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A "guest" in their country


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(looks like the engorged member got stuck somewhere painful...Hawww!! couldn't help that one...)

Yeah Chonabot...you are right that poor Thais have difficulty visiting prosperous countries but I'm sure that those with lots of dosh to invest in luxury housing schemes and etc in London and New York are welcomed just like rich Arabs and wealthy Chinese-Singapore investors to wherever the schemes are offered. Most falang expats come to Thailand for the cheap, easy living or to be with their wives and families or both. There ain't many gonna come to buy up a block of luxury flats on Sukhumvit and any regs like the new ones regarding one year visas wouldn't affect them anyway.

In other words...we don't count. So why not impose ridiculous restrictions and financial requirements? The dumbshxts can't really lose when you think about it.

I don't see the proposed immigration rule changes or present restrictions being a matter of xenophobia...just money and some locals wanting to benefit. If we were to 'vote' with our feet and if the 'land of smiles' was to be shown to smile only on rich tourists things might change.


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...I'm sure that those with lots of dosh to invest in luxury housing schemes and etc in London and New York are welcomed just like rich Arabs and wealthy Chinese-Singapore investors to wherever the schemes are offered.

In my country, there are milions of foreigners.

They come with empty hands and leave with lots of cash.

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...I'm sure that those with lots of dosh to invest in luxury housing schemes and etc in London and New York are welcomed just like rich Arabs and wealthy Chinese-Singapore investors to wherever the schemes are offered.

In my country, there are milions of foreigners.

They come with empty hands and leave with lots of cash.

See, it's the same here. Farangs come with lots of cash and leave with empty hands  :o

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Actually in America we kind of have this gate crashing thing, illegal Aliens jumping in from Canada, the Mexican border and of course the Bahama 55 mile boat trip to Palm Beach. None on any yachts I Captain but some Captain's need the extra monies. Of course we sometimes get em swiming in from Cuba on make shift canoes.

And our immagration laws are so stiff, we have so many illegal aliens, mostly on our welfare system that if one never gets arrested, our policy is they can stay.  Not arrested for being illegal I mean if he/she robs a bank and gets caught they deport, or if they are employed by Ben Ladden,  but Immagration or the border patrol will not go down their house and arrest em just for being illegal, that is if they are white.

In Thailand if you overstay too long you get jailed, well you go to their nice little #### hole of a jail .. 100 prisoners backed into an area built for 25, beaten daily just for being farang. So, you know what goes around comes around. Yha there economy crashed in 97, yha we in America and other Western Counties bailed em out. Yes we have our American companies all over their country supporting the new economy, but someday they may realize they are the only ones in the entire world that who speack Thai. The language is English and the people that speak that language feed em, so do not bite the hand that feeds you.


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Responces from 10 thai staff about Falang.

Did a quick sample survey in the Company I work. We have 7 guys from UK, 1 from Hongkong, 4 from India, 1 from Sri Lanka [myself], 1 from Newzealand and 1 American.

Now, this is the background of expats working for this Company.

All of above nationalities have come to Thailand to work for this Company except for myself. [ I came because of the Thai GF].

Out of 7 UK guys, 6 are now married to Thai ladies and some of them have kids. [ All those girls/ladies were working for this company before], Guys from Newzealand, Hongkong and US  are single. 4 Indian guys are married to Indian ladies before they came to Thailand.

I have 10 Thai Staff working with me.  I just asked them the same question. What they think about Falang in Thailand?

They all do not want any Falang to work in Thailand. [ yes, it really stuck me]

They are ok with Falang Married to Thai ladies. Then I asked, what about the 6 guys from UK who have come to Thailand with the intention to work and ended up getting married to Thai.

4 of the staff were ok with it. 6 of them were not happy with it. Reason was they think those girls went behind them for the money and they earn money more than Thai Staff.

Then I asked how they feel about Asian’s working in Thailand Vs others from West. – The answer was very interesting and very focussed at the 4 Indian Families. They think that Asian’s whom come to Thailand is not flexible to get use to the Thai culture and food. One girl said they want to create their own culture in Thailand.

[but they excluded myself and the guy from Hongkong,]. So it was directed to the 4 Indian Families.

I also asked them, why they think like that. The response was, many Indian’s come and take Land from Thai People by giving them loans.

I asked why they do not like people to work and earn in Thailand, like Thai people do in those countries.

The answer was, all of them think that people from west have enough income and rich. They think they come to Thailand for BAD [ This is the word they used] things. They were trying to explain me Patpong and Pathaya.

Then one girl said it is very strange for me to have a relationship with a Thai girl. I asked why? She said, that she thinks Sri Lanka is like India and its culture is same.

