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Logsitics Sector Expect Salary?

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does someone know what sallary can obtain foreigner working in Logistics sector especialy:

import/export with MA diploma (specialisation Logistics) + one foreing language except english.. I wanna to apply for entry position and i know it will be hard due to economy situation now but i will try as i'm from Poland and my priority is to help expand companies in Thai to reach polish market and vice versa.

many thanks for your quick reply.

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does someone know what sallary can obtain foreigner working in Logistics sector especialy:

import/export with MA diploma (specialisation Logistics) + one foreing language except english.. I wanna to apply for entry position and i know it will be hard due to economy situation now but i will try as i'm from Poland and my priority is to help expand companies in Thai to reach polish market and vice versa.

many thanks for your quick reply.

You must have a work permit to work in Thailand and if you search this site you'll find a lot of good and accurate information on the subject.

Just a few points to be aware of:

- Work permits are not issued for just any occupation.

- Staements like 'but I can help Thailand to get into the Polish market...' will not be considered in any application.

- You must first have a job (signed contract) then your employer must apply for a work permit for you. (Note: work permits are strictly issued for a specific job within a specific company/employer).

So for you, you need to find an employer who is prepared to request/support a work permit for you.

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Trading products, from Thailand, is always run by Thai Chinese. The children of the Chinese/Thai traders are highly educated and are always in position of dealing with international trading partners. The general belief is that only family should have knowledge of trade line partners, otherwise somebody will work for the company then go start a company of their own to compete. It would be unusual for a guy Poland to get a job in Thailand with a Chinese family company, shipping products to Poland. Well, I could be wrong.

I highly suggest you find partners in Poland first. Then start small. Poke around Thailand figuring out what you can ship to Poland. Take a chance on a container shipment, it will cost about US$25,000 or so.

You may already know, but products from Thailand are usually superior in quality to most other Asian products. Good luck.

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Trading products, from Thailand, is always run by Thai Chinese. The children of the Chinese/Thai traders are highly educated and are always in position of dealing with international trading partners. The general belief is that only family should have knowledge of trade line partners, otherwise somebody will work for the company then go start a company of their own to compete. It would be unusual for a guy Poland to get a job in Thailand with a Chinese family company, shipping products to Poland. Well, I could be wrong.

I highly suggest you find partners in Poland first. Then start small. Poke around Thailand figuring out what you can ship to Poland. Take a chance on a container shipment, it will cost about US$25,000 or so.

You may already know, but products from Thailand are usually superior in quality to most other Asian products. Good luck.

I think the 25.000 are too high...we often imported like 1/3 Container amount and I can't recall of payment something much more than 1000 Euro.....

I don't see too many superior quality products beside food. Electronic devices are usually worse than the Chinese Exportqualitaet. Not even to think about Japan or South Korea.

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I think the 25.000 are too high...we often imported like 1/3 Container amount and I can't recall of payment something much more than 1000 Euro.....

I don't see too many superior quality products beside food. Electronic devices are usually worse than the Chinese Exportqualitaet. Not even to think about Japan or South Korea.

Interesting. Based on my experience shipping one 20' container is around US$3000 in shipping cost, often a bit more than that. Then the cargo is always about US$25,000 for that container filled. I have never dealt with partial container.

I am biased of course. I don't like to buy "Made in China". I like to buy "Made in Thailand" when shopping in local stores. I find Thai furniture, toys, electronics, and especially clothing, is always of a higher quality if made in Thailand. But I am biased.

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Hi Roodym

Your question is a difficult one to answer. I work in the logistics industry here in Thailand and salaries for non Thai's are pretty much based on demand and experience.

For example a standard operator in a distribution centre would generally start out at 6,500 baht a month. A base level clerical person would start at about 7,000 to 7,500. Supervisors are anywhere from 11,500 to 18,000. A senior contract manager might get as much a 130,000 to 140,000 a month. The low level salaried guys get a thirteen month bonus, more senior people are on performance bonuses. As for you, well that would depend on what skills and expertise you have that a local hire does not.

Sorry, i really can't much more specific and I suggest you try getting something closer to home to start. Otherwise, be prepared to work pretty cheaply, well compared to where you come from.

One other thing, there are specific requirements for work permits here so you will need to meet these requirements. Not least of which is having an employer.


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Many thanks for replay that exacly answer i needed. my experiance is about 2 years in international shippment. so i'm familiar with every international documents and dealing with the shippment.

i've found this website... what is ur opinion about this? i'm going to apply for shipping supervisor.



Edited by roodyM
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I am biased of course. I don't like to buy "Made in China". I like to buy "Made in Thailand" when shopping in local stores. I find Thai furniture, toys, electronics, and especially clothing, is always of a higher quality if made in Thailand. But I am biased.

Yes, I think you are biased. Higher quality that what? Cambodia?

In my experience, cheap clothing and any other low-cost products bought in Thailand (whether made in Thailand, or otherwise) are made from sub-standard products and should not be sold at whatever price. Just about any shoes that I buy here - I think most of them are Chinese or Thai made - will last only a few weeks or months at the very most. Cheap shoes are available in western countries (okay, they may not look so fashionable) that will far outlast those purchased in Thailand. I think it comes down to negligence and a care-less attitude on the part of the sellers here. Most Thais just won't take a product back to complain, and the sellers know it. This doesn't just apply to shoes - it applies to just about anything available here. If I have the money, I always try to buy products that are not being sold at "bargain" prices and preferably *not* made in Thailand.

