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My Sweet Fiancé In Bkk


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I am half Thai, born and bred overseas, in my mid 30's living and doing business in Chiang mai. I have a very loving girlfriend now 28 years old in bkk. She is a cheerful, friendly, an innocent girl and her parents are very strict. I met her few times in bkk mid 2007 and we were instantly attracted to each other. We use English as a medium of communication because I cant speak thai well and cant understand thai writings. Few months later after telephone calls and mutual expression of love, she flew from bkk to CM to spend some time with me. At that time, she still has a boyfriend but is in the midst of breaking up because she said there were differences between them and I was a better choice.

Before the end of 2007, she took up an American study programme that required her to stay there for a year and to improve her english, I disagreed because we have just started the relationship and we need time for our relationship to flourish. But she insisted she must go there to do the MBA because it was her dream to study in the US despite being discouraged by her friends and family members and me because she could study in bkk. I was so in love with her and asked her to get engaged with me before she leaves. She told me to wait for just 1 year and then we could get married upon her return. She promised me that she wouldn't do anything stupid like getting drunk, talking to another guy or party late and just concentrate on her studies, she told me she loves me so much that she didn't want to find another guy and I am the last one. I was very impressed and confident with her.

Few months passed in the US, I called her almost daily and sent her emails and presents.

Until May 2008 she made another decision to extend her stay for another 2 years. I was so depressed then she asked me whether I can wait for her, I asked her back but she couldn't answer, I asked if she decides to stay there for 3 years and she couldn't wait for me, her answer is as good as breaking up, Few weeks later after some serious reasoning, she agreed to keep her promise of just 1 year of studies. She apologised for being unreasonable and she knows she couldn't study there because of her Thai girlfriends' influences.

June 2008, she came back to CM for 1 week and we spent some quality time together.

We reassured each other that we are going to get married when she comes back Jan 2009.

Finally Jan 2009 she returned, came back to me in CM, we spent 1 month together and we were so happy. She didn't improve her English anyway, because of speaking thai daily with her so called thai party girls. She was using my computer when I was out to work. One day I found out she was chatting with a caucasian guy in the US and I asked her who he was, he is just a classmate she said. I asked that guy is so young, 5 years younger how could he be your classmate? Fine, the next day I found pictures or her with the guy on a trip, and some saved messages of their msn conversations copied on a CD. The messages were so friendly, intimate and naughty. By then my blood was boiling in my veins and heart pumping like a machine gun. I confronted her, she denied, but when I showed her the evidence, she cried and cried and said that it was a mistake and she was sorry.

She confessed she met the guy (a boy actually) on the internet and she was bored at that time and with the influence of all the female thai friends in the US, it was ok to date another. The guy sweet-talked her until she "feel loved". She travelled 100 miles to another state to meet that guy whom she hadn't met before but talked to on the phone and webcam for some time, exchanging some pictures, some naughty pics which I haven't seen before. She stayed there in his house for few days on a weekend in May 2008. She told me nothing had happen this time.

On June 2008, 1 week before she came back to meet me during her semester break, she went to the guy again on a Friday night by train, again 100 miles. And the next night, she claimed that she got drunk with the guy and was helpless, completely knocked out and he raped her. She was in pain.

She told me after the incident, they weren't in contact anymore, but after Sept 2008, the guy started calling her again, and they keep talking until jan 2009 My girlfriend saved all the sweet msn conversations for keeps. She said she is forgiving and wasnt angry with the guy but she said she wanted just to 'feel good and doesnt want to be sad'

I doubted it and asked her to go back there to report to the police but it is too late now.

The mental and physical pain for her is too great to bear. We were both in emotional pain now.

Now she repented, confessed that she was too stupid and wants to do the best for us. She told me she has never loved anybody the way she loved me. I still cant swallow this.

Despite her innocence as a good girl in my mind, she did betrayed me for a mischievous jobless punk. I am always thinking why would a girl who loves me so much, go to the extent of travelling so far to stay in a stranger's home. Is it just because she likes to travel? but she kept this acquantance so secretively, her friends doesnt know it.

Why would she travel the distance again, when she knows that she is going to meet me 1 week later in June 2008.

Why would a girl get raped and still wants to talk sweetly to her perpetrator? is she lying?

In the year of her absence, I loved her and prepare so much for her return and this is what I get. I couldn't believe that a sweet and innocent girl would do this knowing that it would jeopardise our relationship.

i feel cheated , shall i dump her. this is the 2nd thai girl who cheated on me

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Umm a guy rapes her and she keeps talking to him? Saves his photo's and messages? Are you kidding? You know what to do but are scared to confront the truth. LDRs never work. Looks like your innocent girl lost her innocence with her new thai gf's in the states.

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Thailand is full of beautiful woman and I have heard stories like this time and time again, as I was actualy reading your post, i knew what the outcome was going to be.

