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Khao San Road Photos


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Quality pics and quality comments. Creased me up. I was down there last week and it was pretty much as described - public schoolboys with ''dreads'' and tribal tattoos. Better than going to the circus!

My personal fav caption has to be ... We are special. We are better. We are c####

Spat my coffee everywhere...

Edited by leftcross
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Oh to be young again  :D . I got photos going back to the 60's Many from India, Marrakech, London. If you think those photos are in any way strange, mine would blow you away. You should have walked down Carnaby St in the 60's.

Live & let live  :o

Hmm would be interested to see those pics SEAtramp, especially the Carnaby St ones, any chance of getting them scanned in to the gallery here?

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Oh to be young again  :D . I got photos going back to the 60's Many from India, Marrakech, London. If you think those photos are in any way strange, mine would blow you away. You should have walked down Carnaby St in the 60's.

Live & let live  :o

Hmm would be interested to see those pics SEAtramp, especially the Carnaby St ones, any chance of getting them scanned in to the gallery here?


This is one of him now :D:D

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But the 1960s was the 'real' time for the hippies. Not this vile contrived middle class nonsense we see today..............even though it was actually vile contrived nonsense even back then.

I'm in the hippie capital of Canada right now professor and can't agree with you more. The 'real' hippies here have grown up, kept their ponytails, work as software engineers, and drive their flex-fuel cars to the organic markets. The new wannabes think being a hippy means not washing, begging for change, and getting some weed.

Good news is both types love buying clothes I bring in from Thailand. :o


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But the 1960s was the 'real' time for the hippies. Not this vile contrived middle class nonsense we see today..............even though it was actually vile contrived nonsense even back then.

Some of the same shit back in the sixties, I'd agree. :D

But, "live, and let live" does have a nice ring, na'? Even if simplistic sometimes in the real world. And, for many, it was a time of great learning and changes, sometimes for the betterment of humanity, sometimes not.

The only thing that seems to stay the same is the attitudes of parents, and other old fogies, towards the 'younger generation' :o

Edited by Ajarn
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Dave that is priceless!!!

I think 'fashion movements' have one time around and thats it. All of this 'new age hippie' BS is just a front for trying to recapture some 'golden age' of travel to the region. Maybe they want to see themselves as pioneers as the Goa set used to way back when.

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The words 'childish' and 'loutish' coming from a Chelsea convert, I'll take as a compliment....as manU come up your Chelsea arse.........

Actually although I didn't realise it,I nearly wrote comments typical of a united supporter

How can you take such wonderful photos and accompany them with such bigoted remarks it spoils the whole show?

If you had shown a lot of wit and humour with them it would have been great,but to accompany then with the words scum,c*unts,poo, shows definate juvenile tendancies. Or maybe you don't know any other words

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I had to go down th KSR for worklast year......it was a meeting held right inone of the spiffy new restaurants there......the Thai staff thought it was a really cool thingto do.......anyway there I am walking along at night in the middle of all this in my tie n shirt etc.......and seriously two farang girls (Israelis) came up to me and asked me "what are you doing here".......I replied WHta do you mean........and they said...."well we did not expect to see someone dressed in a shirt and tie here" ........so i told them I was the Tourist Special Customer Relations official for the Kha San Road Police precinct. If anyone had any problems they could come to me and I would help them out. They believed me !!

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