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Bird Advice Please

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Any Bird (feathered) experts out there?

Today the K.Phangan express rescued a very waterlogged Gull type bird.

I have never seen a Gull around these parts and the nearest type of bird I can find in my books

is the Vega Gull. He is about 12 inches long with around a 24 inch wingspan, Black head and a white collar.

Black body with speckled white chest

He is eating small fish and drinking at the moment but is showing no enthusiasm for either swimming

or flying. I floated him in the sea but he rapidly became waterlogged even though he been preening a lot.

I can find no obvious injuries and think that perhaps he is just exhausted.

He is presently residing in the Dog cage and is showing no signs of distress, however I'm reluctant to

set him free at the moment as I do not think that he would last very long.

I would appreciate any advice regarding care and feeding.

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Any Bird (feathered) experts out there?

Today the K.Phangan express rescued a very waterlogged Gull type bird.

I have never seen a Gull around these parts and the nearest type of bird I can find in my books

is the Vega Gull. He is about 12 inches long with around a 24 inch wingspan, Black head and a white collar.

Black body with speckled white chest

He is eating small fish and drinking at the moment but is showing no enthusiasm for either swimming

or flying. I floated him in the sea but he rapidly became waterlogged even though he been preening a lot.

I can find no obvious injuries and think that perhaps he is just exhausted.

He is presently residing in the Dog cage and is showing no signs of distress, however I'm reluctant to

set him free at the moment as I do not think that he would last very long.

I would appreciate any advice regarding care and feeding.

What is the "K.Phangan express"? A train, newspaper or boat?

You mean what we plain folk might call a "seagull"? You seem to be doing the right thing and either it will be strong enough to fly the coop (you asked for it...) or you have a new pet.


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Any Bird (feathered) experts out there?

Today the K.Phangan express rescued a very waterlogged Gull type bird.

I have never seen a Gull around these parts and the nearest type of bird I can find in my books

is the Vega Gull. He is about 12 inches long with around a 24 inch wingspan, Black head and a white collar.

Black body with speckled white chest

He is eating small fish and drinking at the moment but is showing no enthusiasm for either swimming

or flying. I floated him in the sea but he rapidly became waterlogged even though he been preening a lot.

I can find no obvious injuries and think that perhaps he is just exhausted.

He is presently residing in the Dog cage and is showing no signs of distress, however I'm reluctant to

set him free at the moment as I do not think that he would last very long.

I would appreciate any advice regarding care and feeding.

What is the "K.Phangan express"? A train, newspaper or boat?

You mean what we plain folk might call a "seagull"? You seem to be doing the right thing and either it will be strong enough to fly the coop (you asked for it...) or you have a new pet.


The KP Express is a high speed RIB that takes about 10 minutes to get to KP from Ban Rak.

He/she is certainly a seagull but not sure what make.

I would like him to fly the coop/cage ASAP.

He won't tell me his name.

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sounds like you found a Skua..

does it look like this...?


this is a Pomarine Skua.. winter visitor to Thailand

Yes!! This is definitely him/her. Perhaps this explains why I couldn't find a good likeness in my book of indigenous Thai birds.

Many thanks.

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The KP Express is a high speed RIB that takes about 10 minutes to get to KP from Ban Rak.

Holy gull, that's fast! Is there like a huge air bag at the dock? RIB...Okay...er...rapid...uh...something "boat" I'd guess...but "I"?...Oh, hang on, it could be "rapid inflatable boat," right? No, that can't be right. Ten minutes? "Rigid" boat? Realistic? Romulan? Oh... a Romulan craft! Shit. No, no...well, let's just call it, "Really Intense Boat."

Keep it the bird. Train it to perch on your shoulder. I mean really, everyone has at some time or other fantasized about a bird that would stay perched on your shoulder. Here's YOUR chance!

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I would appreciate any advice regarding care and feeding.

OK, so you have in your care a Pomarine Skua. Its probably just fatigued, let it rest a few hours. If its not sick in some other way, it should preen/oil its waterlogged feathers back into shape all by itself. Try to release it tomorrow..

let us know.

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The KP Express is a high speed RIB that takes about 10 minutes to get to KP from Ban Rak.

Holy gull, that's fast! Is there like a huge air bag at the dock? RIB...Okay...er...rapid...uh...something "boat" I'd guess...but "I"?...Oh, hang on, it could be "rapid inflatable boat," right? No, that can't be right. Ten minutes? "Rigid" boat? Realistic? Romulan? Oh... a Romulan craft! Shit. No, no...well, let's just call it, "Really Intense Boat."

Keep it the bird. Train it to perch on your shoulder. I mean really, everyone has at some time or other fantasized about a bird that would stay perched on your shoulder. Here's YOUR chance!

RIB ..Rigid inflatable boat. It has a proper boat hull GRP/metal etc. Many are used as rescue boats and by the military. Very fast. Around 40-50 Knots

Mystery of bird make solved thanks to Goshawk.

Mark, I think that given the digestive system of a fish eating bird you would need to wear a cape should you wish to use your shoulder as a perch. But perhaps that's

also part of your fantasy!

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I would appreciate any advice regarding care and feeding.

OK, so you have in your care a Pomarine Skua. Its probably just fatigued, let it rest a few hours. If its not sick in some other way, it should preen/oil its waterlogged feathers back into shape all by itself. Try to release it tomorrow..

let us know.

I certainly will. He's just on his third fish right now.

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Hope your new friend finds his seawings soon!!

Gulls, especially the breeds found in Europe will pretty much eat anything and everything. They are scavengers and will try and attempt to devour anything with their cast iron stomachs!!