Get rid !! you will be sore for a few weeks, but honestly, it wears off.

This girl will not change, she will do it again and again.

Good luck.

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Shoe is on the other foot now isn't it? You did the same thing to her old boyfriend as she did to you with this new guy. She did after all go to CM to see you while she still had a b/f and you didn't mind that did you? Not feeling too good are you now? Too bad. No sympathy from me.

You're finished as a couple. You delayed the inevitable when you objected to her 3 year absence. Well, you're going to get a longer one now.

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Are you really this foolish? She gets caught and immediately tells you he raped her... and you believed her? Even for a second?! Basically everything she has said beyond what you could prove with evidence is a lie. Deep down you know this but want badly to believe ridiculous stories, cut her off completely, she is 100% untrustworthy, a cheater and a constant liar.

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Why would a girl get raped and still wants to talk sweetly to her perpetrator? is she lying?

I understand you obviously love this lady to bits but I could never, ever see a raped person going back and 'talking sweetly' to him. Spew hate and venom, yes.

As ever, when we are in love it is so dam_n hard to see the reality of what is going on around us. Deep down we do not want to believe we are being lied to or cheated on. Yet seems to me that if this is not a troll post, you do need to see the truth of her scheming ways and, as others have said, get out of there. Quick!! Take your heart that will be broken and learn from this.

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Bleh, Im the last person to call troll but nobody is this stupid..... this is a made up post for the amusement of the op who usually posts under another name. Why do people do this? Isnt Thailand exciting enough without coming on here and writing fiction to get responses to? This country truly does attract the scum of the earth.

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Does seem like a Troll.

You have it wrong anyway..

- Your fiance is the man you plan to marry; :D

- Your fiancee (or fiancée) is the woman you plan to marry :o

If this is a serious post, I agree with all the above posters, have no more contact with her.

Blame yourself for nothing, you are not at fault.

Her problem, not yours, she cheated (more than you know).

Her loss, not yours, if that gives you any satisfaction.

Finished, do not contact her again !.

Edited by davee58
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When you started your relationship with this woman you tell us her very logical line of thought was

At that time, she still has a boyfriend but is in the midst of breaking up because she said there were differences between them and I was a better choice.

Well, that was probably what she was thinking when she went off with the next guy.

And what's all this about promising not to go to parties, get drunk, hang out with guys? She was going on the adventure of a life time - what did you expect?!

Your expectations where unreasonable, her behavior is understandable - all's fair in love and war..... Get over it and move on.

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So she got laid, so what? If you didn't get any while she was gone, you must be THE ONLY man in Thailand who keeps it zipped for years over a gf he has barely even met.

She had sex with another guy(s?) and STILL came back to your whinny ass.

IMO, she should dump you!

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First of all, I can't believe you are 30+. You sound more like an immature teenager. Sorry, but the way you react to your gf is really selfish and immature.

If your gf wants to improve the education, you should support her, not discourage her.

Second, if she goes to the USA for a whole year, this is THE test for your love. If both of you pass it, fine. If not, move on.

But don't expect a girl (or a guy for that matter) to remain chaste for a whole year, not her, not you. Give her some freedom and ask for some freedom for yourself, that would be a mature thing to do. I mean, are you the kind of guy who must marry a virgin? (Oh my god, are you still a virgin?)

So she had sex with another guy. What's the big deal? What about you? Have you never .... Well, if you haven't, sorry for you.

Maybe this girl is way out of your league anyway. Break up and find a simple country girl who warships you I guess you will be much more happy than with an independent and free thinking girl form Bangkok.

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Shoe is on the other foot now isn't it? You did the same thing to her old boyfriend as she did to you with this new guy. She did after all go to CM to see you while she still had a b/f and you didn't mind that did you? Not feeling too good are you now? Too bad. No sympathy from me.

You're finished as a couple. You delayed the inevitable when you objected to her 3 year absence. Well, you're going to get a longer one now.

spot on geriatric,he didnt give 2 hoots when he was seeing this real good girl and she was seeing a guy too,her bf <deleted>.

How can she be a good good/onnocent girl when she is already cheatingon the bf with the op.This seems the way thais live,and your mia noi has got one too lol lol lol.



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Brush the dirt off your shoulder, pop your collar and keep it moving.

Exactly... only play it out a little... In your mind know its over and don't forget it, but spend a couple of weeks lettling her kiss your A$$ telling you how sorry she is, and enjoy all the perks that come from her guilt / shame... Then send her back to BKK...

I have Thai friends in my home town and the girls are awful, the ones that are their for school mostly just bar hop and have one night stands, the ones that married an old farang, bar hop and hook up with other younger farangs on the weekend. I don't know what it is, I guess its the same with allot of FARANGS in thailand, when people are out of their home country they act allot wilder than they ever would in their home country/city/town...

