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If this was an annoyance contest then yes he would be winning, hel_l he'd be crowned champion of the world a long time ago. But in terms of the politics i don't think so, him coming back is just too complicated now.


I hope that someday the people will get the message that what they should be is protesting for democracy. Thaksin may be a figure head but he certainly isn't the embodiment of democratic values. But I guess that's how people are---they need a leader.


The protesters will leave before Song Kran on their own.

This step was clear, they have made it OK in Thai society to say whatever you want about Prem.

Step by step.

I hope that someday the people will get the message that what they should be is protesting for democracy. Thaksin may be a figure head but he certainly isn't the embodiment of democratic values. But I guess that's how people are---they need a leader.

The military gives Thaskin legitimacy. Had the Democrats actually managed to win an election straight up, then no problem. But instead, they went the way way of coups, judicial coups, airport mob seizures and Army Backed Coalition Parties. So how can you tell the red shirts to go home? You can't.


Was it winning or whining.

If it is whining he is winning the biggest whiner of all times! I think he needs to give it a rest & come back to Thailand & face the music in the drama he has created for himself. It is a pretty bad state of affairs when even the Thais Can't be fooled.


No, taxsin is not winning.

I suggest that the majority are very clear on what taxsin is up to and that he's playing very nasty. He's demonstrating again that he has no ethics and no morals.

He's again using the rural poor as pawns:

- Use the rural poor to foce the current coalition to dissolve parliament.

- Fund massive vote buying again and ensure his leeches and thugs get power.

- His leeches and thieves enact laws to cancel his sentence, stop the other 12 corruption cases, and unfreeze his ill-gotten gains.

- And possibly ultimately his leeches and thugs reinstall him as PM (read dictator out for serious


Wow, that really frightens me, another Burma on the horizon.

No, taxsin is not winning.

I suggest that the majority are very clear on what taxsin is up to and that he's playing very nasty. He's demonstrating again that he has no ethics and no morals.

He's again using the rural poor as pawns:

- Use the rural poor to foce the current coalition to dissolve parliament.

- Fund massive vote buying again and ensure his leeches and thugs get power.

- His leeches and thieves enact laws to cancel his sentence, stop the other 12 corruption cases, and unfreeze his ill-gotten gains.

- And possibly ultimately his leeches and thugs reinstall him as PM (read dictator out for serious


Wow, that really frightens me, another Burma on the horizon.

But thats what these red shirted ones are making one of their campain themes

Dissing the incumbant government with the phrase "Welcome to MyanmarII"

(As seen on a few placards during their "World tour" recently


"Wow, that really frightens me, another Burma on the horizon."

Burma is run by Military dictators, not vote buying Businessman/Politicians.

Agreed; scorecard you talking out of the wrong end.


Like Burma? Not likely, even when the true binding force passes on.

Is Thaskin winning? Nobody is winning.

This is like a dog chasing its tail; even if he gets it, bites it, and gives a painful shriek from the pain, he will keep doing it.


Disagree, Thaskin and his red shirt are making asses out of themselve just like the PAD did a few short months ago in closing the Airport, friend are already asking if we think the Airport will be close again, no they aren't come to Thailand, they have connecting flt from Thailand, it causes a delay when no flt arrive in Bali, Seoul, Tokyo. :o


Dont know but the PM is on TV now saying how he does not want to quit because then the other guys will whine & on & on.

What is up with this place???

Then to top it off he has declared a holiday tomorrow 4/10/09

That means the govt offices are now closed till when????16th

That messes my wife & I up big time as we had an appointment tomorrow with that govt

You know what.......Makes me think this place is pretty unstable.

I will read more history but when he said that about then the others ( PAD) will be mad etc....

Whats up with that? All countries have 2 groups.

They have a vote & one wins. The other lives with what the MAJORITY decides.

Both groups have Democracy in their names.

Do they vote? Did this PM get voted in?

If the other group stirs up a mess like closing a International Airport go in & gas them or what ever is needed.

Sorry but this is about how I feel after going through a week or two of govt bull to get to this appointment tomorrow which is not happening anymore.



Wow, a shocker. When they yellows were protesting Abhisit thought the government should quit, but now that the reds are protesting he thinks the government quitting is a bad idea. :o

they should include a laugh track in these every TV station state of emergency speeches.



