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Do You Still Support The 2006 Coup ?

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At the end of the day you treally have to make a yes or no answer?

Do you believe in Democracy where the majority of the voters vote for the peron/s-party to run the country.

Do you believe that groups can use resources (Military or finance) to gain power for personal reasons.

The above leaves out all the grey areas on the subject. But it shows what way you lean??

No. I did not agree with the coup.

Terms of office and the vote should mean the people get rid of elected officials who are no longer doing what they said or should.

Coups make them martyrs?

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It's easy for some greedy tyrant to use the word "Democracy" as a convenient screen to fool the people and enrich themselves and their friends,throwing some crumbs to the populace to gain support,and excluding from the benefits the ones who didn't vote for him(democracy eh?).Well,i've never supported any coup,nor felt much sympathy for the army in general,but in this case i beg to differ.I think the coup was necessary to get rid of the wannabe tyrant.I supported the airport occupation too,it was necessary to avoid the return of the tyrant.

Flame as much as you like,i don't give a this.

Yellow is beautiful! :) Long live the King.


Whenever a non-native of a country starts preaching on a country/culture not of his origin.....

I see the waving of flags, hear the blowing of trumpets and protestations of love and loyalty,,,,,,, my thoughts drift too?

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel?

A fence can be a good place to sit?


Coup was just a necessary and unavoidable step in ridding the country of Thaksin's megalomaniac ambitions.

It's simply naive to expect that he would have folded and retired on his own after witnessing what he has done to get back to power in the past three years. He should be stopped by all means necessary - coups, airport blockades, whatever.

Coup was just a necessary and unavoidable step in ridding the country of Thaksin's megalomaniac ambitions.

It's simply naive to expect that he would have folded and retired on his own after witnessing what he has done to get back to power in the past three years. He should be stopped by all means necessary - coups, airport blockades, whatever.

Excellent points. He who must not be obeyed: THAKSIN.


I never approved of it. Thaksin, while being riddled with flaws, brought the country a small step closer to democracy and good governance. The coup, an attempt at "hitting the reset button," achieved exactly that- hurling the country back to square one and trapping it back into the tired old cycle of coup-populism-coup-populism.

If only the Democrats and the PAD had been patient and had the foresight to form a credible opposition- Thaksin would have crumbled under the weight of his own meglomania and they would have been able to take power legitimately at the following election. But by siding with the snakes in the shadows, the PAD and the Democrats have once again let the old fascist genie out of the bottle.

EDIT: Twice over, when you take the airport seizure into consideration. Talk about bad losers :)

EDITEDIT: And slow learners...


Very naive assessment there of Thaksin. He was classic wanna be dictator FOR LIFE kind of egomaniac. Look at Chavez of Venezuala, supposedly democratic, now basically DICTATOR for life. He would have NEVER, EVER given up power. The coup was a necessary evil, like an amputation for cancer. Time to move on and give Mark a chance.

Instead of criticizing, you should be THANKING the coup makers:



If decades of Mickey Mouse rule in Thailand have exposed anything, its that democratically elected governments here aren't nearly as powerful as another institution.

Thaksin, while being riddled with flaws, brought the country a small step closer to democracy and good governance.

I'm sure you got a lot of truthful information and evidence on that.


If decades of Mickey Mouse rule in Thailand have exposed anything, its that democratically elected governments here aren't nearly as powerful as another institution.

Is your knowledge of Thailand any comparable to that of Norwegia? I just wonder.


When the democratic process elects someone who turns out to be a power-crazed despot, is that a triumph for democracy?

Selling the country's cell phone infrastructure to another country, via slimy shadow companies that were really just empty offices, yeah, did the country a lot of good.

I wonder how much $ he has now. I know in the weeks following the coup his wife came and went from the kingdom a few times, no doubt shuttling out suitcases full of cash ("Hey, don't touch that, it's not my suitcase it's my wallet"). But I wonder if his sudden desire to return has to do with sequestered assets. Remember when he came back and said he was no longer in politics?

