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I Think I Saw A Thai Ghost.


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it is true that christians are as lame as anyone else who choose to believe

all religion are a base system to stop the weak losing hope

and for the powers to stay in power- it also elavates the ego of the herd

can anyone in their right mond believe in such nonsense

is the thought of death so scarey?

they cannot stand the thought their ones existnace will end- but , like it or not- end it will

deep inside they know this really, thus, we the non sheep are hated

we spit in the face of such nonsense knowing there is nothing to fear

but how many in the west truly believe? I can count on one hand

and- in the west one can question everyone- can one do that here?

or openly show comtempt for such obvious nonsense

we have many atheists because they can say what they want without fear

Once the world puts this times wasting endevour to rest it may see that change/progress/development does not come from a talking snakes, pregnant virgins, rich men turned poor, shocking fashion crimes and all the other complete and utter crap out there

but instead focus on the power we all have within us all-without surrending to this cult of lameness

I think you are oversimplifying the reasons for why people hold religious beliefs. Also, I don't think that anyone cares what you believe or don't believe. At least, not the majority of the people, and generalizing that they all hate you because of the negative experiences that you may have had with a few is not accurate. There is no need to "spit in the face" of people who hold religious beliefs (i.e. "the sheep" to whom you refer). Nobody is going to be convinced by you if you ridicule them for what they believe.

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it is true that christians are as lame as anyone else who choose to believe

all religion are a base system to stop the weak losing hope

and for the powers to stay in power- it also elavates the ego of the herd

can anyone in their right mond believe in such nonsense

is the thought of death so scarey?

they cannot stand the thought their ones existnace will end- but , like it or not- end it will

deep inside they know this really, thus, we the non sheep are hated

we spit in the face of such nonsense knowing there is nothing to fear

but how many in the west truly believe? I can count on one hand

and- in the west one can question everyone- can one do that here?

or openly show comtempt for such obvious nonsense

we have many atheists because they can say what they want without fear

Once the world puts this times wasting endevour to rest it may see that change/progress/development does not come from a talking snakes, pregnant virgins, rich men turned poor, shocking fashion crimes and all the other complete and utter crap out there

but instead focus on the power we all have within us all-without surrending to this cult of lameness

I think you are oversimplifying the reasons for why people hold religious beliefs. Also, I don't think that anyone cares what you believe or don't believe. At least, not the majority of the people, and generalizing that they all hate you because of the negative experiences that you may have had with a few is not accurate. There is no need to "spit in the face" of people who hold religious beliefs (i.e. "the sheep" to whom you refer). Nobody is going to be convinced by you if you ridicule them for what they believe.

you are right- I do sound too rude- I apologise, but I did not say what you said

I oversimpilfy because it would take too long to write all here

I challenge anyone to read some of the books mentioned here and honestly say that they are still convinced

read the "christ conspiracy"

for fun check out -landoverbaptist

there it is proven that the bible advises that girls like well hung men( one of the only true bits I 've read- but do not tell neverdie!)

I said " we spit in the face of such nonsense" not people

specificly , and I should of been more details, the beliefs, and more so the so obviosly manipulative ones

not individuals

I guess you are someone who believes and I hope it benifits you,

I am not out to convince anyone , I am conviced that most who believe deep down know its aload of tosh

such as that priest who declared "God is on my side"

as he went forward into the flames and promptly got burned to a frazzle..oh dear...that was one of Gods top bods was it not?

where was He- looking for a fire existiqusiher?

I could fill a book, the fact is that not one, none, zilch, nadar, zero, nai, has( I ever will) to show

and politley I do not care who listens( but some must and do not like because we have been banned from debates- I love those "open" forums where certain questions just cannot be answered and end up in that pathetic whine of - you must have trust, and faith, oh please, back to the pen...I wonder why

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You put this out there knowing what would happen. Everyone is a sceptic until something happens to them.

