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Its well known all over the world that Americans cause a lot of trouble.. look around in the world.

Most expats seem to agree that the British are the rudest tourists around - and that includes other Brits. They love to get drunk and yell insults and pick fights with anyone who crosses their paths.

Some Americans are a__holes, but they are hardly alone in that. :)

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I agree that any nationality can be obnoxious, except Canadians.

However, some Americans do have specialties, and arrogance/hypocrisy/rigidity/intolerance about what is "appropriate" in sexual matters is definitely one of them.

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Its well known all over the world that Americans cause a lot of trouble.. look around in the world.

Most expats seem to agree that the British are the rudest tourists around - and that includes other Brits. They love to get drunk and yell insults and pick fights with anyone who crosses their paths.

Some Americans are a__holes, but they are hardly alone in that. :)

Nah...try the Russians or Israelis, the average British yobo in Thailand is a pussy cat compared..

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Its well known all over the world that Americans cause a lot of trouble.. look around in the world.

Most expats seem to agree that the British are the rudest tourists around - and that includes other Brits. They love to get drunk and yell insults and pick fights with anyone who crosses their paths.

Some Americans are a__holes, but they are hardly alone in that. :)

I agree, and I'm from London. I am often embarassed by my fellow countrymen at home and abroad.

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My experience in Pattaya is that the Americans are not that bad compared to many of the other nationalities except for talking really loud. That could be because many are deaf from too much rock and roll.

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Jingthing you, me or anyone else are going to change the way these JERKOFFs think and act, rather better to change the way you look at it, i.e., rather than a verbal/physical confrontation by saying F#$KOFF, give them you evil look :):D:D move on, other words my friend these AS#H##LES are not worth spoiling your time out with the Ms. :D:D

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Um again from my post, I am 28, my wife is 23. Not a very big age gap.

Norrad, you and your wife Iook Iike a IoveIy coupIe. I imagine that comment isnt something you hear often, so try not to Iet it get to you (if you do, just means you aIIow them to win). KSR does attract a Iot of different peopIe, some of those a tad on the odd side. So, just think of it as one of those TwiIight Zone pIaces.


I am an American but i have to say the American tourists i run into here are the most polite, courteous, respectful etc group as a whole

I have heard same same also from alot of Thais.


I was in Jomtien sitting in a beer bar by side of soi with a mint service girl sitting on my lap. 2 western woman walked by and one spotted

me and alerted the other and started pointing at me saying "thats just disgusting etc". The girl on my lap jumps up and yells at them in

thai and starts walking quickly towards them. The 2 woman quickly started running down the street with a look of fear. Priceless....

Marmelad(e), you spell that: beat.

Beat them up? Oh yeah, you have obviously never seen Thai (bar) girls angry and spoiling for vengance.

For the record, I would have loved seeing that. A 5ft nothing 90lb girl kicking the snot out off two hapless western *cough* "ladies".


Ok, that situation couId be offensive (or not) to many nationaIities and sexes, not just to a coupIe of western women. It reaIIy depends on Iocation and how the "coupIe" were conducting themseIves. If a girI sits on a mans Iap, fine, up to them of course. But, its not aIways appropriate (aIthough many may argue that). If the western Iadies were waIking down a soi weII known for bars, then they shouIdnt act shocked if they see that. But, if the coupIe were innapropriateIy dressed for a generaI area, and/or putting on a bit of a show (touchy-feeIing, squawking giggIes, and such..which some men may encourage if they go into peacock mode, particuIarIy, i imagine, if they want to get a rise out of others..such as a coupIe of western women.). Then there aIso are other possibIe eIements such as big differences in ages/Iooks. None the Iess, I do think the two woman shouId not have made any comments (even if goaded in some way).

As for western *cough* Iadies, i know many very fine western Iadies. I aIso know many very fine western (gentIe)men. Most of which dont seem to feeI the need to bad-mouth and put down western woman...and vice-versa.

However, I think im probabIy a bit overIy defensive at times on Thaivisa when it comes to negative taIk of western women. Maybe in this case they did deserve to get a bit of shock for mouthing off. Again, just depends on the situation..dont you think?


Monkeys tend to chatter amongst themselves. They have nothing much else to do or think about.

Tell me, when you visit the zoo, and walk by a cage of monkeys, what will you do if they scream "EEK, EEK, OOOK!"

Do you run right up to the bars, all red in the face, and scream back "OOOK, OOOK, EEK!".

Does that accomplish anything?

And what do you look like to the other HUMANS who are nearby? Aren't you rather hard to distinguish in your behavior from the monkeys?

