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General Election 2005


If you could, which party would you vote for?  

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all i can say is you lot of whingers have no idea how good thaksin is for this country. YOU didn't have to wait for 4 decades while successive governments failed to get the airport off the ground (i met a middle aged Thai recently who recalled that while in school, decades ago, they were teaching the kids that a new airport was opening soon where Suvarnabhumi is today, imagine that!) That is what coalition governments achieve, nothing.

YOU have no idea the pride and confidence that was regained when the IMF debt was repaid, 2 years ahead of time by this government. if you have been here for longer than 4 years, you will no doubt remember the likeable, principled, but ultimately inept Democrat leaders who couldn't so much as organise a piss up in a brewery. lets face it, the early years of recovery were slow under the Democrats, even the South Koreans (who were late into the crisis) were getting out of it before the Thais.

an old thailand hand once told me that thai people are just like children, they are sweet and innocent and very likeable, but they can't get beyond their own immediate greed to care for their own longer term good. in a way i think its true, this is a very paternal type of society that needs strong leaders, good or bad. also, with a nation full of soft-spoken, non-confrontational, fun-loving people, all you get are unfulfilled dreams because too many people's interest are at stake, and more often than not, well-intentioned programs fizzle into nothing once all the road blocks and influencial people behind the scenes are discovered.

i am sorry that thailand cannot remain your sexual playground forever with thousands of economically disadvantaged people willing to do your bid, cheaply. i am sorry that this government rightly identifies that too many foreigners are wasting away in this country and contributing more to the bad than the good, and therefore should not remain here. but for the millions of thai people who see progress, as halting as it has been, this government provides hope beyond anything they had previously encountered.

as a representative of a foreign company, i SEE all the bad press go on about Thaksin, but the overall desire remains for him to continue on because his leadership is strong, and a stable and predictable leadership is what is needed for continued foreign interest to stay invested in this country. it is ultimately good for the thai people. if you can get past the unprofessional news media here and read more balanced editorials from outside the country, you will realise that thaksin is very much favoured and respected as a can-do, positive and aggressive leader, possibly even a statesman for the region.

and finally, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN, they have complained about the dictatorship and the corruption, but in the end, they recognise that no matter who you put in power, its going to be like that, so they might as well go for the devil they know, because at least this one is going to give them highways, and airports, and skytrains, and more growth and jobs and secure incomes.


Edited by thedude
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How did the guy who runs all the knocking shops do.  sorry.....entertainment enterprises?

6th on the Party List in BKK Post:- :D

Bangkok Post

Vanquished Chuwit now eyes Senate

Minus the hammer

Chart Thai list candidate Chuwit Kamolvisit registers to vote a polling unit 84 in Din Daeng yesterday morning. — PATTANAPONG HIRUNARD


Chuwit Kamolvisit is not done with politics yet. His next move will likely be the Senate election.

The chief campaigner for Chart Thai in Bangkok is sixth on the party list. And if exit polls are correct, Chart Thai will win only five party-list seats, leaving him politically unemployed.

"If I can't make it into the House, next year I'll run for a Senate seat. I'm not going to screw it up a third time if the media spotlight is still on me," he said.

For the time being, the former massage tycoon will stay with Chart Thai. "Politically speaking, I think it's worthwhile because I'm right in the middle of it. I also know that to be an MP you need to be filing complaints, suing and crying," he said.

Mr Chuwit also claimed credit for the victory of Janista "Bam" Liewchalermwong, predicted in exit polls to win Bangkok's constituency 14.

The celebrated candidate's chances were boosted when her arch-rival Karun Hosakul was disqualified a few days before the election.

Based on his popularity in last year's gubernatorial election, Mr Chuwit expected to win a minimum of 150,000 votes in Bangkok for Chart Thai, which won only 30,000 votes four years ago.

The tycoon won 300,000 votes in the race for Bangkok governor and hoped to ride that popularity to the national stage.

Mr Chuwit also planned to explore a career in broadcasting, saying he was attracted to hosting television. He insisted he did not want a political position, but a place where he could express his views.

Mr Chuwit said he hadn't relinquished his hopes entirely and was hoping Chart Thai joined a coalition government. In that scenario, one of the list-MPs would become a cabinet member, allowing him to be moved up the list, he said.

But this was unlikely, Mr Chuwit admitted, apparently not getting his hopes up too much, as Thai Rak Thai looked set to form a one-party government.

