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Hi all

My wife will have been in the UK for 2 years come June 16 2009 and so i am almost ready to apply for her ILR.

I am a bit unsure as to how to fill in the application , any advice would be great. They are just small details that i would like to ask about.

I am to send in 2 photos of my wife,the photos must be signed on the back in my wifes name, i am not sure which name she should use to sign, should she use my sirname , ( we are married but she has not changed her sirname yet) or should she use her Thai sirname as is on her Thai passport. I worry because maybe the immigration people may pick up on this. I know that they can be fussy. also which name should she sign the application form in ?

Also we have a bank account for her with my sirname. will this cause a problem?

One more concern that i have is when i am going to print my bank statements from the internet( online banking) the statements have my old address from 18 months ago on them, i have told the bank countless times that i have changed address but the same old address in still on my bank accounts. Could this cause me a problem?

I really do want to get this application right first time as i really dont want to be paying out £800 odd pounds again.

Thanks for any advice





but i give you an example of how unclear application forms can be.

I spent a lot of time last year trying to find out exactlly what ESOL course my wife had to attend to gain the right certificate to apply for ILR. I actually got nowhere. Anyway i sent her to college for three terms and paid for each term . she now has three certificates in ESOL

1. speaking and listening

2 writing

3 reading

so now i see on the application form that she only needs a certificate in speaking and listening. Why could this have not been made clear on previous application forms so as didnt have to waste time and money sending my wife to college when in was not necessary.

I also have to say just how ridiculous the whole system is when an Englishman hes to apply for a visa for his wife to live with him in his own country.Why should she have to go to college to learn English when half of Europe can come to UK to work and dont have to speak English.


Ok rant over


but i give you an example of how unclear application forms can be.

I spent a lot of time last year trying to find out exactlly what ESOL course my wife had to attend to gain the right certificate to apply for ILR. I actually got nowhere. Anyway i sent her to college for three terms and paid for each term . she now has three certificates in ESOL

1. speaking and listening

2 writing

3 reading

so now i see on the application form that she only needs a certificate in speaking and listening. Why could this have not been made clear on previous application forms so as didnt have to waste time and money sending my wife to college when in was not necessary.

I also have to say just how ridiculous the whole system is when an Englishman hes to apply for a visa for his wife to live with him in his own country.Why should she have to go to college to learn English when half of Europe can come to UK to work and dont have to speak English.


Ok rant over

I agree, it is pathetic, especially when someone from elsewhere in Europe can settle here with the EEA rules and bypass all the stupid UK rules.

I would use your surname. My wife has a passport in her original name, but I used my surname as the family name when I applied for her FLR. I think they can work out that your wifes passport is in her old name, but she has married you.

I would go back into your bank branch and ask to speak to the manager about the change of address. Explain the situation and that you have tried to change your address before, but it hasn't. If he doesn't do anything about it, tell him that unless the address is changed asap you'll bank elsewhere in future.

i see on the application form that she only needs a certificate in speaking and listening. Why could this have not been made clear on previous application forms so as didnt have to waste time and money sending my wife to college when in was not necessary.

I cannot believe that you feel your wife learning to read and write English when she wants to live in the UK is unnecessary and a waste of time and money!

I also have to say just how ridiculous the whole system is when an Englishman hes to apply for a visa for his wife to live with him in his own country.Why should she have to go to college to learn English when half of Europe can come to UK to work and dont have to speak English.

I am no great fan of Labour and much of what they have done whilst in power. However, IMHO the introduction of the KOL requirement was a positive move which can only be of benefit to new immigrants and is a step towards avoiding the ghettoising and isolation of immigrants, especially women.

I am also no fan of the EU, but would point out to you and CharlieB that the same rules that allow EU citizens to live and work in the UK, and bring their family with them, allow you to do the same in another EU state, should you wish to do so.


Charlie B . i completely agree with what you say , i plan to ask the bank for my statements, once before they wanted to charge me £30 for them, if they give me a problem this time i am determined to transfer all my funds to a new bank.

7by7, i was annoyed that my wife studied extra reading and writing because she turned down a job so as to go to study for the ESOL.She did not need to study for the extra 2 terms. Also my point about the immigration thing being, i should be able to marry who i want and bring them to stay with me as my right as a British citizen and i am yet still to here a decent explanation as to why Europeans are able to come here but not be able to speak the language. its double standards and as Charlie B says , "its pathetic" . There are no other decent excuses.