Trying to convince people will be like

It's a tough job. But as I see it, what we call reality is basically the thinking of a majority set of people within a certain social group, a consensus among a majority who have their idea of what realitiy is ( in my view what one calls reality is a constant scanning process aided by listening to advice from fellow scanners) .. Maybe the crazy drunk man in the village holds some secret knowledge. Maybe he is just a crazy drunk. Any serious anthopology student would examine the beliefs of a populace in a certain region before coming to the conclusion that it is all just mumbo jumbo. Maybe the conculsion is it is all mumbo jumbo but it is the examining of the subject that is interesting. If ghosts are imagined it is just as intersting as if they are real. There is a thin line between belief and reality. Reality and falsehood. Belief for many is real. I read in a science magazine a few years ago that there is a machine that one can put on his or her head and expereince images of ghosts. So there must be a part of the brain that is inhertently susceptable to these expriences, triggered by this machine. That process is interseting. Why would someone, a subject, expereince supernatural images when these things do not exist. There must be something there to start with. Probably, ghost stories told to them as a child. Who knows.

Some people hold onto the belief that there is life after death and the idea of ghosts assists them in this ideal. It is something that one has to have an open mind about.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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You put this out there knowing what would happen. Everyone is a sceptic until something happens to them.

Trying to convince people will be like

It's a tough job. But as I see it, what we call reality is basically the thinking of a majority set of people within a certain social group, a consensus among a majority who have their idea of what realitiy is ( in my view what one calls reality is a constant scanning process aided by listening to advice from fellow scanners) .. Maybe the crazy drunk man in the village holds some secret knowledge. Maybe he is just a crazy drunk. Any serious anthopology student would examine the beliefs of a populace in a certain region before coming to the conclusion that it is all just mumbo jumbo. Maybe the conculsion is it is all mumbo jumbo but it is the examining of the subject that is interesting. If ghosts are imagined it is just as intersting as if they are real. There is a thin line between belief and reality. Reality and falsehood. Belief for many is real. I read in a science magazine a few years ago that there is a machine that one can put on his or her head and expereince images of ghosts. So there must be a part of the brain that is inhertently susceptable to these expriences, triggered by this machine. That process is interseting. Why would someone, a subject, expereince supernatural images when these things do not exist. There must be something there to start with. Probably, ghost stories told to them as a child. Who knows.

Some people hold onto the belief that there is life after death and the idea of ghosts assists them in this ideal. It is something that one has to have an open mind about.


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You put this out there knowing what would happen. Everyone is a sceptic until something happens to them.

Trying to convince people will be like

It's a tough job. But as I see it, what we call reality is basically the thinking of a majority set of people within a certain social group, a consensus among a majority who have their idea of what realitiy is ( in my view what one calls reality is a constant scanning process aided by listening to advice from fellow scanners) .. Maybe the crazy drunk man in the village holds some secret knowledge. Maybe he is just a crazy drunk. Any serious anthopology student would examine the beliefs of a populace in a certain region before coming to the conclusion that it is all just mumbo jumbo. Maybe the conculsion is it is all mumbo jumbo but it is the examining of the subject that is interesting. If ghosts are imagined it is just as intersting as if they are real. There is a thin line between belief and reality. Reality and falsehood. Belief for many is real. I read in a science magazine a few years ago that there is a machine that one can put on his or her head and expereince images of ghosts. So there must be a part of the brain that is inhertently susceptable to these expriences, triggered by this machine. That process is interseting. Why would someone, a subject, expereince supernatural images when these things do not exist. There must be something there to start with. Probably, ghost stories told to them as a child. Who knows.

Some people hold onto the belief that there is life after death and the idea of ghosts assists them in this ideal. It is something that one has to have an open mind about.


Nice contribution. Precise. One word answer. Like it. Well done, mate. Codswallop. Good word. Maybe the subject is beyond your grasp. Maybe you have a nice colouring book that you can colour in instead.

Livinginhell, I don't know why you tto continue to try and get a rise out of me. Nonetheless I enjoy it. But one word replies, won;t cut it, baby.

Try harder.

All the best.


Edited by Geekfreaklover
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I guess you are someone who believes and I hope it benifits you,

I am not out to convince anyone , I am conviced that most who believe deep down know its aload of tosh

such as that priest who declared "God is on my side"

as he went forward into the flames and promptly got burned to a frazzle..oh dear...that was one of Gods top bods was it not?

where was He- looking for a fire existiqusiher?