"It's just what Mr Thaksin [shinawatra] wants. From what I see, he's no different from a fast-food chain. Quick and easy, but junk anyway. The people will keep on gobbling until they know it's bad for their health," Mr Chuwit said.


Edited by Kan Win
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How did the guy who runs all the knocking shops do.  sorry.....entertainment enterprises?

6th on the Party List in BKK Post:- :D

Bangkok Post

Vanquished Chuwit now eyes Senate

Minus the hammer

Chart Thai list candidate Chuwit Kamolvisit registers to vote a polling unit 84 in Din Daeng yesterday morning. — PATTANAPONG HIRUNARD


Chuwit Kamolvisit is not done with politics yet. His next move will likely be the Senate election.

The chief campaigner for Chart Thai in Bangkok is sixth on the party list. And if exit polls are correct, Chart Thai will win only five party-list seats, leaving him politically unemployed.

"If I can't make it into the House, next year I'll run for a Senate seat. I'm not going to screw it up a third time if the media spotlight is still on me," he said.

For the time being, the former massage tycoon will stay with Chart Thai. "Politically speaking, I think it's worthwhile because I'm right in the middle of it. I also know that to be an MP you need to be filing complaints, suing and crying," he said.

Mr Chuwit also claimed credit for the victory of Janista "Bam" Liewchalermwong, predicted in exit polls to win Bangkok's constituency 14.

The celebrated candidate's chances were boosted when her arch-rival Karun Hosakul was disqualified a few days before the election.

Based on his popularity in last year's gubernatorial election, Mr Chuwit expected to win a minimum of 150,000 votes in Bangkok for Chart Thai, which won only 30,000 votes four years ago.

The tycoon won 300,000 votes in the race for Bangkok governor and hoped to ride that popularity to the national stage.

Mr Chuwit also planned to explore a career in broadcasting, saying he was attracted to hosting television. He insisted he did not want a political position, but a place where he could express his views.

Mr Chuwit said he hadn't relinquished his hopes entirely and was hoping Chart Thai joined a coalition government. In that scenario, one of the list-MPs would become a cabinet member, allowing him to be moved up the list, he said.

But this was unlikely, Mr Chuwit admitted, apparently not getting his hopes up too much, as Thai Rak Thai looked set to form a one-party government.

"It's just what Mr Thaksin [shinawatra] wants. From what I see, he's no different from a fast-food chain. Quick and easy, but junk anyway. The people will keep on gobbling until they know it's bad for their health," Mr Chuwit said.


Roll on 2006. Meanwhile, there's alwas the knocking shop to earn a crust.

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I am absolutely delighted that Khun Thaksin's party won if the election. If I had been Thai I would have certainly voted Thai Rak Thai.

Never in the history of this wonderful country has a man of Thasksin's like offered himself for public service. Never has a Thai Prime Minister accomplished so much in so short a time. You know who Thaksin reminds me of? Winston Spencer Churchill.

I consider myself very lucky to live in a country run by such a man as Thaksin. He understands Thailand. The understands the world. He will lead us ahead to an new era of freedom and prosperity for all.....while preserving Thailand's unique national character.

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I am absolutely delighted that Khun Thaksin's party  won if the election. If I had been Thai I would have certainly voted Thai Rak Thai.

Never in the history of this wonderful country has a man of Thasksin's like offered himself for public service. Never has a Thai Prime Minister accomplished so much in so short a time. You know who Thaksin reminds me of?    Winston Spencer Churchill.

I consider myself very lucky to live in a country run by such a man as Thaksin. He understands Thailand. The understands the world. He will lead us ahead to an new era of freedom and prosperity for all.....while preserving Thailand's unique national character.

Hmmmm Phuket via Calgary.

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some 'playfull' idea / suggestion: perhaps haters of TRT better start packing? :D I mean - better than wasting time here in such country where 'bla bla bla' - whatever is said about government and election adn Thaksin ....

but BBC says that Thais love Thaksin :o


although in the article itself word 'love' mentioned only once ... :D

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> I am absolutely delighted that Khun Thaksin's party won if the election.

For me, delighted would be a bit much, but I can totally see why he was the best choice for most. I would have been happier if he didn't actually get over a 2/3 majority, though on the other hand I'm also not sad at the prospect of not having half a dozen half baked egocentrical looney parties joining a coalition government.

