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The one major problem that our Americian friends-tourists etc give when travelling is that quite honestly they have.. to use a Thai expression.. "Money Too much".

I have been in places where even the most simplest of financial transations seem impossible.

Handfulls of dosh are presented to the vendors with a request to take what you think is right and while although appearing polite and but naieve give the rest of us simple minions a hard time to compete.

As I have said before Worldwide there are 4 prices-costs elements -Top Dogs are the Americians (its your fault -sorry) next the japanese and after them uz poor Euros and then the locals.

Its possible for the odd Brit/Auz to haggle and get near to "natives"pricing but the yanks have almost No chance :o

How many times have you heard the shout in Pattaya that "the fleets in Town"..time to leave

...all down to big $$ or is it?

One problem I've seen, is that many foreignors get annoyed by the street peddlers.  Sometimes they'll get in your path of travel to get your attention, I ussually just say No, thank you or sorry and change course.  I completely ignore them if I stumble into a crowd of them.

Maybe someone has some suggestions on the best way to handle the situation.  I'm sure they mostly bother fresh-looking tourists.

The peddlers have probably learned not to care about ppl's responses.  But I would say you shouldn't use hand motions to shun them away, just look at them, shake your head and ignore them I guess.

Smile and say "Mai ao Khrap" - it works 99.9% of the time; you don't have to ignore them or be rude or irritable.

Its just begininng of 2005 and you are palnning a trip for 2006. Are you americans planning 10 years ahead of schedule??

No, they're palnning a trip 1 year ahead...I'm begininng to think you can't count either :o

The one major problem that our Americian friends-tourists etc give when travelling is that quite honestly they have.. to use a Thai expression.. "Money Too much".

I have been in places where even the most simplest of financial transations seem impossible.

Handfulls of dosh are presented to the vendors with a request to take what you think is right and while although appearing polite and but naieve give the rest of us simple minions a hard time to compete.

As I have said before Worldwide there are 4 prices-costs elements -Top Dogs are the  Americians (its your fault -sorry) next the japanese and after them uz poor Euros and then the locals.

Its possible for the odd Brit/Auz to haggle and get near to "natives"pricing but the yanks have almost No chance :o

How many times have you heard the shout in Pattaya that "the fleets in Town"..time to leave

...all down to big $$ or is it?

Agree with most of the comments here....the three types that spoil it for the majority of Yanks are:

1. The loud big spending Yank type.....Spending big is fine but spending big stupidly doesnt earn any respect....just a lot more people who want to take it off you.

2. I am American, I can do anything types....include in this the over patriotic also....nobody minds that you love your country....they just dont need to hear it in every second sentence....Never start a sentence with "Why back in the States...", Pleeeeaaasssee. Also dont think that just cos you are American that it entitles you to anything more than anyone else.

3. I am an Ex Seal type....A good SAS or Para would make mincemeat of them...Funny these guys go missing in action when the fleet's in town...enough said.


Speaking of big spending, what do you guys think of the guys who ring the bell in a packed club or even buy buckets of those ping pong balls that are a better deal. There's guys in the states who'll go to strip clubs, stand at the stage and literally start flicking a stack of dollar bills on the stage, they'll go through $50 before she even gets naked.

Those places are already overpriced as it is and they're making it worse. Then they come to Thailand and a girl gets a drink just for loungin with the rest of the girls waiting to dance.

Wilko, what's "Mai ao(ah-oh?) Khrap" mean?


Ask a tour guide!

My wife, a [former] TAT tour guide, has experience with asian and farang tourists, mostly visiting temples and elephant camps.

She says the American tourists are the best! Polite, fun, and they tip well. She likes them so much she married one :o

Maybe things are different 'round the bar scene.

There are a few nationalities that the tour guides "trash" when speaking amongst themselves, but not Americans.

There are a few nationalities that the tour guides "trash" when speaking amongst themselves, but not Americans.

Not really an unbiased viewpoint though Greg , as they're speaking about their best paying customers.