I could fill a book, the fact is that not one, none, zilch, nadar, zero, nai, has( I ever will) to show

and politley I do not care who listens( but some must and do not like because we have been banned from debates- I love those "open" forums where certain questions just cannot be answered and end up in that pathetic whine of - you must have trust, and faith, oh please, back to the pen...I wonder why

Nope, I'm agnostic. I just don't think that insulting others' beliefs is an effective way of convincing people to be open minded about what you have to say. People are more likely to think that you are just arrogant. I hope that all people choose to think critically about their beliefs, but I also know that people become very vulnerable when they realize that everything they have believed about their existence and purpose has been false all their life. People tend to resist that vulnerability even when it means denying obvious truths. This is human nature, and people shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

Instead, I think we should focus on ways to help people transition to a more rational view of the world. I see it as being similar to recovery from any addiction. Richard Dawkins writes some compelling arguments, but I think that he alienates himself from the very people who need to understand his arguments, and in doing so is preventing them from even considering what he has to say. He is very anti-religion, so religious people are going to look at him with suspicion, as someone who is attempting to attack their beliefs, not help them.

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You put this out there knowing what would happen. Everyone is a sceptic until something happens to them.

Trying to convince people will be like

It's a tough job. But as I see it, what we call reality is basically the thinking of a majority set of people within a certain social group, a consensus among a majority who have their idea of what realitiy is ( in my view what one calls reality is a constant scanning process aided by listening to advice from fellow scanners) .. Maybe the crazy drunk man in the village holds some secret knowledge. Maybe he is just a crazy drunk. Any serious anthopology student would examine the beliefs of a populace in a certain region before coming to the conclusion that it is all just mumbo jumbo. Maybe the conculsion is it is all mumbo jumbo but it is the examining of the subject that is interesting. If ghosts are imagined it is just as intersting as if they are real. There is a thin line between belief and reality. Reality and falsehood. Belief for many is real. I read in a science magazine a few years ago that there is a machine that one can put on his or her head and expereince images of ghosts. So there must be a part of the brain that is inhertently susceptable to these expriences, triggered by this machine. That process is interseting. Why would someone, a subject, expereince supernatural images when these things do not exist. There must be something there to start with. Probably, ghost stories told to them as a child. Who knows.

Some people hold onto the belief that there is life after death and the idea of ghosts assists them in this ideal. It is something that one has to have an open mind about.


Nice contribution. Precise. One word answer. Like it. Well done, mate. Codswallop. Good word. Maybe the subject is beyond your grasp. Maybe you have a nice colouring book that you can colour in instead.

Livinginhell, I don't know why you tto continue to try and get a rise out of me. Nonetheless I enjoy it. But one word replies, won;t cut it, baby.

Try harder.

All the best.


disagree- I think that one words sums it al up

thanks for that

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I guess you are someone who believes and I hope it benifits you,

I am not out to convince anyone , I am conviced that most who believe deep down know its aload of tosh

such as that priest who declared "God is on my side"

as he went forward into the flames and promptly got burned to a frazzle..oh dear...that was one of Gods top bods was it not?

where was He- looking for a fire existiqusiher?

I could fill a book, the fact is that not one, none, zilch, nadar, zero, nai, has( I ever will) to show

and politley I do not care who listens( but some must and do not like because we have been banned from debates- I love those "open" forums where certain questions just cannot be answered and end up in that pathetic whine of - you must have trust, and faith, oh please, back to the pen...I wonder why

Nope, I'm agnostic. I just don't think that insulting others' beliefs is an effective way of convincing people to be open minded about what you have to say. People are more likely to think that you are just arrogant. I hope that all people choose to think critically about their beliefs, but I also know that people become very vulnerable when they realize that everything they have believed about their existence and purpose has been false all their life. People tend to resist that vulnerability even when it means denying obvious truths. This is human nature, and people shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

Instead, I think we should focus on ways to help people transition to a more rational view of the world. I see it as being similar to recovery from any addiction. Richard Dawkins writes some compelling arguments, but I think that he alienates himself from the very people who need to understand his arguments, and in doing so is preventing them from even considering what he has to say. He is very anti-religion, so religious people are going to look at him with suspicion, as someone who is attempting to attack their beliefs, not help them.

you are right it is wrong to be rude

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Why can't people just accept Thailand is a very spiritual country. I mean they have shrines in brothels for goodness sake.