Anyway, Banyat did the right thing, time for the Dems to get their act together.

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im with you on this, i don't really care who win, but in country like this you need check and balance, but the thai people don't understand this, Mr.T already planning to have one single government, is it good or bad who am i to judge the thai voter, only time can tell what Mr.T is capable off, one thing for sure he will destroy any media that go against him

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im with you on this, i don't really care who win, but in country like this you need check and balance, but the thai people don't understand this, Mr.T already planning to have one single government, is it good or bad who am i to judge the thai voter, only time can tell what Mr.T is capable off, one thing for sure he will destroy any media that go against him

Hitler and Stalin ran single power governments too.

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im with you on this, i don't really care who win, but in country like this you need check and balance, but the thai people don't understand this, Mr.T already planning to have one single government, is it good or bad who am i to judge the thai voter, only time can tell what Mr.T is capable off, one thing for sure he will destroy any media that go against him

Hitler and Stalin ran single power governments too.

And Mao, and Suharto, and Fidel, and so many more....and what about, in a better Western Suit+Hat though, George W., or in Italy, Mr. Berlusconi, or in Russia, Mr. Putin?

Many, many years ago, a very wise man in Italy once told me: "The Italians need a kind of Dictator...to run the country" maybe that's the same in TH; I don't know.


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QUOTE(Payne @ 2005-02-08 10:10:40)

I am absolutely delighted that Khun Thaksin's party won if the election. If I had been Thai I would have certainly voted Thai Rak Thai.

Never in the history of this wonderful country has a man of Thasksin's like offered himself for public service. Never has a Thai Prime Minister accomplished so much in so short a time. You know who Thaksin reminds me of? Winston Spencer Churchill.

I consider myself very lucky to live in a country run by such a man as Thaksin. He understands Thailand. The understands the world. He will lead us ahead to an new era of freedom and prosperity for all.....while preserving Thailand's unique national character.

Your a funny man.

Edited by chuchok
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im with you on this, i don't really care who win, but in country like this you need check and balance, but the thai people don't understand this, Mr.T already planning to have one single government, is it good or bad who am i to judge the thai voter, only time can tell what Mr.T is capable off, one thing for sure he will destroy any media that go against him

Hitler and Stalin ran single power governments too.

And Mao, and Suharto, and Fidel, and so many more....and what about, in a better Western Suit+Hat though, George W., or in Italy, Mr. Berlusconi, or in Russia, Mr. Putin?

Many, many years ago, a very wise man in Italy once told me: "The Italians need a kind of Dictator...to run the country" maybe that's the same in TH; I don't know.


I agree, The world has had more than a fair share of them.

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im with you on this, i don't really care who win, but in country like this you need check and balance, but the thai people don't understand this, Mr.T already planning to have one single government, is it good or bad who am i to judge the thai voter, only time can tell what Mr.T is capable off, one thing for sure he will destroy any media that go against him

Hitler and Stalin ran single power governments too.

And Mao, and Suharto, and Fidel, and so many more....and what about, in a better Western Suit+Hat though, George W., or in Italy, Mr. Berlusconi, or in Russia, Mr. Putin?

Many, many years ago, a very wise man in Italy once told me: "The Italians need a kind of Dictator...to run the country" maybe that's the same in TH; I don't know.


I agree, The world has had more than a fair share of them.

Yep, and the people here have made their choice, no matter if I feel it was a short-sighted decision. Thaksin has made it very clear he was shooting for being like Mahatir and Lee Kwan Yuu. Pretty stable countries, but not a lot of personal freedoms in either place. Financial stability, at the cost of many democratic principles and personal freedoms. Singapore and Malaysia made that choice, and now so has Thailand, at least for the time being

It'll be interesting to see how this new chapter in Thailand's history will play out..

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I've thought of getting really drunk and spend all night flipping all the red 9's upside down to a big red 6.  :o

Great idea. :D But <deleted> is Number 6, the Khonkhoprodnee Party? :D

Surprisingly found out in todays Bangkok post.

They are the People Seeking Debt Relief Party who narrowly missed out on finishing top of the minor parties with their 293,783 votes claiming 6th place just behind the Farmer Force Party who managed 298,517 votes.

So now you know, Penzman did get pissed and it worked. :D

Strangely enough the number 6 party who fiinished 6th in the general election also finished joint 6th in our poll. Spooky :D

Edited by konangrit
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