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I am half Thai, born and bred overseas, in my mid 30's living and doing business in Chiang mai. I have a very loving girlfriend now 28 years old in bkk. She is a cheerful, friendly, an innocent girl and her parents are very strict. I met her few times in bkk mid 2007 and we were instantly attracted to each other. We use English as a medium of communication because I cant speak thai well and cant understand thai writings. Few months later after telephone calls and mutual expression of love, she flew from bkk to CM to spend some time with me. At that time, she still has a boyfriend but is in the midst of breaking up because she said there were differences between them and I was a better choice.

Before the end of 2007, she took up an American study programme that required her to stay there for a year and to improve her english, I disagreed because we have just started the relationship and we need time for our relationship to flourish. But she insisted she must go there to do the MBA because it was her dream to study in the US despite being discouraged by her friends and family members and me because she could study in bkk. I was so in love with her and asked her to get engaged with me before she leaves. She told me to wait for just 1 year and then we could get married upon her return. She promised me that she wouldn't do anything stupid like getting drunk, talking to another guy or party late and just concentrate on her studies, she told me she loves me so much that she didn't want to find another guy and I am the last one. I was very impressed and confident with her.

Few months passed in the US, I called her almost daily and sent her emails and presents.

Until May 2008 she made another decision to extend her stay for another 2 years. I was so depressed then she asked me whether I can wait for her, I asked her back but she couldn't answer, I asked if she decides to stay there for 3 years and she couldn't wait for me, her answer is as good as breaking up, Few weeks later after some serious reasoning, she agreed to keep her promise of just 1 year of studies. She apologised for being unreasonable and she knows she couldn't study there because of her Thai girlfriends' influences.

June 2008, she came back to CM for 1 week and we spent some quality time together.

We reassured each other that we are going to get married when she comes back Jan 2009.

Finally Jan 2009 she returned, came back to me in CM, we spent 1 month together and we were so happy. She didn't improve her English anyway, because of speaking thai daily with her so called thai party girls. She was using my computer when I was out to work. One day I found out she was chatting with a caucasian guy in the US and I asked her who he was, he is just a classmate she said. I asked that guy is so young, 5 years younger how could he be your classmate? Fine, the next day I found pictures or her with the guy on a trip, and some saved messages of their msn conversations copied on a CD. The messages were so friendly, intimate and naughty. By then my blood was boiling in my veins and heart pumping like a machine gun. I confronted her, she denied, but when I showed her the evidence, she cried and cried and said that it was a mistake and she was sorry.

She confessed she met the guy (a boy actually) on the internet and she was bored at that time and with the influence of all the female thai friends in the US, it was ok to date another. The guy sweet-talked her until she "feel loved". She travelled 100 miles to another state to meet that guy whom she hadn't met before but talked to on the phone and webcam for some time, exchanging some pictures, some naughty pics which I haven't seen before. She stayed there in his house for few days on a weekend in May 2008. She told me nothing had happen this time.

On June 2008, 1 week before she came back to meet me during her semester break, she went to the guy again on a Friday night by train, again 100 miles. And the next night, she claimed that she got drunk with the guy and was helpless, completely knocked out and he raped her. She was in pain.

She told me after the incident, they weren't in contact anymore, but after Sept 2008, the guy started calling her again, and they keep talking until jan 2009 My girlfriend saved all the sweet msn conversations for keeps. She said she is forgiving and wasnt angry with the guy but she said she wanted just to 'feel good and doesnt want to be sad'

I doubted it and asked her to go back there to report to the police but it is too late now.

The mental and physical pain for her is too great to bear. We were both in emotional pain now.

Now she repented, confessed that she was too stupid and wants to do the best for us. She told me she has never loved anybody the way she loved me. I still cant swallow this.

Despite her innocence as a good girl in my mind, she did betrayed me for a mischievous jobless punk. I am always thinking why would a girl who loves me so much, go to the extent of travelling so far to stay in a stranger's home. Is it just because she likes to travel? but she kept this acquantance so secretively, her friends doesnt know it.

Why would she travel the distance again, when she knows that she is going to meet me 1 week later in June 2008.

Why would a girl get raped and still wants to talk sweetly to her perpetrator? is she lying?

In the year of her absence, I loved her and prepare so much for her return and this is what I get. I couldn't believe that a sweet and innocent girl would do this knowing that it would jeopardise our relationship.

i feel cheated , shall i dump her. this is the 2nd thai girl who cheated on me

This OPs story has all the traits of some of the other very entertaining stories that have been appearing on ThaiVisa other the last few months.

I suspect that these threads are the work of one person.

If one peruses the article, the flaws become obvious.

I wonder how many of you will be gullible enough to fall for these tales.

Must admit these stories are very entertaining. The OP would be better off putting his/her writing talents into fiction storybooks. A few best sellers there, I’m sure.

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