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No Country Confirms Issuing Passport For Thaksin, Says Pm


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Perhaps, Mr.Ortega of Nicaragua is interested in implementing Thaksinomics there.

Economists: Nicaragua Is in Recession

New study shows corruption, political climate is worsening the economic situation here


I think he will feel really at home there


Following last November's municipal elections, in which the Sandinistas are accused of stealing more than 40 mayoral seats,

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Daniel Ortega's issuing Thaksin a passport may be illegal under Nicaraguan law.

"Earlier this month, the Nicaraguan government granted a diplomatic passport to former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, claiming he is an "ambassador" tasked with attracting foreign investors to the Central American country. Former national director of migration Avil Ramírez expressed dismay at the government’s decision, saying, "The law does not provide the president with the authority to grant a diplomatic passport to a foreign citizen. (...) This act can be considered a crime."

Ortega also has other problems. Issuing Thaksin a passport may only compound those problems.

"Daniel Ortega is losing public support in Nicaragua, according to a poll by M&R published in La Prensa. Only 17.7 per cent of respondents think the president has done a good or very good job, and 67.8 per cent believe he has not made the right decisions to help Nicaraguans."


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Daniel Ortega's issuing Thaksin a passport may be illegal under Nicaraguan law.

"Earlier this month, the Nicaraguan government granted a diplomatic passport to former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, claiming he is an "ambassador" tasked with attracting foreign investors to the Central American country. Former national director of migration Avil Ramírez expressed dismay at the government’s decision, saying, "The law does not provide the president with the authority to grant a diplomatic passport to a foreign citizen. (...) This act can be considered a crime."

Ortega also has other problems. Issuing Thaksin a passport may only compound those problems.

"Daniel Ortega is losing public support in Nicaragua, according to a poll by M&R published in La Prensa. Only 17.7 per cent of respondents think the president has done a good or very good job, and 67.8 per cent believe he has not made the right decisions to help Nicaraguans."


Maybe this can knock down two bad birds with one stone!

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<deleted> about Kasit revoke Thaksin passport.

Maybe I have been watching too much HBO. I thought another can just pick a fake one from one of the backstreet forgers (same day too).

Try Kao San road. On top of fake degree, press pass, driving license, student card, teacher card, I am sure fake Thai passport is a penny a dozen.

Well, there is something else more funny: can a Thai national use a Nicaraguan passport and stay Thai???

Quite a few countries donot allow it and that means there is now maybe a person without Thai nationality running around and having land.....Seems like a golden opportunity to grab some of it or all.....

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<deleted> about Kasit revoke Thaksin passport.

Maybe I have been watching too much HBO. I thought another can just pick a fake one from one of the backstreet forgers (same day too).

Try Kao San road. On top of fake degree, press pass, driving license, student card, teacher card, I am sure fake Thai passport is a penny a dozen.

Well, there is something else more funny: can a Thai national use a Nicaraguan passport and stay Thai???

Quite a few countries donot allow it and that means there is now maybe a person without Thai nationality running around and having land.....Seems like a golden opportunity to grab some of it or all.....

Passport is just an identification document. It is not a citizenship document.

If you take a look in your passport, there is an entry that state the nationality of the passport holder.

So, I am not surprise if Thaksin's Nigcaraua diplomat passport print "NATIONALITY = THAI" in it. (Just my guessing).

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Mr T also claims to have a German residency card

of course fog of war applies and whether any use.....

Interesting but does anyone has idea if he has used it at any German checkpoint?

I would strongly suspect that if he crosses any borders with that card he will end up getting stopped but obviously going through EEC borders is often like passing a paper border...

The world is getting smaller for him!

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A few things everyone missed.

-Thaksin got this passport in February. So he was expecting possible trouble and had some plan B's.

-Of all the countries in the world to get a travel document from, Thaksin has to be pretty desperate to use Nicaragua. He will have to pay for everything and would be a sap to bring any significant amount of money into the country. This is very much a bottom of the barrel choice for him.

-His international credibility (and face) in using this travel document is right down in the dirt. He is obviously desperate.