But fortunately others said might be it is different coz I am also from a Buddhist country that has a history of relationships with Thailand and studied in UK.

Now this is a very small sample of staff from the Company I work. No one mentioned about IMF or recent events. So I also did not ask.

Forgot..I also asked how they feel about a Retired Falang come to Thailand and live with a young Thai ladies. [Yes, I really asked this]. The response was very positive. They said it is up to them and they do not care. I asked whether they like it or not. Then one girl said, if I know any falang who has money..tell her.. :o

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Yep , the Thais are a complex bunch , just ask my wife!

IMO their opinions will change daily though, depending on this or that. If one of the farang asked them their opinions of any other asian country I'm sure the response would be interesting.

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If one of the farang asked them their opinions of any other asian country I'm sure the response would be interesting.

We did actually touch on that slightly at the school. The general consensus (on the day) seemed to be:-

Burmese and Cambodians - Bad people! - No Argument, just bad!

Vietnam/Koreans - Want to be like Thais/Thailand

China - Clever people. Help Thailand a lot. (Look at Toxin)

Japanese - Rich, but not nice. (Same as farangs?)

Didn't know what to say really.

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The response for Chinese is obvious. They have many things to share with each other and many of them are mixed. Though they are mixed (Thai-Chinese) they have a very strong attachment to Chinese culture in their minds. The number of holidays they take in Thailand during Chinese New Year is a good reflection of this link.

Apart from Chinese, I think Indians have a huge population in Thailand. I guess it is over 1 Million.

In general, Thai people have a very negative feeling about them. Basically they even do not like to walk or shop in the areas where Indian’s do shopping. [Now do not take this wrong and stamp me as an Anti-Indian like the way some accused me for expressing Anti-American statements]. :o

I read Ken-Udon’s topic on how Thai children have expressed opinion about falang in a school. May be many western falang live in Thailand must have felt little hard to absorb it. But in general, I should say Thai People prefer people come from Western Countries than from other Asian Countries except for Chinese.

One thing I have noted is, Thai People do expect Foreigners to become part of the society, if they live in Thailand. I think Falang from West are very flexible than people from Asia. People in Asian countries always tend to live the way they live in their own country wherever they go. They are very reluctant to change. This is the reality and all we can do is to understand it and respect it.

Now do not forget, Thailand is also a country in Asia with a similar strong cultural background. When another Asian’s live in Thailand, it is like putting the Positive sides of two Magnets together. They will never fit in together. But you get few Asian’s [Yes, myself] who have mixed up with Thai’s similar to people from West. May be they are having weaker Magnets.  :D

People in Asia generally believe that Western countries will come and always take things belongs to them.

They do not think only the physical aspect of it. They think many cultural aspects.

Many countries in Asia were under British. Many people believe that they have come and taken things from their countries. To a certain extent it could be true. But Asian Countries in general have gained a lot from western occupation. Road networks, Schools, Education are some of the areas that comes to my mind. Interestingly, even today, some countries like Sri Lanka use English Language to speak in the Parliament and even to deliver the Annual Budget Speech in the Parliament. Sri Lanka still practice the ‘Roman Dutch Law”. With or without the knowledge of the people occupied the country, they also have gained. But sadly, no one likes to see another Country occupying his or her own Country. Once you do that, many people will have this negative feeling about the occupiers even after the freedom. That is what has happened in Asia.

When read this post I felt that, many falang here can not understand why Thai People do not like them when they also have gained many things from them.

I think people from West have many things that match Thai culture. Mainly the flexibility to change.

They like people from Western Countries than their Asian counterparts. But sadly, as I have said before, “tiny drops of poison is spoiling the flavor of the entire soup”.

I know a Thai girl, who is one of my GF’s friends chatting with Farang guys in some chat room. She is a nice young Thai girl, trying to make friends. [May be with the intention of finding Mr Right for her]. According to her, whenever a western guy chat with her, it drills down to the subject of Sex and some even go to the extent of asking the Hourly rate from her. She believes that this has happened due to the Bad Falang in Thailand especially in Patpong and Pathaya. They never talked about why Thai girls do prostitution etc.. But it is how they look at things.

I had a very hard time in convincing my parents over the marriage to my Thai GF. Until the day they see each other, they had many doubts about her. One main doubt they had was “Is she really a good girl or a bad girl?”.

I know this type of questions might not come to the picture in a western country. But in Asian culture, that is a very big issue. That is why no girl or parent in Thailand do not like this generalization of Bar Girls. True that this is here in Thailand for many years. But I think now things have started to change. That is why we hear these Anti Falang statements very regularly than before. [pls excuse for any spelling mistakes]

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