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Central Bangkok A War Zone


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I had to laugh at yesterday's slip-up by Thaksin where he says if he gets back in his supporters won't have to line up anymore for their 500 baht! OUCH!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS IT'S A MUST VIEW...HIS FACE IS PRICELESS AFTER HE REALISES WHAT HE'S SAID!!! I suppose it was only a matter of time before he spoke some truth. This was a classic, he managed to humiliate himself and his 'hired support' in one foul swoop. I played it to my wife and she's over the moon!!! How can he possibly defend this comment? Surely he's ruined any trace of credibility that he may have had? I do hope so. SAWAT DII PEE MAI!!!

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Veera urges officials to speed up checking of protesters

Veera Musigapong urged officials to set up more channels to check protesters so that they could board buses faster.

Veera said the two channels for female and male protesters were not enough to accommodate the huge number of protesters.

Following the call, authorities stop checking the protesters' belongings, allowing them to leave rally site, heading to board four provided buses.


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I had to laugh at yesterday's slip-up by Thaksin where he says if he gets back in his supporters won't have to line up anymore for their 500 baht! OUCH!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS IT'S A MUST VIEW...HIS FACE IS PRICELESS AFTER HE REALISES WHAT HE'S SAID!!! I suppose it was only a matter of time before he spoke some truth. This was a classic, he managed to humiliate himself and his 'hired support' in one foul swoop. I played it to my wife and she's over the moon!!! How can he possibly defend this comment? Surely he's ruined any trace of credibility that he may have had? I do hope so. SAWAT DII PEE MAI!!!

Is there a video link to this comment?

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Veera urges officials to speed up checking of protesters

Veera Musigapong urged officials to set up more channels to check protesters so that they could board buses faster.

Veera said the two channels for female and male protesters were not enough to accommodate the huge number of protesters.

Following the call, authorities stop checking the protesters' belongings, allowing them to leave rally site, heading to board four provided buses.


Check their pockets. They all have neww 500 Bahts note with running numbers.

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I had to laugh at yesterday's slip-up by Thaksin where he says if he gets back in his supporters won't have to line up anymore for their 500 baht! OUCH!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS IT'S A MUST VIEW...HIS FACE IS PRICELESS AFTER HE REALISES WHAT HE'S SAID!!! I suppose it was only a matter of time before he spoke some truth. This was a classic, he managed to humiliate himself and his 'hired support' in one foul swoop. I played it to my wife and she's over the moon!!! How can he possibly defend this comment? Surely he's ruined any trace of credibility that he may have had? I do hope so. SAWAT DII PEE MAI!!!

Is there a video link to this comment?

Yes on the 1st page of this thread. It's a real classic, sorry not good with copying links etc, maybe you could do the honors? PRO-THAKSIN PEOPLE, MAYBE YOU CAN EXPLAIN THIS? I'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR VIEW ON THIS..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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60 buses take up protesters from Royal Plaza

To speed up the process of sending protesters back home, the authorities sent 60 buses to pick them up at the Royal Plaza.

Earlier, the authorities used 4 busses to send them to provincial bus terminals but the process was too slow.


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It is impossible in this media crazy world of cameras...video phones and CCTV to hide 100 dead bodies. Where is all the blood? Where is the stench of dead bodies being hidden? Anyone who has smelled one dead body or seen the blood of one gunshot victim knows that these are rumors and propaganda to further a cause.


This is a huge city and everyone has cameras and phones and transportation. You dont think red shirts are not filming all of this? They would be sending non-stop videos to the internet and CNN and BBC and local News if they had any proof of 100s of deaths like the report by the RED SHITTS.

Maybe best to keep quiet :o Have heard otherwise.

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I had to laugh at yesterday's slip-up by Thaksin where he says if he gets back in his supporters won't have to line up anymore for their 500 baht! OUCH!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS IT'S A MUST VIEW...HIS FACE IS PRICELESS AFTER HE REALISES WHAT HE'S SAID!!! I suppose it was only a matter of time before he spoke some truth. This was a classic, he managed to humiliate himself and his 'hired support' in one foul swoop. I played it to my wife and she's over the moon!!! How can he possibly defend this comment? Surely he's ruined any trace of credibility that he may have had? I do hope so. SAWAT DII PEE MAI!!!