I will actually go as far as to say , Its racist. Uk says All Europeans are welcome but dont worry about being able to speak English, but for someone outside the EU , you must pass "life in Uk test" or you must study at college ESOL. You must pay £820 for ILR to stay in this country. What a disgrace, Common sense tells you that a British person should not have to pay £820 for thier wife to be able to live them. I HATE these idiots who come up with these stupid rules. My wife works and pays her taxes yet still i must find £820 for ILR , surely it would be better if i was to spend this money in the high steet shops and help out the shopkeepers.

i see on the application form that she only needs a certificate in speaking and listening. Why could this have not been made clear on previous application forms so as didnt have to waste time and money sending my wife to college when in was not necessary.

I cannot believe that you feel your wife learning to read and write English when she wants to live in the UK is unnecessary and a waste of time and money!

I also have to say just how ridiculous the whole system is when an Englishman hes to apply for a visa for his wife to live with him in his own country.Why should she have to go to college to learn English when half of Europe can come to UK to work and dont have to speak English.

I am no great fan of Labour and much of what they have done whilst in power. However, IMHO the introduction of the KOL requirement was a positive move which can only be of benefit to new immigrants and is a step towards avoiding the ghettoising and isolation of immigrants, especially women.

I am also no fan of the EU, but would point out to you and CharlieB that the same rules that allow EU citizens to live and work in the UK, and bring their family with them, allow you to do the same in another EU state, should you wish to do so.

Sorry, but it's my opinion. I agree that knowledge of English and the way of life in the UK should be known by all people wanting to live here, but I find it maddening that we have to pay thousands of pounds to get settlement visas, FLRs, ILRs, language courses etc + have our spouses forced to learn what the government thinks they should know, yet anyone who has a vague link to another EEA country can bypass all this and do it for next to nothing with no need to learn anything about the UK or the English language. Yes, I could go overseas, but I've lived in Germany for 12 years and Italy for 3 with the forces and personally I don't want to live anywhere else in Europe if I have to live in Europe. Same as usual, UK citizens get royally f***ed while anyone else can waltz in and get everything easier and cheaper.


Hi scooty i would just like to ad when you do your ilr Make sure you got the correct set m form's They are on set m version 04/2009 at the moment, Because if you use old forms and send them in they will not give your wife ilr and keep the money ,and just make sure you read over and over again before sending. AND USE BLACK INK

Also i think you will find that Bank statements MUST be originals not copies or printed from internet, i went to my bank and got them to print and date and stamp to make sure that i got it right,

It does say on the set m form Copies of any kind are not acceptable unless there are valid

reasons for not being able to provide the original document.

And the fee's are If you are a single applicant on form SET(M) and no

dependants are applying with you, there is a fee of £820

for applications made by post, or £1020 for premium service

applications made in person at our Public Enquiry


All the best mate



Again i agree totally whith Charlie B has to say.

Cuddley Pete thanks for the advice. I assume that you were succesfull with your ILR for your wife. Congratulations to you both.

Cuddley , your advice is spot on, thanks again.

While im here i will have one more rant.In 2006 the cost to apply for ILR was £335, now it is £820. How can this possibly be justified? Disgrace.

While im here i will have one more rant.In 2006 the cost to apply for ILR was £335, now it is £820. How can this possibly be justified? Disgrace.

When my wife obtained her ILR in 2001 it was free! I totally agree with you on this point; and have posted on this many times. The way this Labour government sees immigrants as an easy cash cow is disgusting.

Various EU/EEA treaties mean that the UK has no choice over allowing EU/EEA nationals to live and work in the UK and bring their families, who may or not be EU/EEA citizens, with them. These same treaties mean that the government is not allowed to charge for this. The same for all other EU/EEA nations. They all charge fees for their own nationals to obtain residency for non-EU/EEA partners, but cannot charge for nationals of other EU/EEA nations and their families, including the UK.

However, you may be surprised to hear that I am against this and think it totally unfair (though not racist). However, the only way for the UK to make a charge for EU/EEA nationals and their families is to break these treaties and leave the EU. The only UK party committed to this is UKIP; but, like me, you may find their other policies on immigration unpalatable, such as a 5 year moratorium on all immigration, including the spouses of British citizens.