Dave (davethailand) -- isn't this your domain?  These random carpers are boring us  :D  -- your thoughts please ... :D

Davethailand, Mr. Harmonica saw the words "bar scene" and "trash" in the same post and proceeded to connect dots that were not intended. :o I know you run a good hospitality business, but my point was her "tourist" exposure has been mostly limited to families and couples.

I hope my answer provided some help to the OP.


Not really an unbiased viewpoint though Greg , as they're speaking about their best paying customers.


Definitely not unbiased! :o

But tour guides do have opportunities to develop friendly relationships with repeat customers, tippers and non-tippers alike, from *many* countries.

I thought the OP might enjoy getting some insight from a tourist professional.


The anti American comments made to date seem to be based on outdated stereotypes.My impression is that Americans are rather well liked by the Thais for their outgoing friendliness and generosity of spirit.Of course there are exceptions but there is absolutely no reason why most American travellers and tourists should not feel welcome in Thailand.


I found while I was working in Hanoi about 10 years ago that the Vietnamese had a lot of time for the yanks which I must admit I was more than a lttle bit supprised at. :D

Apart from Manchester United (who the ###### are they?)it was all Coka Cola and John Wayne and they definately all wanted a Big Mac.

The fact that the Uncle Ho had based the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence on the US version seemed to be all part and parcel of...dare I say respect for the US.per say..

I used to ask them about the war of course (dont talk about the war??/)and their answer was always that they had been fighting uncle Sam for about 10-15 years,the French for 200 and the Chinese ...a thousand....they were not to happy with them. :o

As we all know and hind sight is a wonderful thing if only instead of spending all that dosh on trying to bomb them off the face of the earth (VN)the US had slipped each family a US 10K spot each another State might have materialised.

I found while I was working in Hanoi about 10 years ago that the Vietnamese had a lot of time for the yanks which I must admit I was more than a lttle bit supprised at. :D

Apart from Manchester United (who the ###### are they?)it was all Coka Cola and John Wayne and they definately all wanted a Big Mac.

The fact that the Uncle Ho had based the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence on the US version seemed to be all part and parcel of...dare I say respect for the US.per say..

I used to ask them about the war of course (dont talk about the war??/)and their answer was always that they had been fighting uncle Sam for about 10-15 years,the French for 200  and the Chinese ...a thousand....they were not to happy with them. :o

As we all know and hind sight is a wonderful thing if only instead of spending all that dosh on trying to bomb  them off the face of the earth (VN)the US had slipped each family a US 10K spot each another State might have materialised.

I was in Saigon a few years ago....I didnt have to ask about the war.....they came to me and asked me if I was there for it.....

Mind you I had to explain to the tour guide at Cu Chi Tunnels that the war was between North and South Vietnam and not Vietnam and the US....Didnt like that bit of info did he...... :D


Europeans can be that way unless you are passing out government funds and employing thousands of them through NATO or U.N. It has always been about money. They didn't like the most recent stopping of them collecting billions from

Sadam in kick backs and illeagal contracts.

We are planning a trip to LOS in the spring of 2006.  I have been reading this site since the tsunami and have found it a great source of information!

I have traveled to Europe (granted, many* years ago) and Americans were not look upon in a favorable light.  There was many times that I ran into natives of the country I was in that were very rude to me simply because I was an American.

I consider myself a very, very polite person and find myself hurt and offended when I am treated badly just because of where I am from.

Just curious as to what the attitudes might be like when we visit.  Oh, we are planning to go to Khao Lak area. 

One other question, is language an issue?  When I went to Germany, I did know enough German to get by (couldn't do it now... lol) but from what I have seen Thai is NOT an easy language to learn!  Do most of the retail staff, etc in the tourist areas speak English?

Thank you for your help!


The anti American comments made to date seem to be based on outdated stereotypes.My impression is that Americans are rather well liked by the Thais for their outgoing friendliness and generosity of spirit.Of course there are exceptions but there is absolutely no reason why most American travellers and tourists should not feel welcome in Thailand.

