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Farangs Breaking Law


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This must be the "farang are bad, thai are good" thread,

Lets hear it for the wonderful thai people and how they would never screw farang,

c'mon people you must all have happy stories of how you came here and were totally accepted and everything was great...................

regards freddie

Nothing of the sort,why invent posts???

this is purely to chat about how thais get a bad name by farangs,but some of us can break the law and be nasty too.

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Beside that, I definitively agree that a number of farangs in LoS are no angels but it seems people here have a weird sense of solidarity, or maybe it's just fear. And I'm not only talking of posters in TV but foreigners generally in Thailand

In my experience, it's normal that foreigners in a different country, with different language & culture, tend to stick together more. Certainly Thais in the UK used to meet up at our house, eat food & chat in Thai & exchange experiences, perhaps this helped some (esp. new-arrivals) settle-in ? :D

But I'm still looking, for my first victim, to murder here. :o Should I feel depressed by my failure-to-conform with the OP's views ? :D

Edited by Ricardo
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Honestly I don't know who is retarded. I came to Thailand for the first time 24 years ago, and the problem is only getting worse.

As a backpacker I quickly learned to avoid the nice foreigner who was waiting for me at the bus station or at the local waterhole, full of "friendly" advises. Some of the most despicable people I met in Thailand were falang bar owners. But what I hate the most is all those cowards who live here and never warn the foreign visitors of the local crooks.

Rant over.

Not sure that it is getting worse, just that it is much more 'visible' with the existence of the internet & modern communications. Nowadays my exposure to the dishonest farang is virtually non-existent as I choose to limit my contact to a small group of farangs & have no interest in frequenting places where the dishonest tend to congregate. My experience is more or less limited to the stories that appear on TV.

In contrast during the mid 70's & early 80's I moved in completely different circles & it seemed that almost every second farang was up to some sort of suspect activity. Used to get continually approached about selling travellers cheques, credit card scams, selling passports, insurance fraud, paying for visa extensions, drugs to somewhere, buying new cars on behalf of Thais to avoid tax, bring in porn mags & probably more I can't remember. Then there was all the stuff you could take to India - Johnny Walker, cigarettes, gold, razor blades & the list goes on.

Got to meet all sorts - from the likelable rogues to the truly obnoxious scumbags.

I am sure these types still exist - just a case of same sh*t, different bucket.

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In contrast during the mid 70's & early 80's I moved in completely different circles & it seemed that almost every second farang was up to some sort of suspect activity. Used to get continually approached about selling travellers cheques, credit card scams, selling passports, insurance fraud, paying for visa extensions, drugs to somewhere, buying new cars on behalf of Thais to avoid tax, bring in porn mags & probably more I can't remember. Then there was all the stuff you could take to India - Johnny Walker, cigarettes, gold, razor blades & the list goes on.

Got to meet all sorts - from the likelable rogues to the truly obnoxious scumbags.

I am sure these types still exist - just a case of same sh*t, different bucket.

Good old time :o ..

But it was different, people were offering you a way to extend your holidays, some honest, some less... I especially remember the gold business ... :D

Now they just want your money. One example around 10 years ago in Phuket. I met a couple of friendly foreigners during the afternoon. They invite me to have a drink with them at a bar owned by one of their friends later in the evening. I joined them, had a drink then moved to some other places... The next day the bar owner come to see me at my guest house and ask me to come later at his bar to pay the bill. It seems I agreed (??) that the all group will drink on my account for the whole night ... And the guy was not really friendly :D . As I was leaving the next day I didn't bother going back there but I heard that it was a common scam and a number of tourists fell obliged to pay ...

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It seems that there is a certain percentage of farang who only want to marry Thai women so they can enjoy a certain style of wife.

Wifestyle...you gotta love it.

"I live in Asia cos I like the wifestyle"

Sadly, there is some truth in that for a few.

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Yeah, I've lost count of the number of people I've murdered :o

That's why I always keep an ear.

Hey! I wasn't dead Iwas only stunned! Can I get my ear back as you can't count me now! It's bloody murder trying to wear my glasses - have a heart, mate! :D

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Many of us come on here and have a dig about the bad things thais do.Other than use a gun i think many of us do the same things.

1/ driving after drinking

2/ not wearing crash helmets

3/ fighting

4/ murder

5/ paying for some one to murder

6/ stitching up farangs

I could go on for ever about bad farnags.Are we being unkind to thais or not.

1/ I drink but don't drive because I don't have a car

2/I don't wear a crash helmet because I don't have a motorcycle

3/ I am to scared to fight

4/ Yes I have killed some nasty ants

5/bought my wife some chocolate arter she killed the ants for me

6/ don't know any farangs

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You havent heard stories about farangs getting partners in for 50% then selling the same shares.Renting/leasing premises then when you are profitable the farang owner increase the rent considerably.

Farangs having more than a few girls on the go and telling lies on how rich they are and all the bs they come out with.Lived here 6 years and can write a book on how bad farangs are.

I'm not sure that starting a thread on how to cheat on your partners, Thai or foreigners, or how to take advantage of your gf would be within forum rules. That may answer your question.

