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Los, From South To North & Finally To Isaan?


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I love Phuket and even though I've left it behind, it is one gem of a place -- stunning coastal vistas, great good etc., the list is long and life there for 4+ years has been good.

I've moved to Chiang Mai and I've got to say, now that I've seen a bit of it, that it too, like Phuket, is a gem. In a different sort of way, but a gem of a place nonetheless.

Hey, don't shoot me if I venture to say, "Phuket fires the loins, but CM fires the soul!"

The boys in the CM forum had it right all along -- this is a terrific place for long-term living -- the pollution related posts were disturbing but now that I'm here I do believe that what I was reading and reacting to -- is actually not THAT serious. Perhaps the hot season might dampen my enthusiasm, but, no matter -- I'm here for the duration.

OK, so I'll be here for a while -- but aborning is the thought that, down the road apiece, I might end up in the mubaan, countryside, village life of my TG in ChongKhe, near ChaiNat and Takhli in Nakhon Sawan. This is not Isaan but the resemblance is noteworthy.

A couple, or few weeks ago I read thru' the Isaan forum topics of interest and was hugely impressed by one in particular -- a thread on the subject of farming and farmers -- it is a fabulous thread, one that brings out emotions that I didn't even know I had and some for which no definitions exist -- one poster in particular, with his posts on Luktung music and the beauty and simplicity of village life -- I was in a daze for 2 days after reading that! :o

So I ask, has anybody here gone thru' a similar progression?

And, anticipating Dr. Pat's query, no its not Bombay Black or Afghan charus I'm smoking, just high on LOS, amigo! :D

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I live not far from Tak Li, but whats the question? Mabye a link to the original post?

Cheers RC

Hi RC, here's what I was getting at -- did you move to NS when you arrived from your home country or did you first live in one of the tourist towns like Phuket, Koh Samui etc., or perhaps in BKK -- and then felt that perhaps there would be something better, quieter etc.?

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Hi RC, here's what I was getting at -- did you move to NS when you arrived from your home country or did you first live in one of the tourist towns like Phuket, Koh Samui etc., or perhaps in BKK --  and then felt that perhaps there would be something better, quieter etc.?

I'll answer..... went straight to Isaan.... however holidayed in most tourist areas...

totster :o

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I have to admit that, after spending a lot of time in Buriram province over the years, I can't quite fit in there.

Great people, dead quiet etc, but did my head in after 2 weeks. Had to head back south of Bkk again.

I'd always go there again for a short break, though.

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I came out with the intention of staying in Phuket, and while I still love the place I felt the chances of maintaining a a "normal" relationship or starting a stastainable buissiness were very low. I was fortunate that I was still being paid from back home for the first three months, and viewed it as a bit of a holiday and find my feet a bit. If it did'nt work out I would out or could'nt find a buissines to get into that the figures actually looked like working I would of just gone home. About the second month in still no sign of anything and begining to feel like mabye it was'nt the place to try and mantain a relationship. I was invited up to my now mother-in-laws birthday party. So jumped on a plane and came up for what was supposed to be 4 days.

Not much up here the family had a shop and a farily large run down house that nodoby had lived in for about 7 years, andout 7 rai of land that was'nt used and an other about 60 rented out. Anyway we cleaned out a bit of the old house and stayed, I loved it so much that we ended up staying for about 2 weeks. Someone mentioned starting a Dairy Farm and I thought they were crazy but after talking for a while and visiting several farms in the area it started to sound good. The mother-in-law said we could have the 7 rai to start and gave us the old house if we wanted it.

Went back down to Phuket and did some web searches and the figs from vairious sources where more or less as I was told by the local farmers, so just waited until my months rent was up and here I am. About 4 years later and I still love it, the buissines is going well and getting better every year. Just opend a new farm and now use the full area of land. Its not the life for every one but sutits me fine :o

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Hi RC, here's what I was getting at -- did you move to NS when you arrived from your home country or did you first live in one of the tourist towns like Phuket, Koh Samui etc., or perhaps in BKK --  and then felt that perhaps there would be something better, quieter etc.?

I'll answer..... went straight to Isaan.... however holidayed in most tourist areas...

totster :o

Thanks totster, how long have you been living in Isaan? Are you located relatively far from the nearest town or city? How good is the quiet, introspective (if that?) life, really? I'd appreciate your thoughts on this. Much obliged. :D

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I have to admit that, after spending a lot of time in Buriram province over the years, I can't quite fit in there.

Great people, dead quiet etc, but did my head in after 2 weeks. Had to head back south of Bkk again.

I'd always go there again for a short break, though.

Don't follow you sua yai, did you not like it anymore after spending alot of time there or did you not like it within 2 weeks of arriving there? :o

Are you still living in Buriram or have you moved elsewhere, perhaps to one of the tourist areas?

Your thoughts please on why you deemed it difficult to live there -- thank you.