Is there a video link to this comment?

Yes on the 1st page of this thread. It's a real classic, sorry not good with copying links etc, maybe you could do the honors? PRO-THAKSIN PEOPLE, MAYBE YOU CAN EXPLAIN THIS? I'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR VIEW ON THIS..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (IN YOUR FACE!!!)


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Reuters and AFP say the red leaders have given up to save human lifes.

Prateep Ungsongtham Hata says, that demonstrations will stop but may go on later on.

Negotations to withdraw red shirts from the area are going on according to Reuters.

5555555555555555 ... :D

Yeah, like anyone believes that from a mob who only yesterday were prepared to detonate a gas tanker in a residential area!

The headline should be 'Terrorists Surrender' :o

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Thakins a proven lier and b@ll sh*ttter, He appears on the BBC claiming to be a pacifist by accusing and decrying the army for their firing of M16 with live rounds at the protesters who according to him were unarmed!!! <deleted>. Oh was'nt this the same guy that had 2,000 people killed in his drug clean up campaign.

No, you've never done anything wrong have you Squarehead!

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300 troops move into the rally ground outside Government House

After protesters left the rally site to board buses to return home, some 300 soldiers moved in to check the area behind the main stage in front of Government House.


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I have been reading the posts on this forum for the past couple of days with interest and it seems to me that the majority of posters seem to be making their observations from outside the country another words they are once a year tourists or wanna be residents of Thailand. Even though they have every right to express opinions I doubt that they are very well informed about the situation here and the feelings of the Thai people either from the north, centeral, or south. People that live here, (expats) like the guy thats been here for 18 years have interaction with Thais from all walks of society every day so they are much more qualified to make an observation of what is happening here and the mind set of Thais.

Just before anyone asks, yes I live here, have a business here and have a Thai wife, no she doesnt come from Isaan

For the people who say "hold an election and whoever wins has the right to govern the country" well, that would be great if the elections were fair and honest. But in Thailand there is no such thing as a fair and honest election, it really is 500 baht for a vote and yes I have seen this with my own eyes when my wife's family all collected their 500 and if you ask them if their candiate won, they don't know and probably don't care.

Yesterday I was in a restaurant when pictures of red shirted people on tanks came on tv, all the Thais in the restaurant thought it was really funny, I tried to explain to them that the rest of the world was seeing this and together with the ASEAN Conference mess, Thailand and Thai people were being though of as a joke on the world stage, that they can't police themselves, they can't govern themselves and appear to be very child like. They really didnt care very much or understand at all about the effect all this will have on Thailand as a country and economically. I actually think a lot of expats living here care more about the events of the past few days than Thai people do.

So to rap up this little rant I guess in Thailand at the moment it is a case of som nam na. You get what you deserve and will remain so until the Thai people believe their opinions are worth more than 500 baht and vote with their minds and not their wallets.

And yes I know they are poor thats why they can be bought.

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When you take a step back from all this you realise that there was actually no need for the red shirts to protest at this time.

The future looks bright for the red shirts / Issan people as all politicians now realize that they have to take care of their interests in order to ensure their votes in future elections. The Abhisit government realized this (the 2,000 baht hand out as evidence) and basically knew that they had 3 years to win them over. That is probably not going to happen now so all the red shirts / Issan people have to so is sit it out and vote for party of their choice in the next general election and they will more than likely gain power.

30% of the nation's population reside in the Issan region so whichever party they vote for en-masse in the next general election will form the government. Further evidence of this fact is evidence by the PAD/Democrat guy who said that not every Issan person should be allowed to vote because they are "under-educated".

I tend to agree that this could be a good thing for these people in that government can no longer ignore them.It will be interesting to see come election time ( if they make it that far) how much campaigning will be focused country side.

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This is the Thaksin 'slip-up' link..it's priceless, maybe worth it's own thread? How can anyone defend this man????!!!!


And where is he now? I thought he was going to be here to lead the revolution? Maybe do a little jail time with the poor saps he set up to take the fall for his attempt to overthrow the govt? Hahahahaha. he's ina suite in Dubai. Just feel sorry for the people he's duped into being a part of this.

