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Actually both realthaideal and lannarebirth are trying to help you out - constructive criticism my teacher used to call it. Please, don't get so defensive and just take the good advice. :)

constructive critiscm , been giving and taking it all my life, but sheer bad manners is another thing, i hope they give a hard time to all the other forum posters who dont comply,you seriously think i've antagonised the man , because of not filling in the subject line, give me a break, more like they've got f***k all better to do ,with their lives, ask me in a manner which people respond to, and it wouldn't have been aproblem.

i must be missing something but not sure.... can i post photos of my works to sell on this site,,, right here ... if i call it "my art" ??

i will have it as a cliff hanger too....

my works are masterpieces i am told by many... but i need to advertise for free can i do this too????

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Not everyones subject i guess, even though i feel surrounded by studios, galleries, all nfortunately , waiting for someone else to invent a new style for the next 2 yrs, and then immiediatley copying them, so all the studios/galleries are full of the same.

terrific artist, the thais, made me hang up me 'brushes', only so i could learn new techniques, which i have, over the last 10mths.

so, with this in mind, upon your recomendations, top 6 art galleries, in chiangmai, i'll be doing a secret surveillance, to see what they have to offer.

not in chiangmai yet, probably end of june, fingers crossed.

it will be interesting to see, how many replies i get....in fact if you could choose a picture / print, what would you have on your wall, remember art is totally personal.


not for sale but he gets personal if you piss him off.


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What he meant was, that if the title is more exact about what you want or need, more people will look at it and try to help you. If the title is too obscure, many posters will never even look at the post. :)




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will reveal all soon, and as i said , will make an offer , you cant resist.

Don't make me an offer. Instead, start to use the d@mn subject line to let us know what the point of the thread is 'Just wondering', or 'Art' etc. is a vague and annoying way to start athread. (This is as per suggested by others on your previous topics.) The subject line and by line under it are there to help you find your proper audience and to gain interest in your topic.

You are the only person rude enough to do this in your posts as if any vague firing of your synapses deserves our attention.

My only other responses to your title are.




you aren't doing a little rectum licking there are you?

Gee, I hope not. Actually I posted similar comments in a couple of your other poorly headed threads. I'm no netiquette nazi, but I just happen to find your posting style particularly annoying.

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I tend to agree with Ulysses here. The negative comments were intended as constructive criticism. Saying all will be revealed is a bit insulting. I tend not to insult anyone or I'll lose my audience. When you actually have something to reveal then hit us at that time. Nobody on the internet is going to sit in suspense over some poster who they don't know saying something they don't understand.

I had to reread your original post to get another understanding of what you might have wanted to know. You already received some good answers. Not being in Thailand right now I can't give advice on what galleries I think are worth while. As you yourself said... art is a personal thing.

What I TRIED to understand in what you were asking is this. Are you asking us for what type of art we would actually PURCHASE, or what type of art we appreciate? The two CAN be different. I might appreciate the Mona Lisa, but I wouldn't have it hanging on my wall as a decoration even if someone gave it to me.

I paint and draw all sorts of things for my own pleasure. If I was trying to SELL for profit I might choose different subjects and a different style. When you spend 40 or more hours on one painting and can only sell it for $200 it hardly makes it a worthwhile project on a per hourly rate. It makes much more sense in selling 20 items for $20 each and where you only spent 2 hours on each item.

Over this past weekend I attended a silent art auction. A silent auction is where people write on a paper their bid. Everyone can see the bidding as it progresses through the evening. At the end of the evening the highest bidder gets the piece of art. Although I was not interested in purchasing anything I WAS interested in seeing what items fetched the highest prices. If I was to think of painting similar subjects the ones people chose to bid highest for might sway my decision on what to paint. I also understood that the more popular artists seem to attract higher prices whether or not the actual subject was pleasing to the eye.

My ex wife's son is/was a brilliant artist, but he's also a certifiable whacko who single handedly destroyed our marriage. Many times I tried helping him in setting up a career, but he always screwed it up. I tried explaining that an artist must FIRST build up a credible resume of art work before demanding a high price of his art. Unfortunately, he chose not to follow my advice and he's still living on wellfare. I only wish I had half his talent that he has wasted.

