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For Those Who Do Not Believe In Love In Thailand


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What are you going on about?! Respect for my parents? lol

HEY! You fully and freely admitted to paying a lump sum to your wife after knowing her for 6 days and then you got married. Im just saying man, you didnt know your "wife" at all and anyone can see that. 6 days?!?! And then you come on here and profess to know ANYTHING about love, this is highly ANNOYING. Real love doesn't involve MONEY, real love takes TIME. Stop pretending you have any clue about love. All you are trying to do is justify your ridiculous life choices to us and yourself and you really don't need to, this kind of silly choice you should have kept to yourself instead of rubbing it in our faces like it was a smart and acceptable choice we should all aspire to.

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like i said i do not expect you to understand ,

i am just merely saying my view and you are free to express yours .


so having knpwing your noodle vendor better , had your life improve or your love life improve .

are you married ? why are you in thailand ? how your relationship with others . like your parent .

i am sure you know your parent your whole life , are you able to respect - from the way you speak . i see you lack basic respect for others .

is it that you had been so badly bash by reality that you forget to be kind .

i would not blame you . but pity you .

allow me to buy you dinner some day . if you still believe in decent good will .


if i want to marry a person i can read like a book .

is no fun at all .

part of the adventure of life is not knowing .

but again . i would not expect you to understand .

we are from different world . -

will she still need you, will she still feed you, when you're 64 ?

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that why i say you do not understand ,

the Sin sod is a custom . in their culture ..

which farang would not understand .

the Sinsod . culture is not just in Thailand alone . even in Singapore , malaysia , china , taiwan . is part of the culture


let look at this .

a parent rise their kids . so tehre can give away their kids to some OLD bump or loser who can;t even take out 200k - 300k .

how you expect to start a family without money in this time and day .

plus . i got every cent back .. from the Sin Sod . as it just a Custom .

so which part DID i PAID for my wife. but not to get work up with your silly words .. like i said . your lack of respect for others custom and culture is so blinding that i would not

see the point to even explain more to you .


well to find out if she still love me when i beomce 64 -- be my friends :o and withness my death .

the day come when i die . you will see who love me more . cos those who love you will cry for you .

while those who don't will talk behind you when you die .

the world now is just so sad .. where people can't even smile at stranger anymore .

and i am sad for some of you guy here who can't even start a decent chat with simple respect and open mind .

maybe that why you are here .

cos in your country you would not even make it .

and you should be happy Thailand is a more understanding culture that allow your blinded pride to be have a place to stay .

for what ever reason you are here . ,y suggestion is if you hate thai and can't trust thai so much . you should leave . go find a happier place . why are you here . with all your rant . and how sorry ass you are .

or mock other who had found happiness . is it so hard to believe someone else is happier Then you ?

please you guy should get a life . go out meet real people beside hanging in Bar . get a life and meet real people insetad of staying online waiting for love .

if you do not Fight to get love and try hard to find love .. , how you expect love would turn out .

if you can;t even fight for your happiness who will ?

Edited by Ta22
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"well to find out if she still love me when i beomce 64 -- be my friends and withness my death .

the day come when i die . you will see who love me more . cos those who love you will cry for you .

while those who don't will talk behind you when you die ."

Someone once said, more or less, the same thing to me. When I thought about it, I realized Who cares, I'm dying.

Sabum, please stop picking on me. I'm beginning to like your posts, and I'm too old to fight. You should chill a little, though.

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my well wishes to everyone to find true love , i know i did , and i hope everyone do ,

is not easy ,

i had my up and down .

i have the most wonderful parent . who support all my choice . and the blessing of both family .