Wow, a shocker. When they yellows were protesting Abhisit thought the government should quit, but now that the reds are protesting he thinks the government quitting is a bad idea. :D

they should include a laugh track in these every TV station state of emergency speeches.

Classic example of: Do what I say and not what I do. :D

Wow, a shocker. When they yellows were protesting Abhisit thought the government should quit, but now that the reds are protesting he thinks the government quitting is a bad idea. :D

they should include a laugh track in these every TV station state of emergency speeches.

Classic example of: Do what I say and not what I do. :D

I think Army is getting ready to come out.

Also think they should pay for damages from Txsin frozen assets. Even the damage Yellow shirt have caused. That will fix all the problems. After all is all about money and power and not Thai people

I think Army is getting ready to come out.

Also think they should pay for damages from Txsin frozen assets. Even the damage Yellow shirt have caused. That will fix all the problems. After all is all about money and power and not Thai people

For Thaskin, I would imagine its more than just money. If it was about money he would have cut a deal a long time ago.

I think Army is getting ready to come out.

Also think they should pay for damages from Txsin frozen assets. Even the damage Yellow shirt have caused. That will fix all the problems. After all is all about money and power and not Thai people

For Thaskin, I would imagine its more than just money. If it was about money he would have cut a deal a long time ago.

Cut a deal with the people holding the money?....Hmmmm....difficult. He's tried and failed. 2 billion dollars (give or take)

How much would you risk to get it back......Whatever it is, the holders can pay more. They've got your money.

Shinnawattra is fcuked. Last throw of the dice. Not enough people turned up. A smart government would now go after the whole family. Erase them from the scrolls. Take out PAD too. Get back to governing Thailand. Good or bad, in this global collapse that we are facing, a strong leadership is essential. Sort out the niceties of democracy later.


Ooo....can keystrokes fizz.....I hear fizzing :o

Best regards.


You dont think the government would have been happier giving him his money back and never hearing from him again than whats going on now? Let me ask you this, why did they let him out on bail to leave the country for the Olympics and never to return? They have been looking for a way out of this the entire time, in my view it is he who has been the one saying No, not the other way around.


TonySoprano .

quote ..... The protesters will leave before Song Kran on their own.

you think ?

the songkran of which year ? 2553 , 2554 or 2555 ?

the red shirts are giong to cause more problems / civil unrest than the yellow shirts ever did im affraid

im ready to leave at a moments notice ! .... dave2

You dont think the government would have been happier giving him his money back and never hearing from him again

Is that what you would have advocated Tony? Guilty criminals who can make nuisances of themselves should be slapped on the wrists and told to "run along now"?


Well Thaksin may be winning (I don't think he is, everyone except rent-a-mob are heartily sick of him) but Thailand is losing. Still he doesn't care about that, all he cares about is his vision of democracy (aka a Thaksin money grabbing dictatorship), his money, his family's money, his maid's money, any other money that might have escaped his attention and to hel_l with everything and everybody else.

You dont think the government would have been happier giving him his money back and never hearing from him again than whats going on now? Let me ask you this, why did they let him out on bail to leave the country for the Olympics and never to return? They have been looking for a way out of this the entire time, in my view it is he who has been the one saying No, not the other way around.

His money? What planet are you on Tony? Thailand's rule about no capital gains on stocks was to encourage the growth of Thailands new stockmarket. How many governments...Anywhere...would allow a 2 billion usd profit to go untaxed? At the time of the sale he owned no (limited?) stocks in Shincorp. All in the hands of his immediate family. (+ a few gardeners drivers, maids, Ltd overseas Co's et al). He must have known about the forthcoming sale.

As PM, he was keeper of the public purse. As such it was his Duty to protect the Thai people from any form of manipulation resulting in their loss.

He's a silly boy. Can you imagine the adulation he would have received after passing a 45% stock CGT tax on anything over 100 million Baht? Would have effected no one but himself. It would have left him with 100 billion Baht+ He would still be PM

Thailand would be a better place......But no. Mr Greedy wants it all. Som non na. Now rot in Cambodia or wherever.



thaksin will never defeat the kings rule....end of story..at the end of the day that is who the boss is in thailand..........long live the king

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