..... :D

~ eek. =]

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Its so hard to imagine why they would think that. :)

Its even harder to imagine why you would take such offence if its not something you're worried about.

Be honest, we only really take offence at something we're privately worrying about at the back of our mind. Otherwise we just laugh at the stupidity.

First off, many board members have met my wife and I at the Thai Visa new year party. We are a complete match as a couple.

But it grinds me when someone who doesn't know a single thing about us spouts some comment like that. And it wasn't just one of them that made the comment, they each said it one after the other "Sex tourist, Bar girl!, Sex tourist, Bar girl!, Sex tourist, Bar girl!" like a f***cking chant or game that they were playing with each other. If that wouldn't get to you then you are definately a better man than me.

I agree, it is understandable why people could think your a sex tourist and your GF a bargirl. I get the same feeling when I am out with my Thai GF. However, to have the balls, or lack of brains, or both, to say what they said is shocking, and I apologize on behalf of the dozens of us Americans out there that aren't ignorant and "ugly." (There are some) It's dificult how to feel, understanding where thier misperceptions come from, at the same time what would you do if a total stranger walked up to you on the street back home and said, "Your girlfriend is a prostitute!" I believe it's called justifiable homocide.

If I felt like I could take them, (or were a little buzzed), I would probably say to them, "Actually, this is my girlfriend of X years, and you just called her a prostitute...now what do you suggest I should do about that?"

My remember my first time on KSR some years ago, I had a TG companion with me, not a bar girl or prostitute, but also not technically my GF. I couldn't find a hotel/hostel that let her in. We're all used to that now, but a little shocking at first.

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I'm sure this happens to a lot of farangs living in BKK. This is the first port of entry for many tourists and KSR is a place a lot of them (backpackers/farang ladies) go. I'm sure the guys living in the sticks dont come across this. The wife has decided she wants to go to university at the age of 23 in her home city Sakon Nakhon. She has to wear the uniform. I wonder what looks we would get in BKK if I was to pick her up from uni? Myself being 34. That would be some fun.

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Well, I guess it was just a matter of time before the nasty generalizations came out.

Let me remind members of the forum rules and that minding one's manners on the forum is just as important as minding them in real life.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
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Norrad, you and your wife Iook Iike a IoveIy coupIe. I imagine that comment isnt something you hear often, so try not to Iet it get to you (if you do, just means you aIIow them to win). KSR does attract a Iot of different peopIe, some of those a tad on the odd side. So, just think of it as one of those TwiIight Zone pIaces.

Thanks eek. Yeah it was the first time someone has said that to me, so really took offence to it. KSR is probably not a place I'd go again.

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Why stress over these knobheads?? they will go back to the same rock they crawled out of and you will continue to lead a happy live wife here in Thailand!!

If they weren't in a group of 4 people they wouldn't have said jack sh@t, cowards!! typical Yanks......

I think that is quite unnecessary... :)

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I'm sure this happens to a lot of farangs living in BKK. This is the first port of entry for many tourists and KSR is a place a lot of them (backpackers/farang ladies) go. I'm sure the guys living in the sticks dont come across this. The wife has decided she wants to go to university at the age of 23 in her home city Sakon Nakhon. She has to wear the uniform. I wonder what looks we would get in BKK if I was to pick her up from uni? Myself being 34. That would be some fun.

Ever wondered why you can hardly see a Farang with his 12 - 16 year old daughter in public??

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... I see farang with their children all the time.

me too, when I am in Europe.

But if you would ever come to Thailand you won't see many Farangs with their teenage female luuk kruengs in the sky train, at MBK or wherever in a busy public place...

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...because Thais, as well as some idiot farangs, think they are lovers and therefore give them the disgusted look.

Some fathers can handle that, the daughters certainly cannot...

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I was speaking to a guy on a business trip to Norway recently. he said he would never go back to thailand because he once saw a young girl (8-9 years old) get on the back of a motorbike driven by a Farang man in his thirties. I did try to explain that it was probably his daughter or step daugher, but he had his mind made up already about what he saw. Trying to explain the probable situation makes you just dig a hole.

Thailand has a bad reputation. We have to deal with that because we can't change it.

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I was speaking to a guy on a business trip to Norway recently. he said he would never go back to thailand because he once saw a young girl (8-9 years old) get on the back of a motorbike driven by a Farang man in his thirties. I did try to explain that it was probably his daughter or step daugher, but he had his mind made up already about what he saw. Trying to explain the probable situation makes you just dig a hole.

Thailand has a bad reputation. We have to deal with that because we can't change it.

..and thats the sad truth. ThaiIand has a Iot to offer, but it does have a Iarge seedier side that peopIe know about. This is often the one focused on.