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Shotime, I thought I did stop picking on you, unless you are Ta22?! lol

Ta22.... for the love of Pete... you keep asking me about my life and trying to paint me with the old man hooker loving brush and I didnt want to respond because I dont want to sound like I'm bragging but <deleted> it. I am in Thailand following a very important career, THATS IT. If it wasn't for that I would be in another country. However I met my love here and have been with her for 5 years and no she's not Thai, but she is intelligent, highly educated, powerful, successful, ambitious and devoted to me. I've got enough experience to know a good woman when I find one, I am a lucky man. I am about the same age as you.

You originally said that you paid such and such amount for your wife, you did not clarify that you got the money back (a proper sinsod), you are too naive to realise that MANY falangs do not get their money back. You are so trusting as to suggest we would all be better off if we were naive and trusting like you when in fact the opposite is the reality, we need to be very careful in this country as we are targeted over and over again to be scammed out of our money all in the name of "love". Very few men here are smart enough (or deserving enough?) to find a woman that they can trust.

I DONT GO TO BARS, you keep mentioning that.

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Good for you .

being trusting . is not just a matter of good eyes and reading body language .

but i got to say many people . prefer to lie to oneself about their status and what is real .

maybe my idea of money is very much difefrent from you'll

cos i never did work for the reason to get money .maybe is cos i find money easy to find .

at least in my view . and from my lifestyle i find myself in comfort . and need not stress myself over the income .

i barely buy any new clothes in the last 10 years or so .

where as i bring my wife shopping for clothes every blue moon so she can look great . - she don't go crazy shopping and usually i am the one buying the more expensive stuff .

oh we never or hardly go to major mall .

she enjoy the street market and mix and match fashion .

my wife don't drink acol at all . and she is a 100% Water person . i hope i can be half like her cos i know my softdrink diet is so bad for me

anyway good for you .

what ever reason you have for behaving badly . you are excuse .

my wife say hello to your mrs .

she tell me don't be meant online cos someone we might just crosspath

good day .

Edited by Ta22
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that why i say you do not understand ,

the Sin sod is a custom . in their culture ..

which farang would not understand .

the Sinsod . culture is not just in Thailand alone . even in Singapore , malaysia , china , taiwan . is part of the culture


let look at this .

a parent rise their kids . so tehre can give away their kids to some OLD bump or loser who can;t even take out 200k - 300k .

how you expect to start a family without money in this time and day .

plus . i got every cent back .. from the Sin Sod . as it just a Custom .

so which part DID i PAID for my wife. but not to get work up with your silly words .. like i said . your lack of respect for others custom and culture is so blinding that i would not

see the point to even explain more to you .


well to find out if she still love me when i beomce 64 -- be my friends :o and withness my death .

the day come when i die . you will see who love me more . cos those who love you will cry for you .

while those who don't will talk behind you when you die .

the world now is just so sad .. where people can't even smile at stranger anymore .

and i am sad for some of you guy here who can't even start a decent chat with simple respect and open mind .

maybe that why you are here .

cos in your country you would not even make it .

and you should be happy Thailand is a more understanding culture that allow your blinded pride to be have a place to stay .

for what ever reason you are here . ,y suggestion is if you hate thai and can't trust thai so much . you should leave . go find a happier place . why are you here . with all your rant . and how sorry ass you are .

or mock other who had found happiness . is it so hard to believe someone else is happier Then you ?

please you guy should get a life . go out meet real people beside hanging in Bar . get a life and meet real people insetad of staying online waiting for love .

if you do not Fight to get love and try hard to find love .. , how you expect love would turn out .

if you can;t even fight for your happiness who will ?