-A Passport, regardless of the degree or diplomatic endorsement, is just that, pass port. It need not be honored. Any person can be declared persona non grata. True, a country that refuses such a document could be considered insulting to the issuing government, but there aren't a whole lot of countries worried about insulting Nicaragua.

-What this has obviously done is advertise to the world that Nicaragua is in the market for laundering money and other financial scams.

As a little aside, when you pack around certain countries passports, even if they are diplomatic, you can run certain risks when using them. Automatic detention while various checks are being ran, subjected to various searches, getting your own private 'body guard' reporting all your movements and etc are some of the bonuses of using questionable third world country passports:

As in, "Eastern Frodisham passport, huh? Strip search with B.C.S., and hook him until we can get a full list of his entire family and his finances!"

Edited by The Snark
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Note is also that the diplomatic bag that is 'o-so-protected' in movies isn't more protected than the police honoring the diplomatic status of the person to avoid international incidents (aka, having their own ambassador kicked out of the other country). I doubt many care to check Thaksins bag, would Nicaragua kick out any western Ambassador in retaliation? Doubtful.

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Note is also that the diplomatic bag that is 'o-so-protected' in movies isn't more protected than the police honoring the diplomatic status of the person to avoid international incidents (aka, having their own ambassador kicked out of the other country). I doubt many care to check Thaksins bag, would Nicaragua kick out any western Ambassador in retaliation? Doubtful.

Therein lies the rub, good Puck. Tis a narrow and tenuous path Mr. Thaksin does walk. Sheltering him means a certain friction with Thailand, which, considering it's constitution being written on an erasa-sketch means little, but this also reflects upon the countries international status and credibility. With Nicaragua this doesn't mean much, and sheltering known criminals can actually be beneficial to a rogue state such as it is. But which countries have established diplomatic relations with Nic. that they wouldn't want to jeopardize? And then on the flip side, there are some countries that would be willing to earn a few brownie points with the UN, world credibility, power brokering situations etc. that could decide to put Mr. T in the can and trade him off. This is the international game Thaksin is playing, and from all recent indications, (getting his Brit visa jerked, inciting riots, persona non grata here and there, BSing various press and government entities), he isn't very good at this game. He could head back and hole up in Dubai, but it is a very safe bet he is coughing up hundreds of thousands of $$$ a month to stay there.

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I lived in Nicaragua for a while. Small, poor, corrupt. Ortega is no Commie, but neither is he a capitalist. Like most capitalists, he could be bribed

Thaks is certainly a pot of gold for Ortega. It also seems like Ort likes to pull peoples chains for fun. Despot, prime figure in the junta, confiscated billions of property by highly questionable means, probable pedophile, possible drug king pin, Thaksin has picked a real winner to snuggle up to.

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Well, so what, he claims he has one, others claim the claim is true,

photo shop or not.

Abhisit did certainly NOT "lie" when he said NO embassy or foreign

country has yet CONFIRMED that he has got a passport of a certain

country like Nicaragua...

Be blessed... in Exile...yes he going to "help" them now, and tomorrow

Nicaragua will be blooming!

Edited by Samuian
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I doubt many care to check Thaksins bag, would Nicaragua kick out any western Ambassador in retaliation? Doubtful.

Kick out who? Thailand doesn't have an Embassy in Nicaragua.

You read as usual...

Thailand isn't a western country.

And Thaksin traveling on a Nicaraguan passport and being denied (or searched) by a western country (let's say, Italy) will not make Nicaragua in an outburst of anger towards this treatment of a holder of a diplomatic passport from their nation kick out the Italian Ambassador.

That is how it usually works when country's aren't honoring the gentleman agreement. And it really isn't applicable in this case.

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Well, so what, he claims he has one, others claim the claim is true,

photo shop or not.

Abhisit did certainly NOT "lie" when he said NO embassy or foreign

country has yet CONFIRMED that he has got a passport of a certain

country like Nicaragua...

Be blessed... in Exile...yes he going to "help" them now, and tomorrow

Nicaragua will be blooming!