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I came out with the intention of staying in Phuket, and while I still love the place I felt the chances of maintaining a a "normal" relationship or starting a stastainable buissiness were very low. I was fortunate that I was still being paid from back home for the first three months, and viewed it as a bit of a holiday and find my feet a bit. If it did'nt work out I would out or could'nt find a buissines to get into that the figures actually looked like working I would of just gone home. About the second month in still no sign of anything and begining to feel like mabye it was'nt the place to try and mantain a relationship. I was invited up to my now mother-in-laws birthday party. So jumped on a plane and came up for what was supposed to be 4 days.

Not much up here the family had a shop and a farily large run down house that nodoby had lived in for about 7 years, andout 7 rai of land that was'nt used and an other about 60 rented out. Anyway we cleaned out a bit of the old house and stayed, I loved it so much that we ended up staying for about 2 weeks. Someone mentioned starting a Dairy Farm and I thought they were crazy but after talking for a while and visiting several farms in the area it started to sound good. The mother-in-law said we could have the 7 rai to start and gave us the old house if we wanted it.

Went back down to Phuket and did some web searches and the figs from vairious sources where more or less as I was told by the local farmers, so just waited until my months rent was up and here I am. About 4 years later and I still love it, the buissines is going well and getting better every year. Just opend a new farm and now use the full area of land. Its not the life for every one but sutits me fine :o

Nice story, RC -- 7 rai and a house -- lucky fellow, you are.

You mentioned being close to Takhli -- do you go into town often? I know there is at least one good restaurant that my TG, her family and I ate at -- don't remember the name, but it is shaped like a triangle with the apex jutting out into the street. Are there others? Have you perhaps found anything else of interest in the vicinity, either in Takhli or ChaiNat?

Don't know anything about the dairy business, but I'm glad you're doing well -- does being far away or not in contact with other farangs and/or does the unavailability of things/places like you had in Phuket, not get to you at times? Much obliged to receive any info or thoughts on the subject.


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Would not think that you were smoking Ganga.

Maybe a bit romanticizing about your move.

Los seems to bring out the best in all of us helps to cleanse the soul.

Glad to here you like ChaingMia spent a lovely 5 days there last week.

House prices seen cheap there having looked at over a dozen different sites ranging from 3mil to 20 mil Bart liked some of the Tropicana developments think there were 3 something to consider but still haven’t made up my mind where to retire to yet.

Did you succeed in giving up the Cigs I am off them 4 months now?

I love Phuket and even though I've left it behind, it is one gem of a place -- stunning coastal vistas, great good etc., the list is long and life there for 4+ years has been good. 

I've moved to Chiang Mai and I've got to say, now that I've seen a bit of it, that it too, like Phuket, is a gem.  In a different sort of way, but a gem of a place nonetheless. 

Hey, don't shoot me if I venture to say, "Phuket fires the loins, but CM fires the soul!" 

The boys in the CM forum had it right all along -- this is a terrific place for long-term living -- the pollution related posts were disturbing but now that I'm here I do believe that what I was reading and reacting to -- is actually not THAT serious.  Perhaps the hot season might dampen my enthusiasm, but, no matter -- I'm here for the duration.

OK, so I'll be here for  a while -- but aborning is the thought that, down the road apiece,  I might end up in the mubaan, countryside, village life of my TG in ChongKhe, near ChaiNat and  Takhli in Nakhon Sawan.  This is not Isaan but the resemblance is noteworthy.

A couple,  or few weeks ago I read thru' the Isaan forum topics of interest and was hugely impressed by one in particular -- a thread on the subject of farming and farmers -- it is a fabulous thread, one that brings out emotions that I didn't even know I had and some for which no definitions exist -- one poster in particular, with his posts on Luktung music and  the beauty and simplicity of village life -- I was in a daze for 2 days after reading that!  :o

So I ask, has anybody here gone thru' a similar progression?

And, anticipating Dr. Pat's query, no its not Bombay Black or Afghan charus I'm smoking, just high on LOS, amigo!  :D

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I've travelled and worked all over, lived in quite a few places. Some I liked (Rayong, Ayutthya) and some I wasn't too fond of (Bangkok and Lopburi - great places to visit but living there is another thing) but I haven't yet found a place as nice as Chanthaburi!

Why Prof., why Chanthaburi -- I know its near Cambodia, but that's about all. Something special culturally or otherwise?

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I've travelled and worked all over, lived in quite a few places. Some I liked (Rayong, Ayutthya) and some I wasn't too fond of (Bangkok and Lopburi - great places to visit but living there is another thing) but I haven't yet found a place as nice as Chanthaburi!

It's a lovely part of the Country , Beautiful waterfall(s) as well. I found that area to be very peaceful as well.

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You mentioned being close to Takhli -- do you go into town often? I know there is at least one good restaurant that my TG, her family and I ate at -- don't remember the name, but it is shaped like a triangle with the apex jutting out into the street. Are there others? Have you perhaps found anything else of interest in the vicinity, either in Takhli or ChaiNat?

