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Dog Meat


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> westerners are generally brought up, educated , call it what you will ,

> with the belief that dogs and cats are cute animals with high intelligence

> and should be treated in a humane way , and to eat them goes against

> upheld beliefs. considering what is done to battery hens and cows and

> fish, these beliefs may seem hypocritical. but nevertheless they exist ,

> its how most of us were brought up

Absolutely true. I agree completely that this mindset is prevalent in the West, and likely would hold true for a good number (if not a majority) of Thais, too. (Like only a tiny minority of Thais would even consider eating dog; the only question relating to Thais would be if they don't eat it because dogs are cute and smart, or they don't eat it because they think dogs are filthy. :o )

So basically I agree with all of that. The only problem I have is with taking that and saying "As a Westerner you should .." Just because 99% of Westerners believe something doesn't mean that everyone as an individual should feel the same way.

99% of Westerners keep their shoes on in the house, too. 99% of Westerners who go out to eat in a restaurant just sit their eating their own private dish and ask things like "How's your fish ?" rather than sharing and finding out first hand.

That's all fine.. But 'as a Westerner you should do or not do x' is silly. As a Westerner I probably shouldn't have moved to Thailand and married a Thai. Obviously most Westerners don't do this, so perhaps I shouldn't have either?

You hate freedom or what? :D



[sorry for the all-purpose cheap-shot at the end, I'm joking of course]

Edited by chanchao
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> westerners are generally brought up, educated , call it what you will ,

>  with the belief that dogs and cats are cute animals with high intelligence

> and should be treated in a humane way , and to eat them goes against

> upheld beliefs. considering what is done to battery hens and cows and

> fish, these beliefs may seem hypocritical. but nevertheless they exist ,

>  its how most of us were brought up

Absolutely true.  I agree completely that this mindset is prevalent in the West, and likely would hold true for a good number (if not a majority) of Thais, too.  (Like a tiny majority of Thais would consider eating dog; the only question relating to Thais would be if they don't eat it because dogs are cute and smart, or they don't eat it because dogs are filthy. :D )

So basically I agree with all of that.    The only problem I have is with taking that and saying "As a Westerner you should .."    Just because 99% of Westerners believe something doesn't mean that everyone as an individual should feel the same way.

99% of Westerners keep their shoes on in the house, too.  99% of Westerners who go out to eat in a restaurant just sit their eating their own private dish and ask things like "How's your ... ?"  rather than sharing and finding out first hand.

That's all fine..  But 'as a Westerner you should do or not do x' is silly.

You hate freedom or what?  :D



they can teach you what you like, but my parents ate dogs and cats during ww2, what were they supposed to do......die :D

au revoir :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have eaten dog many times in the philippines and it does not tatse like chicken it actually tastes a little like goat.It is of course in the way you cook it,they usually cook it so that it is very sweet whci adds flavour.It stinks when cooked and is usually cooked outside.I dont know of any dog restauarnts in the philippines as it is illegal there and has been for some time.Once you get over the mind set it isnt that bad but also not something you would want to eat everyday but yopu would if you were starving.When it comes down to it though I would rather starve than eat my best mate.

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