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I have been reading the posts on this forum for the past couple of days with interest and it seems to me that the majority of posters seem to be making their observations from outside the country another words they are once a year tourists or wanna be residents of Thailand. Even though they have every right to express opinions I doubt that they are very well informed about the situation here and the feelings of the Thai people either from the north, centeral, or south. People that live here, (expats) like the guy thats been here for 18 years have interaction with Thais from all walks of society every day so they are much more qualified to make an observation of what is happening here and the mind set of Thais.

Just before anyone asks, yes I live here, have a business here and have a Thai wife, no she doesnt come from Isaan

For the people who say "hold an election and whoever wins has the right to govern the country" well, that would be great if the elections were fair and honest. But in Thailand there is no such thing as a fair and honest election, it really is 500 baht for a vote and yes I have seen this with my own eyes when my wife's family all collected their 500 and if you ask them if their candiate won, they don't know and probably don't care.

Yesterday I was in a restaurant when pictures of red shirted people on tanks came on tv, all the Thais in the restaurant thought it was really funny, I tried to explain to them that the rest of the world was seeing this and together with the ASEAN Conference mess, Thailand and Thai people were being though of as a joke on the world stage, that they can't police themselves, they can't govern themselves and appear to be very child like. They really didnt care very much or understand at all about the effect all this will have on Thailand as a country and economically. I actually think a lot of expats living here care more about the events of the past few days than Thai people do.

So to rap up this little rant I guess in Thailand at the moment it is a case of som nam na. You get what you deserve and will remain so until the Thai people believe their opinions are worth more than 500 baht and vote with their minds and not their wallets.

And yes I know they are poor thats why they can be bought.

My my my, how parochial of you oh wise one :o If you really belive that all those poor thais in Issan, Rayong and the north have no clue as to what is going on and who would be most beneficial for them, and that they actually vote for the party that gives them 500bht, then sir you are the simpleminded one :D

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It is unbeliveable that some "senior" posters still don't understand parliamentary democracy.

TRT and its later incarnations never won more than 50% of the poplar vote, regardless of whether it was the biggest turnout in Thai history. They had to form a coalition in the normal way through bribes (whether financial of influential) to minority parties.

When Newin's lot deserted TRT (PPP, PT) they no longer formed the majority in parliament. Abhisit was able to group together a coalition hence he became prime minister. He was legally elected as was everyone else in parliament.

Abhisit's government is for the moment the only legitimate power in Thailand. Should he lose the support of his coalition members then someone else will try and form a government, if they fail there will be fresh elections.

As for the million baht loans that Thaksin so generously gave to the villages most of the money was commandeered by village elders and the poor who took the loans are now being forced to pay it back at extortionate rates of interest. How do I know? Because my maid has to pa 9,000 Baht every six months. Interest free?

Sorry I only have a few posts, having lived here on and off for 18 years I obviously shouldn't comment. Luckily Newbie seems to have grasped the situation better than some "senior" members. Perhaps he has been here for 18 years as well.

Happy songkran

It is unbeliveable that some posters who have been living in Thailand 18 years still don't understand parliamentary democracy.

2001 Election results

National Development 29

Thai Nation 41

New Aspiration 36

Democratic 128

Thais Love Thais 248

Others 18

3 seats short of an independant working majority.

2005 Election results

Thai Loves Thais Party (Phak Thai Rak Thai) 375

Democrat Party (Phak Prachatipat) 96

Thai Nation Party (Phak Chart Thai) 27

Great People's Party (Phak Machacon) 2

Phak Khonkhoplodnee (Khonkhoplodnee Party) -

New Aspiration Party (Phak Khwam Wang Mai) -

A clear and working majority.

2006 Election results

Thais Love Thais Party (Phak Thai Rak Thai) 460

Others 1.1

No Vote 37.9

Vacant 40

Democrat Party (Phak Prachatipat) boycott

Thai Nation Party (Phak Chart Thai) boycott

Great People's Party (Phak Mahachon) boycott

A clear and working majority.

2007 Election results

People's Power Party 233

Democrat Party 165

Thai Nation Party 37

For the Motherland 24

Thais United National Development Party 9

Neutral Democratic Party 7

Royalist People's Party 5

18 seats short of a clear majority.

