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Easy Or Not?


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'Easy' conjures up an image of a woman who'll sleep with anyone: i.e. indiscriminate in her choice of bed-partner.

There's a girl in Billericay who'll always jump a black bloke but hasn't (to my knowledge) ever slept with a white bloke ( :o ). Does that make her easy?

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There's a girl in Billericay

thank you billericay dickie for giving us possibly the most useless bit of information ever put forward in an attempt to further an argument. :D

there's a girl in billericay.......... :o:D:D

Edited by taxexile
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if she goes on the first date, that is not easy girl - it's dangerous woman.

1. She could be over-horny

2. Could be some nice trick with sleeping pills

3. She could be in breakup state with her ex

4. She might be too drunk

5. She is on STD revenge quest - I saw one, she really jumped on everyone from Internet chats

6. She is desperate of being butt-ugly

Or, your friends paid her already as to improve your f***up self-confidence.

Regards anna234cn

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only reasonable answer so far "or is it an easy lad?"

why should a lady not have the possibility (or right) to choose, what she want's to do?

is that easy?

I believe according to education, "moral", upbringing, it's difficult to go that way, since most men still think, they can do everything - and that's ok, or even worse, makes them a hero, but if a lady does the same, she's a sl*t!

it's about time ladies start doing the same, - makes it easier for men too, don't have to wait unnecessarely!!

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I believe according to education, "moral", upbringing, it's difficult to go that way, since most men still think, they can do everything - and that's ok, or even worse, makes them a hero, but if a lady does the same, she's a sl*t!

I feel so. It's really unfair for women. Moral sometimes is such a bastard.

No easy men, then no easy women. The two parties existing depends on each other. There's a cause and there's an effect.

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if she goes on the first date, that is not easy girl - it's dangerous woman.

1. She could be over-horny

2. Could be some nice trick with sleeping pills

3. She could be in breakup state with her ex

4. She might be too drunk

5. She is on STD revenge quest - I saw one, she really jumped on everyone from Internet chats

6. She is desperate of being butt-ugly

Or, your friends paid her already as to improve your f***up self-confidence.

Regards anna234cn

Good point, Oleg. Just wondering the gal who is on STD got cured or is still continuing her revenge. That's too dangerous!

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thanks. she's sltill on STD and doing well banging around. pitty for her, I don't know what she has.

number 1 - can tear you appart, over demanding and easily disappointed

#2 - watch your valet and money

#3 - she might break in tears or keep you awaken with all sort of stories

#4 - vomit, snorring, headache in the morning, bad smell etc...

#6 - might be funny, with lights off, pack of Vagra and booze :-)

and it's good to have friends for the last one.

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pack of viagra
- but that
can tear you apart, over demanding and easily disappointing
!! :o
and booze
what about
vomit, snorring, headache in the morning, bad smell, etc
?? :D
and its good to have friends for the last one
good for her

or good for you

your friends paid hger already to improve your f**ked-up self confidence
??? :D
he oleg where  is # 5" - ..or in the morgue

she passed it on before? :D:D:D

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Perhaps we should rename this thread to "How to define an easy person"? Since any guy who will go to bed with a girl upon first knowing her would be classified as "easy" as well as her, correct? Or is it just that a guy who beds anything in sight is "a bit of a lad" and a girl who does so has to be a "butt ugly slag"???

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"Easy" may vary by how evolved or precious the other person's view of sex is. Some people still believe that something they don't "work" for isn't worth as much.

I figure that that kind of game playing sets a bad precident. If somebody else can't respect when you want to have sex, you don't want to be with them anyway. (If they don't want sex but are respectful that's a different issue...)

