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How Much Is Needed For Single Male?


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I'm sure he has. He claimed that he banged a few in Japan, but never paid. :o

Oh I get it...........it's terrible to pay for the services,but ok to steal it from them.

Mind you in the bobo's previous post he said he went to Herson School,Ramsgate.

He couldn't have done. No-one would admit to going there,you're straight on the police file if you attended that school.

Sorry I made a mistake. No-one with any intellegence would admit to going there.

Sorry. Another mistake. No-one with any intellegence would have been there.

If ever a school has spawned the type of social layabouts the good doctor refers to then it's Herson

You can't be that bad then if you managed to escape :D

haha....Thought Herson has a reputation, alas I was only there a few months, then I was off to Sunny Brixham in Devon, I was in a childrens home in St Peters, Broadstairs, hence the Herson stretch. :D

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To truly understand the inner workings of our good doctor, you will have to go back (not too far) in the forum and read posts by Polo and Begs, his alteregos.


really?... i always enjoyed Begs postings... :D

as long as he doesn't revert back to that hideous green head :D

I always thought the Green Head was an integral part of the 'Begs' character. :D

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I'm sure he has. He claimed that he banged a few in Japan, but never paid. :o

Oh I get it...........it's terrible to pay for the services,but ok to steal it from them.

Mind you in the bobo's previous post he said he went to Herson School,Ramsgate.

He couldn't have done. No-one would admit to going there,you're straight on the police file if you attended that school.

Sorry I made a mistake. No-one with any intellegence would admit to going there.

Sorry. Another mistake. No-one with any intellegence would have been there.

If ever a school has spawned the type of social layabouts the good doctor refers to then it's Herson

You can't be that bad then if you managed to escape :D

haha....Thought Herson has a reputation, alas I was only there a few months, then I was off to Sunny Brixham in Devon, I was in a childrens home in St Peters, Broadstairs, hence the Herson stretch. :D

??? your comment ???

lol.... it's ok, but don't let tv's quoting system kick your butt.... :D

it ain't easy sometimes

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Dr John,

Where is the exploitation? I just can't see it.

There are 'workers' all over the world, even in Charlton.

Generally speaking here in Thailand the girls (and boys) make a decision to better their lives and that of their family by plying their trade, no one forces them to do it or forces them to stay. I just don't see a problem.

Please explain your disgust.


This type of comment is typical of the self-justification-no-one forces them to do it- sex tourists often advance.They are usually so brutish and half educated-and largely ignorant of Thai culture- that the moral squalor of their position eludes them.Actually the huge scale of the sex industry in Thailand -and Thai males are far worse offenders than the pitiful Western sex tourists-has caused dreadful misery and suffering over the years.

Of course the "scene" is attractive to newcomers (I remember it well!) but knowledge of Thailand, its culture and language provides the antidote.The Neanderthal element will hurl abuse at any comment like this but those who are fond of Thailand and the Thais will acknowledge the truth of what I say.I don't think the sex industry can be eliminated nor should it be.But it would be good for Thailand if it could be scaled down so that sex tourists no longer came in such large numbers.Indeed many of them appear to be semi-permanent residents.The most unpleasant of these are the tubby middle aged men aptly descibed as FWPs (Fat white plonkers).I think for young men in their 20's much is forgivable if they are courteous and kind.

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This type of comment is typical of the self-justification-no-one forces them to do it- sex tourists often advance.They are usually so brutish and half educated-and largely ignorant of Thai culture- that the moral squalor of their position eludes them.Actually the huge scale of the sex industry in Thailand -and Thai males are far worse offenders than the pitiful Western sex tourists-has caused dreadful misery and suffering over the years.

I made the comment. U R wrong!

1) I don't have to or need to justify anything to anyone.

2) I work here, I'm not a sex tourist.

3) I'm no thug and went to University back in the Uk

3) This has nothing to do with Thai Culture

4) I first came here some 24 years ago and don't see this piture you paint, where is the "dreadful Misery" that has been caused by sex tourists? I have not seen this, tell me.

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Dr John,

Where is the exploitation? I just can't see it.

There are 'workers' all over the world, even in Charlton.

Generally speaking here in Thailand the girls (and boys) make a decision to better their lives and that of their family by plying  their trade, no one forces them to do it or forces them to stay.  I just don't see a problem.

Please explain your disgust.

This type of comment is typical of the self-justification-no-one forces them to do it- sex tourists often advance.They are usually so brutish and half educated-and largely ignorant of Thai culture- that the moral squalor of their position eludes them.Actually the huge scale of the sex industry in Thailand -and Thai males are far worse offenders than the pitiful Western sex tourists-has caused dreadful misery and suffering over the years.

