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Satellite Tv & Internet Service


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Hello North of Bangkok Forum-ites!

Now that the crib is about done, I'm looking for a few of the creature comforts. Specifically,

- For our area, what is the best thing to do for setting up satellite TV service, in particular something with a few "western" or english-speaking channels?

- Same question for internet service. What is the best thing going. Wireless? Satellite? Dial-up?

TIA for your advice. :o

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Satellite TV service, pick from UBC and pay monthly or put a dish in (been quoted around 15,000) tthe problem with the dish is that while thay have hundreds of channels very few of them are in english and the ones that where were'nt very good. If any one knows different pleas reply as I would be interested as well.

Internet, depends on whether you have a phone line or not. If I did I would go for dial up, much cheaper. I use IPstar. and am pretty happy with the service exept for rainy season, the only prob is its expensive. GPRS is an other option but slower, they have a lot of good packages now with unlimited access,unfortunatley I'm in a reception black spot as well :o

at the end of the day it just depends what you want to use it for, what you have and what you can pay.

Cheers RC

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Definately UBC...gives good coverage of Premier league and other soccor and world sports and has BBC World and CNN etc.

As for internet, I find buying so many hours from say CSLoxinfo is enough for me and off hours time is only about 5 baht per hour.


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Definately UBC...gives good coverage of Premier league and other soccor and world sports and has BBC World and CNN etc.

Thanks, I'm not a big TV fiend, but do want a couple of english channels. Sounds like that would work just fine for me.

As for internet, I find buying so many hours from say CSLoxinfo is enough for me and off hours time is only about 5 baht per hour.

Thanks, I'm not so worried about the cost as I am the speed. My eventual goal is to work on the road throughout the Southeast Asia and Pacific Rim areas. As I am a techie, I will be doing a lot of downloads, e-mail with attachments, and so on. So for me bandwidth has a much higher priority than price.

Maybe it is possible to create a local ISP service business, buy a bigger pipe from a larger provider, and then rent out some of the bandwidth using Wi-Fi or othe wireless technology.

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I have been monitoring the comments on Ipstar the satellite internet service for the past year and it is problematic, however, Shin is putting up a new satellite and it is expected ipstar will use the new sattelite and provide the fastest service short of broadband with much promise for excellent service. Local service providers are very problematic, but as a techi, you probably could install yours yourself.

I use GPRS but it would be no good for much down loading.l

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I have been monitoring the comments on Ipstar the satellite internet service for the past year and it is problematic, however, Shin is putting up a new satellite and it is expected ipstar will use the new sattelite and provide the fastest service short of broadband with much promise for excellent service.  Local service providers are very problematic, but as a techi, you probably could install yours yourself.

I use GPRS but it would be no good for much down loading.l

Yeah the whole problem with current satellite services is that you still need the land line for the uplink.

On the downlink side, if the operators here do it like they do in the states, they have the ability to throttle the downlink if they detect individual parties hogging the pipe. Not sure if they do that in LoS, but wouldn't be surprised.

As far as doing the service, yeah, I'm giving that some thought. My fiancee wants to open up some stores, and I'm thinking about incorporating some internet service into them. The key would be to get sufficient high speed service to offer something better than the typical small town internet cafe's. Of course, then I would like to leverage part of that bandwidth for the house.

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No you dont mate Ipstar do two packages one of which is sattilite up and down load. Its more expencive. I know as I have'nt got a land line :o

Cool beans ....

Yeah ... I saw that offering on their website. Expensive but probably worth it, especially if I can get work to pay for it.

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