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Air Ticket, With Baby


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Alfredo...perhaps you have misunderstood my post OR perhaps my writing is not succinct enough?

I wrote:

Unless it is a life threatening medical situation...what possible reason would a parent subject a 9 month old baby to a 15+ hour trip to North America? To see the grandparents? Hey, tell grandma and grandpa to come visit!

I would be very interested in why the original poster feels the need to subject their 9 month old baby to 15+ hours of:

1. Arriving at the airport two hours before departure time.

2. Actual flying-time.

3. Transit time at airports along the way.

4. Plus all the other travel hassles one encounters during one's journey.

So, until someone can give me some valid reasons for subjecting a infant to 15+ hours of arduous travel...I will continue to believe it is inappropriate to travel long distances with a infant.

BTW, I consider an infant is any child under the age of 3 years old. 3+ years old...no problem.

I'm still patiently waiting for the OP (Greenwood) to answer my original question: "Unless it is a life threatening [to the baby] medical situation...what possible reason would a parent subject a 9 month old baby to a 15+ hour trip to North America?"

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Alfredo...perhaps you have misunderstood my post OR perhaps my writing is not succinct enough?

I wrote:

Unless it is a life threatening medical situation...what possible reason would a parent subject a 9 month old baby to a 15+ hour trip to North America? To see the grandparents? Hey, tell grandma and grandpa to come visit!

I would be very interested in why the original poster feels the need to subject their 9 month old baby to 15+ hours of:

1. Arriving at the airport two hours before departure time.

2. Actual flying-time.

3. Transit time at airports along the way.

4. Plus all the other travel hassles one encounters during one's journey.

So, until someone can give me some valid reasons for subjecting a infant to 15+ hours of arduous travel...I will continue to believe it is inappropriate to travel long distances with a infant.

BTW, I consider an infant is any child under the age of 3 years old. 3+ years old...no problem.

I'm still patiently waiting for the OP (Greenwood) to answer my original question: "Unless it is a life threatening [to the baby] medical situation...what possible reason would a parent subject a 9 month old baby to a 15+ hour trip to North America?"

May be showing the baby to opa or oma who is near death and wants to see it.
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1. What has that topic to do with the problem that GF want and try to get children with me?

Long discussed in other thread, so shut up here and write there!

What can I say, it seems NOBODY wants Kids with you, they, your GF will know why, maybe you not nice and good enough,

to selfish a womanbeater, or? Or you gay. Not bad, just to get kids a problem.

2. Where, show me, do I write something from misbehaving children

and that something like that, misbehaving would be to except silently from everybody?

Other posters wrote, I do not like children around me, near me on a flight. Not even on the short BKK-Chiang Mai flight, as one wrote.

A child vomited on me, oh my good, that man is a Decorated award winning teacher and a child vomited on him, oh my good, what a teacher!

3. First have kids, than post here with your knowledge!

4. Like that, -read on, -I do not like.

I had one encounter with an unreasonable young lady on a short flight from Phuket to Bangkok 1hour10min.

It was an early afternoon flight and my 3 year young son was happy and singing, not shouting just a little singing.

The young lady falang, in the row in front of us (had her boyfriend-bodybuilder) with her,

was, you could see Partying haevily last night, had an -hang over-, holyday over? and she wanted to sleep.

So she turned around and said that to me,

I said I am sorry, but in my opinion, my son is not to loud and ......that it is not a hospital-sanatorium here,

who does not sleep in the night, shall not try to quiet all people, because he/she want sleep at an unusual time on a short flight.

A short discussion started, her BF quieted her, my son was stunned and happyness gone.

Similar people, also without kids, but the same mood,-

Once I sat, with a group of 8 people nearly all 50+, some years ago on the that time more quiet SURIN BEACH in Phuket.

A older falang lady, (she was from my country, I recogniced later) was on a sunbed next to us,

but the beach around us was nearly empty, free space everywhere..

So she said, and I was the next person to her, -Can you go more near togther and speak not so loud, i want to sleep.-

8 people have to be quiet or move away in her opinion, because that (retired teacher lady!) wanted to have her afternoon nap!

I told her what I am thinking from her idea

and that I am more offended from her old, long hanging, far from good looking bare breasts she showed us and I have to face.

Her BF-husband? come from his swim, but not to help her, but to quiet her and move on with her.

Now you can try to verbaly hurt me again, but I will not change. Action brings a reaction, that how it is!

If ever my children make something wrong, I am the first one who disciplines them with a strong voice, usualy enough to order things!

Only some people cannot except anything at all, than they shall stay away from others!

You know what alfredo i will learn about kids if you learn to write good English and how to keep relations going instead of leaving them all with babies.

Anyway it all depends on the situation in the situation of one of your sons you were right. I am talking misbehaving kids not kids during a short flight.

I am talking about kids crying all the time vomiting over others like that other guy said. That is clearly causing problems. If you can't control your kids don't bring them. Its all about making sure you don't bother others. (i am the first to admit there are many shades of grey here so its not always easy)

You genius,

can you write in my German language same bad-good I write in yours?

And again, I leave nobody with Babys, I not force them to get them, they wanted to get them, without my permission,

write in other thread if you like and do not bring that topic everywhere.

Verstanden? Kauwtschai? You understand?

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Your one of the most selfish people i have ever seen. I have read your irresponsible postings in about having loads of kids with different woman.

Robblok, thank you for this message. As a result I went back and read Alfredo's sexually provocative postings on other topics. Disgusting. No sense of propriety on a public forum. I will no longer respond to a poster with those habits.

I very happy, that you will not respond and I hope you keep your word, thank you Mr. Pope Benedict the 16th? alias Phetaroi,

better -Maiaroi-!

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lol funny, you realise that babies who cry a lot are usualy sign of bad genes?

Babies that come good gened mother and father are very calm and nice for the most part.

Id never have a baby with bad genes, my baby is always quiet when needed unless hes sick

I got family to book for me through aircanada.com .. better planes than through any cheap airfaire ticket site and its about the same price.

They also booked a cot for the 2 planes that go through aircanada, the planes from bkk to tokyo wont have one, unless i ask. They're never full so i guess im gonna get one on those too.

Edited by greenwood01
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Should i talk to the flight attendants or the person checking the tickets for an upgrade on the longuest of my flights(11hrs)

those flights are usualy half full and i dont know who to ask if they have a free spot in first class

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