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Asean leaders seek Thai ban on gathering during June meeting

Asean leaders have set conditions that they would join the event if the government banned protesters from coming near the meeting venue of Asean Summit within the radius of 5 kilometres, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday. He said the security forces were reviewing safety and security measures and they would bring concrete measures within next week.

"We will declare the meeting venue off-limit to gathering and for that we have to see which venue we can resort to in order to implement the measures,'' he said.


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Asean leaders seek Thai ban on gathering during June meeting

Asean leaders have set conditions that they would join the event if the government banned protesters from coming near the meeting venue of Asean Summit within the radius of 5 kilometres, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday. He said the security forces were reviewing safety and security measures and they would bring concrete measures within next week.

"We will declare the meeting venue off-limit to gathering and for that we have to see which venue we can resort to in order to implement the measures,'' he said.


Under the recent circumstances a valid set of requests.

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PM: Red-shirts won't disrupt meeting

By: BangkokPost.com

Published: 5/05/2009 at 03:03 PM Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva says he accepts UDD leaders' assurances their red-shirt supporters will not rally outside the meeting of Asean health ministers on Thursday and Friday in Bangkok.

Mr Abhisit said the Asean meeting is not poltiical. The ministers will discuss H1N1 flu prevention, a vital issue for the health of people throughout the region.

He said a process of political reconciliation had been set in place through the parliament and it needed the support of all parties to end the conflict within the country.

The government's acceptance of the need to amend the constitution requires an input from all interested parties and the government would listen to them, Mr Abhisit said.

The public should not look on it as a beginning of further political conflict.


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Checks and balances. A concept foreign to the Thai military. Whatever faults the US has, the military is kept under the control of the civilian authorities.

More than a few Kent State alumnae would disagree, but generally true overall.

When the Thai civilian authority is hopelessly mired in corruption (i.e. Thaksin), I appreciate that the Thai military actually reports to a higher authority.

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