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Bangkok Is The 22nd Most Populous City In The World


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Being a Texan :) I like to brag about who has the biggest, the most :D But after living in Houston, I decided that one or two million was more than enough.

As Red Skelton used to say, "You can always tell a Texan. You can't tell him much, but you can always tell him."

Or, another of Red's stories: "I knew this Texan. He was always bragging about Texas having the biggest of everything. So one day when he was visiting Calfiornia we went into a five and dime and bought a half-dozen of those little turtles they used to sell as pets. We took them and painted little spots on their shells and then placed them in his bed under the covers. When he pulled back the covers he said, "Good god, what are those?" "California bedbugs. Don't tell me you got 'em bigger than that in Texas!"

Sorry, couldn't resist

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If there is 24 million in Bangkok Metropolitan area it would be bigger that Tokyo Metropolitan area with it's estimated 12 million . Only if you consider Yokohama and Kawasaki a part of Tokyo it would be the biggest city in the world. 37 million in fact. But the 3 metropolitian areas is different cities that have grown together. But there is another city in China that i missed,Chongquing, where the Metropolitan area is 31 million.

Seoul in South Korea is about 22 million.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government looks after the area populated by 35 million people.

Just for fun, Mount Isa City Council in Australia has almost 43,000 square kms (like entire Switzerland) and only 35,000 people under it's watch. And a few million crocodiles.

The largest city council (by area) on the planet.

Edited by think_too_mut
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