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Any Burn's Suppers?


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I posted this one about a week ago in the Bangkok section.

There is also one in Chiang Mai under ...yes..... and if you check through ..the Phuket news ...also. :D

We had a big one over here on Saturday night up in Beverley (East Yorkshire)and I am "doing" another in The Plough Pub,Cuffley,Herts next Saturday.

Forget the dirk...I use a samurai :o

Following on and the last will be in our local Enfield Boozer in 2 weeks time.

All good fun,haggis,pipers,whisky and wit and I am hoping maybe next year to celebrate it in LOS...or the year after...or the next...... :D

Anyway a message from the Chieftain of The bangkok st Andrews Society.

Bangkok St. Andrew's Society

The Bangkok St. Andrews Society started off in Bangkok in 1890 and membership is now available to anyone interested in all/everything Scottish.

I have just had a long chat (by email) with our Chieftain Ken G.and he has been telling me about some of the new and inovative ideas,features and programmes for the year ahead.

Should anyone be interested in getting invoved (I would certainly encourage membership but I live in the Smoke) I have attached some details and information that you may find usuful.

Burns Night is coming soon and as said before I am "thaied up" over "ear" but am looking forward to one day celebrating it in LOS.


The Bangkok St. Andrew's Society was established in 1890 by a small group of expatriate Scots stationed in what was then Siam and is the oldest of the 4 "loyal" societies (St. Patrick's, St. David's and St. George's) in Thailand.

Over the years it has gone through many developments but remains true to its original roots as a Society for Scots and those of Scots descent to meet and celebrate the Scottish culture.

The Society's year revolves around three major social events:-

The Burns Supper in late January, the Mid-Year Gathering ceilidh in late September and culminating in the St. Andrew's Ball in late November or early December on a weekend near St. Andrew's day.

In between these dates, many activities are organised and Scottish dancing is held regularly at the "Reel Club" on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.

the name of the game dont forget is.. Sanuk,Sanuk and Slange.


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Bit of Info on the"Chop"...makes a change from Keo Wan and Cow pat Kai :o

All feedback from LOS welcome

The Burns Supper

Scots have given the world many great things - the telephone, whisky, penicillin, and even television. But one thing that's often missed off the roll call of achievement is the Burns Supper, the annual celebration of the life and work of Scotland's national bard, Robert Burns.

January in Scotland is a dark and cold month filled with post-Christmas gloom. So the chance to get together at its end with like-minded individuals to eat, drink and be entertained lifts the spirit in a way Burns himself would surely have approved of.

No-one is exactly certain when the first Burns Supper took place but it's likely that it was held by one of the many Burns Clubs that sprang up across west and central Scotland in the wake of the poet's untimely death in 1796 at the age of only 37.

Nowadays, Burns Suppers have followed his popularity around the globe so that, on or around 25 January (Burns's birthday), they can be found everywhere from Moscow to Manhattan, Newfoundland to New Zealand.

They also come in all shapes and sizes, from formal and rather stiff affairs in grand surroundings to more intimate gatherings in local clubs and pubs. The only common link between them all - and the only one that really matters - is the desire to commemorate one of the greatest poets the English language has known. :D


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Scots have given the world many great things

Don't forget kilts.

I heard a joke that when Mel Gibson was making Braveheart, he hired 100's of Scottish Army regulars as stand-ins for the fight scenes. Off-camera he was talking with them about the stories of men's kilts, and asked "What do you guys really wear under your kilts?" The reply: "Your wife's lipstick!" :o

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