I am sorry that your wife turned down a job in order to learn English reading and writing, but I am sure that her increased overall English ability will greatly enhance her employment prospects. Good, well paid jobs in the UK are hard to find when one cannot read nor write English.

While im here i will have one more rant.In 2006 the cost to apply for ILR was £335, now it is £820. How can this possibly be justified? Disgrace.

When my wife obtained her ILR in 2001 it was free! I totally agree with you on this point; and have posted on this many times. The way this Labour government sees immigrants as an easy cash cow is disgusting.

Various EU/EEA treaties mean that the UK has no choice over allowing EU/EEA nationals to live and work in the UK and bring their families, who may or not be EU/EEA citizens, with them. These same treaties mean that the government is not allowed to charge for this. The same for all other EU/EEA nations. They all charge fees for their own nationals to obtain residency for non-EU/EEA partners, but cannot charge for nationals of other EU/EEA nations and their families, including the UK.

However, you may be surprised to hear that I am against this and think it totally unfair (though not racist). However, the only way for the UK to make a charge for EU/EEA nationals and their families is to break these treaties and leave the EU. The only UK party committed to this is UKIP; but, like me, you may find their other policies on immigration unpalatable, such as a 5 year moratorium on all immigration, including the spouses of British citizens.

I am sorry that your wife turned down a job in order to learn English reading and writing, but I am sure that her increased overall English ability will greatly enhance her employment prospects. Good, well paid jobs in the UK are hard to find when one cannot read nor write English.

I will be in a similar situation soon, I have encouraged my wife to sit the British Citizenship Test, her initial 2 years is up for expiry in March 2010. I understand that she must reapply to extend her stay; is someone out there, able to enlighten me on how to pursue the extension of her 2 years already served. She is nervous of exams, so it can be difficult on occasions. :)


Good post 7by7.

I personally wish the UK had never got involved in the EU set up.

There is the USA but they all speak English , there is Russia and its states but they all speak the same language so how can we have a succesful EU when most countries speak a different language and the cultural differences as so vast.

So far in my town, about 1 month ago a 17 year old local lad was beated to death by two Lithuanians.

We have had Polish mafia extorting money from other Poles working in our town and giving out some severe beatings.

We have had local peoples girslfriend harrassed by Eastern europeans , in clubs and pubs. ( they just dont seem to have the manners that we have) ( they certainlly dont understand a queue).

We have had elderlly people intimidated by Eastern europeans outside supermarkets, now they are scared to go shopping.

One elderly man was attacked in his own home by a Slovakian schitsophrenic( excuse the spelling) and had his ear bitten off.

I also know through word of mouth that other incidents have taken place and not been reported.

I worry to myself , where will it all end? How many more will come? My city is loosing its ID, the place has changed so much its worrying.

When do you ever read about Thais or other, for example Orientals causing trouble in our country. Answer, Never. Very rare.

Just one more point. I have friends who live in Thailand, Are they made to learn to speak Thai? Do they have to sit a test to learn Thai culture?

Good post 7by7.

I personally wish the UK had never got involved in the EU set up.

There is the USA but they all speak English , there is Russia and its states but they all speak the same language so how can we have a succesful EU when most countries speak a different language and the cultural differences as so vast.

So far in my town, about 1 month ago a 17 year old local lad was beated to death by two Lithuanians.

We have had Polish mafia extorting money from other Poles working in our town and giving out some severe beatings.

We have had local peoples girslfriend harrassed by Eastern europeans , in clubs and pubs. ( they just dont seem to have the manners that we have) ( they certainlly dont understand a queue).

We have had elderlly people intimidated by Eastern europeans outside supermarkets, now they are scared to go shopping.

One elderly man was attacked in his own home by a Slovakian schitsophrenic( excuse the spelling) and had his ear bitten off.

I also know through word of mouth that other incidents have taken place and not been reported.

I worry to myself , where will it all end? How many more will come? My city is loosing its ID, the place has changed so much its worrying.

When do you ever read about Thais or other, for example Orientals causing trouble in our country. Answer, Never. Very rare.

