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Easy Or Not?


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I do not want my wife who used to have sex with many men before.

yeah right, typical hyprocrite, but's ok for you to shag many gals :o

what do you like the woman or the hoy :D

get real :D

Some women and men (not all) have sex with a lot of their opposite sex. When they get married, they cannot get rid out of their behave, cheating on their lovers. You never know.

Edited by Jai Noi
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Some women and men (not all)  have sex with a lot of their opposite sex. When they get married, they cannot get rid out of their behave, cheating on their lovers.  You never know.

How old/young are you Jai Noi? 14? :o


From the research, the couples who used to change many bf/gf before they get married. Many of them end up with disaster.

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Personally I like a woman to have 'been around some'. I want her to already 'know' the difference between good sex, average sex and bad sex. I don't want her 'wondering' about it afterwards. 

you're on your fifth (5th) wife now are you ravisher ?.........hmmmmm....... :o

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Ok boys and men some have shown the “I don’t want to know” and others are comfortable with there GF being with other men in their past life. Some are ok with this as it gives them a skilled partner …some are professionals that can past on skills. Lets see how you go changing the other man for another WOMAN. I’m not talking sharing so drop that idea, it’s she likes to have the occasional fling with a woman. Is it the same answer or it’s a yes when it was no for a man?

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


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I do not want my wife who used to have sex with many men before.

yeah right, typical hyprocrite, but's ok for you to shag many gals :D

what do you like the woman or the hoy :D

get real :D

You might be unfair there kreon... He may be a virgin himself? :D

well the divorce stats speaks for themselves, 50% plus :D

your's must be 80% plus :D

happy single lad :o

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Why do you marry them Rav

Just in love with the Concept?

Ok boys and men some have shown the “I don’t want to know” and others are comfortable with there GF being with other men in their past life. Some are ok with this as it gives them a skilled partner …some are professionals that can past on skills. Lets see how you go changing the other man for another WOMAN. I’m not talking sharing so drop that idea, it’s she likes to have the occasional fling with a woman. Is it the same answer or it’s a yes when it was no for a man?

I think it somewhat different when the girl/woman in question has enjoyed sex with another 'female' in the past. I have been in this situation only one time (that I know of) and I married her regardless. We did have a threesome during our marriage and I had suspicions that the two ladies had some 'encounters' while I was at work. It did not bother me at all and I did not feel threatened by it. But it would have bothered me very much if the third party had been a male.

I think in either case, it is a matter of how 'secure' one is in himself. I have had so many partners, live-ins and wives that I pretty much don't care if the relationship breaks up... In fact, I half expect it, sooner or later... I refuse to live with any fear that a woman might go astray, meet somebody else she finds more desireable, or that I will just get bored again, as is usually the case.

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Ok boys and men some have shown the “I don’t want to know” and others are comfortable with there GF being with other men in their past life. Some are ok with this as it gives them a skilled partner …some are professionals that can past on skills. Lets see how you go changing the other man for another WOMAN. I’m not talking sharing so drop that idea, it’s she likes to have the occasional fling with a woman. Is it the same answer or it’s a yes when it was no for a man?

I think it somewhat different when the girl/woman in question has enjoyed sex with another 'female' in the past. I have been in this situation only one time (that I know of) and I married her regardless. We did have a threesome during our marriage and I had suspicions that the two ladies had some 'encounters' while I was at work. It did not bother me at all and I did not feel threatened by it. But it would have bothered me very much if the third party had been a male.

I think in either case, it is a matter of how 'secure' one is in himself. I have had so many partners, live-ins and wives that I pretty much don't care if the relationship breaks up... In fact, I half expect it, sooner or later... I refuse to live with any fear that a woman might go astray, meet somebody else she finds more desireable, or that I will just get bored again, as is usually the case.

I totally agree with the learned poster, mine told me from the start about herself and if it was ok that she could be with a female in a tasteful manner. The answer was yes, ok call me a hypocrite she was warned if it was another man out the door you can go. Yes we were legally married.

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

Edited by Jai Noi
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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

But easy girls also wanna marry. Who gonna marry them?

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

But easy girls also wanna marry. Who gonna marry them?

Yeah when they are tired of sex.

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

But easy girls also wanna marry. Who gonna marry them?

difficult men?? :D:D

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

But easy girls also wanna marry. Who gonna marry them?

difficult men?? :D:D

What kinda difficult? financially, sexually, personalality or sthg else?

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"judge not, lest ye be judged".

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

Who wants an easy man to become their husband? How would I feel knowing my husband had f*cked around before me? Not very good I can tell you, we live in a small community and it would bother me greatly if every girl I met I wondered if he had shagged them.

Sometimes men can be so dense, don't you understand that it is a two way street???

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Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing. 

Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

"Moral judgement". Hmmm... a can of worms, the expression "one man's meat" and all that. We all have morals (mine have been linked with alley-cats) and they influence how we view other people. Using your judgement about others IS the same thing, whether it's to do with their morals or not.

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Is my hand "ëasy"????? :o - " I did not have sexual relations with that hand" :D

roll out the judgements , flaunt your insecurities , and attempt to live others lives for them - I suspect your own maybe somewhat lacking.

is a woman easy

is a man easy

its up to them - now get back to the televison there is a "good" soap opera/sitcom on.

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Who wants an easy man to become their husband? How would I feel knowing my husband had f*cked around before me? Not very good I can tell you, we live in a small community and it would bother me greatly if every girl I met I wondered if he had shagged them.

Sometimes men can be so dense, don't you understand that it is a two way street???

So the excuse "I was getting it out of my system" doesn't work ? :o

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Who wants an easy man to become their husband? How would I feel knowing my husband had f*cked around before me? Not very good I can tell you, we live in a small community and it would bother me greatly if every girl I met I wondered if he had shagged them.

Sometimes men can be so dense, don't you understand that it is a two way street???

So the excuse "I was getting it out of my system" doesn't work ? :o

Only if it goes both ways. Hypocrisy annoys the heck out of me, guys are "getting it out of their systems" girls are "easy" and "slags". Simple enough, act fairly, don't be a hypocrite.

Sorry, I realize that for most people it is difficult, but hey, give it a try.

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Does that mean you are an easy girl if you go sleep with a guy at the first sight?

What makes me laugh is women that say, "I must have some emotional feelings towards a guy before I can sleep with him." Yeah, right.

I lost exact count of how many women I have bedded, but it is around 140-150 and bar one, the longest it took me to get in the sack was three days. So either a lot of lying ladies out there (excuse the pun) or 99..5% of women are easy. :o

Thai or farrang???

If Thai I assume you are talking Bar <deleted>?

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Who wants an easy man to become their husband? How would I feel knowing my husband had f*cked around before me? Not very good I can tell you, we live in a small community and it would bother me greatly if every girl I met I wondered if he had shagged them.

Sometimes men can be so dense, don't you understand that it is a two way street???

So the excuse "I was getting it out of my system" doesn't work ? :D

Only if it goes both ways. Hypocrisy annoys the heck out of me, guys are "getting it out of their systems" girls are "easy" and "slags". Simple enough, act fairly, don't be a hypocrite.

Sorry, I realize that for most people it is difficult, but hey, give it a try.

I'll try again to make my point (my original post was given the 'treatment').

My brother before marriage 'performed' (better?) for England, his (now) wife did the same, both in the same village. They've been together since the late eighties, three boys, things are fine, no one bats an eyelid. Their attitude is "I KNOW I'm not missing out on anything". For all the inbred attitudes that infest that village that particular one seems to be more open-minded than I've encountered in a lot of other places.

It looks like I was the only one not 'favoured' (better?) :o

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