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Wife Refused Extention Visa In Uk

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Hi. Everyone. Good news My wife got her visa last week and is now home, after 10 weeks apart we are back together,

I would just like to thank everyone who offered their positive help, and took time out of their busy days to help me anyway they could.

So greatful, if you need help from me PM me


Sean and Gai

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Hi. Everyone. Good news My wife got her visa last week and is now home, after 10 weeks apart we are back together,

I would just like to thank everyone who offered their positive help, and took time out of their busy days to help me anyway they could.

So greatful, if you need help from me PM me


Sean and Gai

Well done sean and gai thats great news mate,enjoy. :)

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Hi. Everyone. Good news My wife got her visa last week and is now home, after 10 weeks apart we are back together,

I would just like to thank everyone who offered their positive help, and took time out of their busy days to help me anyway they could.

So greatful, if you need help from me PM me


Sean and Gai

Congratulations. Glad to hear you have got everything sorted out.

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  • 2 months later...
Here is our case in brief

My wife and I now are finding our selves in an increasing impossible situation. we applied for a 2 year visa extension for my wife who is Thai, as advised by the Immigration Advisory Service, we have been refused because my wife does not have the correct visa to apply for this, and immigration want her to return to Thailand to apply from there, we have been married for 2 years together for 4 years. I am a British national.

We are also being informed that we have no recourse to appeal the UK border decision, Based on the fact that my wife does not have the correct visa to apply. Therefore the immigration service have with drawn our appeal as it will fail.

This means that my wife will have to return to Thailand now, which for us is not possible, we do not have any money to take this course of action, just to send my wife back is more than we can afford, to then place an application from Thailand would cost over 3k with fees and expenses flight, some where to live.

I have explained that I as a foreigner can not return to Thailand as I have no means of work there. I have in the past worked for 4 years as a teacher, due to recent changes in the laws, I am unable to work as a teacher, the only work I am allowed to do there. my wife is totally dependent on me

So now we have been dropped by the immigration advisory service, we can not find a lawyer who will help us appeal, it seems because my wife has a tourist visa we have no right to appeal, but as much as everyone keeps saying send your wife back to her home country to apply, we simply do not have the money, we are totally committed here. I have been told to wait it out and have the immigration come to take action to remove my wife, then appeal under the right to family life.

I have been advised to send my wife back to Thailand by everyone, of cause this would be the right thing to do, but we simply do not have the money to do this, it will take months to get the money together, by then she is on overstay, and I believe that this will count against us, and she will be refused, and we will be kept apart.

Unfortunately I am not in a financially stable situation, I pay the bills and get by well enough, just don't have any to spare.

Any help or advise would be a great help


Sorry but you really are some kind of doughnut ,,, I have been lambasted by other doughnuts on here because I have spent a bit of the folding stuff doing things the correct way ,, now my wife has her UK test passed,, we 100% own our UK home,, she is gainfully employed ,, well loved by the neighbours , and 90% of people that meet her ,, and we have a good 5 figure sum tucked away to show for her ILTR and UK passport at a later date . we have just been on a lovely holiday to the Dominican republic and the UKBA could not have been more helpfull when we landed back in the UK ,, even though my wife has an out of date visa in her Thai passport , she has a UK spouse ID card ,, its worth its weight in gold,,,,,and IF you had done it the correct way your wife would have one now. It puzzles me why you would ever want to bring your wife here on a visitor visa in the first place ,, ( mabe you could not make the financial ,, work criteria then ) and by the sound of your post you cannot make the requirements now.. Just let the UKBA deport her then it wont cost you ,,,,then when you have your finances in better order you can help her get a UK settlement visa in BKK .. good luck with that !!!!!!!!!

One thing I can tell you if your that hard up you cant send her home ( which I have to say I dont believe ) you havent got a flyin fkkkks chance of getting her a settlement visa here.

Why people like you seem to think you can shortcut the system never fails to amaze me ,,,,,, I bet you also got a mortgage repaying 12% interest ,, because you never read the small print !

I don't think you do yourself any favours waving your good fortune in the face of someone less fortunate. Yes, he made a mistake, but he is paying for it now with his current difficulties. He doesn't need you showing off and bragging at him to make him feel worse.

Not bragging about anything ,,,,,,,,,not had good fortune either ,,,,,,,,,,just played the game by the rules and got the result,,,,,,,,,,to be honest the original post is so naieve I doubt vey much it is even the case ,,,,,, why would anyone go through all the expense of getting a visitor visa for his wife , plane ticket etc ,, knowing full well in 6 months he would have to pay for her to go back then go through it all again ? Did he really think you could shortcut the system by getting her here , then getting the UKBA to feel sorry for him and waive her by ?

The point I am making is for other people reading this example who mabe thinking about cutting corners , it shows you in the long run the correct way to go,, and yes also it is bloody expensive , the whole thing is even when she is here ,, you still have at least 2 trips to the UKBA at Croydon to pay for Bio ID cards etc ,, UK test second version ,, ( which the government is currently raking in over 2 million a year from ) etc , my point is anyone thinking of doing it make sure you got enough of the folding stuff before you set off .

As for the OP I have no beef with him ,, if I had my way the fact that they are legally married they should be allowed to stay here without any of this crap , as we all should ,, as he states he pays his way and she cannot claim any benefits anyway,, if the government here removed the garbage from the UK that should not be here then this problem would not arise ,, as usual they are targeting easy people.

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  • 8 months later...

I am sorry for the difficulties faced by the OP and his wife. However, it is made very clear when applying for visit visas that it is a cast iron rule that this type of visa cannot be converted into any other type of visa or extended beyond 6 months and UKBA therefore has no flexibility other than to deport the OP's wife, if she doesn't leave the country voluntarily. This would then make the chances of later getting a settlement or any other kind visa to the UK or any Western country extremely slim. The wife could go to the Thai Embassy and apply for repatriation due to lack of funds, although the embassy probably will ask her to get relatives in Thailand to wire the money for a ticket, as the UK embassy in Bangkok does. Failing help from the embassy or his wife's family in Thailand, the OP will have to scrape the money together for a cheap ticket, if he ever hopes to get her a visa for the UK again. Perhaps the OP can consider getting the necessary qualifications to teach in Thailand again and return there to join his wife and try to apply for a settlement visa from there in future. It doesn't sound like he would be giving up a good job in the UK to do that.

Edited by Arkady
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I am sorry for the difficulties faced by the OP and his wife. However, it is made very clear when applying for visit visas that it is a cast iron rule that this type of visa cannot be converted into any other type of visa or extended beyond 6 months and UKBA therefore has no flexibility other than to deport the OP's wife, if she doesn't leave the country voluntarily. This would then make the chances of later getting a settlement or any other kind visa to the UK or any Western country extremely slim. The wife could go to the Thai Embassy and apply for repatriation due to lack of funds, although the embassy probably will ask her to get relatives in Thailand to wire the money for a ticket, as the UK embassy in Bangkok does. Failing help from the embassy or his wife's family in Thailand, the OP will have to scrape the money together for a cheap ticket, if he ever hopes to get her a visa for the UK again. Perhaps the OP can consider getting the necessary qualifications to teach in Thailand again and return there to join his wife and try to apply for a settlement visa from there in future. It doesn't sound like he would be giving up a good job in the UK to do that.

Not sure why you're resurrecting this post, it's over 9 months old and the OP's wife has a visa.

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