(/quote)Just one more point. I have friends who live in Thailand, Are they made to learn to speak Thai? Do they have to sit a test to learn Thai culture?

Scooty Your getting wond up. I can of course understand where you are coming from

It is not understood by the majority in the UK. I am sure My friends in the Uk think my wife wants to come to the Uk for a easy ride on the back of the UK taxpayer.

I put them right last time I was back in Uk NO recorse to Pubic Funds Only NHS Services

The answer I recived was. How does the NHS get money its 'Public Funds'.

No it is not it is funded by National Insurance. That is why you pay a High Visa Fee.

To My friend. I said how much do you pay when you go on Holiday for Insurance He said 70 pounds for 3 months

At that rate the Visa Fee is not too bad. But you are paying for it it don't come free

My Only complaint. If you are Refused a Visa you don't get money back as you would if you were refused travel Insurance.

EU well what can I say I know Polish people living in a house next door to a house that a friend Lets, Getting Family allowance for kids that are living in Poland. Parents are working in UK

Can You get family allowance. ? No not if the children are not in the UK.

Problem is they think it is the Same for me and my wife

Question What do you get from Thailand for your Visa Fees. Answer Nothing other than the right to stay here for another 90 Days. It would cost you a lot more than you are paying for your wife to stay in the Uk to get Perminent Residency in Thailand and still zero Benefits.

Good post 7by7.

I personally wish the UK had never got involved in the EU set up.

There is the USA but they all speak English , there is Russia and its states but they all speak the same language so how can we have a succesful EU when most countries speak a different language and the cultural differences as so vast.

So far in my town, about 1 month ago a 17 year old local lad was beated to death by two Lithuanians.

We have had Polish mafia extorting money from other Poles working in our town and giving out some severe beatings.

We have had local peoples girslfriend harrassed by Eastern europeans , in clubs and pubs. ( they just dont seem to have the manners that we have) ( they certainlly dont understand a queue).

We have had elderlly people intimidated by Eastern europeans outside supermarkets, now they are scared to go shopping.

One elderly man was attacked in his own home by a Slovakian schitsophrenic( excuse the spelling) and had his ear bitten off.

I also know through word of mouth that other incidents have taken place and not been reported.

I worry to myself , where will it all end? How many more will come? My city is loosing its ID, the place has changed so much its worrying.

When do you ever read about Thais or other, for example Orientals causing trouble in our country. Answer, Never. Very rare.

(/quote)Just one more point. I have friends who live in Thailand, Are they made to learn to speak Thai? Do they have to sit a test to learn Thai culture?

Scooty Your getting wond up. I can of course understand where you are coming from

It is not understood by the majority in the UK. I am sure My friends in the Uk think my wife wants to come to the Uk for a easy ride on the back of the UK taxpayer.

I put them right last time I was back in Uk NO recorse to Pubic Funds Only NHS Services

The answer I recived was. How does the NHS get money its 'Public Funds'.

No it is not it is funded by National Insurance. That is why you pay a High Visa Fee.

To My friend. I said how much do you pay when you go on Holiday for Insurance He said 70 pounds for 3 months

At that rate the Visa Fee is not too bad. But you are paying for it it don't come free

My Only complaint. If you are Refused a Visa you don't get money back as you would if you were refused travel Insurance.

EU well what can I say I know Polish people living in a house next door to a house that a friend Lets, Getting Family allowance for kids that are living in Poland. Parents are working in UK

Can You get family allowance. ? No not if the children are not in the UK.

Problem is they think it is the Same for me and my wife

Question What do you get from Thailand for your Visa Fees. Answer Nothing other than the right to stay here for another 90 Days. It would cost you a lot more than you are paying for your wife to stay in the Uk to get Perminent Residency in Thailand and still zero Benefits.

The visa fee has nothing to do with the NHS. It's a fee for processing the visa. Anyone coming to the UK on a visit visa has no right to NHS treatment and should have insurance cover. A hospital will probably not ask for this, but this is not part of the visa fee and extreme cases have led to media reporting about people coming here with existing illnesses and then pretending they have suddenly started and asking for treatment.


Granted , The NHS is a very good thing and my wife cant believe that she can get free contraception from the doctors.But my wife works and pays her tax and insurance and also i have been paying a lifetimes national insurance and i believe it is my right to marry someone i love and have them live with me regardless of what country they come from.

