintain that as it is the girl who ends up on the delivery table, she has a far greater responsibility towards her body and if it is accidental then barring a tough break, she should be fully compliant with her method of contraception.

I urge the OP to act quickly and get rid of the baby and the girl. Don't tell the GF. If the OP has let the 2nd girl know too much about his location, job etc. then he is to blame and he might end up being screwed over for that stupidity.

The last thing this baby needs is to come into a world where there is not a stable family unit. Thus, better not to come at all.

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Children and not puppies, they are fragile human beings with hearts and souls, and personally it breaks my heart to see children who are not properly taken care, in terms of both material needs and love and affection.

My hope would be that you seriously consider some long-term planning which provides care, love, stability and a future for the child.

And please don't go down the route of send the baby/child upcountry for the grandparents to take care of. I know this is common in Thailand and there has been a lot of quality research conducted, in Thailand, on this matter. The findings are very negative and indicate, amongst other things, that children brought up in this manner often turn out to be poor parents themselves, mostly because they have not personally experienced the relationships/activities that naturally occur every day between parent and child, therefore when they become parents they don't have a model to work from.

I find your whole attitude to be flippant and immature, hope you grow up soon.

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Three consecutive top notch posts
You made your bed, now ya gotta lie in it.

Somehow, I can't see many folk here offering you much sympathy or support.

Sympathy can be found in the dictionary just before syphillus.

consequences: separate and marry pregnant woman

You are man enough to shag the lady, stand up to your responsibilities and be a man enough to take the rap.

Okay, you made a baby. Now you get to change diapers, feed it, send it to school, etc. Have a nice 18 years. Children are cute.

A baby ain't just for Christmas.

Even the Neanderthals managed to procreate but we, Homo Sapiens, have progressed a lot since but having said that there are always evolutionary throwbacks.

There are two words to describe you.

The first could get me a ban so I'll disguise it in an anagram : <deleted>.

The second : Troll.

C'mon folks, who really needs to go to an internet forum for advice in a situation like this?

Okay I know the answer, the throwback.

Phil, you're my Hero... :o

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Do you live in close proximity to the 'pregnant G/f....?? Only I feel that you'll have to say bye-bye to her. As many previous have said, it could be a ruse by the girl in order to get a commitment from you.

You must tell her the truth, do not refer to your current G/f, nor tell your G/f (remember the 'Ducks'), then wait for developments, if none, count yourself lucky, stop behaving 'like a kid in a sweetshop', these lovely girls are of a different culture, they're very family orientated, you are going to break her heart one way or the other, so let her down gently, if she feels you have treated her badly and informs her family about 'loss of honour, or loss of face' then think about moving. :o

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First thing you need to do is verify that she really is pregnant. Second, if she is pregnant then you need to find out if you are really the father. If she was your g/f on the side you may have been one of many b/f on her side. She may be looking for an easy mark to take care of her and the kid. Your first g/f might not be too happy w/ you but if it is your kid you do not have to get married to take care of it. But it will cost you in the wallet.

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