Don't know anything about the dairy business, but I'm glad you're doing well -- does being far away or not in contact with other farangs and/or does the unavailability of things/places like you had in Phuket, not get to you at times? Much obliged to receive any info or thoughts on the subject.

Just came back from there(takli) now, my folks are here for a while so we took them out. I know exactly the resteraunt you are talking about, really good food(some of the best thai food I've had out here). Just came back from ... suprisingly a steak house :o Its been open about a year just on the Chinat side of Takli. Had a very good but T-bone 180 bhat and the folks had fillet (100bhat) not huge but taste and suprisingly tender (bread roll/butter and bowl of salad as well)The owners used to have a place in Hawai!!

They are the two best places I know there, but Takli is mainly Pub/bar night life if you know where to go, not that I go in often usually when I have some friend staying. I ve got a really good mate who used to live in Chinat and is coming back next month, better resteraunts (on average) there and you have the river. Never been out in the night there, but its not supposed to be bad and is a much cleaner , prettier place than Takli

You can get most things but have to adjust to the distance you have to drive for them. I really miss the Deli in Phuket, but I can cook most things from scratch and you can get most ingrediants here or in Nakon. We get down to BKK often or down to Phuket when we can so its not to bad, I have gone about 4 months in the past with out seeing an other falang and have many thai friends as well.

Have a look at my "blog" link on my sig at the bottom, for more general stuff, haven't updated it for a while though

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Yes if I end up there, I'll probably go to that restaurant quite often. Will look for the steakhouse the next time I'm there -- reasonable prices. Followed the blog link; nice pics -- one of them in particular, with a view of a large piece of wide open land -- ah!! Is that part of the 7 rai or some other plot? Looks much larger than 7 to me.

On a different note, my TG was telling me that there were a few farang couples living in Takhli last year -- she used to see them come in to the swimming pool (one only?)last year -- when we drove thru' Takhli recently she showed me a compound, similar to the compound concept here in CM, only much, much smaller and really not at all well taken care of -- anyway, there seems to be a few houses belonging to farangs, who were out of town at the time, so I couldn't meet any -- do you have any idea what the prices of these houses would be? They look like 3 bdrm. (with small garden).

Would appreciate locations of recommended housing compounds(if any) where I might be able to rent/buy a reasonably priced house for the time being while I get my bearings and figure the area out.

Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, RC -- I have alot to learn about life in the village as I really am starting from ground zero. I don't even know if I have the mental wherewithal to pull this kind of lifestyle off, but I think I am intrigued by it in a very pleasant way. As I mentioned in the origination of the thread, the farangs in the Isaan threads looked like they had something very special going on -- after reading about their mentions of Luktung music, I quickly realized I was already listening to it on UBC -- Ahh!!!

Best regards

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Just opend a new farm and now use the full area of land.

from one of my earlier posts, we use all the land now. Should be growing food for the cows on it soon. Its justonly the 7 rai was spare when I started living here.


I think I know where she showed you the houses. I met one falnag that lived there once, but you sometimes get a few renting or working in the Airforce Base. There is a swimming pool there but I've never been (I live about 30 km away). Ther are a few falangs inthe area that "sometimes " live here but not many full time. Its getting more all the time though.

Your best bet would be trying to rent somewhere until you find your way around, my mate used to rent a tidy 2 bedroom in chinat (with air) for I think about 3,000 bht a month. Although I dont know the prices in Takli I would of thought that if they are the same as I think you would have change out of a million, and if you dont build your own !!

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I haven't made the transition from the USA to Issan, yet, but I imagine many progressions of Farang movement within Thailand is determined by Thai counterparts (wives, girlfriends).  :D

Yeppers , usually straight to wherever the extended family ( The Clampetts) happen to reside. :o

No extended family there -- all in BKK, and there I'm definitely not going. Only family member left in the village is Mama. :D:D

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Just opend a new farm and now use the full area of land.

from one of my earlier posts, we use all the land now. Should be growing food for the cows on it soon. Its justonly the 7 rai was spare when I started living here.


I think I know where she showed you the houses. I met one falnag that lived there once, but you sometimes get a few renting or working in the Airforce Base. There is a swimming pool there but I've never been (I live about 30 km away). Ther are a few falangs inthe area that "sometimes " live here but not many full time. Its getting more all the time though.

Your best bet would be trying to rent somewhere until you find your way around, my mate used to rent a tidy 2 bedroom in chinat (with air) for I think about 3,000 bht a month. Although I dont know the prices in Takli I would of thought that if they are the same as I think you would have change out of a million, and if you dont build your own !!

Thanks for that, RC -- will look into the apt scene --- as for building, no no -- not for quite a while anyways. Regards

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I haven't made the transition from the USA to Issan, yet, but I imagine many progressions of Farang movement within Thailand is determined by Thai counterparts (wives, girlfriends).  :D

Yeppers , usually straight to wherever the extended family ( The Clampetts) happen to reside. :o

No extended family there -- all in BKK, and there I'm definitely not going. Only family member left in the village is Mama. :D:D

You may be surprised at the reunions taking place when you settle there. :D

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