Of course, Thailand does produce some good quality products too, but the prices for such products aren't that different than those produced by other more developed nations.

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does someone know what sallary can obtain foreigner working in Logistics sector especialy:

import/export with MA diploma (specialisation Logistics) + one foreing language except english.. I wanna to apply for entry position and i know it will be hard due to economy situation now but i will try as i'm from Poland and my priority is to help expand companies in Thai to reach polish market and vice versa.

many thanks for your quick reply.

I remember asking a recruitment consultant a few years back what salary he thought I could get with my skills. He said that if I secured a job, I could get about xxx,000 baht but the chance of actually securing that job in the first place would be very slim. I don't know about your skills, but my guess is that you will find it very hard to get a job that Thai person could do. I understand how you feel that you could use your Polish skills to help a Thai exporter expand into the Polish market, but I rather suspect they would prefer not to use you, and rely on English instead. As another poster pointed out, many small businesses will be family businesses and you'll have no chance of employment there.

Someone made a similar request for information about salaries in a recent post. Then, as now, I suggest that you take a look at the following link - it has detailed information about many sectors including import/export - but be realistic about actually securing such a job.


Good luck, I think you'll need it.

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Many thanks for replay that exacly answer i needed. my experiance is about 2 years in international shippment. so i'm familiar with every international documents and dealing with the shippment.

i've found this website... what is ur opinion about this? i'm going to apply for shipping supervisor.



I think you have to ask yourself on what basis you think your skills will be especially useful to a Thai employer. As far as documents go, I think they would expect native-like English skills, otherwise they'd just go for a Thai who they could probably employ for much less. Two years' experience is not a great deal. I think you have to be realistic about this one.

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Many thanks for replay that exacly answer i needed. my experiance is about 2 years in international shippment. so i'm familiar with every international documents and dealing with the shippment.

i've found this website... what is ur opinion about this? i'm going to apply for shipping supervisor.



Hi Roody

I think the salary survey link, is similar to most of these I've seen over the years. That is it is a limited very of the market which is most likely around 80% accurate. On the low end jobs is close, but on the higher end it's off the mark a bit. As I mentioned in my last reply, you need to check the work permit requirements as I believe you need minimum salary to get one. The other issue is that very few companies will hire an expat where a local can do the job. Even if it was for the same salary, because it's just too much trouble.

None the less I wish you well.


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does someone know what sallary can obtain foreigner working in Logistics sector especialy:

import/export with MA diploma (specialisation Logistics) + one foreing language except english.. I wanna to apply for entry position and i know it will be hard due to economy situation now but i will try as i'm from Poland and my priority is to help expand companies in Thai to reach polish market and vice versa.

many thanks for your quick reply.

You must have a work permit to work in Thailand and if you search this site you'll find a lot of good and accurate information on the subject.

Just a few points to be aware of:

- Work permits are not issued for just any occupation.

- Staements like 'but I can help Thailand to get into the Polish market...' will not be considered in any application.

- You must first have a job (signed contract) then your employer must apply for a work permit for you. (Note: work permits are strictly issued for a specific job within a specific company/employer).

So for you, you need to find an employer who is prepared to request/support a work permit for you.

wow, 120 words to completely avoid the question.

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...I don't see too many superior quality products beside food. Electronic devices are usually worse than the Chinese Exportqualitaet. Not even to think about Japan or South Korea.

That is such an ignorant, biased statement it is hard to know where to start to refute it. I guess the first place would be to ask where you “see” this and what Thai manufactured goods you are talking about?

Interesting storey is when we bought a DVD player in Beijing a few years ago, the displays were divided into 2 sections, one was the domestic market, which can be truly crap, the other was the imported ones with probably 10 different brands and many models When I looked carefully at the 2 or 3 brands/models I was interested in, all were made in Thailand.


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As another poster pointed out, many small businesses will be family businesses and you'll have no chance of employment there.

I recall an example from the courier industry, about 20 years ago, where the farang married-into the family, and used to run the Thai-owned operation of the very-international courier/remail business.

Perhaps the OP should be working for an international logistics business in Poland, and should seek to move overseas with them, that might work ? Although the odds on a position specifically in Thailand being available are not good.

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FYI, in HK and China current monthly salary for young oversea graduate, less than 2 years experience, is around US$1,000, half what it was last year. We recently hired someone from a reputable European business school who graduated in June last year, more than half of her promotion still don't have a stable job.

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  • 3 months later...

RoodyM - I work in this biz here in Thailand for over 15years and the best advise I can give, is to look for a position within a Multinational Company, i.e. DHL, Schenker, Kuehne, Wincanton (you name it). Start with them as a Trainee and then try to get an internship with their offices here in Thailand. Working here in the Shipping / Logistics Sector is a good but tough job and requires a lot of interpersonal skills and a good understanding about the Thai Attitude towards work ( especially loaders, warehouse staff etc.). After you are done with your internship then you can decide for yourself if this is right job and right location for you. Good luck !

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