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Opp [other Peoples Problem$]


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Credit is real bad, it's not your money. In the west here, credit company commercial rise like mushrooms... Well make up where are we going....

Thankfully, MJP suffers from creditophobia, meaning he's never even had a credit card.

We should move into the drawing room (financial doom sub-forum) for this discussion, Tarquin.

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I strongly feel that help need to be gaven to some extent and not throw in like showering rain .

having a thai wife i can understand what the Op feel .

i had draw a thin fine line with helping ..

- but usually is relaly small amount which i do not mind ,

there is the Monk hood of all the Male relative which that take about 1000 - 2000 baht and seem like every few month , there is one relative going into monk hood .

- i myslef is a free thinker but respect the custom ..

and i do go for the event .. - the money is the smallest of problem . is attenting the event that is kinda headache to balance it with the limied days i got with my work and project .


well there is alway the temple event , as well as some relative pass away in the village which is distance . , and also wedding of cos ,

then there is helping out younger relative to find job or offering a post , as well as housing them if there come to bangkok to find job . in fact i welcome them .. cos there alway bring me nice food :)

and i love the home grown rice there bring everytime there visit me . :D


some years ago a relative 's relative came to us to take a loan and is willing to put up . 20 rai of land for 100,000 baht .

and the land is ready land for Rice , - i give the Loan . and had a contact draw under my wife name .

the relative can't pay up .. but now i allow them to grow rice on the land .. and we take 50% of the rice and give them .. 3 years to repay the amount .

so every month few month i get bag of rice and also some cash . -- to consider is really a small loan .. but if you ask me if i do it again . i may not .


there is also school dinner which look for me as sponsor - and i did spsonsor a few but in return i get more business .

-- well over all .. i would alway put family first ..


and if i can;t help my family sorry i can;t help you .

no Fat face just simple NO >

i Stop using credit card when i was 25 , i cut up my Plat card in front of 300 people during my birthday :D - and told them i had enouigh of party life and i had not paid the bill ..

from then on i learn to different friends and free loader

Edited by Ta22
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I strongly feel that help need to be gaven to some extent and not throw in like showering rain .

having a thai wife i can understand what the Op feel .

i had draw a thin fine line with helping ..

- but usually is relaly small amount which i do not mind ,

there is the Monk hood of all the Male relative which that take about 1000 - 2000 baht and seem like every few month , there is one relative going into monk hood .

- i myslef is a free thinker but respect the custom ..

and i do go for the event .. - the money is the smallest of problem . is attenting the event that is kinda headache to balance it with the limied days i got with my work and project .


well there is alway the temple event , as well as some relative pass away in the village which is distance . , and also wedding of cos ,

then there is helping out younger relative to find job or offering a post , as well as housing them if there come to bangkok to find job . in fact i welcome them .. cos there alway bring me nice food :)

and i love the home grown rice there bring everytime there visit me . :D


some years ago a relative 's relative came to us to take a loan and is willing to put up . 20 rai of land for 100,000 baht .

and the land is ready land for Rice , - i give the Loan . and had a contact draw under my wife name .

the relative can't pay up .. but now i allow them to grow rice on the land .. and we take 50% of the rice and give them .. 3 years to repay the amount .

so every month few month i get bag of rice and also some cash . -- to consider is really a small loan .. but if you ask me if i do it again . i may not .


there is also school dinner which look for me as sponsor - and i did spsonsor a few but in return i get more business .

-- well over all .. i would alway put family first ..


and if i can;t help my family sorry i can;t help you .

no Fat face just simple NO >

i Stop using credit card when i was 25 , i cut up my Plat card in front of 300 people during my birthday :D - and told them i had enouigh of party life and i had not paid the bill ..

from then on i learn to different friends and free loader

Like a beam of golden sunshine from the God's, the reporting of the global recession in the eloquent Thai press could not have come soon enough.

Mother-in-Law's facial expression commencing with indignation, followed a period of time hence with that of horror, transposing finally to one of acceptance, was truly a joy to behold.

New World Order economic circumstances confirmed in quirky Issan financial reporting style - yes folks that's right, the old cow got less than usual for all the cardboard packaging which once contained the trinkets of falang finance . . . namely a new 21" TV, DVD and children's Tesco Value bedroom furniture set!

Ruddy marvellous!