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I paint and draw a bit. I mostly use watercolour. Here are a few..







What I find difficult is getting good quality paper in the block form in Chaing Mai. I find some cheaper stuff but it buckles when it gets wet (like all paper will).

But, when I compare my stuff with some Thai artists I see working in Chiang Mai, I want to throw my sketches back in the drawer. The ONLY thing I see missing with the Thai artists is originality. They are great copiers but I don't see much else that is really new and creative.

Some nice Art work here :):D:D
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I tend to agree with Ulysses here. The negative comments were intended as constructive criticism. Saying all will be revealed is a bit insulting. I tend not to insult anyone or I'll lose my audience. When you actually have something to reveal then hit us at that time. Nobody on the internet is going to sit in suspense over some poster who they don't know saying something they don't understand.

I had to reread your original post to get another understanding of what you might have wanted to know. You already received some good answers. Not being in Thailand right now I can't give advice on what galleries I think are worth while. As you yourself said... art is a personal thing.

What I TRIED to understand in what you were asking is this. Are you asking us for what type of art we would actually PURCHASE, or what type of art we appreciate? The two CAN be different. I might appreciate the Mona Lisa, but I wouldn't have it hanging on my wall as a decoration even if someone gave it to me.

I paint and draw all sorts of things for my own pleasure. If I was trying to SELL for profit I might choose different subjects and a different style. When you spend 40 or more hours on one painting and can only sell it for $200 it hardly makes it a worthwhile project on a per hourly rate. It makes much more sense in selling 20 items for $20 each and where you only spent 2 hours on each item.

Over this past weekend I attended a silent art auction. A silent auction is where people write on a paper their bid. Everyone can see the bidding as it progresses through the evening. At the end of the evening the highest bidder gets the piece of art. Although I was not interested in purchasing anything I WAS interested in seeing what items fetched the highest prices. If I was to think of painting similar subjects the ones people chose to bid highest for might sway my decision on what to paint. I also understood that the more popular artists seem to attract higher prices whether or not the actual subject was pleasing to the eye.

My ex wife's son is/was a brilliant artist, but he's also a certifiable whacko who single handedly destroyed our marriage. Many times I tried helping him in setting up a career, but he always screwed it up. I tried explaining that an artist must FIRST build up a credible resume of art work before demanding a high price of his art. Unfortunately, he chose not to follow my advice and he's still living on wellfare. I only wish I had half his talent that he has wasted.

i have no problem about negative comments, what i found was the style in which they were written, if it offended someone, well i really cant see where or how it did, i'm not insulting anyones intelligence, how can that be so, jesus all i was doing was saying ' when i'im ready ' i'll be able to make a genuine offer to to people on the board, but as yet , i'm not in a position to do that, when we relocate up there, i will make the offer, someone explain what is wrong with that.

some people seem to to want to nit pick, if there not following the rules, which is quite strange considering were living in a country , where there's lots of rules, which no one cares about.

maybe that's it, on here they can still try to control posters, dont forget the first critiscm was about 'not using the subject line', but it seems to me iv'e created a stir because of that, so go back to the first page, and just add up all the posters who havnt used the subject line, and give them shit.

i too, have an extremly talented son, his swimming he was told he could become one of the best, in golf he was told it's upto you, you can take this as far as you want, but sadly, for reasons only he knows, he didnt, now he makes a resonable living , in the taxis, and lives a life of regret, although he would never say.

i had to fight tooth and nail, to get to the level i did, with a bit of talent, but with an extreme passion for it not to fail, i created a 30 strong ad agency, that each year built on its reputation of integrity, talent, and commitment, unfortunately for a lot of young people , they dont understand the meaning of those words nowadays.

but now , i have a young 4 yr old, who's or sme reason hitting golf balls [ oh no not again] like i dont know what, if anyone wants to watch him, hes on u tube, type in 'young patrick junior at golf' and see for yourself, this has helped him to get a partial scholarship at prem with the bonus that if he continues, a possible full scholarship could be in the offing, but this time around education is the prority, wont make that mistake again.

now i hope ive not offended anyone else, ok

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maybe that's it, on here they can still try to control posters, dont forget the first critiscm was about 'not using the subject line', but it seems to me iv'e created a stir because of that, so go back to the first page, and just add up all the posters who havnt used the subject line, and give them shit.