I agree with this point. stereotypes rule the mentality of majority of people in the world.

by then - so are questions about how americans looked upon are based on similar stereotypes that in less developed countries especially in , say, muslim countries as Indonesia (not to mention Iraq or Afganistan) americans are despised etc. and such opinions/ impressions are based on official warning against visiting particular places etc.

why wouldn't be this same question asked in slightly different way: not how americans looked upon, but any foreigners in general; or americans among the others like germans, swedes, french, brits etc.

the very question itself implies or at least reveals the assumption that somehow people are comvinced that americans should be /might be / would be looked upon differently than others. why is it so ?


Soon as the prices go up a bit more the cheap charlies may leave on their own, at least the locals and decent foreigners with respect hope so.

There is so many Farangs now from everywhere that could not make a decent living back home they have settled for ripping off other farangs and living on with dead end jobs any place that will have them, just seems to be more in thailand than other places now. They are from all countries and they use the ploy we live like the locals and rudely and very loudly let everyone know they speak the local language. The thais don't think much of them either.

Stay away from happy hour as much as possible if in a frequently visited area by farangs, these times and places seem to get more than there share of these know it all been nothing my whole life farangs ( actually they are just trying to find a group to hang with and leach off from because it has been so long since they had a decent job it is all they can do to be like a respected farang).

Thais really don't care where you are from and actually like americans more than many other farangs for the most part. Thais are very proud people and seem to like other people that are proud of their own country.

If you look at the countries that farangs are from and take into consideration the population of that country it will give you an idea about that country. How can so many from small population countries have a majority of the farang population in Thailand full time. It is one of two reasons, either their own country wasn't <deleted> or they were a loser and couldn't make it back there. It is these same people that hate their own country and love to hate someone elses country and first to spout off about someone elses country.

These same people are so jealous of others that

done ok back home they loathe them and run off at the mouth how they don't live like the locals. Well the fact is the locals would love to live like the successful farang and that is why many of them go to the places the farangs are and that is why the local is with a farang ( definetly not because of looks). This is just the opposite of the farang that don't like other farangs. It is quite easy to size these never been nothing till I got to thailand farang types. If you cannot like other farangs then how can the locals like you. Oh we know because you are different, what a bunch of hogwash. The fact is they cannot stand themselves, they never made something of themselves to be proud of. They want to capitalze on how the locals think about the farang and they put on this protective act that this farang and that farang are no good. These farangs are sickening to everyone even their own type. Lets hope they raise the visa requirements a bit more and run these

haters back where they come from. The thais sure don't need them.

Ask a tour guide!

My wife, a [former] TAT tour guide, has experience with asian and farang tourists, mostly visiting temples and elephant camps.

She says the American tourists are the best!  Polite, fun, and they tip well. She likes them so much she married one  :o

Maybe things are different 'round the bar scene.

There are a few nationalities that the tour guides "trash" when speaking amongst themselves, but not Americans.

Dave (davethailand) -- isn't this your domain?  These random carpers are boring us  :D  -- your thoughts please ... :D

Davethailand, Mr. Harmonica saw the words "bar scene" and "trash" in the same post and proceeded to connect dots that were not intended. :o I know you run a good hospitality business, but my point was her "tourist" exposure has been mostly limited to families and couples.

I hope my answer provided some help to the OP.

I didn't but YOU soy-tenly did! :D:D


Thais in general (there are always exceptions) like people who are friendly and social and are from what I have seen maybe even less likely to form an opinion about u based on your nationality (as concerns Westerners, anyway, other Asians and Africans is a slightly different story) than Europeans in general.

There are some minor (stereotypical) traits you find in many Americans that Thais tend to not like, and that is being too loud in public and flashing money. Of course you dont need to worry about this if you dont.


Being too loud whilst flashing money aint too bright like having loudspeakers blaring "Mug me I have mucho dinero!!!".

