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Robbed On A Baht Bus By A Family Gang Of Homely Females!


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the baht bus driver knows where the police station is......and he went the other way.

It's a strange feeling knowing someone is about to pick your pocket.

In cuba (infested with pickpockets) I used to put my wallet down my underpants and stuff my pockets with plastic shopping bags to make them bulge.......one time I was walking the malecon and a chica started to walk alongside me.......then I heard the rustle......she peeled off as soon as I looked down at my pocket.

rural transport in cuba is on coach & horses........(same layout in the coach as a baht bus)........once I caught a thief with his hands in my pocket and when I asked him what he was doing he became aggressive (good strategy) and I let it go.......another time I thought the guy next to me was going to try it so I let him carry on.......it was very difficult to detect the point where he took that empty bag, but he did.

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thanks op for warning us,

i always took baht bus very lightly,never thought somthing like this also can happen.

anyway sorry for your loss,but you are very lucky to be safe


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In cuba (infested with pickpockets) I used to put my wallet down my underpants and stuff my pockets with plastic shopping bags to make them bulge.......

So what did you do when it was time to pay for something? Reach down into your underpants to find your wallet? :):D

I like the part about the guy getting away with an empty plastic bag :D

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I know this might sound rather anal, but absolutely every time I board a baht bus, day or night, in any location, I make a mental note of the number.

In this case, that baht-bus number would prove very interesting/useful to TV members.

I would be very surprised if this episode was anything more sinister than a pick-pocketing rather than an organised kidnap & torture & murder case because as you said this was 'late afternoon'; the Baht Bus from hel_l stories (which I know of a few) happen after midnight.

Another thought: Some people have victim written all over their faces: So:

Consider having a temporary 'skinhead' haircut and getting some temporary tattoos on your neck and hands, bloody your head a bit and wear an old, dirty and sweat stained white vest.

They will pick on someone else, then, probably.

PS (Vest means something else in American English, please understand this is an English vest).

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In cuba (infested with pickpockets) I used to put my wallet down my underpants and stuff my pockets with plastic shopping bags to make them bulge.......

So what did you do when it was time to pay for something? Reach down into your underpants to find your wallet? :):D

No, I used to ask the pretty shop assistants if they could reach down and help me retrieve my wallet.

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Jingthing,in your OP you say that the bahtbus was crowded and at least one more foreigner aboard.But nowhere do you mention anything about their involvement or reaction to the whole scene.

Were they just sitting passive while you had the argument with the lady's and didn't they react in anyway when the bahtbus took a completely other direction as supposed to.

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I stopped using bhat buses some time ago as friends had told me of similar experiences on the Jomtien / Pattaya run. I now only use motor bike taxis and try to stick to regular ones so they know me and I know them.

On a more serious note every falang in Pattaya must realise that they are now a moving target for thieves and other desperate people. The depression is now affecting Thailand. I drove through Jomtien last night at 11 oc and half the bars had NO customers. That means the girls have no money from Lady drinks or bar fines which many of them rely on for meals and rent.


If you are not careful from now on, it will happen to you and it could be far worse than a few bhat.

PS I had a Singha in a bar on Walking St the other night. It tasted very strange so I didn't drink it. Was it Spiked ? or just a bad bottle ? who knows but better to be safe than sorry.

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I stopped using bhat buses some time ago as friends had told me of similar experiences on the Jomtien / Pattaya run. I now only use motor bike taxis and try to stick to regular ones so they know me and I know them.

On a more serious note every falang in Pattaya must realise that they are now a moving target for thieves and other desperate people. The depression is now affecting Thailand. I drove through Jomtien last night at 11 oc and half the bars had NO customers. That means the girls have no money from Lady drinks or bar fines which many of them rely on for meals and rent.


If you are not careful from now on, it will happen to you and it could be far worse than a few bhat.

PS I had a Singha in a bar on Walking St the other night. It tasted very strange so I didn't drink it. Was it Spiked ? or just a bad bottle ? who knows but better to be safe than sorry.

