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Worried About The Old Men On Thai Visa In This Heat


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Really concerned about the old fogies who post on this forum. I really hope and pray that the heat doesnt harm you or your huge collective brains.

I advise lots of whiskey, try smoking more, turn the air con off and embrace the heat by sitting out in it especially around noon time. Im sure it will help. Best of luck old boys.

I mean that most sincerely folks

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lol. another thread in the direction of being closed. all the best ajarnpim!

No need to close it, friend. All you have to do is go along with it and have some fun. The heat never bothered me... even with my bald head...

My Thia diet has been doing wonders for my body...


A few years ago I used to look like this...


But after sitting out in the hot sun I now look like this...



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Really concerned about the old fogies who post on this forum. I really hope and pray that the heat doesnt harm you or your huge collective brains.

I advise lots of whiskey, try smoking more, turn the air con off and embrace the heat by sitting out in it especially around noon time. Im sure it will help. Best of luck old boys.

I mean that most sincerely folks

Don't worry about us old fogies. We live in the land of plenty. Worry about all the lonely people.

And whiskey? Are you buying?

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It is nice to think a young man such as yourself would take the time of day to stop and think and then worry 'bout the older duffers...

I don't consider myself as anything but "medium" of age, as my wife puts it, but have been puttin up with hotter temps than this all my life, but thank you very much for the minute it took you to post this.

Shows someone is thinking of the elderly.

I don't care if it hits 70 degrees, it's still better than where I came from.

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Well thank you so much dear ajarnpim, for your genuine concern for us old farts. Does your list of concern extend so far as to include even me? :)

Sadly, I don't drink whiskey nor do I smoke but I'll certainly have a few beers this evening and drink to your health.

With regards to your comment, "I really hope and pray that the heat doesnt harm you or your huge collective brains." Well I'm afraid the damage has already been done my dear.

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Really concerned about the old fogies who post on this forum. I really hope and pray that the heat doesnt harm you or your huge collective brains.

I advise lots of whiskey, try smoking more, turn the air con off and embrace the heat by sitting out in it especially around noon time. Im sure it will help. Best of luck old boys.

I mean that most sincerely folks

55555, your sincerity is lost in your hubris. You are the one that will need "good luck". Our generation gave you what you take for granted. We found a place that respects elders "old fogies" as you call us. We can take the heat no problem can you ?

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Pathetic, smug, supercilious tw@t.

Congratulations to all other posters on your intelligent, measured, responses. I'm sorry I don't have your patience with nonsense.

He's know for rather puerile posts, but don't worry, he's back under his stone now :)

Edited by Maejo Man
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66 years young, recovering from my second stroke, etc. But since ajarnpim appears to be a lady; I won't list yesterday's very vigorous cavorting that followed the 1.2 hour swim....

And I am recovering from my second bottle of whiskey.

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Swam for over an hour. Steam room, twice. Cavortings that would exhaust a man half my age. Second cavort in 120-degree wore me out. Not bad at all for an old man. Ready to go again.

I checked both my Oxford and my Webster dictionaries and they both define cavort as prance. Are you sure this is the right word PB ?........ :)

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Swam for over an hour. Steam room, twice. Cavortings that would exhaust a man half my age. Second cavort in 120-degree wore me out. Not bad at all for an old man. Ready to go again.

Well did it PB?

:):D :D

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Swam for over an hour. Steam room, twice. Cavortings that would exhaust a man half my age. Second cavort in 120-degree wore me out. Not bad at all for an old man. Ready to go again.

Well did it PB?


:):D:D Good question Blinky.

I hesitate to reference the number of strokes :D

Seriously PB, I am envious - not of EXACTLY what you were doing, I am of a different persuasion, - but of your stamina in this heat. :D

Edited by Chaimai
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66 years young, recovering from my second stroke, etc. But since ajarnpim appears to be a lady; I won't list yesterday's very vigorous cavorting that followed the 1.2 hour swim....

Trust me, not going into any kind of details is highly appreciated by both ladies and gentlemen alike. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Dear Pim,

Your concerns are duly noted (and appreciated) by myself and I am sure by other's of the older folk who vist this website.

I firmly believe in "never saying never" and realise that it is entirely possible that the day of reckoning may not be far off.

I have however, lived and worked where the temperature has gone below minus 40 C (yes, centigrade or celsius for you folk from places where they still think that the world is "flat") yes minus 40 C to minus 50 C, to temperatures exceeding 'positive' 60 C. Indeed the place with the hottest average temperature in the world year on year was less that 100 clicks away.

It is a tad difficult adjusting though when coming from minus 40 C to positive 40 C in less than a day.

One minute (or it seems that way) you are dressed (have to dress) as an eskimo and the next you are coming through immigration here in the "Far East" at a temperature variance of close to 80 C (yes still in celsius for you flat earth folk)

I never underestimate the perils of temperature extremes, or indeed "the risk of crossing Thapae Road on a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights"

IMHO is not the temperature alone, rather perhaps the relative humidity factor.

I thank you again for your concerns "and your sending of CMCL" each month. It is without a shadow of doubt the only publication worth reading in CM. The only reason that your competitors 'throw-aways' are not used and in demand for wrapping F & C is that the pages are too small !!

p.s. I do have to take exception in respect of the use of the word "old" men in the topic description.

The word "older" men would be a little more "gentle" on some of us guy's.

It's bad enough in itself getting old but to be referred to as that can be somewhat painful.

Edited by john b good
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Johnny, ajarnpim is not the same Pim that runs Chiang Mai City Life Magazine. That would be Sao Jiang Mai, who is quite nice and polite to us old duffers. :D

Shyt !! I got it wrong again. It's obviously the age thing cracking in.

But ajarnpim sounds like a real lady too.

"ajarnpim" thanks again for your thoughts.

"Sao Jiang Mai" thank you to.

I'm gonna shut down while I am ahead. :)

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Swam for over an hour. Steam room, twice. Cavortings that would exhaust a man half my age. Second cavort in 120-degree wore me out. Not bad at all for an old man. Ready to go again.

I checked both my Oxford and my Webster dictionaries and they both define cavort as prance. Are you sure this is the right word PB ?........ :)

My Oxford states, jump or run about excitedly, perhaps he took a Run to get his jump in, and good for P.B. glad to see he's keeping his end up for us oldies.

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I am a 60 year old 'Old Fart' on the outside but half my age on the inside. I am an overweight, non-drinking, smoking cyclist who has only ridden 4466.93 kms this year so far. I lost over 30kgs in the past 12 months and there's still a long way to go! To combat the heat, I take a recovery drink; it is a secret recipe which has been in my family since time immemorial and passed down through the generations.

To the youngsters: we, old farts, are possibly more worried about you lot who may not live to be old farts!

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