Having witnessed first hand all the craziness that goes on in Thailand and how erratically most of the population behave, I think if I had been raised in that culture I would definitely believe in super natural forces affecting my daily existence.

Otherwise none of it really would make any sense :o


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I know I will get the piss ripped out of me for this one, but I thought I would share this with you guys at TV and see what you make of it.

My girlfriend and myself recently moved into a old townhouse in Bangkok. On the third or fourth night we were sitting having something to eat and drink near the front door, which was open. The main gate outside the front driveway was locked with a padlock with high perimeter fencing. The time was about midnight.

At the same time my girlfriend and myself saw what appeared to be a man about to enter the house. She politely asked him what he wanted and I stood up to meet him at the doorway. I thought it was a pizza delivery boy who got the wrong address as he was wearing one of those flat caps.

Once I was within a metre or two he had disappeared. Now, thinking it was a opportunist house breaker I ran outside and turned on all the outside lights, but there was no one there and it would have been impossible for him to move and jump over the six foot metal fencing, and the gate was locked.

Strange. I put it down to the three Leos I had and sat down and continued what I was doing, but the girlfriend (who hadn't had a drop of booze to drink) was sure it was a phee of some sort.

Next day I telephoned my Thai friend, who told me it is customary, when moving into a new place, to offer food or drink to the last owner of the house BEFORE you eat or drink anything within the house to show respect.

Do TV members believe in these animist traditions or do you think it is all mumbo jumbo. I used to think the later, but am now not quite sure.



My friend....

You have been in Thailand waaaaay too long.

Time to go home son :o

Yes I've lived in Thailand a long time.

If you want to try to live and enjoy living in Thailand, these are the sorts of things that having a knowledge of will help you to understand the country a little more than you do now.

I too have seen an apparition in Thailand, while visiting my secretaries' home in Phuket (before the Franag invasion, 1975) Her father used to be the Governor in Phuket - I stayed in the guest house and in he middle of the night, I saw a lady in the window, I also thought it was someone trying to get in so went to the window to scare her away, but it just stood there undulating pointing her finger at me - I opened the window and poof, she was gone, at breakfast I told the story and everyone at the table, they looked at each other and mentioned her name 'Phee Lek' seems like a maid was murdered in that room by a 'farang' hippy (or so they beleive) that was trekking One thing I can tell you about Spirit houses - check it out - I have seen dog's running at full speed chasing each other and stop short of a spirit house, I had one in my bedroom window (landlords) for 3 years, never saw a Gink chok eat the rice, never saw a Bird eat the fruit, and magically the mekong in the glass diappears after a couple days - Mekong does not evaporate...........I am not saying they exist, but who is to say they don't????? :D :D

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Actually I DON'T think that around 50 to 60% of TV members want to "enjoy" living in Thailand, judging by a read through the forums.

If you did a graph, it would demonstrate that these "seasoned hardship posting experts" hate the people, the food, the culture, the weather, the politics, the attitude, the religion, the public service, the roads, the standards of workmanship - the list goes on.

But they stay here anyway out of a sense of duty to the struggling bar owners, "helping" the poor locals with their superior skills, thought processes, work ethic and attitudes.

If there were nothing to complain about, they'd be totally miserable, and have to move somewhere else to bolster their sense of grandeur self importance (or should that be impotence?)

There are some great people on this forum, who are articulate, positive, witty and well balanced.

Then there are the riff raff who epitomise the insular, supercilious expat.

I think they want to turn Thailand into a colony, and won't be happy until everything in this nation from Chiang Rai to Hat Yai is a miserable unsmiling over regulated replica of UK or America.

Personally, these people are GREAT for a laugh.

I'd advise printing out some of the best and having a giggle at them with your Thai staff.

Thais have a great sense of humour - and many expats don't exactly inspire respect with their arrogant, selfish behaviour. I consider it team building :-)

The rest probably have a great life here, lots of friends, and don't need to sit in a lonely room in a drunken stupor after the BG leaves, hammering out hate mail to strangers on an internet forum.