Ta22 I hope your happier love me more did i paid for wife sucks as much as your writing style/grammar/presentation :D

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Good for you .

being trusting . is not just a matter of good eyes and reading body language .

but i got to say many people . prefer to lie to oneself about their status and what is real .

maybe my idea of money is very much difefrent from you'll

cos i never did work for the reason to get money .maybe is cos i find money easy to find .

at least in my view . and from my lifestyle i find myself in comfort . and need not stress myself over the income .

i barely buy any new clothes in the last 10 years or so .

where as i bring my wife shopping for clothes every blue moon so she can look great . - she don't go crazy shopping and usually i am the one buying the more expensive stuff .

oh we never or hardly go to major mall .

she enjoy the street market and mix and match fashion .

my wife don't drink acol at all . and she is a 100% Water person . i hope i can be half like her cos i know my softdrink diet is so bad for me

anyway good for you .

what ever reason you have for behaving badly . you are excuse .

my wife say hello to your mrs .

she tell me don't be meant online cos someone we might just crosspath

good day .

barmy bastard :o

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whahahahhaah - how silly one can be

you should stay at home and lock yourself up - cos if i am dangerous , you can't even wlk without lookin back on the street . :o

people who known me will tell you how friendly i am whahhahaahhaha

pardon me for the degree of self boosting :D

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Good for you .

being trusting . is not just a matter of good eyes and reading body language .

but i got to say many people . prefer to lie to oneself about their status and what is real .

maybe my idea of money is very much difefrent from you'll

cos i never did work for the reason to get money .maybe is cos i find money easy to find .

at least in my view . and from my lifestyle i find myself in comfort . and need not stress myself over the income .

i barely buy any new clothes in the last 10 years or so .

where as i bring my wife shopping for clothes every blue moon so she can look great . - she don't go crazy shopping and usually i am the one buying the more expensive stuff .

oh we never or hardly go to major mall .

she enjoy the street market and mix and match fashion .

my wife don't drink acol at all . and she is a 100% Water person . i hope i can be half like her cos i know my softdrink diet is so bad for me

anyway good for you .

what ever reason you have for behaving badly . you are excuse .

my wife say hello to your mrs .

she tell me don't be meant online cos someone we might just crosspath

good day .

Barmy bastard is right. Lol it's hard not to like you... you're just so dam_n care bear cuddly wuddly nice. Sickening really, but if you're actually like this it's hard not to appreciate such a unique personality. Hope you stay happy.

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I am 50+ now and I have never had good love with a woman. Good sex yes, good love NO.

How do you get good love???

Anyone care to share?

Before I die I would find it pleasing to try good love.

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How do you get good love???

Anyone care to share?

Before I die I would find it pleasing to try good love.

well according to the op, buy a bride after knowing her for 6 days and sit down and both read thaivisa. :o

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You see , the Mocking of My wife - is o some extent . i take it as an insult but . I see Disrespectful .. user keeping this up .

i do not understand what Joy you got form .. assuming your insult .

as i told you . the Sin sod is a custom in asia . and you would never understand for a person so narrow minded .


When i am much much younger . Love to me is procession

meaning if i own it mean i love it . - to show me love you got to be mine .

and i own you . that the biggest mistake .

like many post try to hard to mock my wife and she is reading it .. and she said she would love to meet those who insult her if anyone dare to meet her .


So unless you dare to say it infront of her please stop doing so .


I am 50+ now and I have never had good love with a woman. Good sex yes, good love NO.

How do you get good love???

Anyone care to share?

Before I die I would find it pleasing to try good love.

i may not have the perfect answer for you .

as Love for everyone vary .


to find love first find friends .

love can come from many places .

and people .

look from the root .

while everyone see love in different form .

the basis of love is such that , you are willing to give more then you take .


i be thinking really loud here ,

-- if one fine days my wife do leave me . i would love her to the extent that the better man she found - will get my respect .

and i will help them without question .

for my love for her is that she is happy . i do not expect you to understand . or be the same ,

but my version of love is one that as long as she is happy . i am happy .


within my reach .

i'm the type of person that believe that everyone have some good in them .

and if i do meet bad people . maybe their in trouble and need help .


whahahah a i did grow up watching carebear cartoon and gummy bear , smurf . and wacky toon .

but then i think the cartoon is so fake .


the reality is more cruel .

and Most people who can;t handle the truth . offen shut their heart . with all kinda self def . wording .

is just perfectly human .


many who did not believe and dare not even try . would just think is not possible .


i show you a clip which thinker my heart >



love is alway around you .

i say . to love give .


if you free and is in bangkok , let me know - and we can talk more over dinner .


