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Has Any Rules Changed For Non-o Mariange Extension Since Last Year?

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My Thai wife and I are currently residing in the UK but plan to relocate to Sisaket at the end of the year and live in a hotel while we have our house built on her land (owned in her name).

My current non O multi expires in December and I had planned to get an extension of permission to stay based on our marriage.

We can provide all of the listed documents (including the name change on her ID card) except, of course, the "household book".

Does anyone know if proof of hotel residency (for maybe 6mths or more) would suffice? or could we use her land ownership documents as proof of our address? or maybe her brother's household book with his confirmation that we continually reside there to supervise the building works?

I'd be grateful for any suggestions!

Many thanks.

Your wifes house boes does not have to be in her name and in many cases it would not be.

You do not have to be living where she is registered as living. The house bookd does need to show your marriage.

You can use a temporary address when you do the extension. The hotel address should be okay for the application.

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My Thai wife and I are currently residing in the UK but plan to relocate to Sisaket at the end of the year and live in a hotel while we have our house built on her land (owned in her name).

My current non O multi expires in December and I had planned to get an extension of permission to stay based on our marriage.

We can provide all of the listed documents (including the name change on her ID card) except, of course, the "household book".

Does anyone know if proof of hotel residency (for maybe 6mths or more) would suffice? or could we use her land ownership documents as proof of our address? or maybe her brother's household book with his confirmation that we continually reside there to supervise the building works?

I'd be grateful for any suggestions!

Many thanks.

Your wifes house boes does not have to be in her name and in many cases it would not be.

You do not have to be living where she is registered as living. The house bookd does need to show your marriage.

You can use a temporary address when you do the extension. The hotel address should be okay for the application.

Many thanks guys for your swift and helpful info - this forum really is great asset!

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...A new form from your district office called a Kor Ror 22 as proof of marriage either in or out of Thailand, and will most likely involve a trip to the local Thai Foreign Office for vaidation of the certified true copy of your foreign wedding certificate...

I wonder what the form Kor Ror 22 looks like. I have only seen Kor Ror 2 and Kor Ror 3 so far. Are you sure Kor Ror 22 is needed also if the marriage took place in Thailand?



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This from immigration website for a change of visa status for marriage to a Thai. It is not listed for normal extensions.

In case of, marriage registration in foreign country

1. Copy of marriage certificate

2. Copy of the family status registration. (Kor Ror.22) (Issued by the district office in Thailand)

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Yes. 400,000 Baht in the bank. It must be his bank account, not a joint account.

The new rule is for 2 months deposit but some offices are still insisiting on 3 months.

thought it was 800,000!!!

That is for a retirement extension.

The discussion is about extensions based upon marriage to a Thai.

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I can only alert everyone about applying for 1 year extension visas in Chiangmai. I have a work permit and applied in Chiangmai for extension based on work. First they said can do, but then changed their mind after they found in passport that last time I had extension based on marriage issued in Nakhompanon. The new rule is that you have to apply where you reside, and I reside and work in Chiangmai but the wife's family book shows residence in Nakhomphanom. So they said I have to go back to Nakhompanom and apply for extension based on marriage in the same place. What a nonsense. But I went back to Nakhompanon and they are doing the extension there now.

Chiangmai immigration office is one of the worst in Thailand (I have used it in ealier years for 1 year extensions), arrogant, un-cooperative, bad or no English, and changing policies by the hour or based on what they ate for breakfast. You can also get 1 year extension based on supporting your child born in Thailand. I applied for that choice last year in Nakhompanom and they did not know the rules. The only place they seem to know that rule is in Bkk (according to thai visa links).

Good luck in Chiangmai

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Thanks for the info.

They are wrong in saying that you have to have it done where your wife is registered. All you should have to do is prove your address where you are living.

Your experience with the extension for having a child must of been before the new rules came out. Not many would do it because it had no requirement for income and the rule was very unclear.

Under the new rules you would not be able to do it because you are married..

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Bangkok always accepted the embassy affidavit of income only with no requirement for bank book.

Is this a change?

Also, I am advised to now report to Tak. Does this make a difference?

new is that the income now only can be the foreign husbands. As you don't have the income option you have to make use of the money in the bank option, which also has to be the foreign husbands money only. The money has to be in the account for 2 months.

- bank book

- bank letter

Contact your immigration office for the specifics what they want.

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Bangkok always accepted the embassy affidavit of income only with no requirement for bank book.

Is this a change?

Also, I am advised to now report to Tak. Does this make a difference?

There is no change but different offices will have different ideas on what is required.

You now have to deal with the office that is designated to your area so yes you may well have to go to Tak every time.