For Nicaragua's sake, let's hope he doesn't 'help' them the way he has 'helped' Thailand :o More likely he'll pull a few scams there till the Nicaraguans get wise and revoke that passport as well. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

MFA orders investigation into Thaksin’s Montenegrin passport

BANGKOK, 12 May 2009 (NNT) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has instructed the Thai embassy in Budapest, Hungary, to investigate claims that the Republic of Montenegro has issued a passport to the fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Responding to news that the government of Montenegro had issued a passport to Mr. Thaksin, a fugitive wanted by the Thai Government, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Panich Vikitsreth stated that he had been tasked by Minister of Foreign Affairs Kasit Piromya to take charge of the investigation into the matter.

Mr. Panich added that the diplomatic ties between Thailand and the Southeast-European nation of Montenegro only began in 2007 and no embassies had yet been established. Therefore, he said the Thai government needed assistance from the Thai Ambassador to Budapest, Hungary, in probing whether such information on the passport issuance was based on facts.

As for news that Mr. Thaksin was looking to purchase a private island in Montenegro, the vice minister admitted that the fugitive was entitled to such action but affirmed that the Foreign Ministry was exercising all of its international relations to acquire information pertaining to Mr. Thaksin’s movements in order to bring him back for legal processing.


-- NNT 12 May 2009

article here

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Noppadon confirms Thaksin holds Montenegro passport, bid for island there

Noppadon Pattama, an advisor of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Wednesday confirmed that Thaksin is holding Montenegro passport.

Noppadon also confirmed that Thaksin is bidding to buy Sveti Nikola Island near Budva.

Noppadon said Thaksin saw the potential that the island could be developed into a tourist destination.

The Nation


-- The Nation May 13, 2009

article here

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I do belive he wants to return, Unfortunatly he cannot get a Passport

Thailand has told the rest of the world not to give him one

No Passport No Ticket to ride. Catch 22

False remark, as he can very easily can get temporary travel-papers if he want to (as anyone that lose their passport can) that is only valid for travel home with...

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I can see it now, T on his little portion of the tiny island supervising the construction of a 4 meter high, 1 meter thick wall with barbed wire topping, and security cameras everywhere. His ex-wife calls out on the intercom, "Honey, you have some letters in the mailbox."

T. "I'm busy sweet pea, just open them and read them to me over the walkie talkie"

Pojamin: "This one is from the big guy from Liberia, and asks if you would please be so kind as to stop by again, and follow up on your promises to invest in diamond mines there and in Sierra Leone. It includes an aluminum bracelet studded with tiny red colored diamonds."

T. "Tell them I'm busy. Read me another letter."

Pojamin: "Another one is from Nicaragua, directly from Ortega. He includes a plane ticket, and reminds you that you promised to invest mega pesos in the projects you discussed. It also includes a voucher for a big bunch of Chiquita bananas, redeemable at any 7-11 in Managua.

T. "What else? Everyone thinks I'm just made of money. I feel cheapened and unappreciated. Just because I go to these little countries promising mega investments, doesn't mean I have to follow up with those schemes. All those heads of state are just hungry for easy money, and think I'm the ticket."

Pojamin: "Well dear, what's your response?"

T. "Tell them I'm busy with my island, and won't be used. Now, did today's water tanker arrive at the dock? Also, I heard a native family from the mainland is coming out here in a rowboat to picnic at one of my beaches. Tell Oak to run them off."

Pojamim: "Oak is still sleeping."

T: "It's 3 in the afternoon, jeezo. Oh well, don't disturb him, but give him a million baht when he wakes up, I think I forgot to pay his allowance for last week-end."

Edited by brahmburgers
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I do belive he wants to return, Unfortunatly he cannot get a Passport

Thailand has told the rest of the world not to give him one

No Passport No Ticket to ride. Catch 22

False remark, as he can very easily can get temporary travel-papers if he want to (as anyone that lose their passport can) that is only valid for travel home with...

But no Thai embassy will issue him with the travel document without consulting the parliment first. the process could take a couple of years.

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Noppadon confirms Thaksin holds Montenegro passport, bid for island there

Noppadon Pattama, an advisor of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Wednesday confirmed that Thaksin is holding Montenegro passport.

Noppadon also confirmed that Thaksin is bidding to buy Sveti Nikola Island near Budva.

Noppadon said Thaksin saw the potential that the island could be developed into a tourist destination.

The Nation


-- The Nation May 13, 2009

article here

He can add it to his Cambodian island collection.

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