Money is a tool .

is not love


if you say you love money is like telling me you love

hammer and walking stick .

- the value of it is restricted by the extent you use it .


and at the end of the days ,

when time come for you .

Money devlaue itself to ZERO .

and the only value it had is to burn it with you .

Edited by Ta22
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as i told you . the Sin sod is a custom in asia . and you would never understand for a person so narrow minded .

The only tradition you experienced was the scamming of a farang.

Ordinarily the money is returned or atleast put in a bank-deposit for the wife in case there ever is a divorce.

The parents and brothers spending it isn't part of any tradition, it's just another lowlife family riding on the back of their daughters.

But I'm sure you are happy knowing you promote this behavior.

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as i told you . the Sin sod is a custom in asia . and you would never understand for a person so narrow minded .

The only tradition you experienced was the scamming of a farang.

Ordinarily the money is returned or atleast put in a bank-deposit for the wife in case there ever is a divorce.

The parents and brothers spending it isn't part of any tradition, it's just another lowlife family riding on the back of their daughters.

But I'm sure you are happy knowing you promote this behavior.

Actually he landed up saying he got the money back. He wasn't clear on that and I don't think he realises many falangs don't get their money back which is why he defends it so much, he's just naive.

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for the vast majority of people, their love is not authentic, even the OP or anyone who professes their love

their hate is more pure than their love

this old man explains it well

Edited by mc2
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for the vast majority of people, their love is not authentic, even the OP or anyone who professes their love

their hate is more pure than their love

this old man explains it well

Nice watch, and beautiful hands. I bet he bought the watch (300 baht) and manicure (200 baht, no tip) in Sukhumvit. Doesn't a coin have 3 sides? He sounds like the OP, but from one of the other sides. Also, he's too funny. I mean the OP. What is that dialect in writing the OP uses? Too funny.

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as i told you . the Sin sod is a custom in asia . and you would never understand for a person so narrow minded .

The only tradition you experienced was the scamming of a farang.

Ordinarily the money is returned or atleast put in a bank-deposit for the wife in case there ever is a divorce.

The parents and brothers spending it isn't part of any tradition, it's just another lowlife family riding on the back of their daughters.

But I'm sure you are happy knowing you promote this behavior.

Actually he landed up saying he got the money back. He wasn't clear on that and I don't think he realises many falangs don't get their money back which is why he defends it so much, he's just naive.

It's all in the negotiation. I didn't get it back, but made it extremely clear that I hated giving a penny. But then it was only a symbolic amount. These idiots who pay a million and I went to wedding a couple of weeks ago where it was over a million, are absolute fools.

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you see , you should gauge yourself , if someone whom you love even before you got marreid is demanding money from you for her happiness .

you should consider .

i on the other hand was not demanded for the money . and i am a willing person to show to her family i am more then able to takle care of them .


before i go to ask for her , her family already know that i am a stable guy who is able to take care of the family , just like BANK . who want to see if your credit is good before there loan you .

many farang . got into this Sin sod cycle that huant them cos many farang before you who paid for the high sin sod . is due to the BAD inresposibility of many farang out there who choose to throw out their wife .

when there have a problem . insetad of solving it together , ad the cycle go on to huant all farang .

i only see crazy SIn sod price mostly when you have a bAr girl with farang . cos there know this is their best way to get rich .

but don't mix this up with the average thai .

anyway like i said .

those who speak so loud and speak so much . i welcome you to my house or opver dinner table , i will pay for the meal . and also send you back hope if i need to . if you don;t want to fork out transport or i am more then happy to pay for your taxi .. if youw ant to come join me for dinner :o

my wife would love to see teh faces who had insult her :D and show you . how loving we are

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