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Seems like I've seen the same movie as well, my wife hits me up almost every pay day about some old bill she has at home or a sick family member who needs to go to the hospital. Several months ago her parents were stressed out about debts that her mom had rung up on personal loans and I agreed that one time and one time only would I bail them out, I also made it very clear that if she found herself in the same mess again that they we're on their own. Well guess what.......They're in the same mess again! the $5k I sent them went to house up grades, bills, booze, a few cows and other bullshit. When they we're broke again papa started drinking again and sold all the shit they bought with my money! They call at least once a week with problems and it always involves money!.......I've finally told my wife that I'm finished, I don't mind a little here and a little there IF we can afford it, if not, they better make plans on their own. My wife understands and really hates to even answer the phone anymore but it still makes her feel bad. We have a family here and my kids are not going with out because of them! worse part is the whole family does nothing but talk shit about me and how cheap I am.......The neighbor is married to a farang and he built mom and dad and big beautiful house along with a new pick up...my response.....I can't help it if he's an idiot!

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Why do you have an obligation to extended family? TelL them to FO, it's not your responsibility.

Yes, but would a much younger Thai woman want to be married to this type of farang? There is no such thing as a free lunch, is there?

Its very hard for farang to understand the Thai family logic. Its like a mental disease.

You can assume what you want, but it is hardly the OP's responsibility to bail out a dead beat brother in law who is pissing his money down the drain.

no money, no honey is the point. all anyone wants is a hot young little thing with her own bank account... now back to reality.

Sounds like your reality Johnny.

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Last year father-in-law telephoned from the farm in Buriram that he worked on our behalf and asked his daughter, my wife, for 200K baht. He said that it was to settle a debt of 17K baht incurred when my wife's mother died some 15 years previously and the lender was now calling the debt in. A likely story! She said that she didn't have that sort of money readily available. All her earned money went into building up the farms that we had bought in Petchabun and which provided shelter and life's necessities for 8 close family members. What particularly enraged me was he told her to get the money from 'the farang'. She ended in tears after he called her a disgrace for not helping him out, and an ungrateful daughter. He added that he didn't want to care for the farm any more. Strange this, since he retained all the proceeds from the produce grown and I subsidised him to the tune of 3K baht every month.

Within 4 days I removed all the livestock - and then sold the farm, leaving him potless and homeless. Those family members who shelter under the umbrella that my wife and I provide duly supported the action. Well, they would you might think. The message is loud and clear - don't <deleted> with the farang - any more than they would with the local phu yai. I expect, and get, total respect, and we all get along like a house on fire.

I would support the view that the majority of Thais are childlike in makeup and require strong parenting i.e. discipline in all things. By all means canvass for their views and listen carefully to what they have to say but do be the decision maker yourself. If you lose their respect you will never get it back and will probably end up sitting on your arse wondering what changed your Oriental dream existence into a nightmare.

All too often in boards such as this one reads of some unfortunate bewailing the distastrous outcome of his/her Thai relationship(s). Rarely does anybody consider what part their own actions contibuted to the calamity.

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If you have been here a while and have a thai gf or wife, you know what I am talking about. I think it can be accurately said that the majority of our spouses come from a less priviliged background than us [relatively] rich falangs except for the few braggarts that always pipe in with 'my perfect Chinese/Thai wife is richer than me'......a really small minority.

I thought that I made it perfectly clear when I agreed to marry my Thai wife that I will help the [extended] family as much as i can afford to, but our immediate family always comes first. That was years ago and the extended family and OPP are multiplying. Sister in law has an unplanned baby almost due and needs help, as her drunk deadbeat husband spends more on cheap alcohol than I do on wine.

I learned early to take care of myself and immediate family first....then others.

I often have to remind myself that 'we are dealing with children' when it comes to Thais. That is part of the attraction and also the curse. Like kids, they will take as much candy as they can and they expect us 'adults' from the west to take care of them and all their [extended] family and their problem$.

Lines have to be drawn or we'll be bled dry and the extended family keeps extending. wife has sister with kid and another on the way, and boyfriend with children and his father and where does it stop??

My policy now when asked for money is to "loan' it with the agreement that if not paid before the end of month, interest will start and no more loans to anyone until all debts are paid in full. I know....I'm a hard-ass, but my funds are limited and they got along before I came into the picture.

FYI, I do give all, down to neices and nephews a regular birthday thb gift as well as new yrs....so I'm not a total cheap charlie.