It might have been spiked, you did right not to drink it, but having said that, i bought a bottle of Leo Beer from a 7.11, when i got home, i opened the top, and it didnt make that fiz noise, i presume the sealed top had come loose as the beer tasted awful and flat, i had to leave it - maybe your beer was either 2nd hand or been opened for a while - who knows.. but better to be safe than sorry.

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PS I had a Singha in a bar on Walking St the other night. It tasted very strange so I didn't drink it. Was it Spiked ? or just a bad bottle ? who knows but better to be safe than sorry.

Where did you buy this funny tasting beer? What bar was it?


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I wrote some time ago about my experience with the ugly thai women baht bus pick pockets on the Jomtien to Pattaya line.

Their method was for one to sit next to me, a "pregnant" one stood on the step and 2 fatter ones attempted to engage me in conversation.

I tried several times to offer my seat to the "pregnant" one, but she kept refusing, strange. At a stop all of them started to get off and I noticed my wallet was missing. One was getting on a motorbike that had been following us. I grabbed her arm and started shouting thief. She threw my wallet under a car and while I tried to pry my massive frame under the car to get my wallet they all disappeared without paying the driver.

I got my wallet, with all my cards and money and the driver seemed oblivious to the fact that 4 people had left without paying. Suspicious enough for me, 5 left without paying.

I was with another BM and our wives some weeks later when these same miscreants got on our baht bus. I said very loudly "thieves" and theatrically covered my wallet and cell phone. My friend is a volunteer police guy and he just pulled his badge out of his shirt so they could see it. One said o police very good, pressed the stop button and they all got off.

Something should be done about these repeated acts, nothing will, tits. I agree with the poster that said things will get worse, they will and I see no way to stop them.

Thailand wouldn't let me bring my Texas toys or my Texas burglar alarm. Probably for the best in this instance.

Be safe, pray for real metered taxis.


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I know this might sound rather anal, but absolutely every time I board a baht bus, day or night, in any location, I make a mental note of the number.

In this case, that baht-bus number would prove very interesting/useful to TV members.

I would be very surprised if this episode was anything more sinister than a pick-pocketing rather than an organised kidnap & torture & murder case because as you said this was 'late afternoon'; the Baht Bus from hel_l stories (which I know of a few) happen after midnight.

Another thought: Some people have victim written all over their faces: So:

Consider having a temporary 'skinhead' haircut and getting some temporary tattoos on your neck and hands, bloody your head a bit and wear an old, dirty and sweat stained white vest.

They will pick on someone else, then, probably.

PS (Vest means something else in American English, please understand this is an English vest).

Good post, Mr Bean


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Good one Mr Bean have had 2 attempts on myself , both times groups of a fat lady & 3 friends the 2nd time there was a baby with them about 18months of age & she was encouraging the child to play with me. My wife was with me & when we saw the signs she sat between us & we got off.

They answered the description of an old post we had read about last year ,late in the afternoon for us also.

My wife picked up on the bad vibes as soon as they got on the Bus . Lucky for me.

Lucky for you also Jigathing that you weren't injured. Life cannot be replaced , Money & Goods can.


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Interesting post. Last time I was in Pattaya, I kept running into the same sorts of groups of women every time I would take a baht bus and I have been pick-pocketed before, so I know how easy it is for them to get something. Jingthing did a great job of describing what is going through your head.

That uncertainty, confusion and trying to do the right thing is what criminals use to take advantage of good folks. :)

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Another thought: Some people have victim written all over their faces: So:

Well, I am over 50, have traveled all over the world and the only other time I was robbed was in Rio in an area where most everyone with more than a dollar in their pocket gets robbed, so, no, I don't think so, just bad luck, and a very good pickpocket.

I do believe by the time I confronted the picker there were no foreigners left on the bus.

I agree it is a good idea to be aware of the baht bus number. I haven't, but I will try to now.

I am pleasantly surprised that most people here are not flaming me, sound sympathetic, and take this account in the spirit it is presented, as a WARNING. Thank you.

P.S. Don't forget to buy and fit new locks .............

Not really concerned about this. They got some keys but there was ID or address, so it is just scrap to them.

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Think you did the right thing getting off when you did.