Here is the list.

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Thanks, this is the answer I ws looking for.

Is it true that there's a new regulation that says if you got married outside the kingdom, you and missus will now have to register at your local amphur? Is there any change to the marriage certificate requirements? thanks.

I just renewed my non-O last week, and the rule for marriages outside of Thailand has changed. I had to go to my embassy to get an affidavit regarding our marriage, then get that translated, then take it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get legalized, then go to the district office to have the marriage registered in Thailand. One warning, though, is that the first district office (Buengkum) would not do it. We then went to Bangkapi and they had no problem doing it. If possible, I would suggest going to a district that is used to dealing with foreigners.

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I went to Suan Plu in Bangkok, a couple of months ago to apply. I


Income can only be proven by a letter from your embassy if it is from outside Thailand. If you are working here then 3 months of tax payments or annual tax report plus work permit to prove you are working legally.

This has been the rule for a long time.

Was it true true for extension based on marriage last year that work permit was required? If that was the case, then last year why would anyone have applied based on marriage, since they would all automatically qualify for extension based on work?

Just to explain this point, Previously, I used extension based on work, when I asked immigration last year about marriage extension, they then mentioned income requirement, I then explained to them that I rent out several properties in bangkok as well as other investment income, they then said that was ok, they did not mention any need for work permit. Then this year, I'm told that I need either work permit or money in the bank.

So I'm interested in why anyone working in thailand would apply for extension based on marriage instead of extension based on work, since by qualifying for the marriage extension implies you would have already met the requirments based on working??

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...Just to explain this point, Previously, I used extension based on work, when I asked immigration last year about marriage extension, they then mentioned income requirement, I then explained to them that I rent out several properties in bangkok as well as other investment income, they then said that was ok, they did not mention any need for work permit. Then this year, I'm told that I need either work permit or money in the bank...

Last year you were given the wrong information or you misunderstood. As Ubonjoe has said, for income earned in Thailand tax receipts and a work permit were necessary.

This year, you have the choice between money in the bank or income for the marriage extension but since you have no work permit you cannot use the money earned in Thailand for your extension even if you have the tax receipts.



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Was it true true for extension based on marriage last year that work permit was required? If that was the case, then last year why would anyone have applied based on marriage, since they would all automatically qualify for extension based on work? ...

With a marriage extension, your permission to stay remained valid if you lost your employment and you were free to remain in Thailand. With the employment extension, you had to leave Thailand immediately or you could get an extension of only 7 days. The same applies today.



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Was it true true for extension based on marriage last year that work permit was required? If that was the case, then last year why would anyone have applied based on marriage, since they would all automatically qualify for extension based on work?

Just to explain this point, Previously, I used extension based on work, when I asked immigration last year about marriage extension, they then mentioned income requirement, I then explained to them that I rent out several properties in bangkok as well as other investment income, they then said that was ok, they did not mention any need for work permit. Then this year, I'm told that I need either work permit or money in the bank.

So I'm interested in why anyone working in thailand would apply for extension based on marriage instead of extension based on work, since by qualifying for the marriage extension implies you would have already met the requirments based on working??

The information you were given last year might of been valid if your wife had claimed the income and paid taxes on it. But since November of last year that is no longer possible. The income can only be yours now.

Immigration does not accept the fact that you can have income without working. That is why you need a work permit.

Getting an extension based upon marriage is not tied to you working. If on an extension based upon working if loose your job you loose your extension. Also the requirements for getting an extension based upon marriage is much less than that for working, IE: company information, audits, number of Thai employees, vat paid, minimum salary requirement and etc.

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In BKK the other day they asked for;

1. The bank letter dated the same day as the immigration visit (no exceptions) - started on the 12APR09

Confirmed as well. I had to ride a motorcyle taxi up to the top of soi Suan Plu to update my bank book (luckily my bank is there or else I would have had to come back another day!). They are afraid that there's no money or we've pulled the money out of the bank. It is retarded. The bank letter was dated one week prior to the day we went in the immigration but the officer didn't ask me to go get a new one with the same date (theoratically, how could the bank do it anyway!? It takes at least 2 days for the bank to process the requested form). The officer wanted to see the money in the book as fresh as possible. I can't remember if she said it had to be updated the day BEFORE or ON THE DAY of applying extension. Will ask and update when I go there next month. Anyone with this experience?

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This is very different than the other post. You needed an updated passbook entry that matches the total in your bank letter rather than a bank letter dated the same day you apply.

This appears to be nothing new as they have always wanted the bank letter to be within a week or so and that the passbook should show current entry that matched the letter.

Edited by lopburi3
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