My original question is where do you draw the line when it comes to extended family [other peoples problem$]? immediate family, moma and papa, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, in laws, boyfriends of sister, friends of family??

Are you retarded?

I basically told my gf. Me = greedy, Them need money = them work for me then i pay them peanuts or them = get job.

I also said that i they literaly ask for an amount, i goto the monkey rehabilitation center and give them said sum and ignore the family

Anyone who does not do so is a long time sucker paying himself into free sex.

How hard is that? its basicaly the same in the west. I mean if one of them gets choped in 4 by a drunk thai in a fortuner, its different but theres no other reason that an adult cant provide for himself.

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May i add, 7months ago my gf mother and father were flat out broke. My gf gave her life savings while the other sisters did not do shit. The mother sold my gf's land (nothing to do with me) to give money to their only son who's still at home after finishing his studies doing NOTHING .

Instead of being an idiot who gives money to help them get back, they're now selling food at the market or over 50 000baht a month working a couple hours a day. They sell BBQ/pork blls/saussage. Not that hard to make. It's also top money for issan types.

Why cant you send your family to do that?

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Because all too many Thai's feel that marrying a farang is the same as winning the lottery. Problem is the Farang is getting a little smarter these days. main problem is that there are still a few who have blinders on and give the new girl the entire farm!

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In the Western countries the "material" love i can see, is a bit less, but it's still there also. But even more in poorer less developed countries like Thailand. Sadly to say, most of the man mean it good, the woman(s) way of thinking and handling is a pain in the ass, and many times not understand by us man. Why are woman so difficult?

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If you have been here a while and have a thai gf or wife, you know what I am talking about. I think it can be accurately said that the majority of our spouses come from a less priviliged background than us [relatively] rich falangs except for the few braggarts that always pipe in with 'my perfect Chinese/Thai wife is richer than me'......a really small minority.

I thought that I made it perfectly clear when I agreed to marry my Thai wife that I will help the [extended] family as much as i can afford to, but our immediate family always comes first. That was years ago and the extended family and OPP are multiplying. Sister in law has an unplanned baby almost due and needs help, as her drunk deadbeat husband spends more on cheap alcohol than I do on wine.

I learned early to take care of myself and immediate family first....then others.

I often have to remind myself that 'we are dealing with children' when it comes to Thais. That is part of the attraction and also the curse. Like kids, they will take as much candy as they can and they expect us 'adults' from the west to take care of them and all their [extended] family and their problem$.

Lines have to be drawn or we'll be bled dry and the extended family keeps extending. wife has sister with kid and another on the way, and boyfriend with children and his father and where does it stop??

My policy now when asked for money is to "loan' it with the agreement that if not paid before the end of month, interest will start and no more loans to anyone until all debts are paid in full. I know....I'm a hard-ass, but my funds are limited and they got along before I came into the picture.

FYI, I do give all, down to neices and nephews a regular birthday thb gift as well as new yrs....so I'm not a total cheap charlie.

My original question is where do you draw the line when it comes to extended family [other peoples problem$]? immediate family, moma and papa, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, in laws, boyfriends of sister, friends of family??

Are you retarded?

I basically told my gf. Me = greedy, Them need money = them work for me then i pay them peanuts or them = get job.

I also said that i they literaly ask for an amount, i goto the monkey rehabilitation center and give them said sum and ignore the family

Anyone who does not do so is a long time sucker paying himself into free sex.

How hard is that? its basicaly the same in the west. I mean if one of them gets choped in 4 by a drunk thai in a fortuner, its different but theres no other reason that an adult cant provide for himself.

Yes, you'd be amazed after my rant they are doing all sorts of little chores.

If you are trapped in one of these nightmare situations, that sir is the way to do it.

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As suggested in an earlier reply, I have set up self sustaining projects in the past.....raising frogs, fish, pigs and ducks and they always eat not only the profit, but the principal. Another way to put it is that killed [and ate] the 'golden goose'.

They are not business minded people and planning for the future is totally unheard of. Papa had a good paying job with the university and never put any aside, but they did have a pension plan that he could borrow against and you can guess the rest.........

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As suggested in an earlier reply, I have set up self sustaining projects in the past.....raising frogs, fish, pigs and ducks and they always eat not only the profit, but the principal. Another way to put it is that killed [and ate] the 'golden goose'.

