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State Of Emergency In Pattaya, Chon Buri


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The majority of the people on the Earth do not even know where the country of Thailand is! :o I am from the USA and I can tell you that the majority of the population in the USA cannot even locate Thailand on a map.

and the majority of those could not even locate the United States on a map of the world unless they were asked to point out Estados Unidos.

I just hope all you red shirt polarized scum of ThaiVisa are really happy at what your boys and your bum chum Thakisn have achieved today.

Now it's even yellow versus red, you've both f**ked up paradise, you've both shat in your own nest, you're both a set of brain dead morons. Don't believe me? Go look in the mirror. Darwinian deselection in process, fortunately you don't have the wherewithall to reproduce.

Here here. Both are f_ckwits both yellow and red. How to spoil a great holiday spot and great country with their bul-lshit. Government needs to get off their a-rse and do somthing about this

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Quote from CNN report: The demonstrators flooded into the summit site after smashing through the hotel's glass doors, but they were otherwise non violent.

Hundreds of them streamed in, without police interference. Protesters hugged the officers and shook their hands :o

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The majority of the people on the Earth do not even know where the country of Thailand is! :o I am from the USA and I can tell you that the majority of the population in the USA cannot even locate Thailand on a map.

and the majority of those could not even locate the United States on a map of the world unless they were asked to point out Estados Unidos.

I just hope all you red shirt polarized scum of ThaiVisa are really happy at what your boys and your bum chum Thakisn have achieved today.

Now it's even yellow versus red, you've both f**ked up paradise, you've both shat in your own nest, you're both a set of brain dead morons. Don't believe me? Go look in the mirror. Darwinian deselection in process, fortunately you don't have the wherewithall to reproduce.

You post many things I agree with Phil, and that hasn't changed with the above post.

I really would like to see Abhisit survive this, but all bets are off now.

So sad to see this country get torn apart to satisfy the warped desires of one man.

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Govt announces state of emergency in Pattaya, Chon Buri


The summit of Asean leaders with dialogue partners has been cancelled and state of emergency declared in Pattaya after a clash of red-shirted and blue-shirted people outside the meeting venue and a subsequent invasion of the hotel.

The government has announced a decision has been made to postpone the summit to a later date, in effect cancelling it.

Several people were killed and injured when anti-Thaksin protesters clashed with security forces while a pro-Thaksin government, led by Thaksin's brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat, was in power last year.

-- The Nation 2009-04-11

The upside to this situation is that the condo I've been holding out for will be 50% cheaper next year. Between the world financial meltdown and the Thai political scene, nothing could be better!

Edited by OldenAtwoody
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Maybe the Government is not so stupid. Think of the potential alternative. "Thai government slaughters protesters at Asean Summit". Much worse effect on international public opinion and domestic sentiment. Clearly the security forces were under strict instructions not to open fire.

I agree though that a properly structured strategy would not have let protesters anywhere near the venue in the forst place and would have quietly 'stopped them on the roads to Pattaya. But we are not dealing here with a professional American/European/Israeli security service. One thing Abhisist seems to be is intelligent. He knows that an instruction to his security service that permits open fire will end in the bloodbath that his opponents want.

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With the last couple of 'deomcratic' governments having failed to contain angry mobs - one who blocked the airport & one who canceled a major summit. Looks like the only option is for the army to take over as politicians obviously cant be trusted to deal with things in a proper manner.

What's the betting on the army taking over before the end of the year? (Reluctantly of course, and in order to prevent the nation from entering a downward spiral of violence ) The Invisible Hand would be happy then.

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What did you expect? Killing protestors and thus provoking an coup or an kind of revolution?

You might question the suitability of Suthep. if you sent in 8.000 troops and police and you cannot stop 1000 protestors. But than again, Suthep is not really busy with thailand, he is preoccupied with Thaksin. I think today made clear the man (Suthep) is not suitable for his job.

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Maybe the Government is not so stupid. Think of the potential alternative. "Thai government slaughters protesters at Asean Summit". Much worse effect on international public opinion and domestic sentiment. Clearly the security forces were under strict instructions not to open fire.

I agree though that a properly structured strategy would not have let protesters anywhere near the venue in the forst place and would have quietly 'stopped them on the roads to Pattaya. But we are not dealing here with a professional American/European/Israeli security service. One thing Abhisist seems to be is intelligent. He knows that an instruction to his security service that permits open fire will end in the bloodbath that his opponents want.

Well not so stupid would have been to do it in Hua Hin or Phuket or do the emergency law one day before and use 10000-20000 more police/army.

inside Thailand it might be smart. Now it seems many people don't like the reds anymore but internation it is bad.

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Press conference of Abhisit

Emergency law lifted.

His one and only target now is restore law and order in Thailand

He'll consult with the responsible agencys...

No question from the reporters.

No question attempted or no question allowed?

The latter. He just delivered a statement, then walked out.

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I have been joining the chorus of complaints as an arm chair warrior only because I am so disappointed in this situation and wonder if the Thailand I first knew will ever return. I know this is not my country and if the people want to change their government and country by all means change it. But I just hate seeing it happen like this, with puppet masters and cannibalizing everything the country as a whole has worked for. This makes me angry because I feel it is just too reckless and hurting too many innocent people.

I think Whoever is in charge be they a supporter of whatever color shirt needs to show some muscle. I'm not taking about something extremely violent but definitely forceful enough to make people know who is in charge and what the law is. If no one obeys the law we all become savages and there is chaos. There is no progress and everyone suffers. Sure there are laws I don't like in my country but I follow them for the greater good and if they seem deeply unjust I follow the path to change them legally.

What is happening here goes beyond civil disobedience. It's is pure anarchy. There is too many pay offs, and propaganda for these actions to seem noble like good ole Thoreau sitting out the poll tax. 'Let me not become part of the wrong I condemn' that's what he said. Well people here are acting brutally and savagely. Maybe they have reason to be angry but do they act like people who could run the country? Who care about Thailand as a whole? No they seem like spoiled brats who just want to throw a fit if they don't get what they want.

This is a disgrace and showing the world what a house of cards Thailand has become. I say this with deep sadness. It's like scolding my son for not doing better on a test when I know he could have done better.

Maybe Thaksin got a raw deal. Maybe the yellow shirts had a point towards the other end that Thaksin was running the government by proxy. But if either side has a grievance you don't torch the country you love to make your point. They have become part of the wrong they condemn and thus themselves cannot be trusted.

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Press conference of Abhisit

Emergency law lifted.

His one and only target now is restore law and order in Thailand

He'll consult with the responsible agencys...

No question from the reporters.

No question attempted or no question allowed?

The latter. He just delivered a statement, then walked out.

jup didn't look so good. Winner look different.

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