If decades of Mickey Mouse rule in Thailand have exposed anything, its that democratically elected governments here aren't nearly as powerful as another institution.

The problem was the democratically elected governments of Thaksin never played by the democratic rules after election. Blatant interfering, intimidation in every sector, changing of laws to benefit his companies, it's all been talked about and noted for so long now, how can anyone have any respect for such a person?

The coup was non violent and even to this day the violence, despite the red shirts efforts, has been very low key.

Of course we're still waiting for the families of all those red shirts 'murdered' at Songkran to come forward!

And why did it take Jatuporn so long to come up with his theory about Aphisit not being in the car? Enough time to doctor a few photos perhaps?

The post coup government was a big disappointment, inactive turtles, some afraid of Thaksin's return, but at least Thailand is moving forward in terms of political discussion and participation; but to move Thailand forward from money politics is truly a Herculean task which I don't think we will see in our lifetimes

Removal of Thaksin and his overriding personal agenda from the picture would certainly help though.


I am surprised one can ask Farang their opinions on Coup d' Etat !?

But no surprise to see more "Support" vote...

The 2006 Coup certainly led to bad things namely: 2 bad governments of Samak and Somchai that did no work at all and created more rift.

Worth it? The 2006 Coup in Thailand, mostly it's no end in "if- then" discussion, but how about a coup in Germany 1936?

The 2006 Coup certainly led to bad things namely: 2 bad governments of Samak and Somchai that did no work at all and created more rift.

Yeah, as both of these were Thaksin puppets, if Thaksin had behaved both would have never happened. So blame the coup or blame Thaksin for being a big troublemaker?

I am surprised one can ask Farang their opinions on Coup d' Etat !?

But no surprise to see more "Support" vote...

The 2006 Coup certainly led to bad things namely: 2 bad governments of Samak and Somchai that did no work at all and created more rift.

Worth it? The 2006 Coup in Thailand, mostly it's no end in "if- then" discussion, but how about a coup in Germany 1936?

This is not the place to argue about world war 2,btw somebody tried to overthrow h. and failed.

To return on topic,IMO in 2 or 3 years more a bloodless coup would have become impossible.

IMO in 2 or 3 years more a bloodless coup would have become impossible.
Remember they were very clever to do it while Thakky was abroad, so they weren't completely incompetent.
The 2006 Coup certainly led to bad things namely: 2 bad governments of Samak and Somchai that did no work at all and created more rift.

Yeah, as both of these were Thaksin puppets, if Thaksin had behaved both would have never happened. So blame the coup or blame Thaksin for being a big troublemaker?

blame the coup , and blame the imbeciles who supported a coup.


We all know who's calling the shots here. And it's not a politician.

Thaksin was a threat and was removed like an unsightly wart.

With this sort of apparatus, Thailand will wallow in third-world morass forever.

IMO in 2 or 3 years more a bloodless coup would have become impossible.
Remember they were very clever to do it while Thakky was abroad, so they weren't completely incompetent.

Sure they were competent enough :) They closed T. friends in their rooms before taking the streets too.

wow the pictures of the children giving flowers and drinks and food to the soldiers opened my heart!TiT :D


I understood and shared some of the feelings of those who wanted Thaksin out. He was abusing his position.

His good deeds, of which there were many, were still outweighed by his abuses, but despite all that the coup was the wrong way to go about ousting Thaksin who, at the time had all but achieved status of poo padet kan, dictatorial rule.

It was really the opposition parties who failed this country though. By not being strong enough to bring the fight to the ballot boxes, and the campaign trail. By failing to get their message across to those who needed and indeed still need to hear it.

They failed to win the trust of those who mattered, failed to learn from their mistakes, failed to see how TRT's (PPP's) platform beat theirs and failed to adapt, adopt and overcome.

Going down this misguided route has divided this country, only by going back to the polls can they ever have any chance of reconciliation.

