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Thanks To Tuskers


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This is just to say a very public THANKYOU to the Staff and Chas at Tuskers for taking the time to make me feel welcome at Tuskers. Being out mostly on my own, on my time off, it was great to feel that I could go to Tukers and relax. Not all places in Chiang Mai are happy to see a lone white female in their bar!!! (no names mentioned to protect the guilty :) )

I only went in the first place because of it being on here - but I kept going back. After saying I was leaving just about every week for 7 weeks I finally got sent back to Pattaya in a rush on Sunday because of an emergency. So please take this as a thanks and I promise when I am next back in Chiang Mai I will be in for a drink or 2 or......

Again thanks all - you made my stay pleasurable :D


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Not all places in Chiang Mai are happy to see a lone white female in their bar!

Almost all bars in Chiang Mai are welcoming to everyone who walks in: they need the business- but then again, how would you know about other bars as you kept going back to the same one!

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MaeRimMan - I went to other bars! I know when the reception is positive or not and I don't necessarily mean from the customers in the place. I went to quite a few other bars and I know when I am not wanted - it is not rocket science!

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Aussiechick, i feel unwanted all the time at most bars but that doesn't stop me from drinking a pint or ten :)

I'm always happy to see you in a bar Tee Bee, if I see you in there that means I'm in there as well and I know that you and I will always talk to each other unlike many others.

Mengerti kawan? Saya masih sibuk diluar, belum tau kapan pulang.

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Aussiechick has a very real point... but there is a reason. Unlike the Thai women who are mostly "approachable" (if they don't approach you first) single white females don't like to be approached or talked to by older men, which are most of what the bars contain. Occasionally, I've seen single white females in the bars along Loi Kroh road. When I see one that looks lonely or looking out of place I'll often just say "Hi; where are you from?". I'm not trying to pick them up; I'm just being friendly. But, most often I'll just get a cold reply and I know she wants to be left alone... by me. They act the same way they would at home... unfriendly to strangers.

And THAT is precisely why older, single men flock to Thailand by the thousands. The Thai women are more friendly. Of course there is a reason for that also... older men usually have more money and are more willing to spend it on the younger ladies.

It is MUCH different when you meet under different surroundings... like day trips and trekking trips where you get to know each other on a more personal level. All sorts of strange things happen on trekking trips.

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OK Iain you've got a point but there are plenty of bars/restaurnats in Chiang Mai that would welcome a single white caucasian female and where other single white caucasian women congregate, what I find surprising is that she had such a wonderful time in a bar that let's be honest, apart from its big parties, seldom has anyone in it, single white females.Thai females, white men, black men or anyone else for that matter! and that despite all the research she claims to have done in other bars kept venturing back to the one she did!

Me smells a plant! or what Lonely planets Thorn Tree used ot call a troll!

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Aussiechick has a very real point... but there is a reason. Unlike the Thai women who are mostly "approachable" (if they don't approach you first) single white females don't like to be approached or talked to by older men, which are most of what the bars contain. Occasionally, I've seen single white females in the bars along Loi Kroh road. When I see one that looks lonely or looking out of place I'll often just say "Hi; where are you from?". I'm not trying to pick them up; I'm just being friendly. But, most often I'll just get a cold reply and I know she wants to be left alone... by me. They act the same way they would at home... unfriendly to strangers.

It is possible of course they are looking for the same as we do, a young attractive female. :)

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OK Iain you've got a point but there are plenty of bars/restaurnats in Chiang Mai that would welcome a single white caucasian female and where other single white caucasian women congregate, what I find surprising is that she had such a wonderful time in a bar that let's be honest, apart from its big parties, seldom has anyone in it, single white females.Thai females, white men, black men or anyone else for that matter! and that despite all the research she claims to have done in other bars kept venturing back to the one she did!

Me smells a plant! or what Lonely planets Thorn Tree used ot call a troll!

It's no "plant" as you call it, MaeRimMan.

There IS a reason why Tuskers doesn't have a lot of drop in trade... it's off the beaten path of most tourists. And, there's not a lack of bars if you just want a place to drink. Heck, I was in Chiang Mai for two years before I ever found it and that was only after being invited there by a Thaivisa member. Surprising to me it was within a short walking distance of the Smile bar that I used to frequent all the time, and just down the soi from a massage parlour I go to (Happy massage). But, when you are on your motorbike you have to pay attention to traffic or you'll quickly have an accident. You can't pay attention to names of bars, and Tuskers just didn't jump out at me. And, parking is somewhat of a premium in the narrow soi. But, after visiting Tuskers once then I went back. I like the clientel and owner.

I DO agree that an empty bar is not some place that attracts people. It's the same with the lady bars where the busy places keep getting more action and the slow places continue to stay dead.