These results are unequivocal. Rather than T.R.T. or P.P.P. needing support from one or another of the other political parties to push through legislation - the Democrats would have need support from ALL the other political parties to stop them.

At least you got something right in your post -

Sorry I only have a few posts, having lived here on and off for 18 years I obviously shouldn't comment

I agree.

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It's good there is peace in Bangkok since TAKSIN,s thugs been beaten. I am sorry for the nice people that these Taksin mercenaries they were paid to incite.

Taksin go get a play station if you want war games and leave the wonderful Thai people alone to get on with fighting this global turndown that hasn't affected the billionaires like you in this world

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So a few bottles get thrown, and a few idiots get shot and it's a war zone? A bit over the top...

Having worked in a war zone for the last 3 years I'd hardly call Bangkok a war zone....

The only thing on my mind now is.... how long until the baht reaches 40 THB : 1 USD?

Sounds like the average night at any Essex Pub to me... especially around 11:20pm :o

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Some are asking WHY?

I don’t have the answer but I can say that the rural poor want the elite out and new elections. Which will produce more of the same kind of politicians they have now.

The story is “same soup different bowel” :o

You have hit it in the gutz.

Great analogy, intended or otherwise

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It's good there is peace in Bangkok since TAKSIN,s thugs been beaten. I am sorry for the nice people that these Taksin mercenaries they were paid to incite.

Taksin go get a play station if you want war games and leave the wonderful Thai people alone to get on with fighting this global turndown that hasn't affected the billionaires like you in this world

OK mikey, Thaksin can go get his playstation and you can order another singha :D What happened in Pataya and BKK was just the tip of the iceberg should the current illegitimate government continue without having real elections :o I too feel sorry for all the nice Thai people in Issan, Chiang Mai, Rayong, Trat and elsewhere around the countryside who had the government that they legally elected taken away from them by the current pretenders :D

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I have been reading the posts on this forum for the past couple of days with interest and it seems to me that the majority of posters seem to be making their observations from outside the country another words they are once a year tourists or wanna be residents of Thailand. Even though they have every right to express opinions I doubt that they are very well informed about the situation here and the feelings of the Thai people either from the north, centeral, or south. People that live here, (expats) like the guy thats been here for 18 years have interaction with Thais from all walks of society every day so they are much more qualified to make an observation of what is happening here and the mind set of Thais.

Just before anyone asks, yes I live here, have a business here and have a Thai wife, no she doesnt come from Isaan

For the people who say "hold an election and whoever wins has the right to govern the country" well, that would be great if the elections were fair and honest. But in Thailand there is no such thing as a fair and honest election, it really is 500 baht for a vote and yes I have seen this with my own eyes when my wife's family all collected their 500 and if you ask them if their candiate won, they don't know and probably don't care.

Yesterday I was in a restaurant when pictures of red shirted people on tanks came on tv, all the Thais in the restaurant thought it was really funny, I tried to explain to them that the rest of the world was seeing this and together with the ASEAN Conference mess, Thailand and Thai people were being though of as a joke on the world stage, that they can't police themselves, they can't govern themselves and appear to be very child like. They really didnt care very much or understand at all about the effect all this will have on Thailand as a country and economically. I actually think a lot of expats living here care more about the events of the past few days than Thai people do.

So to rap up this little rant I guess in Thailand at the moment it is a case of som nam na. You get what you deserve and will remain so until the Thai people believe their opinions are worth more than 500 baht and vote with their minds and not their wallets.

And yes I know they are poor thats why they can be bought.

My my my, how parochial of you oh wise one :o If you really belive that all those poor thais in Issan, Rayong and the north have no clue as to what is going on and who would be most beneficial for them, and that they actually vote for the party that gives them 500bht, then sir you are the simpleminded one :D

Oh I don't claim to be wise or parochial, and I didn't say anywhere in my post that they didn't know what was going on. What I said is as long as their vote can be bought then this country will never have a fair and honest election. However maybe you think that vote buying is ok and as long as the voters think the same, then in MHO Thailand will stay in the same mess it is now

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It is unbeliveable that some "senior" posters still don't understand parliamentary democracy.

TRT and its later incarnations never won more than 50% of the poplar vote, regardless of whether it was the biggest turnout in Thai history. They had to form a coalition in the normal way through bribes (whether financial of influential) to minority parties.

