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General Elections


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Ok, Election's coming up, and a lot of dislike on this board for Thaksin from what I read and I think many of the people on here would be screaming for him not to get in power again this time, but who are the alternatives?

Who would you like to win this year's Thai elections and why?

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I say anyone who will not be there for his own interests but in the interest of the people, even if the person messes up somehow, as long as they give it an honest try. Can't be more obviously worse than what Spin Corp is doing now.

I noticed a while ago that when Thaksin is on camera, when anyone asks a qustion, he never looks the person in the eye. He did the same with tourists on the beach in Phuket. That says a lot. Check it out next time you see his man on the moon like face on tv.

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Ok, Election's coming up,  and a lot of dislike on this board for Thaksin from what I read and I think many of the people on here would be screaming for him not to get in power again this time, but who are the alternatives?

  Who would you like to win this year's Thai elections and why?

We know who the people will vote for.Just remember how many Americans reckoned Bush had no chance. It's a case of 'the evil you know" :o

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"better the Devil you know" does seem to be the way a lot of people will think when they make their vote.

The reason I posted this topic was I was talking with my gf and a couple of other friends about this before and though they think Thaksin is not right for the country there are not any good alternatives especially as once they reach power they are liable to cause just as many problems.

So I wondered who would be a good alternative?

It's all very well hoping he will not reach power again but who is good enough to replace him?

Any suggestions?

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Khun A of the Democratic Party is the only real alternative but the feeling seems to be that he is too young with not enough experience (maybe too honest as well)and would not be able to stand up with any cred .against the "Dear Leader"

Read somewhere that Khun T wants one more term (not unlike Khun Tony and Goergie)and intends to retire to his kingdom in Chiang Mai after solving most of LOS problems ...as promised.

So in 5 years time what should we expect:

Suwan-a-pon will be finished with a rail connection straight by my gaff in The parak Rd.and a sign on top of the new control tower saying "Shin Corp"

All go-go/bars ents joints will open only on Tuesday nights between 6pm and 8 pm.

All pinheads /druggies/yaba takers will be elimated ...sorry on treatment plans.

The traffic problems in bangers will be solved.....??????

There will be a Tesco-7-11 on every corner but no Booze......and ....got to do some work...sanuk..


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True,it doesn't matter what we think as we cannot vote, just wanted a bit of a chat about it Pvt Dick.

I'm not sure the majority of voters are in favour of Thaksin, I have heard a lot of criticism about him from many Thais, but as they also seem to say, no real alternative so he's going to stay.

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For sure, inevtiable TRT will stay in power, and is it such a bad thing?

Is there anyone the Thais could trust to do a better job?

I see a lot of people moaning on here about the problems with Thaksin in power but I don't see many people offering a solution or alternative candidate.

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Mention Khun Anand Panyarachun to most any Thai and watch the smile appear... Here is a guy who has managed to stay clean and with integrity intact through two times as PM during the Suchinda period when he was appointed directly by the King, and has been working for the country behind the scenes since then. He did a great job under those coup conditions, and even helped foreigners by making it possible for luuk krungs to get citizenship easily, and he also was responsible for the more-relaxed laws on house registration for a couple that includes a farang. Before Khun Anand, a Thai women could not own property in her name if she was married to a foreigner....Now she can, thanks directly to Khun Anand

A couple of other names come to mind...

Khun Surin Pitsuwan is a brilliant man and very capable. He is also well-respected on the world stage, too. And, he has a number of farang friends, including this old Dinosaur :o

(Gen) Chamlong Srimuang has a bit of a checkered past, and military folks have never much cared for democracy, but he is also now respected by many Thais and has a good track record promoting peace and better societal values for the past twenty years...

(Gen) Prem (current Pres. of Privy Council) is still kicking, and seems more democratically minded than he was during most of his time as PM, being installed by coup-makers (who included a Col. Chamlong Srimuang in his role as Head of the Young Turks of that time).

There are others around, including some respected academics (a couple still even respected by Thaksin), but most of these folks are unknown to most Thais due to lack of exposure...

Khun Anand has made it clear that he is not interested in politics anymore, but I'll bet if the King asked, he jump back in a flash.

As for TRT being a sure bet, don't bet on it. Other 'strong' governments have been forced to call it a day after some seemingly small issues that escalated out of hand... Lets not forget that, as of Fen 6, this government will be the first elected Thai government to have ever served a full term... Things can , and have, changed dramatically here, in a flash...

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Khun Gohock will win for sure ,unfortunately. But I firmly believe the Thais are now seeing through him and his honeymoon period is well and truly over. This will be his last win for sure.

Personally I would give my vote to Chuwit, or his party. He is bent, arnt they all, but he at least is a little bit transparent and would at least know how to grease the wheels in a fairer way.

And for sure the entertainment areas would be as they should be, open without prejudice!!!

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Khun Anand Panyarachun is a perfect PM for me. His honesty and integrity are far beyond anyone else in Thailand. He is also the most beloved PM ever. I wish I can vote for him :D

Any way, it's a circus out there. NONE of them deserve my vote. Alternatives? What are you talking about? It's a business after all!

Angry Golf :o

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