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This is just to say a very public THANKYOU to the Staff and Chas at Tuskers for taking the time to make me feel welcome at Tuskers. Being out mostly on my own, on my time off, it was great to feel that I could go to Tukers and relax. Not all places in Chiang Mai are happy to see a lone white female in their bar!!! (no names mentioned to protect the guilty :) )

I only went in the first place because of it being on here - but I kept going back. After saying I was leaving just about every week for 7 weeks I finally got sent back to Pattaya in a rush on Sunday because of an emergency. So please take this as a thanks and I promise when I am next back in Chiang Mai I will be in for a drink or 2 or......

Again thanks all - you made my stay pleasurable :D


I have to agree, great place. Should be open in the afternoon. I can remember the days of the Moon Garden and it did a brisk trade in the afternoon. Chiang Mai needs a good afternoon hangout.

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OK Iain you've got a point but there are plenty of bars/restaurnats in Chiang Mai that would welcome a single white caucasian female and where other single white caucasian women congregate, what I find surprising is that she had such a wonderful time in a bar that let's be honest, apart from its big parties, seldom has anyone in it, single white females.Thai females, white men, black men or anyone else for that matter! and that despite all the research she claims to have done in other bars kept venturing back to the one she did!

Me smells a plant! or what Lonely planets Thorn Tree used ot call a troll!

Why is this turning into a slanging match? I don't live in Chiang Mai - why would I be a plant or a troll? I never stated that all the other bars treated me badly and all I have done is say "thanks" to the staff at Tuskers. MaeRimMan - I probably ventured into the bar that you frequent, and left because I felt unwelcome.

Didn't realise that on this forum you even get shot down for saying thanks!!

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Yeah, but are they white? I like them either very white or very black, not that in-between kind of stuff you see all over the place.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Winnie of Khwai,

I'm just wondering : how do you feel about spotted females ? Among Orang males spotted females are considered most erotic.

There's even a wistful idiom spoken among female Orangs that reminds my farang of his memories of hearing lovely Thai women complain their skin is too dark (pyu see dum) : "why did the leopard get all the spots."

best, ~o:37;

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... snip ... The Thai women are more friendly. Of course there is a reason for that also... older men usually have more money and are more willing to spend it on the younger ladies.

Tranlsation into what Orangs call "straight talk" : "Thai prostitutes are more eager to make money, and focus their sales pitches on customers who their marketing experience tells them will pay off."


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Unbelievable! aussiechick was just trying to say "Thanks"!

Nice gesture aussiechick, I'm sure Tuskers was a great place to base yourself whilst in Chiang Mai; they're good people working hard to run a successful business, it's excellent to see positive feedback in these negative times. :)

TB: I dread to think how much you'd be drinking if you were made to feel more welcome! I'm with BB on this one, it's always good to see your ugly mug peering out from behind your beer mug. :D


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OK Iain you've got a point but there are plenty of bars/restaurnats in Chiang Mai that would welcome a single white caucasian female and where other single white caucasian women congregate, what I find surprising is that she had such a wonderful time in a bar that let's be honest, apart from its big parties, seldom has anyone in it, single white females.Thai females, white men, black men or anyone else for that matter! and that despite all the research she claims to have done in other bars kept venturing back to the one she did!

Me smells a plant! or what Lonely planets Thorn Tree used ot call a troll!

Funny that, so do I ^^

There are no doubt other bars out there that go out of their way to make single, white females comfortable and evidently there are not; the latter being the norm. This lady happened to find one but for some reason it's not to your liking. <deleted> are you, Mr better bar brigade? I could imagine how tough it must be for a lady from out of town finding a nice place to have a drink in this environment. All she's doing is thanking them and paying a complement <deleted> so why not get off her back!

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OK Iain you've got a point but there are plenty of bars/restaurnats in Chiang Mai that would welcome a single white caucasian female and where other single white caucasian women congregate, what I find surprising is that she had such a wonderful time in a bar that let's be honest, apart from its big parties, seldom has anyone in it, single white females.Thai females, white men, black men or anyone else for that matter! and that despite all the research she claims to have done in other bars kept venturing back to the one she did!

Me smells a plant! or what Lonely planets Thorn Tree used ot call a troll!

It's no "plant" as you call it, MaeRimMan.

There IS a reason why Tuskers doesn't have a lot of drop in trade... it's off the beaten path of most tourists. And, there's not a lack of bars if you just want a place to drink. Heck, I was in Chiang Mai for two years before I ever found it and that was only after being invited there by a Thaivisa member. Surprising to me it was within a short walking distance of the Smile bar that I used to frequent all the time, and just down the soi from a massage parlour I go to (Happy massage). But, when you are on your motorbike you have to pay attention to traffic or you'll quickly have an accident. You can't pay attention to names of bars, and Tuskers just didn't jump out at me. And, parking is somewhat of a premium in the narrow soi. But, after visiting Tuskers once then I went back. I like the clientel and owner.

