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Having A Joke With The Nation's Journalists And The Serious Matter Of What Is Happening Behind The Scenes.

Hermano Lobo

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The Nation journalist Yoon, put up a blog called "Thaksin Rap". It was a send up of his reason to write, one, Thaksin Shinawatra.

What this journalist would write about if Thaksin wasn't around? Well he might expand on his blog about the massage he had with

the Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim. Before he was due to interview him. The mind boggles !

Below you will find a rap I have written called "Grease-Up" It is a rap about Abhisit.

Maybe you will find it amusing, maybe not. It is also supposed to have a serious side.

On this serious note, I refer to the blogging on the Nation, Thaivisa and just about anywhere else.

I found myself being pushed towards the Red shirts because of the blatant support and propaganda for PAD and the yellow shirts.

I like my journalism informative and objective. I am a bit too old to put up with propaganda. Hence my version of a rap.

On all these sites the bloggers are generally split between 'Yellow Shirts' and 'Red Shirts' with the accompanying arguments, for and against.

Some of the Thai bloggers on The Nation and a couple of westerners are well educated and have asked questions and made points away from

the Red-Yellow partisan debate.

Essentially they are saying that the Reds and Yellows are mere pawns in a far more serious battle that is happening behind the scenes. The

westerners are caught up in the Red-Yellow argument and with exceptions of a few wise souls, believe this is the battle.

The Thai bloggers I mention, really know what they are talking about and the story is a grim one.

There is a vicious power struggle going on and it could well get very nasty. The pawns are easily sacrificed, just like Sondhi Limthongkul, who is probably

in a more serious condition than the media will let you believe.

Not that the CCTV cameras at the petrol station where he was ambushed were switched off the day before. This is a classic in a hit by an establishment

within an establishment. Security is reduced, just like Itzak Rabin in Israel. Drop the security then make the hit.

To indicate the seriousness that many bloggers seem to have missed I now quote from a wise blogger:-

"I am surprised that even XXXX does not have a glimmer of what is really happening. It seems the Nation bloggers can only see the tip of the iceberg. They think this is just red versus the government and the yellows. In reality these three are just being played off against each other.

Still the real players are slowly being revealed.

I wonder what our passionate bloggers will think when these stand fully revealed?"

Now my rap in answer to Yoon's Thaksin Rap:-

"Grease-up" a rap about Abhisit.

All I have to do now is go down to Brixton and find a rap artist ?


Got grease on ma hair

Let nobody dare

Stan’ around and stare

Took all day to prepare

Gotta take care

I’m man of the moment

Got a great suit

Have de job on default

Perks to boot

Got more than Shearer’s loot

I’m the smarmy man

Hope yo is a fan

No bullets gonna hit me

Fly off de grease

Jus’ yo see

I’s got de knowledge

Been to college

I’m a posh Thai

All smarmy and fly

I’ll sell anything

What ya wanna buy?

Got two left feet

No Thai girl

Gonna grab my meat

All smarmy and fly

What ya wanna buy?

Going for a nap

Jus’ had a crap

Thai country on auto

I’s de man with the strings

Thunderbirds are go

I’s not in a hurry

Puppets don’t need to worry

Gorillas are pulling the strings

Hidden behind the scenes

Or sitting in dem wings

This is the land of fantasy and delusion

If you think I’m in charge

Just an illusion

Conman writ large

Smarmy and fly

Typical rich Thai

I do as I’m told

I wouldn’t be so bold

Born in the land of Black puddin’ and cold

Barcode on my shirt

Always diggin’ in de dirt

If you think you’re free

This aint no democracy

Yo think I’s jockin’

When I say

Red shirts had their day

I’ll put the military in the way

Smarmy and fly

I won’t tell you why

I touch my forelock

Aint no warlock

Can magic away the opposition

With loads of ammunition

Collateral attrition

The reds can complain all they want

Coz’ I always in front

I’m one of the elite

Got two left feet

No Thai girl gonna grab my meat

Thaksin a rat in a trap

Pass me the map

Nicaragua, where’s that?

Smarmy and fly

Politics of the pig sty

Love to be on TV

Greasy and nice

Women love me

The reds are like mice

Catch ‘em in a vice

Running from this big cat

They’ll curse me for that

The old ways are best

Jus’ watch, I don’t jest

Politics of the pig’s sty

Greasy and fly

Can’t beat Phuyai

Peasants know your place

C’mon, that’s no disgrace

Now vanished without a trace

The elite gonna stay top

Not get the chop

We turn the screw

Thailand run by the few

Newspaper man had an op

Reds wasting their time

We control all crime

Elite are sublime

Thaksin’s on the run

We gonna have some fun

The fish stinks from the head

Don’t argue

Or you’ll wind up dead

We are in power

Gonna crush the red shower

Smarmy and greasy

For us

It’s really easy

Farang watch your step

You gonna be next

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Well, this is nothing less than I expected.

When will you think with your brains and not your cajones ?

If Thailand goes the route of a Burma style government.

What will you say ?

Mai bpen rai, my girl is different !

Clueless, but what does it matter as long as I get laid !

“I live in Thailand, what do you know?”

Tell me from the barrel of a gun.

Pathetic !

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being a self confessed poet myself a few observations

- sex is more fun

- its not cool

- people just aren't interested

- girls definately are not interested

- youre never as good as you think you are

- did i mention, sex is more fun

by the way, just on a personal note, that "thing" you wrote, it sucked , big time

Edited by Ijustwannateach
- Gay slur removed - IJWT
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It's a moronic "rap" song about Thailand's political leaders.

Edit: And a veiled threat against some other color-shirt-confused people called farangs.

Did we not already have a conversation about oxymorons??

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