Beside that, I definitively agree that a number of farangs in LoS are no angels but it seems people here have a weird sense of solidarity, or maybe it's just fear. And I'm not only talking of posters in TV but foreigners generally in Thailand

Saw two Amsterdam Hells Angels driving in Chiangmai ,

and wondered what in hel_l they were doing there , they are

the worst of worst crooks in Holland ......

Smoking Dope does that to you. You loose all track of time. They probably set off from their club house to get a six pack and some M&Ms and lost track of time and kept going! What a trip, man! :o:D

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It seems that there is a certain percentage of farang who only want to marry Thai women so they can enjoy a certain style of wife.

Wifestyle...you gotta love it.

"I live in Asia cos I like the wifestyle"

Sadly, there is some truth in that for a few.

I'm very proud to say that I live in Thailand because of the 'wifestyle' as well as the lifestyle. I would never have found my wife anywhere else as she lived in Chiang Mai and didn't know how to use a computer!

The problems the OP talks about are incidental to what's really on his/her mind. Thais do take a well deserved hammering on TV - double pricing, non-refund of deposits on rentals, deadly driving habits (see the Songkran and Western New Year annual death stats in Thailand), constant lies, systemic corruption by government officers in all areas of government business, theft of international coppyright, muggings/pic-pocketting, failure to prosecute Thai murderers of tourists, mafia police/army/politicians et al. Not to even mention the machinations of bar girls! :o:D

The Op really doesn't have much to say in defence of the above outrages perpertrated on tourists and expats by his/her fellow Thai citizens and feels frustrated at always being in the firing line due to his/her nationality. It's understandable as nobody likes to read constant critisism of their race and nation no matter how true it be. Perhpas the OP can be chanelled into educating his/her brothers and sisters on common courtesy to guests in their country or to those who have chosen Thailand as a home to raise their family and invest their money/expertise. That would really be more productive than the lame posting that started this topic. You may now all applause :D:D

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Good old time :o ..

But it was different, people were offering you a way to extend your holidays, some honest, some less... I especially remember the gold business ... :D

Now they just want your money.....

Correct - there was always somebody offering to make you money. :D

Like you say, nowadays they just want to take your money. :D

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Good old time :o ..

But it was different, people were offering you a way to extend your holidays, some honest, some less... I especially remember the gold business ... :D

Now they just want your money.....

Correct - there was always somebody offering to make you money. :D

Like you say, nowadays they just want to take your money. :D

The difference is at that time nobody had money, we were all broke . Everybody was looking for an easy way to make a few bucks but taking advantage of each other was not yet in fashion :D

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This must be the "farang are bad, thai are good" thread,

Lets hear it for the wonderful thai people and how they would never screw farang,

c'mon people you must all have happy stories of how you came here and were totally accepted and everything was great...................

regards freddie

Not all Thais are good nor are all farangs bad. But given the presumably "better" education of the West and the fact that many Thais are not educated in the Western ways, one would expect farangs to be better behaved (using Western standards) than what I see in Pattaya. For example, driving without helmet when a farang should know better, zig zag in between cars, not using indicators, littering, over-charging but not delivering, etc. Of course some Thais do equally stupid things, but hey it is their country and sometimes there are cultural aspects we need to take into account before we judge using our standaards.

If a farang should know better but still proceed to do the wrong thing, then I am afraid such a person deserves the contempt of EVERYONE, whether Thai or farang. Unfortunately, these types of farangs are rather commonplace in Pattaya and they really do give a lot of decent hardworking people here a BAD NAME because the due diligence on people we meet need to increase ten fold to ensure we are not associating with crooks, criminals, drunkards and other undesirables (unless of couse you want to!).

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Honestly I don't know who is retarded. I came to Thailand for the first time 24 years ago, and the problem is only getting worse.

As a backpacker I quickly learned to avoid the nice foreigner who was waiting for me at the bus station or at the local waterhole, full of "friendly" advises. Some of the most despicable people I met in Thailand were falang bar owners. But what I hate the most is all those cowards who live here and never warn the foreign visitors of the local crooks.

Rant over.

Not sure that it is getting worse, just that it is much more 'visible' with the existence of the internet & modern communications. Nowadays my exposure to the dishonest farang is virtually non-existent as I choose to limit my contact to a small group of farangs & have no interest in frequenting places where the dishonest tend to congregate. My experience is more or less limited to the stories that appear on TV.

In contrast during the mid 70's & early 80's I moved in completely different circles & it seemed that almost every second farang was up to some sort of suspect activity. Used to get continually approached about selling travellers cheques, credit card scams, selling passports, insurance fraud, paying for visa extensions, drugs to somewhere, buying new cars on behalf of Thais to avoid tax, bring in porn mags & probably more I can't remember. Then there was all the stuff you could take to India - Johnny Walker, cigarettes, gold, razor blades & the list goes on.

Got to meet all sorts - from the likelable rogues to the truly obnoxious scumbags.

I am sure these types still exist - just a case of same sh*t, different bucket.

Its still going on big style,even more now the thai baht is strong,these farangs will do anything to stay here rather than go home and get a job.Also there are loads creaming the state illegaly.