Of course the "scene" is attractive to newcomers (I remember it well!) but knowledge of Thailand, its culture and language provides the antidote.The Neanderthal element will hurl abuse at any comment like this but those who are fond of Thailand and the Thais will acknowledge the truth of what I say.I don't think the sex industry can be eliminated nor should it be.But it would be good for Thailand if it could be scaled down so that sex tourists no longer came in such large numbers.Indeed many of them appear to be semi-permanent residents.The most unpleasant of these are the tubby middle aged men aptly descibed as FWPs (Fat white plonkers).I think for young men in their 20's much is forgivable if they are courteous and kind.

It is part of Thai culture for poor Thai families in the country to indenture their young girls for financial reward to the sex industry, on a massive scale, therefore whether they understand it or not the 'brutish and half educated' sex tourists are actually merely partaking of a product that has been made available to them by Thai culture, to go to a country and get criticised for partaking of its culture be it religious, social or sexual, is a bit rich, I doubt if many of the 'normal' tourists actually understand much about budhism as they walk round the temples, putting money in the box, but do not get criticised for this?

It seems to me to be highly patronising and as already stated hypocritical, for all these farangs to come to Thailand and start pontificating about the structure of Thai society , implying that it is heavily influenced by a group of people (small) they apparently abhor , when it is in fact hardly influenced by this group at all, even though they may appear quite visible.

This is the way the Thais want it, it is their country, if you don't like it ship out, and start writing to the United Nations , so they can start interfering in the internal affairs of Thailand and lets see how far they get.

Considering this thread started talking about ' sexually exploiting poor people', Boris' comment that such exploitation is forgiveable for 'young men in their 20s' and not FWPs seems to entirely miss the point! Big time!

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Dr John,

Where is the exploitation? I just can't see it.

There are 'workers' all over the world, even in Charlton.

Generally speaking here in Thailand the girls (and boys) make a decision to better their lives and that of their family by plying  their trade, no one forces them to do it or forces them to stay.  I just don't see a problem.

Please explain your disgust.

This type of comment is typical of the self-justification-no-one forces them to do it- sex tourists often advance.They are usually so brutish and half educated-and largely ignorant of Thai culture- that the moral squalor of their position eludes them.Actually the huge scale of the sex industry in Thailand -and Thai males are far worse offenders than the pitiful Western sex tourists-has caused dreadful misery and suffering over the years.

Of course the "scene" is attractive to newcomers (I remember it well!) but knowledge of Thailand, its culture and language provides the antidote.The Neanderthal element will hurl abuse at any comment like this but those who are fond of Thailand and the Thais will acknowledge the truth of what I say.I don't think the sex industry can be eliminated nor should it be.But it would be good for Thailand if it could be scaled down so that sex tourists no longer came in such large numbers.Indeed many of them appear to be semi-permanent residents.The most unpleasant of these are the tubby middle aged men aptly descibed as FWPs (Fat white plonkers).I think for young men in their 20's much is forgivable if they are courteous and kind.

It is part of Thai culture for poor Thai families in the country to indenture their young girls for financial reward to the sex industry, on a massive scale, therefore whether they understand it or not the 'brutish and half educated' sex tourists are actually merely partaking of a product that has been made available to them by Thai culture, to go to a country and get criticised for partaking of its culture be it religious, social or sexual, is a bit rich, I doubt if many of the 'normal' tourists actually understand much about budhism as they walk round the temples, putting money in the box, but do not get criticised for this?

It seems to me to be highly patronising and as already stated hypocritical, for all these farangs to come to Thailand and start pontificating about the structure of Thai society , implying that it is heavily influenced by a group of people (small) they apparently abhor , when it is in fact hardly influenced by this group at all, even though they may appear quite visible.

This is the way the Thais want it, it is their country, if you don't like it ship out, and start writing to the United Nations , so they can start interfering in the internal affairs of Thailand and lets see how far they get.

Considering this thread started talking about ' sexually exploiting poor people', Boris' comment that such exploitation is forgiveable for 'young men in their 20s' and not FWPs seems to entirely miss the point! Big time!

Another Pattaya sexploiter seeking justification for his crimes against humanity.

Thank your god that you are not poor in a country with no welfare system, if you where, you may have to watch your family being used by people like you.

I am now suitably disgusted. :o

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Dr John,

Where is the exploitation? I just can't see it.

There are 'workers' all over the world, even in Charlton.

Generally speaking here in Thailand the girls (and boys) make a decision to better their lives and that of their family by plying their trade, no one forces them to do it or forces them to stay. I just don't see a problem.

Please explain your disgust.