When Newin's lot deserted TRT (PPP, PT) they no longer formed the majority in parliament. Abhisit was able to group together a coalition hence he became prime minister. He was legally elected as was everyone else in parliament.

Abhisit's government is for the moment the only legitimate power in Thailand. Should he lose the support of his coalition members then someone else will try and form a government, if they fail there will be fresh elections.

As for the million baht loans that Thaksin so generously gave to the villages most of the money was commandeered by village elders and the poor who took the loans are now being forced to pay it back at extortionate rates of interest. How do I know? Because my maid has to pa 9,000 Baht every six months. Interest free?

Sorry I only have a few posts, having lived here on and off for 18 years I obviously shouldn't comment. Luckily Newbie seems to have grasped the situation better than some "senior" members. Perhaps he has been here for 18 years as well.

Happy songkran

It is unbeliveable that some posters who have been living in Thailand 18 years still don't understand parliamentary democracy.

2001 Election results

National Development 29

Thai Nation 41

New Aspiration 36

Democratic 128

Thais Love Thais 248

Others 18

3 seats short of an independant working majority.

2005 Election results

Thai Loves Thais Party (Phak Thai Rak Thai) 375

Democrat Party (Phak Prachatipat) 96

Thai Nation Party (Phak Chart Thai) 27

Great People's Party (Phak Machacon) 2

Phak Khonkhoplodnee (Khonkhoplodnee Party) -

New Aspiration Party (Phak Khwam Wang Mai) -

A clear and working majority.

2006 Election results

Thais Love Thais Party (Phak Thai Rak Thai) 460

Others 1.1

No Vote 37.9

Vacant 40

Democrat Party (Phak Prachatipat) boycott

Thai Nation Party (Phak Chart Thai) boycott

Great People's Party (Phak Mahachon) boycott

A clear and working majority.

2007 Election results

People's Power Party 233

Democrat Party 165

Thai Nation Party 37

For the Motherland 24

Thais United National Development Party 9

Neutral Democratic Party 7

Royalist People's Party 5

18 seats short of a clear majority.

These results are unequivocal. Rather than T.R.T. or P.P.P. needing support from one or another of the other political parties to push through legislation - the Democrats would have need support from ALL the other political parties to stop them.

At least you got something right in your post -

Sorry I only have a few posts, having lived here on and off for 18 years I obviously shouldn't comment

I agree.

Slim, shame on you for posting the facts :o

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there is no doubt about money being offered to protestors, my friend was in a hair salon on bkk 3 days ago and they offered her 500 baht to join, she would have to leave her I.D card with them and report to someone. They must act as agents i guess. How can anyone believe the red shirts are genuine in their beliefs when they are gettting paid for it!

Think about labour unions in europe and states. They go on strike and members are getting paid daily allowances by the union for doing so. Do you think they do not believe in their cause and are on strike just because of the money they receive from the union ?

Also organizing months long protests is not cheap, think about all the water, food, infrastructure, power bills etc etc that goes into it.

I would be more interested to see where the money is coming from ? And don't tell me it's paid by Thaksin, the man is not in Bangkok and hardly has that much cash on him as his bank accounts are seized. I mean who are paying the bills in practise on the ground ?

When PAD was on demonstration, Yellow Shirts were paid too.

It didn't mean that we can simply have doubt on what Yellow Shirts' belief.

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It is unbeliveable that some posters who have been living in Thailand 18 years still don't understand parliamentary democracy.

2001 Election results

National Development 29

Thai Nation 41

New Aspiration 36

Democratic 128

Thais Love Thais 248

Others 18

3 seats short of an independant working majority.

2005 Election results

Thai Loves Thais Party (Phak Thai Rak Thai) 375

Democrat Party (Phak Prachatipat) 96

Thai Nation Party (Phak Chart Thai) 27

Great People's Party (Phak Machacon) 2

Phak Khonkhoplodnee (Khonkhoplodnee Party) -

New Aspiration Party (Phak Khwam Wang Mai) -

A clear and working majority.

2006 Election results

Thais Love Thais Party (Phak Thai Rak Thai) 460

Others 1.1

No Vote 37.9

Vacant 40

Democrat Party (Phak Prachatipat) boycott

Thai Nation Party (Phak Chart Thai) boycott

Great People's Party (Phak Mahachon) boycott

A clear and working majority.