Only the OP (original poster) can use the subject/topic line. That is why no one else is using it on this thread. :)

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun GatorHead333 (Hua Jorakiet Sam-loi-Sam-sip-Sam ?),

I'm fascinated by the pictures of that feline beauty (the skanky striped one, I mean) ! Is this an animal you actually have in Chiang Mai ? Please say a few words about that kitty, if you will.

thanks, ~o:37;

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Khun Doppa,

You certainly haven't offended my Orang soul-mind.

But I think your style of communicating is raising a question as to what your "intent" may be.

By that I mean : what I've read from you raises a question if there is some "unstated agenda" in your posts related to self-promotion, or some future commercial activity.

Just talk to us straight, man, because most of us are comedians already :)

best, ~o:37;

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Khun Doppa,

You certainly haven't offended my Orang soul-mind.

But I think your style of communicating is raising a question as to what your "intent" may be.

By that I mean : what I've read from you raises a question if there is some "unstated agenda" in your posts related to self-promotion, or some future commercial activity.

Just talk to us straight, man, because most of us are comedians already :)

best, ~o:37

ive already stated that i 'hung' up my art brushes, couldnt compete even till i lived to a hundred with the thais skill at copying, thats why ive taken 9/10 mths off, to try and create something with art thats not so predictable, and same , same.

and what i wanted to do , now that i'm at the completiton part of stage 1, what better way of testing it , when i'm ready, on some of the guys and gals, on the forum.

so i guess i was trying to build it up a bit, then suggest the first 4 posters who send my a high resolution of any picture they like, wether that be wife, girlfriend, baby, animal, or the inside of someones rectum, i would do a painting, and print it myself for FREE.

but as im not yet in the chiangmai area, and as i havnt got the printer yet, this week, there would be no point really to do produce, what i cant deliver.

is theres a buisness there, well that remains to be seen, at the moment i've produced a number of paintings, for certain charities in the uk, most notably the bobby robson cancer research fund, and another ,for a long time player of nufc, charlie crowe,of the 1950's, who has alzheimers disease, all the pics will be auctioned at various functions to raise money for each appeal,, and this week i will be despatching 5 pics off to the uk, celebrating glen mccrorys world boxing title fight he won, 20yrs to the day, with the monies raised to go to his brothers fund, who tragically died when he was 10.

i love to give people drawings/paintings, just because it lights up there faces,and it one of the most treasured feelings it gives them, and me, i get a real kick out of it.and so far have produced 6/7, for free, its just a massive hobby for me, but if i can turn it into 'rent money' earnings i will

and may i add, i produce the pics, despatch them to the uk, all at my own expense, which so far has amounted to over 300 uk pounds.

so there you have it, straight enough for you, and as for comedians well....

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Thank you for the explanation, doppa. Now I understand where you are coming from and I agree with a lot of what you say. There is no sense in financially trying to compete with someone who can produce art better and cheaper if you are not worrying about originality. If I wanted an almost exact replica of a photograph, only done in oils or acrylics, then I'd hire one of the excellent Thai artists to do it for me rather than trying to paint it myself.

I break down art into a series of pleasing shapes and angles. I like a series of triangles because they pull the eye into the picture. After I have the angles the way I want I decide on lighting. Less is usually more when you consider the final product. Very often it is what you leave OUT of a painting that improves the final result.

I sat with friends at a coffee shop and tried to show them what I meant about angles. Using only my finger, a cup of coffee and a sheet of paper I did this sketch of a nud_e woman to show what I meant. This whole picture is a series of triangles and shapes connected together.


I take thousands of photos each year, but only a handful turn out like a piece of art. I took this photo of a friend's daughter swimming for the first time in a clear mountain stream (near Doi Suthep). It worked because of the strong lighting and dark background. The angles and shapes pulls the eye into the center of focus with nothing else to distract the viewer.


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thanks for that ian, art in some way or form has been all my life, just bought myself a new camera, and plan to use it as an extension of my art, the secret that most photographers dont know is 'cropping' most just print out the complete picture without really taking into account the areas that really are uneccesary, that in itself is an art.