..i aIso wonder if its the side that many of the happiIy settIed down expat men were initiaIIy attracted to.. who then get outraged when the same men who they once were themseIves think negativeIy about seeing them with their daughters (or wives). Of course its wrong to think negativeIy Iike that, but of course a root reason for it.

Wonder if it is an attitude that couId ever change over time, and if so, how?

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I was speaking to a guy on a business trip to Norway recently. he said he would never go back to thailand because he once saw a young girl (8-9 years old) get on the back of a motorbike driven by a Farang man in his thirties. I did try to explain that it was probably his daughter or step daugher, but he had his mind made up already about what he saw. Trying to explain the probable situation makes you just dig a hole.

Thailand has a bad reputation. We have to deal with that because we can't change it.

..and thats the sad truth. ThaiIand has a Iot to offer, but it does have a Iarge seedier side that peopIe know about. This is often the one focused on.

..i aIso wonder if its the side that many of the happiIy settIed down expat men were initiaIIy attracted to.. who then get outraged when the same men who they once were themseIves think negativeIy about seeing them with their daughters (or wives). Of course its wrong to think negativeIy Iike that, but of course a root reason for it.

Wonder if it is an attitude that couId ever change over time, and if so, how?

Proper education is the key. Everything else will follow automatically.

So, to answer your question, not in our lifetime.

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...because Thais, as well as some idiot farangs, think they are lovers and therefore give them the disgusted look.

Some fathers can handle that, the daughters certainly cannot...

do any of you who have thai girl friends over 20 years youngerthan yourself actually look at the disgruntled thai faces as you walk by?

in any country i go to i dont see teenage girls w pops very often. just not cool!

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I was speaking to a guy on a business trip to Norway recently. he said he would never go back to thailand because he once saw a young girl (8-9 years old) get on the back of a motorbike driven by a Farang man in his thirties. I did try to explain that it was probably his daughter or step daugher, but he had his mind made up already about what he saw. Trying to explain the probable situation makes you just dig a hole.

Thailand has a bad reputation. We have to deal with that because we can't change it.

i doubt paedophiles do their thing in public.

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...because Thais, as well as some idiot farangs, think they are lovers and therefore give them the disgusted look.

Some fathers can handle that, the daughters certainly cannot...

do any of you who have thai girl friends over 20 years youngerthan yourself actually look at the disgruntled thai faces as you walk by?

in any country i go to i dont see teenage girls w pops very often. just not cool!

**flame removed***

Yoga and meditation would help

Edited by sbk
no flaming--sbk
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...because Thais, as well as some idiot farangs, think they are lovers and therefore give them the disgusted look.

Some fathers can handle that, the daughters certainly cannot...

do any of you who have thai girl friends over 20 years youngerthan yourself actually look at the disgruntled thai faces as you walk by?

in any country i go to i dont see teenage girls w pops very often. just not cool!

Actually, Thais make that face at ANY Thai girl with a farang that they don't know. Hookers go with young guys too. :)

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I can't understand some of the guys on this thread, who would rather turn a blind eye in cowardice rather than man up and stand up for their lady. If i'd of been there i would have knocked them out for sure. I don't know how the OP managed to control himself, in the moment that the abuse happened, probably it just took him by surprise. It's a shame he didn't catch up with those loudmouths and teach them a good lesson.

where have all the real men gone?

Don't worry, some of us are still here....

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I can't understand some of the guys on this thread, who would rather turn a blind eye in cowardice rather than man up and stand up for their lady. If i'd of been there i would have knocked them out for sure. I don't know how the OP managed to control himself, in the moment that the abuse happened, probably it just took him by surprise. It's a shame he didn't catch up with those loudmouths and teach them a good lesson.
where have all the real men gone?

Don't worry, some of us are still here....

Atta boy, glad to hear it.

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PersonaIIy I think it takes a reaI man to waIk away, rather than stir up a Iot of drama and make the situation worse. What they did was wrong, and maybe having a word with them wouId heIp them see that, but physicaI voiIence is a barbaric way of deaIing with something. It aIso doesnt soIve anything, as im sure it wouIdnt change their way of thinking, onIy make them possibIy more hesitant about voicing their opinion next time. A physicaI fight wouId most IikeIy bring on a Iot more probIems (and possibIy the poIice) and just give Farangs further bad reputation here. SupposedIy we Ieft the caveman era a Iong time ago...

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Agreed. Walk away. Why dignify such louts with any attention whatsoever? It would also be loutish behavior if they really were a commercially motivated couple, none of their damnned biz-ness, either way.

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