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The friend I left in charge of my mail in the UK is proving non too reliable :o

Has anyone used the R. Mail's redirection service for overseas addresses? It can be set up online now.

How (well) does it work? It looks like individual items arrive with a few (air mail) days delay. Packages (goods) are excluded for customs (and presumably expense) reasons.

Does it handle registered mail like bank cards etc. reliably? Indeed does it at all? Obviously it won't affect those credit cards that deliver by courier.

Have you had any problems with normal domestic mail that you didn't anticipate from their (extensive) FAQs?

The redirection can be set up online for anything from one month to a year, BUT if you move in that time you have to cancel the redirection and set up a new one - and guess what... NO REFUND on the unused time. Why the address cannot be changed online I can't imagine (apart from extra revenue from unused redirection).

TIA for any first-hand experience.

BTW here's the website: http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/product...;mediaId=600008


I've used Redirection for domestic mail only for 12 Months & everything came through credit cards the lot they just add a sticker over your old address & send it on its merry way the only people they say they need to notify of this new address is Government Department's like Benefits for obvious reasons.

Just make sure you don't request they notify your new address to all your mail contacts that's if you don't want this but it can be handy if you want mail re addressed from its source saves ringing up changing address's (its just a tick box somewere on the form)

I think adding an overseas address will have no affect on mail they can forward on, so it should be just the same except taking a little longer.

As long as your debit card is registered at your UK address you should have little problem online as this is used to confirm your ID & secuirty.

If you want to chat with them their very helpfull type the 0870 number into a website called saynoto0870 thats give's you the landline eqivalent which are much cheaper to call to from Thailand.

Best of luck

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