This type of comment is typical of the self-justification-no-one forces them to do it- sex tourists often advance.They are usually so brutish and half educated-and largely ignorant of Thai culture- that the moral squalor of their position eludes them.Actually the huge scale of the sex industry in Thailand -and Thai males are far worse offenders than the pitiful Western sex tourists-has caused dreadful misery and suffering over the years.

Of course the "scene" is attractive to newcomers (I remember it well!) but knowledge of Thailand, its culture and language provides the antidote.The Neanderthal element will hurl abuse at any comment like this but those who are fond of Thailand and the Thais will acknowledge the truth of what I say.I don't think the sex industry can be eliminated nor should it be.But it would be good for Thailand if it could be scaled down so that sex tourists no longer came in such large numbers.Indeed many of them appear to be semi-permanent residents.The most unpleasant of these are the tubby middle aged men aptly descibed as FWPs (Fat white plonkers).I think for young men in their 20's much is forgivable if they are courteous and kind.

It is part of Thai culture for poor Thai families in the country to indenture their young girls for financial reward to the sex industry, on a massive scale, therefore whether they understand it or not the 'brutish and half educated' sex tourists are actually merely partaking of a product that has been made available to them by Thai culture, to go to a country and get criticised for partaking of its culture be it religious, social or sexual, is a bit rich, I doubt if many of the 'normal' tourists actually understand much about budhism as they walk round the temples, putting money in the box, but do not get criticised for this?

It seems to me to be highly patronising and as already stated hypocritical, for all these farangs to come to Thailand and start pontificating about the structure of Thai society , implying that it is heavily influenced by a group of people (small) they apparently abhor , when it is in fact hardly influenced by this group at all, even though they may appear quite visible.

This is the way the Thais want it, it is their country, if you don't like it ship out, and start writing to the United Nations , so they can start interfering in the internal affairs of Thailand and lets see how far they get.

Considering this thread started talking about ' sexually exploiting poor people', Boris' comment that such exploitation is forgiveable for 'young men in their 20s' and not FWPs seems to entirely miss the point! Big time!

I expected a torrent of abuse from sex tourists and their apologists.It is going to be too dull (and frankly distasteful) to deal with them all so I will select just one although unfortunately it's very muddled and confused..Its interesting to see underneath the hectoring tone how deeply ignorant the writer is of Thai society.In the first instance the tradition of indenturing young girls into the sex industry is centred on the North and parts of the North East and, while thankfully on the wane,has little impact on the farang sex tourist ghettoes where most of the sex workers are "free agents".The indentured aspect is much more relevant to the Thai oriented brothels and massage parlours in provincial towns.

I made it clear in my original post that the farang oriented sex sector was tiny compared to the Thai industry.The writer is labouring under an illusion if he thinks most Thais are happy about the way things are.I think what will gradually change the scene is the increasing prosperity of Thailand.

My comment about young people was bound to be misunderstood I suppose.It's just that I have seen a few cases where a young farang has fallen for a BG, and the sentiment was genuinely reciprocated.Barriers of race, class, wealth, profession have fallen away and one saw young lovers no different from any other part of the world.Just struck me as a bit different from the stomach turning scene of some paunchy middle aged slob loser emptying his last beer, paying the barfine and waddling off with some 20 year old.

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As for younger guys with BGs, does the fact that they are still paying for sex make it any different to a 40 yr old fat slob. I bet in most cases the girl is still repulsed.

Still talking through the back of your neck Boris.

Also how do you feel the OPs post shows a lack of knowledge of Thai culture. I'm interested in what your criteria is, and also your qualification for deciding who is and isn't clued up in Thai culture.

Edited by ProfessorFart
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I was once in Pattaya and some fat Norwegian bloke next door to me was showing his photographs to me, all of a sudden he produced pics of girls, he used to photograph these girls spread eagled, and most where under 18.

I told him, " Hey, I am not interested, you sick <deleted> " That was the last time I ever spoke to him.

This guy was actually boasting about getting these poor wretches down to 200 Baht, they where mainly young girls in the Royal Garden Plaza, some years ago it was a haunt for Paedophiles, maybe still is, but I think the cops busted a few people there and had cameras installed.

These guys that actually boast about paying for sex amaze me, if it was me I would hang my head in shame and sorrow and never tell a soul.

But rest assured, exploitation comes with a price, I do not mean the price you pay for sexual gratification, I mean what it will eventually do to you mentally and emotionally, you will feel totally disgusted with yourself.

Maybe that is why there are so many suicides in pattaya ? :o

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Dr John,

Where is the exploitation? I just can't see it.

There are 'workers' all over the world, even in Charlton.

