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Looking To Move To Samui, Is Finding A Job Realistic ?

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if you can find a job anywhere in the world then u will be lucky. you can get a job in samui if u r very well qualfied in a percific area. other wise u need to start your own business in this endless declining economy. there again there are alot of people in debt at the moment and they are selling their businesses for very cheap.

good luck if you go down that long road of visa runs work permets accountants lawyers, company shares. got a head ache just writing about it

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The concept of flogging time shares is not in and of itself repulsive to me; it is the way in which it is done.

The last exchange I had with one of these gentlemen was in Lamai, near the "Walking Street." Some guy was handing out something on the street in the afternoon and had either prior knowledge or followed a couple of vans full of tourists who were from somewhere with Russian-sounding accents. There were three men around this guy and I wandered up since I had never seen anyone trying to promote anything on the street in Lamai, much less a foreigner. I hung back a little but when the guy saw me standing within earshot, he turned to me and in a stern voice said something to the effect that I should move along. I said I didn't want to; I wanted to see what was going on (at that point I still didn't know what he was doing). He got belligerent, while the "marks" were starting to become bewildered. I said that I lived here and anyway, I could stand anywhere on the street I liked. He said he lived here too. I said, So go on (with whatever you are doing). He clearly thought that I knew exactly what he was doing and was about to queer his pitch.

He was a wiry-looking guy and was starting to glaze over in the eyes and looked like he might come unhinged and then another foreigner, his partner, started to walk over. They steered the "marks" away from me, and I lost interest and went away.

This was also some scratch and "win" thing, which of course is disingenuous. If you have something to offer that you think is interesting, make it interesting and offer it; don't use subterfuge.

I also dislike the ones in Bangkok who are young women dressed in polo shirts that say something like "Thai Tourism" on the front and ask you to fill out a survey. I got sucked into this once because I thought I was doing something for tourism. You end up, if you agree, in a hotel somewhere and are put though the pressure mill with foreigners now, mild at first and then psychological later.

All the people involved were very slimy in manner and appearance. I have had other run-ins with these people (in Chaweng too) and they all repulse me for the fact that they are so willing to compromise their own self decency and use some from of indirect "capture" of potential customers.

Look, if time shares were so dam_n good, the people trying to get you to sign up and fork out for them would just work up a pitch that began right off with what they have to offer and why it's so unbelievably amazing. But that isn't the way it happens. You get offered a free bag to listen to a pitch; you "win" some prize in a bogus scratch and "always win" card...

And as for the OP, I hardly think this is what he had in mind.

well put Mark :) ...and as for what the timeshare lackey says...I guess now I will have to give up any dreams of making it in that esteemable profession...being the total loser that I am...guess I will never make it here in Thailand or have all those wonderful things.... :D .... :D

Where do you work in Thailand or do you survive on funds from your country of origin

every THB is earned here in Thailand legally...for why ever that matters. The OP can't do what I do.

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