Happy Easter

Yes I've lived in Thailand a long time.

If you want to try to live and enjoy living in Thailand, these are the sorts of things that having a knowledge of will help you to understand the country a little more than you do now.

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Got to be true....

6 of my friends and I moved to a large house in Bangkok, all of us experienced more than one encounter......It would be far too long to try and describe everything that happened in that year, but let's put it this way, we all saw 'her' on several occasions, bad things happened to those who disrespected the house, good things happened to others....

no slight of the hand, trickery of light, drunken episodes, etc....this was real and happend to all of us....phi baan phi ruern's are there to protect the house, its their's, not yours, but they don't mind us being there if you respect them and their traditions.

sounds far fetched, I now....you gotta see it to believe it right? well, we saw, we didn't want to believe, but sometimes in the end you have no choice.

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I know I will get the piss ripped out of me for this one, but I thought I would share this with you guys at TV and see what you make of it.

My girlfriend and myself recently moved into a old townhouse in Bangkok. On the third or fourth night we were sitting having something to eat and drink near the front door, which was open. The main gate outside the front driveway was locked with a padlock with high perimeter fencing. The time was about midnight.

At the same time my girlfriend and myself saw what appeared to be a man about to enter the house. She politely asked him what he wanted and I stood up to meet him at the doorway. I thought it was a pizza delivery boy who got the wrong address as he was wearing one of those flat caps.

Once I was within a metre or two he had disappeared. Now, thinking it was a opportunist house breaker I ran outside and turned on all the outside lights, but there was no one there and it would have been impossible for him to move and jump over the six foot metal fencing, and the gate was locked.

Strange. I put it down to the three Leos I had and sat down and continued what I was doing, but the girlfriend (who hadn't had a drop of booze to drink) was sure it was a phee of some sort.

Next day I telephoned my Thai friend, who told me it is customary, when moving into a new place, to offer food or drink to the last owner of the house BEFORE you eat or drink anything within the house to show respect.

Do TV members believe in these animist traditions or do you think it is all mumbo jumbo. I used to think the later, but am now not quite sure.



If you're a "Christian," then I suggest you pray very hard.

You could "anoint" the house with water or olive oil. Lot of people think I'm crazy when I talk about what I see from time to time.

Good luck.

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why do people think our beliefs are outdated.

look at your own religous beliefs before you laugh at ours.

i can assure you most religions have more unbelievable stories.

the son of god coming and dying for your sins, moses parting the red sea,sampson killing 1000 people with the jawbone of an ass,they are funny beliefs.

confession is even more foolish then your stories, say 3 hail mary's and your sins are forgiven. now thats funny.

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why do people think our beliefs are outdated.

look at your own religous beliefs before you laugh at ours.

i can assure you most religions have more unbelievable stories.

the son of god coming and dying for your sins, moses parting the red sea,sampson killing 1000 people with the jawbone of an ass,they are funny beliefs.

confession is even more foolish then your stories, say 3 hail mary's and your sins are forgiven. now thats funny.

I agree.

However, to be fair, most of the people ridiculing Thai beliefs and religion also ridicule Christianity and all other religions. But, that doesn't make them sound any less annoying and self-righteous.

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I too have seen an apparition in Thailand, while visiting my secretaries' home in Phuket (before the Franag invasion, 1975) Her father used to be the Governor in Phuket - I stayed in the guest house and in he middle of the night, I saw a lady in the window, I also thought it was someone trying to get in so went to the window to scare her away, but it just stood there undulating pointing her finger at me - I opened the window and poof, she was gone, at breakfast I told the story and everyone at the table, they looked at each other and mentioned her name 'Phee Lek' seems like a maid was murdered in that room by a 'farang' hippy (or so they beleive) that was trekking One thing I can tell you about Spirit houses - check it out - I have seen dog's running at full speed chasing each other and stop short of a spirit house, I had one in my bedroom window (landlords) for 3 years, never saw a Gink chok eat the rice, never saw a Bird eat the fruit, and magically the mekong in the glass diappears after a couple days - Mekong does not evaporate...........I am not saying they exist, but who is to say they don't????? :o:D

This statement about Mekong whiskey not evaporating is not true. It is possible that it evaporates more slowly than one would expect it to, but it does evaporate.