Thailand will wallow in third-world morass forever.

All right. Enough about Thailand. But what about Norwegia or Texa (where Texans are from I suppose)? :)


If only the Democrats and the PAD had been patient and had the foresight to form a credible opposition- Thaksin would have crumbled under the weight of his own meglomania and they would have been able to take power legitimately at the following election.

I have a lot of sympathy for this view, but it makes the key false assumption, that a straight election could have been run by a Thaksin/TRT government. The evidence of the April-2006 annulled-election was that this simply wasn't possible. Hence the need to use the reset-button.

I'm still not convinced as to why Thaksin called that unnecessary election, or why he had to rig it when he might well have won a clean contest, with his popularity waning but still substantial, at that time.

Very naive assessment there of Thaksin. He was classic wanna be dictator FOR LIFE kind of egomaniac. Look at Chavez of Venezuala, supposedly democratic, now basically DICTATOR for life. He would have NEVER, EVER given up power. The coup was a necessary evil, like an amputation for cancer. Time to move on and give Mark a chance.

States clearly the only situation where, in my opinion, a military coup is justified ... to keep out something even worse, a dictatorship. At the time the coup was widely-welcomed as a way out of an increasingly bad mess.

Also in mitigation of the coup, the military promised within days to return to an elected-government, and then delivered that. Even though they may not have liked the result, it was allowed to stand, which is to their credit IMHO. :)

Would never support a coup, as past history has shown the Thai generals and their lackeys to be completely useless..

Hope some people could understand this so they can never make another coup.

in 2009 we can see the results of the coup - polarized society, division, we have assassination attempts, civil disobedience and mob protests, 3 years of instability and puppet governments, bitterness, wounds that will take years to heal, all a huge mess and no end in sight.

Thaksin, not the coup, was the prime cause, the proximate cause.

The coup was an illegal act and those responsible for it should be brought to justice.

prem is mostly responsible for the coup, that guy should be behind bars instead of his scapegoat, thaksin.

Prem was 50x better than Thaksin as a national leader. Thaksin basically undid most of the successes Prem and his successors developed, esp as regards southern unrest.

I am surprised one can ask Farang their opinions on Coup d' Etat !?

But no surprise to see more "Support" vote...

Oh Believe me you need not ask these but you will get their opinion. :D

Also as you say no surprise to see their support for a wrongful action.

You can be sure if yet today another coup occurs today they will kick & scream at how wrong *this* coup is. :D

The one good thing at the end of the day is that TL got it right where it matters most. These opinions will never count & these will never have a real vote & they will never truely own Thailand. If just these few rules can be kept at least then Thailand wont be completely lost to this selective thinking & suffer the fate of so many places that these same folks ran away from.

Hey look I had an opinion :):D:D


Time to point out the obvious fact that the OP thought the results would be different if he made the focus the COUP instead of THAKSIN. He was strongly fishing for "NOW we think it was a mistake and agree with you the current total mess in Thailand is the fault of the coup makers and NOT Thaksin" majority result. But he vastly underestimated the sincere disgust for the divisive violent cowardly actions of the disgraced PM Thaksin. Thanks for starting this poll, mate!

It just goes to show you a fact you should learn: WHO starts a poll and no matter what their bias is does NOT effect the result of a poll.

When you view this poll along these other two polls on the topic, the real picture of public opinion on the notorious Dr. T becomes solidly conclusive:



BTW, MOST Thais feel the same way. I know it and you know it.

It just goes to show you a fact you should learn: WHO starts a poll and no matter what their bias is does NOT effect the result of a poll.

DUH...................If you walk into a Irish bar & ask in 30 different polls who supports St. Paddy day .................I tend to think the result will be the same.

BTW, MOST Thais feel the same way. I know it and you know it.

:):D:D Go ask on a Thai forum......Oh right never mind...you cannot actually communicate with them can you?

Except for the ones that speak *your* language hence the confusion on your part

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