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Just as I would back in the Uk I like to go out one or two times a week to have a good time and some may flame me down but I like to visit Banglar road, inparticular Soi Tiger as it seems to have the fittest girls and best music compared to all the other soi's.

so my question is which bar do you like to visit most frequently and why?

I think Waikiki is a good bar, probably has the cheapest prices and happy hour is on till 11pm. The Itallian onwers always friendly but think that the standard of women has dropped a little but rarely see the bar quiet which is always a plus.

Crazy Horse has probably got two or three of the fittest women you are likely to see in Patong however they usually work as and when they please so can be a hit or miss and the drinks are a little steep compared to most bars.

Queen of Hearts, probably my favourite got two very fit birds that work there at the moment and the Austrian owner is sound and you can always have a laugh with the two thai guys who work behind the bar.

probably get a bunch of replies to this saying Banglar is for the dregs of society etc etc etc, however im sure those 50 year old plus people used to like going out getting drunk and picking up women when they were younger???


Under Tiger, last bar on the right. saw one of the "fittest birds" ever dancing on the bar a few months back. Not sure if she's still there but worth a look.

I'm sure you will enjoy wherever you go.

And BTW, it's Bangla. No "r"



I used to stop by soi eric from time to time, but the type of patrons now found on Bangla is as repulsive as found over in the Paradise ghetto.

I'm sorry but walking up Bangla this morning to find a watch battery and seeing alcoholics drinking at 10 am, was enough for me. Who the F drinks at 10 am?The same type that visits all those bars. It's a tourist mecca for sure, and it is precisely why I don't go there. Ill take an elderly grouchy expat sneering at me and my Thai friends anyday over the folks of Bangla. I'll also gladly accept belligerent stares from Thais when I am the only farang in their bars if it means I do not need to mingle with knuckle dragging foul mouthed genetic miscreants with barely functional intelligence levels.

I used to stop by soi eric from time to time, but the type of patrons now found on Bangla is as repulsive as found over in the Paradise ghetto.

I'm sorry but walking up Bangla this morning to find a watch battery and seeing alcoholics drinking at 10 am, was enough for me. Who the F drinks at 10 am?The same type that visits all those bars. It's a tourist mecca for sure, and it is precisely why I don't go there. Ill take an elderly grouchy expat sneering at me and my Thai friends anyday over the folks of Bangla. I'll also gladly accept belligerent stares from Thais when I am the only farang in their bars if it means I do not need to mingle with knuckle dragging foul mouthed genetic miscreants with barely functional intelligence levels.

Do a lot of Thais resent westerners drinking in their local bars?

I used to stop by soi eric from time to time, but the type of patrons now found on Bangla is as repulsive as found over in the Paradise ghetto.

I'm sorry but walking up Bangla this morning to find a watch battery and seeing alcoholics drinking at 10 am, was enough for me. Who the F drinks at 10 am?The same type that visits all those bars. It's a tourist mecca for sure, and it is precisely why I don't go there. Ill take an elderly grouchy expat sneering at me and my Thai friends anyday over the folks of Bangla. I'll also gladly accept belligerent stares from Thais when I am the only farang in their bars if it means I do not need to mingle with knuckle dragging foul mouthed genetic miscreants with barely functional intelligence levels.

Do a lot of Thais resent westerners drinking in their local bars?

In some areas, because they are a respite from the "farangs". Sometimes the local workers just want to get away from the tourists and farang types that they have to be around all day. Sort of like a boys or girls night out . For some, when they drink, a lot of resentment can bubble out. For example, couple nights ago, we hit the club a few doors down from Galaxy and I as one of the few whities in there and over at the next table were a couple locals nrsing their beers while me and the thai buddies were consuming whiskey. I wasn't paying- my friends were but I could sense the resentment with the guys next table over assuming I was rich farang buying friendship. Last week we hit a karaoke joint on the outskirts of Paradise and I was the only whitie in there. The Thais were totally pissed up and looking to scrap with someone including themselves. I bumped into one on the way to pee and next thing I know, a fight nearly broke out. My friends were quick to jump in otherwise I'm sure you'd be reading about a dead farang by now. My offense? Nothing, Just that one of the barboys was quarelling with his bargirl friend over money and her farang customer and I was the farang that just walked by. Howeve, it was an adventure and on most nights 100% safe and much safer than the someimes psychotic displays of aggression demonstrated by the tourists on Bangla. I'm not exaggerating when I say alot of the drunks at 3 am are scary nuts.

Ladies & Gentlemen ... can we stick to the OP. The OP asked for bar/club recommendations.

I can see that his topic will rapidly go downhill.... :D

Sorry, my fault... :o

Just as I would back in the Uk I like to go out one or two times a week to have a good time and some may flame me down but I like to visit Banglar road, inparticular Soi Tiger as it seems to have the fittest girls and best music compared to all the other soi's.

so my question is which bar do you like to visit most frequently and why?

I always liked Seventh Heaven down on the left some lovely girls and the owner was always good value German I think havenät been there in ages...

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