Could have got well out of hand. Up some Soi away from the croweds.

Got pick pocketed at the Cambodian boarder 10 years ago, caught the girl with her had in my pocket, she never got the wallet and I just let her go. Didn’t have the time for the police and all that stuff.

(a bit stupid)

Also got done in Tenerife 15 years ago. Felt a real mug after, they only got 20 quid and me drivers license. I got jostled in a crowed and never thought any more of it, until I went to pay the bill in a restaurant a bit latter on. Bummer.

So it even happens to the best of us. :)

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My theory (only a theory) now is that I was being taken to some kind of location with some rough people, maybe real cops, maybe fake cops, maybe people who say they are cops, what difference would it make I would be a prisoner in some unfamiliar area?

They probably just turned off your route to scare you into getting off. If this wasn't their plan the driver wouldn't have stopped to let you off.

Once they examined the small quantity of money they netted in your purse they probably wished they had taken you somewhere to rough you up.

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Hmmm Did you pay the Baht Bus driver Jingthing ?, cos Iit would be unusual for him to drive off without payment if he was innocent

At the time I wasn't yet thinking that the driver was involved. I had intended to speak to the driver. He just drove off quickly, so no time to speak to him, but frankly paying him 10 baht for that crazy ride was really the last thing on my mind! On reflection, I am very happy he drove off as no matter what he said, there was no rational reason to trust him. I don't actually think it proves anything, not wanting money. Another poster thought the crims may have managed to charter the bus for their own ride without me realizing it, and lying to me about going to the police, in which case the driver might not have even realized and/or cared that he was carrying someone not in that group (or expected me to bail right after the turn).

tropo: They probably just turned off your route to scare you into getting off. If this wasn't their plan the driver wouldn't have stopped to let you off.

Once they examined the small quantity of money they netted in your purse they probably wished they had taken you somewhere to rough you up.

Perhaps. I don't know and will never know. Your theory seems to indicate you think the driver was involved.

Obviously, on reflection, I shouldn't have bothered with trying to bust them for that small amount. But imagine if you were in the same situation and they stole something really important to you, like a wallet full of cash and cards, passport, etc. You know how it is, you rarely see a cop when you really need one!

Another interesting twist you add to this that I hadn't thought of. They would not have the opportunity to examine the booty until later. The way I was acting making a big deal about it, and also lying to them that my money was stolen when they demanded more money (implying that they had wiped me out when they hadn't), they may have rationally concluded there was a decent score in that purse. If that is so, I don't know if that perception helped me or hurt me, but there it is, another wrinkle.

Bottom line, its all theories. If you see the four family ladies with the big bags, maybe ask them for me (ha ha)? Whatever they say, the opposite is probably the truth. My gut still tells me the driver was involved but that and five dollars will get you a latte at Starbucks.

One thing there does seem to be consensus on is that based on the geography of the ride, there was no way we were headed to any kind of police that would have been helpful to me. Maybe some uncle dressed in a police hat ...

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Some clues to spotting the pickpockets I have noticed since my other half got her purse stolen a while ago (which I posted about too);

1. As Jingthing said, watch out for women/lady boys with a big hand bag or shoulder bag. Everyone who lives in Pattaya for some time knows not to go out with a hand bag because of thefts by people passing on motorbikes, so its a big clue that the Thai who gets on the taxi 'could' be a pickpocket.

2. You are travelling on a baht bus, could even be just you on board at the time. Then it stops and picks up two or more people who sit on opposite sides of the baht taxi from each other, one next or close to you (pickpocket) and the other on the opposite side as a look out / signal person. Sure there are of course instances of people getting on the taxi at the same time that don't know each other and are definitely not pickpockets. Its something to watch for.

3. Pickpockets sitting next to you at 45º, like half facing forward. People who are not pick pockets do this as well though, I suspect this is because we tend to look/face the same way the vehicle is moving or when speaking to friends. In the example with my partner's stolen purse, the pick pocket was facing towards the back of the taxi which was also towards my partner then I, but only because her friend was sitting on the opposite side closer to the back of the taxi. Seemed plausible at the time, but thinking back now these women hit the first three items in this clue list. Shame on us.