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This must be the "farang are bad, thai are good" thread,

Lets hear it for the wonderful thai people and how they would never screw farang,

c'mon people you must all have happy stories of how you came here and were totally accepted and everything was great...................

regards freddie

Not all Thais are good nor are all farangs bad. But given the presumably "better" education of the West and the fact that many Thais are not educated in the Western ways, one would expect farangs to be better behaved (using Western standards) than what I see in Pattaya. For example, driving without helmet when a farang should know better, zig zag in between cars, not using indicators, littering, over-charging but not delivering, etc. Of course some Thais do equally stupid things, but hey it is their country and sometimes there are cultural aspects we need to take into account before we judge using our standaards.

If a farang should know better but still proceed to do the wrong thing, then I am afraid such a person deserves the contempt of EVERYONE, whether Thai or farang. Unfortunately, these types of farangs are rather commonplace in Pattaya and they really do give a lot of decent hardworking people here a BAD NAME because the due diligence on people we meet need to increase ten fold to ensure we are not associating with crooks, criminals, drunkards and other undesirables (unless of couse you want to!).

Very good point you make.I have seen farangs in Pattaya trying to get on their motorbikes pissed and get on one side and fall off the other side,what tossers they are.

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Very good point you make.I have seen farangs in Pattaya trying to get on their motorbikes pissed and get on one side and fall off the other side,what tossers they are.

I have certainly been one of those 'tossers'. When I look back I cringe. When I came here for the first time I thought I was untouchable. There must be newbies coming to Pattaya thinking the same. Its no excuse though.Hopefully they will live to tell the tale. One beer every hour is a safe benchmark. None at all is better though!

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Yeah, I've lost count of the number of people I've murdered :o

Me too! :D Or arranged to be murdered! Come to that, I wear a crash helmet and don't fight or rip off farangs (or anyone else come to that)! Where am I going wrong??

Have to admit though that I have driven my motorbike a few times whilst over the limit. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your viewpoint) I realise that I drive badly after a few drinks so nowadays prefer to get a taxi.

do they have a limit here or is it when you fall off?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Does hit and runs with motorbikes count as murder?


1) Hit and run - manslaughter

2) Hit, drive around the block and come back for a second go to make sure, then run - probably murder.

Running low on Plutonium (big N. Korean order coming up), anyone know a supplier in Bangkok?

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My wife put her in touch with a local relief agency and a Thai lady who runs a successful restaurant and knows a lot of people.


Is that Su-Mei Yu from Saffron Chicken in San Diego?  She runs a very successful organization which helps foreign wives of American husbands.

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This must be the "farang are bad, thai are good" thread,

Lets hear it for the wonderful thai people and how they would never screw farang,

c'mon people you must all have happy stories of how you came here and were totally accepted and everything was great...................

regards freddie

And Freddie, if this is your experience, why are you still here ? :)

I can never understand whining farangs who have passports that enable them to go virtually anywhere they want, whining about Thailand as though they are prisoners chained to Thailand forever.

Edited by Maigo6
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Just don't dig the garden at the back of my house. All those dead Thai people I murdered are wonderful fertiliser.

The Farang people I stitched up after taking out and eating their innards are in the front garden where nothing much grows.

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The Farang people I stitched up after taking out and eating their innards are in the front garden where nothing much grows.

I thought shit was a good fertilser......... :)

Edited by Maigo6
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Many of us come on here and have a dig about the bad things thais do.Other than use a gun i think many of us do the same things.

1/ driving after drinking

2/ not wearing crash helmets

3/ fighting

4/ murder

5/ paying for some one to murder

6/ stitching up farangs

I could go on for ever about bad farnags.Are we being unkind to thais or not.

Okay, how did you make the long mental journey from not wearing a crash helmet to MURDER, in such short order?

I don't wear a crash helmet to go to the shop in the village. I'm sorry.

But I could murder a real Cornish Pasty right now.

This site's f'ing great!

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But I could murder a real Cornish Pasty right now.

This site's f'ing great!

Yes, a real cornish pasty would be great, even the feckers from Boywers made in Trowbridge Wiltshire were good !

One thing I miss about the Uk is going down the Supermarket and buying a few Pies or Pasties, few Tins of New Potatoes, (I never understand why they don't sell them in Villa pattaya ) then again they don't sell them in Japan either.

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But I could murder a real Cornish Pasty right now.

This site's f'ing great!

Yes, a real cornish pasty would be great, even the feckers from Boywers made in Trowbridge Wiltshire were good !

One thing I miss about the Uk is going down the Supermarket and buying a few Pies or Pasties, few Tins of New Potatoes, (I never understand why they don't sell them in Villa pattaya ) then again they don't sell them in Japan either.

I know.

On of my best friends has an English restaurant on Koh Samet (many will know Gordon at the Sausage Factory here, dour miserable old bugger). Best pies in the world!

They are all Auntie Margaret's recipes.

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The Farang people I stitched up after taking out and eating their innards are in the front garden where nothing much grows.

I thought shit was a good fertilser......... :)

You answered your own question :D

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