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Blogging For One Side


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Veera Prateepchaikul of the Bangkok Post seems to have issues with a former elected Prime Minister of the country.

Read his blogs and the comments of his readers for truly stunning invective, pejorative phraseology and spin.

Veera Prateepchaikul denigrates some by saying "maverick MP" about a red-shirt MP whereas yellow MPs who think differently are called Independent.

The strident tones, the hectoring words are demeaning of someone who purports to be a journalist.

He is truly a "yellow journalist".

I would suggest people read his diatribes but that would be inflicting pain on you

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Veera Prateepchaikul of the Bangkok Post seems to have issues with a former elected Prime Minister of the country.

Read his blogs and the comments of his readers for truly stunning invective, pejorative phraseology and spin.

Veera Prateepchaikul denigrates some by saying "maverick MP" about a red-shirt MP whereas yellow MPs who think differently are called Independent.

The strident tones, the hectoring words are demeaning of someone who purports to be a journalist.

He is truly a "yellow journalist".

I would suggest people read his diatribes but that would be inflicting pain on you

Well, i think you know the answer. Bias

But how in thailand do you get balanced and two-sided views.

I have given up on the two main english language newspapers. the internet is a good source.

i am learning thai so read pieces from a thai newspaer. although more un-biased than n and bp, they are not for me easy reads

where do most members of this forum get balanced views?

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Considering how Thaksin and his cronies threatened the BKK-Post with advertisement withdraw and continually harassed them to fire Veera for calling a spade a spade, it is really no wonder Veera and the Bangkok Post have issues with Thaksin. Veera was in fact removed, unfairly, from his editorial position due to Thaksin's threats. Cracks on the airport runways ring a bell with anyone?

More info on Thaksin's medling with media is only a Google click away or try here for starters: CPJ

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Considering how Thaksin and his cronies threatened the BKK-Post with advertisement withdraw and continually harassed them to fire Veera for calling a spade a spade, it is really no wonder Veera and the Bangkok Post have issues with Thaksin. Veera was in fact removed, unfairly, from his editorial position due to Thaksin's threats. Cracks on the airport runways ring a bell with anyone?

More info on Thaksin's medling with media is only a Google click away or try here for starters: CPJ

Getting rid of anyone who dared criticize him or think differently than him was all part of Mr. T's grand and honorable scheme in turning Thailand into a truly democratic state, you know. What else could we expect a patriotic, compassionate and democratic gentleman like Mr T do?

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Every journo, editor and media outlet is biased.

We tend to point out the bias of those we dont like while giving the benefit to those we agree with as we are all bias too.

Dont rely too much on media sources of any kind when forming opinions or you will always fall victim to propoganda. In fact there is a good arguement to only form opinions on that which you yourself experience directly as that is all you can really know, and even that..... However, the modern world and such things as education systems demand we have opinions on things we are not in a position to have anything other than a vague idea or belief about and based on information that cannot be verified in most cases.

Ditto in academics and their works too with journos and media.

The truth is out there but it is nigh on impossible to find.

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I read http://www.prachatai.net/english/ is the best Thai written English language news about Thailand. I also read a variety of blogs. I think the benefit of blogs is that there are lots of different ones out there and are about very specific topics so you can find the information about what you are interested in. Also most allow comments so there is an debate about the information in them. You can also read different blogs on the same topics and get different points of view and make your own mind up.

Thailand politics blogs i recommend:






http://thaicrisis.wordpress.com/ (mainly economics based but includes politics)


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The truth is out there but it is nigh on impossible to find.

Not really, just need a bit of work ... or money. It always amazed me that when some newspapers are to be given away for free to find a readership, a number of "information" letters sell for so expensive and that people are ready to pay for them.

Edited by Pierrot
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