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I know most forum junkies will have seen a hundred topics about this but if you can cope with one more id apprechiate it. Are their any good FAQ's or guides to the various options for Thais visiting England?

I know their are many agencies and other government websites with all very formal explinations forms and the like, however im wanting something written by someone who actually wants the readers to understand what his or her options are.

I have a girlfriend and marriage is a plan in the future however i want her to visit england before. She doesnt have a Job at the moment, i can act as a sponsor and show proof of my wealth. I have lots of proof of a prolonged relationship with her (plane stubs, photos etc).

I have heard that one method thats can work is if a thai attempts to go to England off their own bat. No mention of a boyfriend as that only makes the authorities suspicious. If they can prove they have the funds to support their vacation and a job to return to (easily faked with a friends company), then they are much more likely to get a holiday visa than if their is a man involved.

Their are many different things ive heard and methods that ive investigated but none are conclusive and explained in straightforward terms.

What im really asking for i guess is "Uk Visa's for Thai Girlfriend... for dummies!"

Not so much but if someone knows of some good informative websites that lay the facts on the line and drop the bs then id appreciate it. Alternativly if someone can suggest the best route for me to investigate further then that would be great also.




All the facts are on this forum you need to spend a bit of time trawling through the various posts and your girlfriend needs to decide which is best for her, remember it's her visa application.

Two points about your post however, you say that if a boyfriend is mentioned it will raise suspicion with the ECO, I think it's best to start with the premise that all applications from single females are treated with suspicion, she needs to prove that hers is a valid application.

If she goes down the visiting boyfriend route she needs to prove that your relationship is genuine and, as her sponsor, you will need to prove likewise. There is a lot of advice on the forum about how to do this.

Yes, if she has her own means and a good reason to return, then by all means she can use these facts to convince the ECO that it's a genuine application. If, as you say, she doesn't have a job, then don't think about submitting fake documents, as you suggest, if caught, and the chances are that she will, she would not get a visa for at least ten years.

In brief do the research and then she must decide which route to go down and then submit an application the details of the relationship and a convincing argument of her reasons to return home to Thailand, as well as the reasons for the trip and the affordability of the trip.



The first rule for a succesful application is:-

Do not lie! The ECOs are used to seeing fake documents etc. and look for any inconsistencies in the application which may indicate the applicant is spinning a yarn. Some people may occassionaly succed by lying, but most are caught, the visa is refused and, as OG says, the applicant could be banned from the UK for 10 years.


Do not use an agent, unless they are qualified and regulated in the UK, i.e. registered with the OISC. Many so called agents in Thailand, especially those run by unqualified Brits, are at best mere form fillers. Some even persuade their clients to lie on the application and then wash their hands of them when the application is refused. If you do decide to use an agent then one of the OISC registered sponsors of this forum are your best option.

Basically a visit visa applicant needs to satisfy the ECO that, on the balance of probabilities, they are a genuine visitor, with a genuine reason to visit the UK; that they will be adequately maintained and acommodated during their visit, from their own resources or with the help of a sponsor, and that they will leave the UK when or before their visa expires, known as reason to return.

Reason to return can be problem. However, I know of many successful applicants who have had no job, no property etc. They were successful because they showed that they were in a genuine relationship with their sponsor and the visit was genuine. They did this by being totally honest.

For the official advice on visit visas to the UK see:-

Guidance - Visitors (INF 2)

Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3)

VAT2 Visitors: Visiting family; friends; as a tourist

For where and how to apply, fees etc. see UK Visa Application Centre in Bangkok.


thanks for the advice, i was going to include something about lieing not being my 1st option but forgot. That was just an story i had been told and didnt like the idea of lieing either. I wasnt aware that you can get a 10 year ban if caught so well thats definatly not an option.

I am fairly sure i can prove a sustained relationship. But as mentioned the reason to return is the stumping point. All i can think of at the moment is that she has family in thailand. And that i will be returning to thailand myself to visit family there, so will be traveling back with her possibly (my dad lives there also).