They are not business minded people and planning for the future is totally unheard of. Papa had a good paying job with the university and never put any aside, but they did have a pension plan that he could borrow against and you can guess the rest.........

I think you'Re just a cry baby that doesnt want to let go of his paid sex companion.

Buy them pork balls to the tune of 300 baht.. they cant gamble much with pork balls can they?

shoot them on the side of the street with some chili sauce and they'll make 200baht profit at least.

Then start upgrading to finer foods over time.

How hard is that?

Theres an other million stuff they can do. Or do what nature intended and let them die of starvation or become thieves. Theres people who deserve help much more than them.

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Last year father-in-law telephoned from the farm in Buriram that he worked on our behalf and asked his daughter, my wife, for 200K baht. He said that it was to settle a debt of 17K baht incurred when my wife's mother died some 15 years previously and the lender was now calling the debt in. A likely story! She said that she didn't have that sort of money readily available. All her earned money went into building up the farms that we had bought in Petchabun and which provided shelter and life's necessities for 8 close family members. What particularly enraged me was he told her to get the money from 'the farang'. She ended in tears after he called her a disgrace for not helping him out, and an ungrateful daughter. He added that he didn't want to care for the farm any more. Strange this, since he retained all the proceeds from the produce grown and I subsidised him to the tune of 3K baht every month.

Within 4 days I removed all the livestock - and then sold the farm, leaving him potless and homeless. Those family members who shelter under the umbrella that my wife and I provide duly supported the action. Well, they would you might think. The message is loud and clear - don't <deleted> with the farang - any more than they would with the local phu yai. I expect, and get, total respect, and we all get along like a house on fire.

I would support the view that the majority of Thais are childlike in makeup and require strong parenting i.e. discipline in all things. By all means canvass for their views and listen carefully to what they have to say but do be the decision maker yourself. If you lose their respect you will never get it back and will probably end up sitting on your arse wondering what changed your Oriental dream existence into a nightmare.

All too often in boards such as this one reads of some unfortunate bewailing the distastrous outcome of his/her Thai relationship(s). Rarely does anybody consider what part their own actions contibuted to the calamity.

Really good post. It is indeed about respect. If you don't get it, fuc_k'em.


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Last year father-in-law telephoned from the farm in Buriram that he worked on our behalf and asked his daughter, my wife, for 200K baht. He said that it was to settle a debt of 17K baht incurred when my wife's mother died some 15 years previously and the lender was now calling the debt in. A likely story! She said that she didn't have that sort of money readily available. All her earned money went into building up the farms that we had bought in Petchabun and which provided shelter and life's necessities for 8 close family members. What particularly enraged me was he told her to get the money from 'the farang'. She ended in tears after he called her a disgrace for not helping him out, and an ungrateful daughter. He added that he didn't want to care for the farm any more. Strange this, since he retained all the proceeds from the produce grown and I subsidised him to the tune of 3K baht every month.

Within 4 days I removed all the livestock - and then sold the farm, leaving him potless and homeless. Those family members who shelter under the umbrella that my wife and I provide duly supported the action. Well, they would you might think. The message is loud and clear - don't <deleted> with the farang - any more than they would with the local phu yai. I expect, and get, total respect, and we all get along like a house on fire.

I would support the view that the majority of Thais are childlike in makeup and require strong parenting i.e. discipline in all things. By all means canvass for their views and listen carefully to what they have to say but do be the decision maker yourself. If you lose their respect you will never get it back and will probably end up sitting on your arse wondering what changed your Oriental dream existence into a nightmare.

All too often in boards such as this one reads of some unfortunate bewailing the distastrous outcome of his/her Thai relationship(s). Rarely does anybody consider what part their own actions contibuted to the calamity.

Really good post. It is indeed about respect. If you don't get it, fuc_k'em.


Second that.

Tough love with a bit of reasoning and they soon come around to your way of thinking. There's been a conspicuous absence of laziness around here recently.

People are finally living sensibly.

I think it's because I've finally managed to spend a protracted period of time out here now and concentrate on getting things sorted out properly.

Sister-in-law has been great. She's well educated and very smart. Drummed some sense into the rest of them and now it's all good.

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I got the opportunity to tell a "sister" no just yesterday. She wanted 20,000 baht to secure a room in Bangkok.

She had been bragging to family that she was fleecing 3 falangs for 20,000 baht a month (and more by way of other little emergencies).