2007 Election results

People's Power Party 233

Democrat Party 165

Thai Nation Party 37

For the Motherland 24

Thais United National Development Party 9

Neutral Democratic Party 7

Royalist People's Party 5

18 seats short of a clear majority.

These results are unequivocal. Rather than T.R.T. or P.P.P. needing support from one or another of the other political parties to push through legislation - the Democrats would have need support from ALL the other political parties to stop them.

You forgot to mention one small detail- that the PPP was found guilty of electoral fraud and the party dissolved... There will never be free and fair elections in Thailand until the widespread problem of vote buying is resolved.

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Lots of crocodile tears. Not nice from the reds not nice from the yellows, not nice from the blues. But in the end we deal with a deputy PM who is responsible for national security and who failed the Nation by not having his affairs in order. Let's see if he is man enough to tell the Nation that he has failed and is part of this mess too and therefore he will go.

Regarding the victims, I would not be surprised if many more have died indeed with so much ammunition. Any government has the right to end lawlessness, but the problem is that this government came to power due to the lawlessness incited by others who got even rewarded with a cabinet post. I am afraid that this mess will repeat itself over and over again in the next few years, till a real compromise has worked out. Still I see comments that the rural poor are too stupid to understand politics, these statement is even repeated by foreigners who have no clue who have been informed in the bars of BKK. But let's see it is a great time to sent red shirt leaders together with the yellow shirt leaders to jail, maybe they learn to work out things in the next ten years together.

Totally agree.

Yes, Red Shirt (RS), Yellow Shirt (YS) and Blue Shirt (BS), they may express their mind, but when they interfere with public interest, then it is time for law enforcement to take action.

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Message to the red shirts from an angry resident!

Leave us alone with your red B_S_

You are wrong!

Abhisit has earned RESPECT from the world for handling this red anarchy and violent booze stampede with utmost caution to avoid blood in the streets what you

want to see! Thailand is not the world. READ and WATCH what the world has to say! There's a world behind the Thai border!

You can be proud of your Fuhrer who was stuttering. lying and whining on TV last night.

Leave us alone with your red B_S_, we want peace!

What about the protests at the Airport a few weeks ago? Abhisit will need to arrest those guys too right?????Abhisit should call a general election and then see if he can govern with a mandate.........

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Fair election can be done despite some effort to buy votes.

You can see the election in Aceh (North of Sumatra Island, Indonesia), a father of one candidate MP distributed sarong to villagers, but in fact the candidate got much less votes then the number of distributed sarongs, now the father is trying to ask the sarongs to be returned to him :o ; Another astonishing fact is no action from the legal enforcement to this vote buying case, perhaps because the candidate has lost the election already?

Back to case in Thailand, poor people can always accept money from any candidate, but they can simply vote to the candidates, who are closer to their heart.

This knowledge must be distributed to the people.

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I think that the world lost respect for Abhisit when he couldnt ensure the safety of foreign diginitaries for the ASEAN conference in Pattaya, most countries now look at Thailand as being a country with no future, Thailand is no a country that is ungovernable, 4 x Prime Ministers in 12 months, People consider it a joke, and a banana republic.......

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The difference between the yellow shirts and the red shirts is this;

Violence, the yellow shirts did not wreck a hotel, put buses on fire throwing Molotov cocktails etc. If they expect anyone to see them as anything but in best case insurgents or terrorists they have to stop the violence.

They started this with violence and that normally is responded with violence, as we have now.

With Taksin's "Moral" support he would be the puppet master for this and he should be charged for terrorism and get Interpol to extradite him.

Now just when things started to look a little bit brighter for Thailand after all the previous mess, we have this, it will take forever to build it up again. Who will suffer, the poor and the middle class who Taksin claims to support.

You're right. The yellows, instead trash government house and the airport and your taxes were used to repair them. The airport disruption cost Thai manufacturers millions of dollars in lost revenue and if you work the government will need more of yout taxes to replace the lost tax revenue due to the airport disruption.

Get a life. Your rationale is at about the level of a 3rd grader. That is give me my ice cream or I'll have a temper tantrum.

Grow up little boy.

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