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well back in the mod days, it was not un-common for the guys to pee in the ladies :D

more often than not we were grabbed by the easy-ladies and dragged into the cubicles, plus you guessed the rest :D

not that i remember much of it though :D

au revoir :o

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I can’t believe some of the stuff you guys are telling these poor women. By saying stuff like “if men can do it, why not women”…blah, blah, blah, you’re implying that men and women are the same and they’re not. Women need the romance, the foreplay, the emotional aspect, etc., etc.. Men…well we just need someone to say yes. Especially when we’re just breaking puberty. And yes, men who bed many women are studs, women who bed many men are sluts (i.e., easy). Why? Because getting a typical woman in the sack is a lot more difficult than getting a guy in the sack. A woman who would boasts that she’s slept with a lot of guys really shouldn’t be so proud of it because it’s darn bloody easy, if that’s what she or any woman wants to do. Ever see Chris Rock? American comedian. He hit the nail on the head. Women are offered sex (albeit discreetly) EVERY FREAKIN DAY. Guys on the other hand are constantly chasing it. It’s the way of the world. Women, I ask you, can you sleep with a guy and afterwards, feel absolutely nothing emotionally for the guy? Men can. Do you orgasm every time you have sex? Men do. Can you sleep with a guy who’s attractive but you can’t stand? Men can. And so on. I’ve had many one-night stands and to be perfectly honest, as much fun as I had with these gals and as much as I liked some of them, I didn’t respect them. Do believe that they do that sort of thing all the time. And certainly wouldn’t marry a girl who’d sleep with me on the first date. Sorry to burst your bubbles out there and I’m actually all for women’s rights, equal pay, etc., etc. Maybe I’m the last man out there who’ll admit that men and women are different, but frankly, I like it that way.

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I ask you, can you sleep with a guy and afterwards, feel absolutely nothing emotionally for the guy? Men can.

Can you sleep with a guy who’s attractive but you can’t stand? Men can.

Maybe I’m the last man out there who’ll admit that men and women are different, but frankly, I like it that way.

and you like both, as you are saying!! :o:D

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Easy Or Not?, how to define an easy girl

Very easy. I always defined an easy girl as to what she was wearing behind her ears.If she was a nice lass, then she would be wearing perfume.If she was easy, then she would wear her ankles? :o

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LOL, I love this thread, very informative & no flaming...yet :D

Wanderingdude, you are right in many aspects, women do need an emotional attachment (romance, courting etc) to a guy before getting into bed with them but sometimes (not often mind) our baser instincts do take over & sometimes we just want a really good shag & as the old song goes, if you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with :D

Sometimes you just meet a guy that you know will be awesome in the sack & if your single & the hormones are raging... well two consenting adults & all that :D And just as a guy wouldn't considering marrying a girl who was "easy" so most women would think twice about getting serious with a serial shagger (to save potential heartache in the future)

It is true though that women who sleep around a lot are still considered to be sluts whilst a guy doing it is just sowing his oats & in many was thats wrong...BUT... a reputation sticks to a women like she's covered in glue & not so for men & it can be hard for some men to ignore a womens past & that can damage a potentially great relationship :D How many times have you asked/or ladies been asked "how many guys have you slept with?" :D Or as I call it "the old relationship killer" :o

& chuchok :D

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LOL, I love this thread, very informative & no flaming...yet :D

Wanderingdude, you are right in many aspects, women do need an emotional attachment (romance, courting etc) to a guy before getting into bed with them but sometimes (not often mind) our baser instincts do take over & sometimes we just want a really good shag & as the old song goes, if you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with :D

Sometimes you just meet a guy that you know will be awesome in the sack & if your single & the hormones are raging... well two consenting adults & all that :D  And just as a guy wouldn't considering marrying a girl who was "easy" so most women would think twice about getting serious with a serial shagger (to save potential heartache in the future)

It is true though that women who sleep around a lot are still considered to be sluts whilst a guy doing it is just sowing his oats & in many was thats wrong...BUT... a reputation sticks to a women like she's covered in glue & not so for men & it can be hard for some men to ignore a womens past & that can damage a potentially great relationship :D  How many times have you asked/or ladies been asked "how many guys have you slept with?" :D  Or as I call it "the old relationship killer" :o

& chuchok  :D

I do not want my wife who used to have sex with many men before.

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