So, the falang's wised up and so she tested me. NO. I love that word now. NO. Say it over and over and get comfortable with it.

Ask any Thai girl if they want a smart man (A no man) or a dumb falang. The dumb falang is easy money. The dumb falang doesnt' question and rarely says no.

The smart man will be happier over time.

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I got the opportunity to tell a "sister" no just yesterday. She wanted 20,000 baht to secure a room in Bangkok.

She had been bragging to family that she was fleecing 3 falangs for 20,000 baht a month (and more by way of other little emergencies).

So, the falang's wised up and so she tested me. NO. I love that word now. NO. Say it over and over and get comfortable with it.

Ask any Thai girl if they want a smart man (A no man) or a dumb falang. The dumb falang is easy money. The dumb falang doesnt' question and rarely says no.

The smart man will be happier over time.

Yep! That's right.

Good show old boy.

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I am fortunate in a way that my wife is an orphan, she does have some cousins or whatever and they do try it on.

My misses just sees right through their lies and tells them 'no'. After being caught lying once before about a phantom hospital bill, my wife now tells them that any money will be paid directly to the hospital upon seeing a bill. Of course even this is not good enough and they call my wife selfish for suggesting such a thing, what a bunch of tossers.

The only times I get involved is when I get woken up at 5.30 - 6.00 am by phone calls requesting money, in which case they find and angry farang answering the phone letting them know just how much I dislike being woken so early.

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Ask any Thai girl if they want a smart man (A no man) or a dumb falang. The dumb falang is easy money. The dumb falang doesnt' question and rarely says no.

The smart man will be happier over time.

I just asked three them sitting next to me and the general consensus was that they would rather slit their wrists vertically than marry an old man because he has money. But I am sure if they saw you their minds would change in an instance.

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Ask any Thai girl if they want a smart man (A no man) or a dumb falang. The dumb falang is easy money. The dumb falang doesnt' question and rarely says no.

The smart man will be happier over time.

I just asked three them sitting next to me and the general consensus was that they would rather slit their wrists vertically than marry an old man because he has money. But I am sure if they saw you their minds would change in an instance.

I understand the old/young thing . . . but many younger farang are marrying lasses in their age group. I'm not saying it's any different in the West to be honest, look at the divorce rate there!

I've noticed more young farang women with Thai blokes this year. Nothing against that, it's just an observation.

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Ask any Thai girl if they want a smart man (A no man) or a dumb falang. The dumb falang is easy money. The dumb falang doesnt' question and rarely says no.

The smart man will be happier over time.

I just asked three them sitting next to me and the general consensus was that they would rather slit their wrists vertically than marry an old man because he has money. But I am sure if they saw you their minds would change in an instance.

lol love it :)

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Fast facts.......

1] we are living in their country

2] they have different attitudes than us re: family obligations [for better and worse]

3] we do have more than most of them

4] we can't help them all

5] we have to draw lines [at some point], but I asked where?

6] lots of the replies I have read so far are falangs that call 2 nights a 'long term relationship'

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Fast facts.......

1] we are living in their country

2] they have different attitudes than us re: family obligations [for better and worse]

3] we do have more than most of them

4] we can't help them all

5] we have to draw lines [at some point], but I asked where?

6] lots of the replies I have read so far are falangs that call 2 nights a 'long term relationship'

Hi jaideeguy;

I have to disagree with you here.

1) Just because you live in their country it doesn't mean you have to be robbed by your wife's family.

2) I have a Thai wife too and let me assure you, their family obligations are no different to ours. Their obligations DO lie with their families but you seem to forget (or you are never reminded by your wife) that YOU are her family, YOU are number one, YOU are her husband. She should be protecting you from these vultures, not assisting them. That is not traditional Thai culture my friend.

3) What is your point with 3? that because we have more we should allow ourselves to be ripped off?

4) But we can help our family. That being our wife and children. Have you forgotten this.

5) I fear it is too late for you. Saddly if you pull the plug on the money now you will end up on the street quicker than you can say "but darling I love you!".

6) I for one have been married to a wonderfull Thai woman for 4 years. She comes from a poor background and we live a quite life. Never once as she asked me to suplement her family. She protects me from all that shit.

Do want to know why my friend?

Because she loves me.

All the best of luck jaidee.

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Fast facts.......