I've had herring gulls on my roof in the UK now for well over 20 years. (This being the second mating pair after the original pair were driven off by our current guest's!!) Indeed, their natural diet is of course fish but they will be happy to induldge in anything available. I've seen them grab hold of meat off the bone...and then swallow the bone!!!! They dont care. They are also very happy to eat cat food. Much to the dislike of my cat!!!!! Yeah, their very confident as well!!!!!!!!!

Good luck with him. Try to release him as near to where you found him.

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So how is our favourite Bird shaping up on this gorgeous April day ??

Doing well thanks, today he has so far eaten about 8 six inch fish and is spending the rest of the time

jumping in and out of the water bowl, preening and making a terrible mess. I think/hope that I can release him tomorrow or Monday.

However he seems happy here at Chez Gator and shows no sign of distress or wanting to leave.

I am also a little puzzled that he shows no aggressive behaviour given the type of bird he is. When I'm cleaning out his cage he doesn't mind being picked up.

I will let you know when he takes off.

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Keep him. Make a perch with no cage and see if he will fly around to find food and whatever else gulls do, and then come back on his/her own.

Take him to Chaweng and have his photo taken with tourists; there's some bucks in that, I bet. Or put a cam on his back and have him follow the KP trash-dumping (alleged) tourist boat to gather evidence.

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So how is our favourite Bird shaping up on this gorgeous April day ??

Doing well thanks, today he has so far eaten about 8 six inch fish and is spending the rest of the time

jumping in and out of the water bowl, preening and making a terrible mess. I think/hope that I can release him tomorrow or Monday.

However he seems happy here at Chez Gator and shows no sign of distress or wanting to leave.

I am also a little puzzled that he shows no aggressive behaviour given the type of bird he is. When I'm cleaning out his cage he doesn't mind being picked up.

I will let you know when he takes off.

Pictures would be good of Samui's favourite Skua's release.... :o

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Don't let the skua hang around your dog. :o

How's his toad addiction going.

Ah you remember! Yes I have to keep them away from each other. The Fox Terrier went into rehab and we thought she was over them.

However, I found her sucking one last night.

Skua ETD tomorrow. Will report back and with photos if poss.

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Failure to launch....The continuing saga

After a hearty breakfast of fish, the Skua was taken to the beach early this morning for release.

However, all he did was waddle around and paddle amongst the waves showing absolutely no desire of wanting

to leave or fly. He stretched his wings a couple of times but that was all.

I really couldn't leave him there as he would have been an easy target for any passing dog or sea eagle etc.

Having left him in the water for around 10 minutes he started to become waterlogged again. I just waded out and picked him up.

He shows no aggression and allows himself to be picked up. He doesn't seem at all phased by human or dog company.

Having returned him to the cage he then tucked in to another half kilo of fish. He is now on his third kilo since Friday.

This state of affairs cannot continue and I'm wondering when I should try another launch. Perhaps he will let me know somehow when he is ready?

Any practical views?

Have attached a couple of pics.



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very puzzling..

you've had him for a few days now, he should've regained any strength possibly lost..

These birds spend most of their lives out in the open sea so 'waterlogging' is very out of the ordinary.. From your pics, he looks healthy enough, feathers seem ok..

The desire to escape captivity should be very strong.. If he was sick in some other way, he probably wouldn't be eating anything so the fact that he's got a strong apetite is a good sign.

What MSingh suggests is a good idea.. but start from a very low height. First of all, hold the bird perched on your arm/in your hand, then suddenly lower your arm in a quick movement. He should use/flap his wings to stabilise himself.. repeat this until he's beating his wings properly BEFORE you throw/launch him into the air from any height..

good luck & keep us informed.. :o

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very puzzling..

you've had him for a few days now, he should've regained any strength possibly lost..

These birds spend most of their lives out in the open sea so 'waterlogging' is very out of the ordinary.. From your pics, he looks healthy enough, feathers seem ok..

The desire to escape captivity should be very strong.. If he was sick in some other way, he probably wouldn't be eating anything so the fact that he's got a strong apetite is a good sign.

What MSingh suggests is a good idea.. but start from a very low height. First of all, hold the bird perched on your arm/in your hand, then suddenly lower your arm in a quick movement. He should use/flap his wings to stabilise himself.. repeat this until he's beating his wings properly BEFORE you throw/launch him into the air from any height..

good luck & keep us informed.. :o

Thank you and to MS, I will start his training tomorrow. Perhaps it would be best to launch him over a field rather than water because in the event of a mishap I should be able to retrieve him.

Will update.

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Perhaps it would be best to launch him over a field rather than water because in the event of a mishap I should be able to retrieve him.

yes.. find a nice wide open area.. but remember to do it gradually in terms of the height from which you launch him.. :o

Edited by Goshawk
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Perhaps it would be best to launch him over a field rather than water because in the event of a mishap I should be able to retrieve him.

yes.. find a nice wide open area.. but remember to do it gradually in terms of the height from which you launch him.. :o

Successful launch!

After he ate a couple of fish we took the Skua to a nearby field as he was pacing up and down his cage a little agitated.

On the second launch attempt he became airborne but landed on the roof of a nearby building. The moment he landed

a sea eagle and a small hawk type bird appeared high up. Both seemed to display an unhealthy interest in him. This may have prompted him

into flying again of his own accord.

The last time I saw him he was headed for the Big Buddah, he looked magnificent in flight with those huge slow moving wings.

He departed from the Plai Lam area so if anyone finds him and he still appears to be in trouble please let me know as we still have a half kilo of fish left!

Thanks to everyone for the help and interest and in particular to Goshawk.


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