I can't comment on the other statements as I've never witnessed anything in support of them or contradicting them, but they sound a little far-fetched. I've also read that birds don't eat the food offered on spirit houses, but I've never actually heard a Thai person say this. Maybe a Thai person can respond (or someone with a Thai spouse can ask them) to see if this is a commonly held belief among Thais. It sounds like one of those urban myths that foreigners hear and then spread around, like the supposed many words for snow in the Inuit language (the exact number of which often changes as the story is re-told).

Nevertheless, it would be interesting if it were true!

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why do people think our beliefs are outdated.

look at your own religous beliefs before you laugh at ours.

i can assure you most religions have more unbelievable stories.

the son of god coming and dying for your sins, moses parting the red sea,sampson killing 1000 people with the jawbone of an ass,they are funny beliefs.

confession is even more foolish then your stories, say 3 hail mary's and your sins are forgiven. now thats funny.

I agree.

However, to be fair, most of the people ridiculing Thai beliefs and religion also ridicule Christianity and all other religions. But, that doesn't make them sound any less annoying and self-righteous.

its all crap, but the western world is NOT starving and is not one big corrupt whorehouse

that is why they laugh at us- this place staves yet still clings to this nonsense!

this place is the laughing stock and until seeing this will remain

some of them do too,but not nearly as many, and they have something this place does not-fallback=$$$

so sad

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Well, I believe that there is something to the whole 'ghost thing', I just don't think that the scientific community (the westerners religion which cannot be argued with it most peoples' eyes) knows all there is to know about parapsychology.

As the saying goes, 'seeing is believing'... and once you've seen one, well, I would say you would tend to become a believer. Personally, I keep an open mind to any event potentially occurring.

A few years back I was at a friend's house, visiting for the first time. I wanted to use the toilet, and walked down their corridor. I opened the first door on the right, not the second, and discovered it was a bedroom. The room was dark, the corridor light was on, and I could make out a 'lump' in the bed. This lump started to rise, just like a person would who had been disturbed by a light suddenly appearing. I quickly closed the door and uttered an apology for disturbing the person in bed. I then went to the bog and coming back into the lounge where I instantly apologised to my Thai friend for inadvertently entering a bedroom and waking up a family member. He laughed and told me that was where his old man slept and not to worry.

Anyways, we carried on chatting and supping a Leo. My Thai friend's American missus showed up and for some reason I mentioned my wayward trip and how I had awoken her fella's dad. She suddenly became super-serious and demanded I re tell her the entire story. After that, she bollocked her fella... why? She told me that my mate's dad died a while back (I forget how long ago it was, but after she told me, I recalled that it hadn't been that long since he died in a horrible manner - he accidentally impaled himself on something in a field and bled to death over the ensuing 24 hours).

well, I got the biggest dose of chicken skin ever and swore to them that I did see something in the bed and that it moved when the light was on it. We all went rushing into the room, and sure enough, there was nothing to be found. It was his dad's old room and still had many of his things in there.

To this day I swear that there was something in the bed - was it a ghost? I couldn't be sure... but I keep an open mind and if I were to have a house of my own here, I wouldn't hesitate to get a spirit house. Like a poster said - what harm can it do to have the spirits on side?

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why do people think our beliefs are outdated.

look at your own religous beliefs before you laugh at ours.

i can assure you most religions have more unbelievable stories.

the son of god coming and dying for your sins, moses parting the red sea,sampson killing 1000 people with the jawbone of an ass,they are funny beliefs.

confession is even more foolish then your stories, say 3 hail mary's and your sins are forgiven. now thats funny.

I agree.

However, to be fair, most of the people ridiculing Thai beliefs and religion also ridicule Christianity and all other religions. But, that doesn't make them sound any less annoying and self-righteous.

its all crap, but the western world is NOT starving and is not one big corrupt whorehouse

that is why they laugh at us- this place staves yet still clings to this nonsense!

this place is the laughing stock and until seeing this will remain

some of them do too,but not nearly as many, and they have something this place does not-fallback=$$$

so sad

I don't quite understand what you are trying to say here, but from what I gather is that the Thai's are starving and if they let go of their beliefs they would be rich like the uncorrupt Western world?