1] we are living in their country

2] they have different attitudes than us re: family obligations [for better and worse]

3] we do have more than most of them

4] we can't help them all

5] we have to draw lines [at some point], but I asked where?

6] lots of the replies I have read so far are falangs that call 2 nights a 'long term relationship'

You're really avoiding the fact that your married for sex and are too lazy to actually send your family outside to work. You'd rather be an dum farang and give them all your money then whine on a forum.

Why are you looking for sympathy ? My 2 answers are harsh but 100% true and every second you disregard them you are just proving yourself to be one of the million guy that are featured on stickmanbangkok.

How many men with 20 letters first and last name from nigeria have you helped to send their kids to college as of now?

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Once again a successful troll breeding thread on ThaiVisa.......

Lets put this right, you guys that are now queuing up to slag Thai women off.... Are you in a relationship with a Thai women, and if so, why ?

Main reason is cos you failed in your own country and in SE Asia you can actually have a chance with a women 20 years younger than yourselves.

yeah yeah, I know, ThaiVisa members all met their Gf's or wives at an overseas university, but we all know that ain't true don't we. Yet all I seem to see on this site is how bad Thai women are, how devious, decietful, sly, scornful etc etc....

Yet so many Farangs still join the ranks, hey, even those venom spitting posters have Thai partners, or so they say.

So what's with that ? I know, she's different!.. :)

The odds are that many Farang here have had failed marriages in the western world, they blame western women for that, then they come to Thailand and also have failed relationships, and of course Thai women are at fault for that also.


If I was a women I'd avoid you lot like the freekin' plague!

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'Why are you looking for sympathy ?'

greenwood, where have I asked for sympathy......I'm asking for inteligent input and other's esperiences, which you seem to be lacking in both. And fyi.....I got more sex before i married than now that I am married. Only a fool marries for sex only.

get a life......

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Once again a successful troll breeding thread on ThaiVisa.......

Lets put this right, you guys that are now queuing up to slag Thai women off.... Are you in a relationship with a Thai women, and if so, why ?

Main reason is cos you failed in your own country and in SE Asia you can actually have a chance with a women 20 years younger than yourselves.

yeah yeah, I know, ThaiVisa members all met their Gf's or wives at an overseas university, but we all know that ain't true don't we. Yet all I seem to see on this site is how bad Thai women are, how devious, decietful, sly, scornful etc etc....

Yet so many Farangs still join the ranks, hey, even those venom spitting posters have Thai partners, or so they say.

So what's with that ? I know, she's different!.. :D

The odds are that many Farang here have had failed marriages in the western world, they blame western women for that, then they come to Thailand and also have failed relationships, and of course Thai women are at fault for that also.


Ohhhh so you're DIFFERENT are you Maigo?

Ahem..."my falang husband/bf Maigo is different from other farangs" :)

3 thousand odd posts on a Thailand forum and you're slagging off guys that live in Thailand?

Feeling a bit bitter dude? A big bad girl upset you tonight dudums? :D

I think the dude is just pissed at himself :D

If I was a women I'd avoid you lot like the freekin' plague!

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Once again a successful troll breeding thread on ThaiVisa.......

Lets put this right, you guys that are now queuing up to slag Thai women off.... Are you in a relationship with a Thai women, and if so, why ?

Main reason is cos you failed in your own country and in SE Asia you can actually have a chance with a women 20 years younger than yourselves.

yeah yeah, I know, ThaiVisa members all met their Gf's or wives at an overseas university, but we all know that ain't true don't we. Yet all I seem to see on this site is how bad Thai women are, how devious, decietful, sly, scornful etc etc....

Yet so many Farangs still join the ranks, hey, even those venom spitting posters have Thai partners, or so they say.

So what's with that ? I know, she's different!.. :)

The odds are that many Farang here have had failed marriages in the western world, they blame western women for that, then they come to Thailand and also have failed relationships, and of course Thai women are at fault for that also.


If I was a women I'd avoid you lot like the freekin' plague!

You are right.

It shouldn't become a hate thread. I didn't intend anything I wrote to cause such a reaction. However, it is a valuable warning and advice thread about how to handle certain things in this country.

I'd failed at relationships in the UK, because between the age of 20 and 27 all I had was flat out work. Never even considered getting into a relationship. That year when I was 27, I was dragged kicking and screaming off a project in the South East on holiday to Thailand.

Rest is history.

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