I DO agree that an empty bar is not some place that attracts people. It's the same with the lady bars where the busy places keep getting more action and the slow places continue to stay dead.


"didn't realise that on this forum you even get shot down for saying thanks!!"

Don't really think that you got shot down for saying thanks :)

But some of the guys who have responded to your initial post have made some very pertinent and real comments which perhaps include why Thailand is the country that it is.

Even with all it's faults, when a Thai girl (female, woman, demimondaime, of the fair sex) smiles the sun comes out.

It doesn't matter whether it is past the witching hour when she smiles the sun still shines.

That is the rule here as opposed to the exception with many females (caucasian in particular)

This might explain the difference.....

She lives in the smallest village in every province.

She sits quietly on the skytrain , she smiles from passing buses.

She can be seen sitting side saddle on passing motor bike taxis.

She works in Robinson's, Central, or in the restaurant you had dinner in lately.

She is an office girl working in Silom Road going to lunch with a group of friends.

She may even be working for a pittance on a building site.

Yes you will find her even in a beer bar or a massage parlour.

She may be a teacher in a remote village school in any part of the kingdom.

She is everywhere.

Her beauty is everywhere.

She IS Thailand...............

And that is why old men, ugly men, fat men, and even good looking guys like Ian Forbes (and even handsum man like BB) have come to Thailand.

I admit to be in one of the first categories (if not all)

I am not saying that you are responsible yourself from the responses you have met around Chiang Mai but many caucasian women are fully responsible no less so than if they hadn't met up with a bar of soap for an appreciable period of time.

Again, I " hasten to underline" not ALL caucasian women fall into "my implied category" so there is nothing personal in my comments.

Edited by john b good
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Why is this turning into a slanging match? . . . Didn't realise that on this forum you even get shot down for saying thanks!!

You know Tuskers well, but you're just beginning to learn about the TV Chiangmai Forum. :)

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It is MUCH different when you meet under different surroundings... like day trips and trekking trips where you get to know each other on a more personal level. All sorts of strange things happen on trekking trips.

Do tell! And include pictures please.

You can't pay attention to names of bars, and Tuskers just didn't jump out at me.

There's a hint in there.. Tuskers needs to shape up and place either cute chicks or fish at the door.

Didn't realise that on this forum you even get shot down for saying thanks!!

We shoot people down for FAR less than that. :) Don't take it personally.

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Without wishing to harm any romantic notions or egos, I think that IanForbes, john b good and others, when they extol Thai women and denigrate farang women, forget that in many respects they are talking about a market, with sellers seeking to sell goods of varying quality and buyers being able in varying degrees to be choosy about what they select.

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Without wishing to harm any romantic notions or egos, I think that IanForbes, john b good and others, when they extol Thai women and denigrate farang women, forget that in many respects they are talking about a market, with sellers seeking to sell goods of varying quality and buyers being able in varying degrees to be choosy about what they select.

The point I have been trying to make is that single white caucasioan women are welcome in lots of bars around town - I would say the vast majority of bars. I drink all round town, mainly in the pubs, as opposed to the bars: O'Malleys, Olde Bell, Red Lion, Irish Pub, even The Pub as well as Tuskers and I have met lots of single white females who have had a great evening and my wife (Thai) and they have got on famously. That is the norm rather than the exception in Chiang Mai, the majority of Chiang Mai Thais are the friendliest you caould ask to met and generally the same applies to the expats who live here, most of whom are thoroughly decent people

Ianforbes: You seem very sure that Aussiechick is kosher, do you know her perchance?

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OK Iain you've got a point but there are plenty of bars/restaurnats in Chiang Mai that would welcome a single white caucasian female and where other single white caucasian women congregate, what I find surprising is that she had such a wonderful time in a bar that let's be honest, apart from its big parties, seldom has anyone in it, single white females.Thai females, white men, black men or anyone else for that matter! and that despite all the research she claims to have done in other bars kept venturing back to the one she did!

Me smells a plant! or what Lonely planets Thorn Tree used ot call a troll!

Why is this turning into a slanging match? I don't live in Chiang Mai - why would I be a plant or a troll? I never stated that all the other bars treated me badly and all I have done is say "thanks" to the staff at Tuskers. MaeRimMan - I probably ventured into the bar that you frequent, and left because I felt unwelcome.

Didn't realise that on this forum you even get shot down for saying thanks!!

Many of us have an itch that we can not get to. Blaming someone or something for our miserable existence. Yours was a very appropriate post and you should be thanked for it and everyone else should just shut up.

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