4. Two or more women/lady boys get on the taxi, sitting on opposite sides of the taxi, of course, then a very short distance along both get off again. You can't help but think why not just walk as it was a really short distance. More likely is that they assessed the situation, realised they couldn't get anything and wanted to get on another taxi. As the taxi you are on pulls away, you'll even see them waiting for another taxi and then getting on it. These are the faces to look out for.

5. As most will know, lady boys are notorious pick pockets as well as the women. Some Thai males are in the gangs too, but its usually the lady boys and women who pick pockets.

6. Particular spots on main taxi routes have pick pockets waiting for the best opportunity on a taxi to come along. I'll use the example at the corner of 2nd Road and Soi 3 I think (opposite the Big C North Pattaya). This soi allows the taxis to drive back down to beach road without going all the way up to the dolphin roundabout. So at this corner there are bars on one side and food stall with some seats on the other. This is where some will wait until they see the best opportunity, where usually the taxis stop for a moment for more customers. Once on, the pickpockets assess the situation going down the soi towards beach road, whilst on beach road you'd probably be too distracted to realise they picking your pocket. With or without your wallet, they usually get off at Klang and possibly do the same routine again. If it works, why change it. Another one is at the corner of Pattaya Tai and Soi Buakhao where the market and some food stalls are, again the taxis usually stop for a moment for customers.

7. Usually a Thai male on a motor bike (not a motor bike taxi) drops off a couple of women right behind the baht taxi you are on, which is held by a red light. They get on, the usual one sits each side of the taxi rule applies, and it goes on from there. An example I've both experienced (but realised) and witnessed other times is; as taxis head down Klang towards the beach, held at the traffic lights at Tops Supermarket.

Our awareness of pick pockets has increased since being caught once before, and hopefully never again.

Good that you posted about it Jingthing, making people aware seems the best we can do.

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4. Two or more women/lady boys get on the taxi, sitting on opposite sides of the taxi, of course, then a very short distance along both get off again. You can't help but think why not just walk as it was a really short distance. More likely is that they assessed the situation, realised they couldn't get anything and wanted to get on another taxi. As the taxi you are on pulls away, you'll even see them waiting for another taxi and then getting on it. These are the faces to look out for.

Excellent food for thought there, Tom B.

On item 4 I have indeed noticed this many times and never thought about it. In most cases may just be because they don't want to walk even short distances (a cultural thing) but I think you are right, some of those are assessing the marks. BTW, maybe they get a special "professional rider" rate?

Another observation. I do not think the pickpocket gangs tend to work the bus queue at Pattaya Tai going to Jomtien. These always leave full so you may wonder why they don't work this one. Perhaps the baht bus organizers always working there would recognize them as gangs and increase their risk of arrest? Also, there are often police in the area, if a previous victim recognized them, could get sweaty for them. The gang I met were clearly pros and I assume that is their only job. How many others like that?

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... I do not think the pickpocket gangs tend to work the bus queue at Pattaya Tai going to Jomtien. These always leave full so you may wonder why they don't work this one. Perhaps the baht bus organizers always working there would recognize them as gangs and increase their risk of arrest?

I believe that all these gangs don't worry so much about being caught. The ones that stole my partner's purse have been seen in the local news paper and local television news for being caught, as well as us passing them one time at Tops where they were being questioned by police with a foreigner accusing them of theft. Simply they just phone one of the gang to come down to the police station and pay a 1,000 baht fine (presumably stolen money) and they are on the streets again. They make enough money to do this, which is also why they can jump on and off taxis no problem all day long.

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To avoid having your poket picked on a Baht Bus. You should always keep your wallet or anything else in your front poket. When walking to the seat on the bus keep your hand over the wallet in the poket. When you sit down keep your hand directly over your wallet in your poket as if holding it in place there. This works very well.

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More baht bus drama from Jing.

They weren't smoking were they?

A couple good threads from Jingthing, but tying them together, is funny.

Jing, I like that you called them "Homely". Not much of a chance that they read thaivisa, but if they do, you have been able to get back at them a little. :)

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