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Chicken Fleas

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I'm going to get my first batch of chickens in a couple of weeks, as soon as their house is finished.

Can anyone recommend me what to buy to rid them of fleas, before I instal them in their new condo.

Something easily available in a small town would be best.


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We used to spray the chicken house (hand pump) with cerasote (sp) to keep the flea/lice down. Seemed to work very well. My Grandmother was the chicken expert, bought 5 to 600 each spring for brooder house,(straight run) raised them for butchering and replacement for her laying hens. Needless to say fried chicken was a mainstay during summer and culled hens became base for chicken and noodles, pie etc.

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Thanks, creasote would work good for the house, but I dont think the chickens would like to have it sprayed on them :) .

The house will be new & home made, so flea free.

Just want to make sure they dont bring any stowaways with them.

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I'm using Frontline spray as drops for my doves , 1 drop under each wing webbing and a drop on the oil gland every other month.Its a product for dogs and cats btw . Might work for your case better to seek advise if anyone has used it for poultry.

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Nicotene sulphate was the number one preventative in the old days ,but it is now banned in most "civilized " countries although it may be available here.

We used to just paint it on the underside of the perches.

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Thanks for the replys.

I couldnt find either of those in town.

I got a bottle of "Abitraz" from a pet shop.

He said mix 10 cc with 10 litres water & dunk the birds in it. I bet theyre going to love that.

Anyone ever heard of this stuff ?

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If you have any eucalyptis trees, the leaves with their aromatic oils are said to repel fleas, mites and other critters and no harm to chickens. Use it as their bedding or in their laying boxes. what kind of chickens are you getting??

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Should be some eucalyptus up there in Pai. Maybe on the road comming over the mountains.

I think that it's mites that you want to rid your chickens of, but flea repellent should work on mites as well. Have read that dusting with diotemateous [sp] earth powder works, but be careful when using it as it is a known cancer causing substance in powder form.

Maybe an alternative to euca leaves would be lemon grass, as it also repels insects....mosquitos etc.

Another tip that the locals suggested to me is dusting with hydrated lime when changing litter/bedding. Don't know if it repels fleas/mites, but it does keep the odor down.

PL, do let me know if you ever hear of a falang type rooster and I'll give you some of the offspring in trade......


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Thanks for all the tips.

At the moment I'm planning to dunk the chickens in an unknown chemical, hose the house out with tobacco & line their nest with Neem leaves.

The chickens will be lucky to survive let alone the bugs !

I'll let you know :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

You are discussing about good infornmation.....

I came to know about flea products for fleas of chicken from this discussion......

I thought that flea control products are there for cats and dogs only.......

Really thanks for your information....

Flea Meds

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acritin or carbamate powder (carbaryl) is what most israeli chicken houses use; they sell it in thailand for dogs and i think also for chickens (the percent amount is different, so if it is too strong we used to mix it with cornstarch powder to dilute the ration-- when we used this on reptiles)...

we used to dust our chicken /bird cages (volaire) also... beware that humans can overdose by inhalation so use a dust mask for carbomates -- ill look it up for u soon...

for doves we used a ivomac/parrafin solution on their breast area; also for parakeets...

here i got the carbamate powder info: from ABIC company; its what we always have used and still use, also on yard dogs (beware not to use too much they can overdose also if over powedered).

Opigal 50 (Poultry)

Soluble Powder

Eradication of External Parasites

On Poultry and Livestock


1 Naphthyl-N-Methylcarbamate 50%


Opigal 50 is a synthetic carbamate, which effectively eradicates a broad spectrum of external parasites on poultry and livestock, in particular: ticks, mites and lice.

Opigal 50 can be applied as a spray directly onto animals. In this way, it sticks to the hair, skin and feathers, thereby ensuring activity for an extended period of time following application. Since it is low in toxicity, it is not necessary to remove or cover animal feed or water during application to animals and their housing and surroundings.


Eradication of external parasites such as mites, fleas, lice, bed-bugs and ticks affecting poultry and livestock.

Instructions for use

Spray on Animals and Farm Buildings

10 g. Opigal 50 in each 1 liter of water. Mix the required quantity of Opigal 50 in a small volume of water, to form a paste consistency. Add the final volume of water to the paste while mixing and keep the spray mixture well agitated.

Spray and moisten the animal or building. Spray poultry against the direction of the feathers, particularly around the tail. Repeat treatments as indicated.


The active ingredient of Opigal 50 is a cholinesterase inhibitor. If swallowed or inhaled, use Atropine as an antidote.

Do not use 2-PAM as an antidote for Opigal 50.

i saw this stuff, not same company but same chemical, in agriculture feed/equipment shops in korat area so sure u can get this anywhere in thailand.... we used the powdered version and dusted-- my best friend, a doctor no less, overdosed herself when treating her snakes here in israel.... :)



ps. for got acritin: ACRITIN POWDER Active Ingredient : 1% Permethrin Powder. Use : Effective dusting insecticide for external treatment in poultry);

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  • 5 months later...

hi lads and lasses, before i moved to thailand i was a vert succesfull pigeon racer, and i used to use IVERMECTIN DROPS, from the vet, one drop on the skin at the back of head in neck area, once a year to stop all lise and it was supposed to worm them too, but i still wormed, but very good at getting rid of fleese and keeping them away,good also on your dogs, take care, jake

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