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Ian, if you (or anyone else) have an interest in developing drawing techniques may I recommend "Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain" - Betty Edwards. http://www.drawright.com/

This was practically my bible for my Life Drawing classes. My students techniques would always improve dramatically when I used and adapted many of the exercises the book recommends. Great way to "warm up".



As for Thai artists being good copy artists, well, im sure many would have a lot of their own original art to offer too, but sadly little demand for it. Most people are generally quite conservative in their art tastes, and would prefer to order a drawing copy of a photograph they have, rather than purchase something original and unique. Although I do admire many of the artists skills when I walk through the market, I also feel quite sad that they are likely good artists in their own right but are reduced to churning out the same old stuff over and over in order to make regular money.

I recall reading a funny story, where Damien Hirst, known for his extreme installation work, said that he had to sit down to draw a more "traditional" drawing. It was for his beloved grandmother, who had been pestering him for some time. She wanted to finally have something to show off to her friends with pride. "My grandson did this!". :)

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art an artists, the true artist paints what he wants to paint, with the hope of selling it, the more commercial minded artist paints what other people want because he knows he can sell it, thats where most thai artist are, which is good for them financially, but poor for there creativity.

now i gues im 75% towards the latter, but my subject matter is a s broad as king arthurs sword, with an eye towards the commercial aspect and because of its' treatment' someone could be interestd.

when i retired from advertising, it took me a while to discover, there was an artist in me, hadnt touched a brush since i was a teenager at art college, so working through in my mind what subject i would personally prefer, or interested in, it was then i picked up the brushes and experimented, and now i have 6/7 canvasses in the uk, stored away...maybe one day after my demise theyll be discovered, not for the painting quality, no, because they happened to be signed by the models themselves, who in their own world, were sme sought of celebrities.

unfortunately, after 30yrs in the ad world, my mind being lopsided, i tend to think more of the buisness aspect more than anything, which really is unfortuanate, but i guess ineviatable considering the years it took me to get there.

interesting subject guys.

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Ian, if you (or anyone else) have an interest in developing drawing techniques may I recommend "Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain" - Betty Edwards. http://www.drawright.com/

I do have that book, eek. It is an excellent resource in looking at things from a different perspective.

And, further to what doppa said about cropping pictures I couldn't agree more. That holds true for paintings as well as photographs.

These pictures of the same subject from different perspective is an example.

This is the original photo of some dogwood flowers.


This is a close up of just one flower...


Same thing with a different flower



And changing the lighting and colour intensity makes it even different.


Even dew drops on a leaf make an interesting subject




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i'm starting to believe you that you certainly do have thousands of pics, guess your all digital now, could you imagine how much money all your pics would have costs, going down to 'boots' to develop films, aye gone are the days of me little 'brownie box camera'. ahhhhh........drifted of there just remembering those times, tend to do it more often these days, sure its not good for me.

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art an artists, the true artist paints what he wants to paint, with the hope of selling it, the more commercial minded artist paints what other people want because he knows he can sell it, thats where most thai artist are, which is good for them financially, but poor for there creativity.

Hmm... I believe many people just do not have the luxury not to be commercially minded. If your talent/skill is in art, and that is where your heart lies. Then, it makes sense to at least make your living in some way using that talent, even if its not in the way that you wish to. Many "commercial" artists would like to do their own thing im sure, but it takes money (depending on materials) and time.

The starving artist who paints what is in his heart is a romantic notion in my opinion, and doesnt benefit the artist.

If an Artist does not have the luxury of finding sponsors, funding etc, and needs to be more commercial in order to make money, then good on him/her. Likely that they have their own style of art they create on top of the commercial work in any case.

At least creating the commercial art provides them with a living, as well as a good way to keep up basic fundamental drawing/painting skills.


BEENTHEREDONETHAT, thanks for that link. I'll also offer up one i like to use: http://www.deviantart.com/

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art an artists, the true artist paints what he wants to paint, with the hope of selling it, the more commercial minded artist paints what other people want because he knows he can sell it, thats where most thai artist are, which is good for them financially, but poor for there creativity.