And think the stereotypical loud rude and ignorant Ugly American is so old and ingrained around the world that Americans try overly hard to prove it wrong when they travel.I still find Japanese and Brits and Canadians as the most polite people.


All this blather. :o Just be yourself. If you're OK you'll get on fine with the locals. If you're an ###### then you won't but then you'll be used to that. :D

Apart from that: same rules as in any other foreign country. Don't take out more than you can afford to lose, don't show more than YCATL, don't wear more jewelry TYCATL.


Even though I am a bit larger than a gopher, ( just your average neighborly badger) maybe I can share some thoughts and quell some of your concerns and fears. The past 12 years in SE Asia has been a heart warming and educational experience for my wife and myself. As far as being concerned about the reception you will receive as an American, don't worry about it, the only people other than immigration that will know you are American are the one's you tell. It will be up to you as to whether or not you wish to disclose, either way it will not be a problem.

The best advice in this forum that I have seen so far is to read up on Thailand and learn about the social do's and don'ts, being polite and smiling goes a long way in this part of the world.

We have found that language is not a barrier anywhere over here and that some of our most memorable moments have been endeavors to communicate without knowing the language. Makes for some interesting encounters and is a memory to laugh about later.

Not knowing how long your vacation will last makes it difficult to suggest where to visit but can advise that you don't try to cram too many activities in. You will find it much more enjoyable to relax and absorb the new culture you have immersed yourselves in.

Expect to find things done a little differently than what you are used to but just go with the flow and everything will turn out to be more fun than you imagined.

The Phuket area is a good choice for a first visit as it is considered a tourist area and has a lot more 'western' ammenities than the more remote areas. Try doing things outside the 'western' box and you will end up with a memorable trip.

Bottom line, don't worry, be happy :o


I agree with this point. stereotypes rule the mentality of majority of people in the world.

by then - so are questions about how americans looked upon are based on similar stereotypes that in less developed countries especially in , say, muslim countries as Indonesia (not to mention Iraq or Afganistan) americans are despised etc. and such opinions/ impressions are based on official warning against visiting particular places etc.

why wouldn't be this same question asked in slightly different way: not how americans looked upon, but any foreigners in general; or americans among the others like germans, swedes, french, brits etc.

the very question itself implies or at least reveals the assumption that somehow people are comvinced that americans should be /might be / would be looked upon differently than others. why is it so ?

Yea, the U.S. State Dept has serious travel warnings for Indonesia, yet I had no problems there.

I visited the local markets, got lost at the docks/seafront in Jakarta, toured a few other provinces in Jawa. The only disparaging looks I got wandering the dark streets were by the rats. I visited Mosques, some that were still under construction. Muslims would happily escort me in and tour me about. Never once got a bad look when I answered that I was from America. Actually they seem kind of confused when they found out I wasn't there on business or to visit anyone. After my initial vacation there, I regularily visit on business.

So if an American was welcomed in Indonesia, during their very strict Ramadan. I would think Thailand would have no problems with any foreignor.

In my opinion, Americans would be so much nicer if they stayed in America!

I agreed :D 50/50

what I don't like about American people is some are always look down to people and selfish :o . Some are very nice and so kind, can found with the age around 40 up :D. and hehe American skin nice too :D . I don't like my own tan skin :D




I've seen Americans get a few things wrong in Thailand but no more so than any other nationality. They come across as enthusiastic and genuine on the whole.

They lack exposure to other cultures and customs perhaps. Sometimes the expectation that American 'norms' of behaviour should be followed by Thais ( and everyone else) appears arrogant and ignorant . However as soon as it dawns on them that things ARE different they are always interested and open to learning more with great good humour. Unlike the Germans who not only know everything but can be truly churlish in their need to put down everything and everyone.


As has been mentioned before on other threads the main sticking point that Americans have here is that they are used to complaining long and loud until they get what they want and as some aspects of life here may not be up to their expectations/standards they will be tempted to raise the issue, just chill and ask nicely it probably won't make any difference so you might as well stay calm and quiet as moaning loudly will just make sure that nothing goes your way

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