One other idea i had was booking a the return flights in advance leaving enough time for visa processing. So the fact that a return ticket dated etc could be submitted as evidance. Would that be an possible way to go? Or would it just look like im trying to hard as normal people wouldnt book the flight before she had the visa?


Hi Mike,

We had a successful Visit Visa approval for my then GF (now wife) to visit and stay with me in the UK for 3 months.

The main reason we used for return was that "we were to Marry and was fully aware that to breach any of the rules would ruin our chances of getting a later Settlement Visa and starting a family & future together". At the time My GF was no longer working, although her Mother had a tailoring shop which we stated as being work for her on her return.

To prove the relationship we sent photos from the my two previous visits to TL where we stayed at her parents house and went on Holidays to Koh Chang and other places together. We also included all chat messages and emails and I supplied my phone bills showing calls from UK.

I then supplied lots of bits from my side - copies of house deeds, bank statements, letter from my work confirming salary and full time position + pay slips, bills from my apartment + various other bits including a letter from my sister saying how she would like us to stay with her and her family over xmas. Copies of my passport and all visa stamps were also sourced.

From the GF's side she supplied her uni degree, passports with visa copies, bank statements and lots of other docs.

So we very much went on the "we can't mess this up as we willl marry" approach - which was the truth and nothing but, so we went to town with the evidence....Concrete was added to this by some factors which I believe may have helped or at least not harmed us...Her parents were both Teachers...GF had not been Married before, so she could not afford to be screwed around as it would be harder to marry again esp to another Thai..she had previous visits to US granted and stuided in JP for three years before.

One main point I wanted to make - its so much more simple to tell the whole truth...The officers whom process your GF's visa no every trick in the book and can spot them a mile off...Also you feel so much better and confident if you just tell the whole truth and pitch that with well supported documents. After all keep in mind you do love your GF and plan to Marry, so go to town and think of all the ways you can back that up with proof.


When you say that you make it sound easy :), thanks for the tips. Unfortunatly i think you and your girlfriend had alot more going for you than i do in my situation. Either way i will only tell the truth and try my best to come up with the best solution and evidance i can.



Tlusername's approach is, IMHO, the way to go; many have obtained visit visas in similar circumstances for their girl/boyfriend in exactly this way. Obviously the longer the relationship, the more contact you have had and the more times you have visited her in Thailand the better.

If you follow this route include in the application a brief letter outlining the history of your relationship, the reason for her visiting the UK at this time and what your future plans together are.

One other idea i had was booking a the return flights in advance leaving enough time for visa processing. So the fact that a return ticket dated etc could be submitted as evidance. Would that be an possible way to go? Or would it just look like im trying to hard as normal people wouldnt book the flight before she had the visa?

The UK does not accept a return ticket as proof of an intention to return, indeed the official advice is to not book a ticket until after you have the visa. The reason for this is that if one were using a visit visa to gain entry to the UK for some other purpose, e.g. to work, then losing the cost of a return ticket would be a worthwhile expense.

Similarly, having family, even children, in Thailand is not, by itself, deemed as a reason to return. Many Thais, especially young women, travel long distances, often out of the country, for work; leaving any children in the care of relatives.

Remember that you do not need one solid reason to return; lots of little ones added together can make a convincing case. Especially if the ECO is satisfied that your relationship is genuine and so the reason for her visit is genuine.


I applied last June for a visa for my Thai girlfriend and got it first time, Easy , you don't need any agent ,Just do your Homework properly, My girl did not have a lot in the bank because she earned a little every month , and spent it every month to live ,So all the stories about have an amount in the bank is rumor, bit she did have a long history of money going in her bank account from the factory she worked, it also proved that she had a job,Don't lie because they do check phone numbers ,Also your documents don't need translating into English because they have Thai people processing them , and they know all the tricks .Just do the Visa application as instructed on the vaf site,

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