Hmm... I believe many people just do not have the luxury not to be commercially minded. If your talent/skill is in art, and that is where your heart lies. Then, it makes sense to at least make your living in some way using that talent, even if its not in the way that you wish to. Many "commercial" artists would like to do their own thing im sure, but it takes money (depending on materials) and time.

The starving artist who paints what is in his heart is a romantic notion in my opinion, and doesnt benefit the artist.

If an Artist does not have the luxury of finding sponsors, funding etc, and needs to be more commercial in order to make money, then good on him/her. Likely that they have their own style of art they create on top of the commercial work in any case.

At least creating the commercial art provides them with a living, as well as a good way to keep up basic fundamental drawing/painting skills.


BEENTHEREDONETHAT, thanks for that link. I'll also offer up one i like to use: http://www.deviantart.com/

well believe they exist, for them it would be like selling their soul, to submit to have to paint what they dont want to.

having a sponsor for anything these days is like goldust, so real artist will have their work cut out to find one, as if it wasn't difficult before.

as most things a happy balance, could be the answer, but depends how determined your principles are, mine unfortunately with regards to art have slipped dramatically over the years.

but other principles have seemed to manifest into monsters at times, especially anyone who is late....mmm, lateness, thailand whooops.

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Have been following this thread anticipating that artwork by local artists would be featured but didn't materialise so hope you don't me posting. This I bought at Galerie Panisa opposite Toyota on Mahidol. It's by a lad who lives in Pai name of whom I have lost. (If there is one desire of local galleries it would be they hand out information sheets). It's oil on canvas and 3' x 4':


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Have been following this thread anticipating that artwork by local artists would be featured but didn't materialise so hope you don't me posting. This I bought at Galerie Panisa opposite Toyota on Mahidol. It's by a lad who lives in Pai name of whom I have lost. (If there is one desire of local galleries it would be they hand out information sheets). It's oil on canvas and 3' x 4':

yeah, thats quite nice, nice treatment .

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luv that pencil, crayon, charcaol, brush effect, helps if youve got a decent pic.....with lots of wrinkles to.

ive noticed that lots of thai painters actually dont fill the canvass in total first, theyll do a figure first or background first ,then detail it later, ive never been able to work like that, i mean covering the whole canvass, then on top layer after layer.

anyway as ive said my brushes are retired, im going in another direction.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun GatorHead333 (Hua Jorakiet Sam-loi-Sam-sip-Sam ?),

I'm fascinated by the pictures of that feline beauty (the skanky striped one, I mean) ! Is this an animal you actually have in Chiang Mai ? Please say a few words about that kitty, if you will.

thanks, ~o:37;

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun GatorHead333 (Hua Jorakiet Sam-loi-Sam-sip-Sam ?),

I'm fascinated by the pictures of that feline beauty (the skanky striped one, I mean) ! Is this an animal you actually have in Chiang Mai ? Please say a few words about that kitty, if you will.

thanks, ~o:37;

that is our kitty, he turned 3 this past January. i will post kitten photos and his teen photos of him here soon. we rescuded him when he was almost dead at only 3 weeks of age.some thai stold him from hin from his mom tried to feed him sum tum.....

he is a genious kitty. gifted in a good way. loves to take daily baths,uses the toliet every chance he gets...

he now lives a life of kitty luxury all happy here on Gods earth...

Edited by gatorhead333
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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun GatorHead333 (Hua Jorakiet Sam-loi-Sam-sip-Sam ?),

I'm fascinated by the pictures of that feline beauty (the skanky striped one, I mean) ! Is this an animal you actually have in Chiang Mai ? Please say a few words about that kitty, if you will.

thanks, ~o:37;

that is our kitty, he turned 3 this past January. i will post kitten photos and his teen photos of him here soon. we rescuded him when he was almost dead at only 3 weeks of age.some thai stold him from hin from his mom tried to feed him sum tum.....

he is a genious kitty. gifted in a good way. loves to take daily baths,uses the toliet every chance he gets...

he now lives a life of kitty luxury all happy here on Gods earth...

real art... not shot with much concern or care with a very cheap camera with no real lighting:

title of photos>>>>











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