I think that was the jist of it otherwise I must be missing something somewhere.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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why do people think our beliefs are outdated.

look at your own religous beliefs before you laugh at ours.

i can assure you most religions have more unbelievable stories.

the son of god coming and dying for your sins, moses parting the red sea,sampson killing 1000 people with the jawbone of an ass,they are funny beliefs.

confession is even more foolish then your stories, say 3 hail mary's and your sins are forgiven. now thats funny.

I agree.

However, to be fair, most of the people ridiculing Thai beliefs and religion also ridicule Christianity and all other religions. But, that doesn't make them sound any less annoying and self-righteous.

its all crap, but the western world is NOT starving and is not one big corrupt whorehouse

that is why they laugh at us- this place staves yet still clings to this nonsense!

this place is the laughing stock and until seeing this will remain

some of them do too,but not nearly as many, and they have something this place does not-fallback=$$

so sad

I don't quite understand what you are trying to say here, but from what I gather is that the Thai's are starving and if they let go of their beliefs they would be rich like the uncorrupt Western world?

I think that was the jist of it otherwise I must be missing something somewhere.

I think he's implying that the belief in Thai ghosts is a sign of a country that prefers nonsense to intelligent thought. Hence the comment that the country is a 'laughing stock' in the world and will remain so until intelligent though replaces superstitious belief.

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My first condo here I had a strange thing happen to me every night.

I would wake up sometime in the nights and see a shadow figure standing at the foot of my bed. It would scare the CRAP out of me and I would jump up, night after night to find nobody there when I turned on the lights.

I spoke to my maid about this, then my GF and a few neighbors who said I must offer some food for this person in the ghost house outside.

I offered some oranges and never saw it again.

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its all crap, but the western world is NOT starving and is not one big corrupt whorehouse

that is why they laugh at us- this place staves yet still clings to this nonsense!

this place is the laughing stock and until seeing this will remain

some of them do too,but not nearly as many, and they have something this place does not-fallback=$$

so sad

I don't quite understand what you are trying to say here, but from what I gather is that the Thai's are starving and if they let go of their beliefs they would be rich like the uncorrupt Western world?

I think that was the jist of it otherwise I must be missing something somewhere.

I think he's implying that the belief in Thai ghosts is a sign of a country that prefers nonsense to intelligent thought. Hence the comment that the country is a 'laughing stock' in the world and will remain so until intelligent though replaces superstitious belief.

I knew this would come back to haunt me. :o

Ghost or no ghosts, I don't believe that Thailand is starving, and I don't believe that intelligent thought is a commidity only held by the West. It seems that we always think that we at the crest of a wave of intelligent thought, but history has proved us wrong. Todays fact is tomorrows fiction as new discoveries are made on how the human brain works.

If we managed to convience Thailand to let go of her suppersitious beliefs then I think it would not be the same country that we have and enjoy today - We might aswell go back home.

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All i can say is....you guys who poo-poo any afterlife....... are in for a hel_l of a shock one day.......

and your own disbelief could cause you to be one of those ghosts you ridicule..

The different realms of the heavens and hells exist all around us...but are on different dimensions or vibrate at different frequencies so we are unable to perceive them.... just as the air is full of many radio waves but we need a radio set and to tune into the frequency to receive the sounds.....

Ghosts are people from the human realm who have become stuck between realms and are unable to be reborn according to their karma.... some died suddenly such as in a car accident...and do not yet realise they are dead... or when they were alive they had no belief in any afterlife so are hanging around wondering <deleted> is this?...do I exist or not?...how come I can still think?...

Some people become very attached to a place or person or their belongings and this causes them to linger around them...unable to go and get reborn where they should...

Sometimes people can adjust their own frequency and perceive beings in the ghost realm...or the ghosts can alter their own frequency and become visible to ones who are attuned to them...but not all present at the time will be able to see them.

Sometime those who practise meditation can alter their frequency and seem to visit other realms...but they really are just able to perceive them for a while.

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