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Fatal Motorcycle Accident On May 8th

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very sad about him. I heard from someone that I chat with and maybe she wants to know anything on it

But don't know who we can contact and asking about his news.

please anyone give us the more the information? or anything we can contact

er, hard for me on this forum because I am a new membership

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It's nice to see my father had many friends over in his new country. All my sympathy to is wife, R.I.P Dad, I'm sure you've gone to a better place :)

On behalf of his children and family in Australia

Love Stacey.

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I am Jim's first wife and on behalf of his four children and grandchildren I would dearly like to thank everyone indiviually for their condolance and wishes and some of you the offers of help. It was devestaing news for us to hear and a very sad loss to us and his family here in Australia.

I would also like to send my condolances to Mon whom we got to meet in Feb last year when they came to Australia for a visit and Jim gave his stepdaughter away. It was sadly the last time we got to see him.

Also a very speacial thank you to his mate Warren who has been a huge help to us here even though we are so far apart. I don't know how to thank you other then to say you are a very special person for doing what you are and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Maybe one day we will get to meet you who knows. Jim was lucky to have such a friend. I would also like the thank all the people who have sent me emails with their condolances thank you very much.

We are having a memorial here for Jim on the 23rd of May as most of us were unable to get to Thialand for his cremation. I know he was very happy in Thialand and am sad that it did not last a lot longer then the three years he has been there. Jim was going to be a poppy again soon but sadly will not get to see his third grandchild the child will be named after him and will always know who Poppy Jim is as does the other two grandchildren.

RIP Jim & Dad we love you Krystal, Samantha, Loyd and Stacey and Taylah and Jake (grandchildren)

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Jim you were a gentle giant, I miss you and wish this never happened. It was so horrible and to soon that you left this world.

Must your soul rest in peace Jim.

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RIP dad.We are going to miss you with all our hearts.Thanks to all who have taken the time to post on here to dad's family over here.Wish i could would have been able to get over there for the funeral but being due to have my 3rd baby in just over 2 weeks i couldn't get there.I'm so glad dad and mon were able to come out for my wedding last febuary and dad was able to give me away,it was the best day of my life and i'm glad i could share it with dad and mon.Mon my heart is with you aswell,xoxoxoxox.Love krystal,clinton,taylah,jake and baby on the way.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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To Jim's family members.  I send you condolences and best wishes from a fellow motorcyclist in dealing with your sad loss.

I have not posted before because sadly I never got to meet Jim and I felt I had no right to add my comments. I would have met him in Chiang Mai that Friday night had not the accident occured so I feel doubly bad about that also.

The reason that I am posting now, is because of your positive reactions to the posts; and also would like to tell you that while Jims hobby might seem to have been a terribly hard task master and ended tragically, I know from personal experience that it can be a wonderful way to settle into and discover a new country and has been a tremendous help to me in making many new friends, and having a great time in many different towns, festivals and biking events. From what I have heard that had been Jim's previous experience also.

This has been a very sad event for the motorcycling community in Thailand and we will be thinking of you as we also share your loss.

Very best wishes.   John Gooding

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My name is Yvonne and I am Jim's sister. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for there kind words especially those who were close to him. I must also thank Warren and all of Jim's other friends for the help they have given my mother and brother while they were over there for the funeral. A very special thank you goes to Mon, Jim's wife, for making the last couple of years of his life as happy as they were. We can never thank you enough for that Mon.

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RIP Jim...... I was in Chiang Mai last weekend (till only a few hours ago) and hoping to meet up again (we have a mutual pal, Warren, who introduced us a while ago) but sadly, not to be. My thoughts are with your family.

Ride forever free.


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I met Ausjim on several occasions when he lived in Bangkok (Hillary's , Morning night , etc,) . Since i'm from Norway and he's from Aus it can be difficult to keep a friendship going , so i sent him a message on another forum under a different name everytime I was going on a holliday and sometimes our schedule were fix'ed and sometimes not :)

I enjoyed every minute that I spent with you and youre funny talks , just wish there were more to come .

R.I. P. Jimmy . And too family and friends , sorry , take care all of you .

With symphaty and love .


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I am Jim's first wife and on behalf of his four children and grandchildren I would dearly like to thank everyone indiviually for their condolance and wishes and some of you the offers of help. It was devestaing news for us to hear and a very sad loss to us and his family here in Australia.

I would also like to send my condolances to Mon whom we got to meet in Feb last year when they came to Australia for a visit and Jim gave his stepdaughter away. It was sadly the last time we got to see him.

Also a very speacial thank you to his mate Warren who has been a huge help to us here even though we are so far apart. I don't know how to thank you other then to say you are a very special person for doing what you are and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Maybe one day we will get to meet you who knows. Jim was lucky to have such a friend. I would also like the thank all the people who have sent me emails with their condolances thank you very much.

We are having a memorial here for Jim on the 23rd of May as most of us were unable to get to Thialand for his cremation. I know he was very happy in Thialand and am sad that it did not last a lot longer then the three years he has been there. Jim was going to be a poppy again soon but sadly will not get to see his third grandchild the child will be named after him and will always know who Poppy Jim is as does the other two grandchildren.

RIP Jim & Dad we love you Krystal, Samantha, Loyd and Stacey and Taylah and Jake (grandchildren)

I have just received some of the photo's from Jims memorial in Thialand it looked lovely and I'm sure he would have liked it. The memorial here in Austraila for Jim has been postponed until th 6th of June due too all the rain we have had here. This is a picture of Jim at his daughters wedding.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I am Jim's first wife and on behalf of his four children and grandchildren I would dearly like to thank everyone indiviually for their condolance and wishes and some of you the offers of help. It was devestaing news for us to hear and a very sad loss to us and his family here in Australia.

I would also like to send my condolances to Mon whom we got to meet in Feb last year when they came to Australia for a visit and Jim gave his stepdaughter away. It was sadly the last time we got to see him.

Also a very speacial thank you to his mate Warren who has been a huge help to us here even though we are so far apart. I don't know how to thank you other then to say you are a very special person for doing what you are and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Maybe one day we will get to meet you who knows. Jim was lucky to have such a friend. I would also like the thank all the people who have sent me emails with their condolances thank you very much.

We are having a memorial here for Jim on the 23rd of May as most of us were unable to get to Thialand for his cremation. I know he was very happy in Thialand and am sad that it did not last a lot longer then the three years he has been there. Jim was going to be a poppy again soon but sadly will not get to see his third grandchild the child will be named after him and will always know who Poppy Jim is as does the other two grandchildren.

RIP Jim & Dad we love you Krystal, Samantha, Loyd and Stacey and Taylah and Jake (grandchildren)

I have just received some of the photo's from Jims memorial in Thialand it looked lovely and I'm sure he would have liked it. The memorial here in Austraila for Jim has been postponed until th 6th of June due too all the rain we have had here. This is a picture of Jim at his daughters wedding.


Jims stepdaughter had a little girl on the 10th of June they called her Jaimee Maddison after her poppy, both mother and baby doing well.

The children and I attended the memorial here in Australia for Jim on the 6th of June and I must say I was totally disgusted at what went on at the memorial, one family member in particular bagged me out to one of my children, not the time or place to do something like that but with what that person is currently doing it does not surprise me at all. I know Jim would also be disgusted at what went on as well. I could have said a lot of things and upset a lot of people but it was Jim's and his childrens day in particular and I was not going to spoil it of any reason. His sister did a great job of catering for the day and for that we thank you Yvonne and Eric. The children got to say their good byes even without ashes as they would have liked and were happy to help release fish in memory of their father, we would also like to thanks Yvonne for that as well.

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