Generally speaking here in Thailand the girls (and boys) make a decision to better their lives and that of their family by plying  their trade, no one forces them to do it or forces them to stay.  I just don't see a problem.

Please explain your disgust.

This type of comment is typical of the self-justification-no-one forces them to do it- sex tourists often advance.They are usually so brutish and half educated-and largely ignorant of Thai culture- that the moral squalor of their position eludes them.Actually the huge scale of the sex industry in Thailand -and Thai males are far worse offenders than the pitiful Western sex tourists-has caused dreadful misery and suffering over the years.

Of course the "scene" is attractive to newcomers (I remember it well!) but knowledge of Thailand, its culture and language provides the antidote.The Neanderthal element will hurl abuse at any comment like this but those who are fond of Thailand and the Thais will acknowledge the truth of what I say.I don't think the sex industry can be eliminated nor should it be.But it would be good for Thailand if it could be scaled down so that sex tourists no longer came in such large numbers.Indeed many of them appear to be semi-permanent residents.The most unpleasant of these are the tubby middle aged men aptly descibed as FWPs (Fat white plonkers).I think for young men in their 20's much is forgivable if they are courteous and kind.

What are you on about?.........Are you blind and stupid or just plain stupid. In no other country do 'the girls for sale' enjoy them selves as mush as in Thailand. I have lived here on and off for a number of years and I can remember Receptionists,Security Guards,shop counter girls and even Policewomen on the look for ฿500 a night when they have finished work. Nobody forces them to do it. They do it because they are clever. It's their hobby.It's where that little bit in the bank comes from.They're moonlighting.In the UK girls go around at night looking for a rake of drinks before they open their legs,other Euro countries too. Sweden was the only country I've been to where the girls got the fellows pissed to try and lay them,so don't try and tell us it's only Thailand. My dear fellow,it might surprize you but sex happens in every corner of the globe :o

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As for younger guys with BGs, does the fact that they are still paying for sex make it any different to a 40 yr old fat slob. I bet in most cases the girl is still repulsed.

Still talking through the back of your neck Boris.

Also how do you feel the OPs post shows a lack of knowledge of Thai culture. I'm interested in what your criteria is, and also your qualification for deciding who is and isn't clued up in Thai culture.

I had resolved not to continue with this thread but since since you don't appear to be a sex tourist.....Also its refreshing to hear from you without you banging on about "class" again.

Don't go overboard on my comments about young lovers.It was really just an aside.But in the cases I have in mind the girls were genuinely in love.(Didn't I say that before?)

The foolishness in the OPs post is that he seemed to imply the working girls in the expat sex areas were mainly indentured by their parents.Totally wrong.(Didn't I already say that?)

It gets a little adolescent to get into an argument as to who or who isn't more knowledgeable about Thai culture, so I won't.Others will have to decide based on my posts.But I have been here long enough and operated at enough levels to recognise nonsense when I see it.Actually,leaving you and I out of it for the moment, my sense is there is surprisingly little genuine Thai cultural(as opposed to the excellent technical info available on visas etc) expertise on this forum.

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I'm sure he has. He claimed that he banged a few in Japan, but never paid. 

9-11 Club in Rarapongi - the only way you would miss out there for free is if you didn't go.

I thought you had to "tip" the girls, and I was telling them all to get lost. Wasn't until I asked a friend - its all free. :D

Absolutely, The 911 club in Roppongi, 800 Yen a bottle of beer, approx 300 baht for a small beer.

But as you say, it's all free after that, Roppongi is ok, none of this 1 am closing crap. :o

Nothing is for free Dr john.

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I think it all depends on how you define 'Thai Culture' Boris but that is a whole different kettle of fish.

Personally I find this forum a fascinating (and highly educational) wealth of personal experiences and perspectives to life in Thailand and the social and personal issues life in the Kingdom throws up, be it from prostition (often) to literature (occasional).

Maybe because topics like 'Traditional Royal Court Dance from 1878 - 1892' or 'Verse Form in the Poems of Sunthorn Phu' aren't discussed here, this forum may not be to your own personal tastes but there are forums for topics for the highbrow out there.

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I think it all depends on how you define 'Thai Culture' Boris but that is a whole different kettle of fish.

Personally I find this forum a fascinating (and highly educational) wealth of personal experiences and perspectives to life in Thailand and the social and personal issues life in the Kingdom throws up, be it from prostition (often) to literature (occasional).

Maybe because topics like 'Traditional Royal Court Dance from 1878 - 1892' or 'Verse Form in the Poems of Sunthorn Phu' aren't discussed here, this forum may not be to your own personal tastes but there are forums for topics for the highbrow out there.

Thanks Professor...

And on this high note i declare this topic closed. Refreshments can be found in the lobby :o

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