What have i read in todays paper. 4 Polish nationals arrested for causing the Atherstone fire last year that resulted in the deaths of 4 fireman.

I am not anti Polish. I am anti , too many eastern europeans coming to UK and cant even speak English or no nothing of " life in UK". Where as my wife is treated differentlly.


Scooty i agree 1000% with you. i believe it is my right to marry someone i love and have them live with me regardless of what country they come from.

it seems like you have to ask the goverment if you can get married, when i went on hoilday i went to dubia and the to thailand where i meet my wife, i went on hols for a rest and good food and drink, i did not go because i thought i know i ll go to thailand to get married, it just happened that i met my wife and fell in love, then when i got home i then found out about the stuiped rules we have in the uk.

ibetter stop before i get to pissed off.


...I have friends who live in Thailand, Are they made to learn to speak Thai? Do they have to sit a test to learn Thai culture?

If they want permanent residency, yes they do have to learn Thai and have a geographic and cultural knowledge of the country. It also costs a minimum of about £2000 and takes about two years for an application to be decided.

I can fully understand where you're coming from, but the EU has also unleashed marauding gangs of British piss-'eds on unsuspecting Dutch, Czechs, Poles etc. If there is a problem it is with the successive governments that have signed us up to such a system: you can't blame the individuals from taking advantage of a legitimate set up.


Cuddley Pete , i know of quite a few lads who just like you just went to Thailand on holiday and ended up falling in love with someone.

Personally i went down a different route and met my lady via internet.

Bird on the wire, im not sure about what you say about learning Thai is true, i know people who live there and havnt got a clue about how to speak Thai. Also the maurauding gangs of UK pissheads could still go to Europe before we joined the EU.I am not blaming people coming here to work , i dont blame them at all , i blame our governement for allowing it to happen.


Mikey 44 , im saying, lets have the same rules for the eastern Europeans . IE , they should go to study an ESOL course or pass the life in the Uk test if they want to live and work here.


scotty mate, like it or not ,we ARE part of the EU.Thailand and the rest of Asia aint !! if we btits wanted we could just up sticks and be free to live and work in any EU state, just as they can come here and do. surely you are not saying just open up our borders to any one, are you ?? ok fair point about learning know/uk, but it is a great thing for the Thai wifes to have under there belt, mine could only write :i love you : (hehe) before 12 months at college, now she is reading writing, really has boosted her confidence, and lets face it education can only be a possitve thing ? cheers.

  • 1 month later...

Hello mate,

Hows it going? my wife applied for her ILR as I mentioned previously, she has now got it approved and and stamped in her passport.

Only waited a little over a month....worth the effort but definitely not the price! if you wana ask any advice please feel free to PM me or post openly. :)




Hello Seapok,

Congratulations to you and your lady . It must now be a big big relief for you now youve sorted the ILR.

Personally we have applied 25 days ago and have not heard anything yet. If our application is similar to yours then maybe we will get some news in 1- 3 weeks,

Good luck . Next stop, UK passport for your lady?




Cheers mate, it certainly was a relieve getting the passport back, with all the horror stories you may read here it wasn't too stressful at all.

I looked on the Home Office website and they said it can take up to 6 months, so that puts a spanner in the works regarding going on holiday.

Thankfully all sorted now though, the missus has been here for over two and a half years so we will just wait any other 6 months before we start thinking about applying

for the passport...I'm just looking forward to doing some travelling without the worry of applying for random visas.

All the best mate.

I know Polish people living in a house next door to a house that a friend Lets, Getting Family allowance for kids that are living in Poland. Parents are working in UK

Can You get family allowance. ? No not if the children are not in the UK.

Problem is they think it is the Same for me and my wife

As far as I know the rules are the same for Poles and UK residents on this. They are not allowed to claim this benefit if their children are not in the UK with them. They just lie, as UK citizens could although I think it can be easier for them as they can say they are visiting relatives in Poland if questioned. The obvious thing to do is report them. It probably involves others as well as Poles but the stories I heard last year involved just Poles.


Sawasdee Seapok,

Today a package arrived from the home office and we had good news and now have ILR stamped in the wifes passport.

Good luck to you mate.

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